Charles C. [1873-1955], 1901. Baseleveling
and its faunal significance, with illustrations from southeastern
United States. American Naturalist 35(418):
839-852. A.T.: physiography; topographical change
_____, 1902. Southeastern
United States as a center of geographical distribution
of flora and fauna. Biological Bull. (Woods
Hole) 3(3): 115-131. A.T.: postglacial dispersal;
relicts; centers of dispersal
_____, 1902. Postglacial
origin and migrations of the life of the northeastern United
States. Journal of Geography 1(7): 303-310;
1(8): 352-357. A.T.: postglacial dispersal; zoogeography;
centers of dispersal
_____, 1905. The
postglacial dispersal of the North American biota. Biological
Bull. (Woods Hole) 9(1): 53-71. A.T.: refugia;
centers of dispersal
Adamson, Alastair M. [1901-1945], 1939. Review
of the Fauna of the Marquesas Islands and Discussion
of Its Origin. Honolulu: Bernice P. Bishop
Museum, Bull. 159. 93 pp. A.T.: island life
Robert S. [1885-1965], 1938. The Vegetation
of South Africa. London: British Empire Vegetation
Committee. 235 pp. A.T.: regional floras
Louis [1807-1873], 1850. Geographical
distribution of animals. Christian Examiner
and Religious Miscellany 48(2): 181-204. A.T.: zoological
_____, 1854. The
primitive diversity and number of animals in geological
times. American Journal of Science 17
(2nd ser.): 309-324. A.T.: geological succession;
multiple creation
_____, 1854. Sketch
of the natural provinces of the animal world and their
relation to the different types of man. In Josiah
Nott & George R. Gliddon, Types of Mankind or, Ethnological
Researches (Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, Grambo
& Co.): lviii-lxxviii.
Anwar A. [1918-1996], 1948. The
recent migration of certain Indo-Pacific algae from the
Red Sea into the Mediterranean. New Phytologist 47(1):
88-94. A.T.: marine flora; bioinvasions; Suez Canal;
_____, 1950. Distribution
and ecology of British marine littoral diatoms. Journal
of Ecology 38(1): 75-106. A.T.: community ecology;
algae; phytoplankton
Harry H. [1882-1957], 1940. A Handbook of
the Naturalized Flora of New Zealand. Wellington: Dept.
of Scientific and Industrial Research, Bull. No. 83. 344
pp. A.T.: introduced species
Harry A. [1880-1963], 1932. Length
of day in relation to the natural and artificial distribution
of plants. Ecology 13(3): 221-234. A.T.: environmental
factors; seasonal conditions; flowering; plant migration
Warder C. [1885-1955], 1926. Distribution
of animals in a tropical rain-forest with relation to environmental
factors. Ecology 7(4): 445-468. A.T.: Panama;
animal communities; forest floor
*_____, 1931. Animal
Aggregations; A Study in General Sociology.
Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press. 431 pp. A.T.: Allee
effect; animal ecology; group selection
*Allee, Warder C., A. E. Emerson, O. Park, T. Park, &
K. P. Schmidt, 1949. Principles
of Animal Ecology. Philadelphia & London:
W. B. Saunders. 837 pp. A.T.: sociobiology
Glover M. [1879-1942], 1911. Mammals
of the West Indies. Bull. of the Museum of
Comparative Zoology at Harvard College 54(6): 173-263. A.T.: land
bridge theory; zoogeography
_____, 1942. Extinct
and Vanishing Mammals of the Western Hemisphere, With
the Marine Species of All the Oceans.
Cambridge, MA: American Committee for International Wild
Life Protection, Special Publication No. 11. 620 pp. A.T.: endangered
species; North America; South America; anthropogenic
Joel A. [1838-1921], 1871. On
the mammals and winter birds of East Florida, with an examination
of certain assumed specific characters in birds, and a
sketch of the bird-faunae of Eastern North America. Bull.
of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College 2(3):
161-450. A.T.: character variation
_____, 1876. Geographical
variation among North American mammals, especially in respect
to size. Bull. of the United States Geological
and Geographical Survey of the Territories 2(4): 309-344. A.T.: character
variation; size variation
*_____, 1877. The
influence of physical conditions in the genesis of species. Radical
Review 1: 108-140. A.T.: Allen's Rule; environmental
factors; character variation
_____, 1878. The
geographical distribution of the Mammalia, considered in
relation to the principal ontological regions of the earth,
and the laws that govern the distribution of animal life. Bull.
of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey
of the Territories 4(2): 313-377. A.T.: zoological
regions; climatic factors
_____, 1892. The
geographical distribution of North American mammals. Bull.
of the American Museum of Natural History 4(14): 199-243. A.T.: regional
_____, 1893. The
geographical origin and distribution of North American
birds, considered in relation to faunal areas of North
America. Auk 10(2): 97-150. A.T.: regional
_____, 1905. The
evolution of species through climatic conditions. Science 22(569)
(new ser.): 661-668. A.T.: environmental factors;
climate; isolation
Dean [1912-2003], 1947. Ecology
and the evolution of some Hawaiian birds. Evolution 1(1-2):
63-68. A.T.: Hawaiian honeycreepers; Drepaniidae;
adaptive radiation
_____, 1948. Continental
drift and bird migration. Science 108(2817):
705-707. A.T.: inter-hemispheric migration
*_____, 1950. The
Hawaiian honeycreepers (Aves, Drepaniidae). Bull.
of the American Museum of Natural History 95(4): 151-262. A.T.: island
life; evolution
Edgar [1897-1969], 1948. Hybridization
of the habitat. Evolution 2(1): 1-9. A.T.: hybrids;
anthropogenic factors; evolution
Herbert G. [1907-1992], 1944. The distribution
of plagues of Austroicetes cruciata Sauss. (Acrididae)
in Australia in relation to climate, vegetation and soil. Transactions
of the Royal Society of South Australia 68: 315-326. A.T.: grasshoppers
Agnes R. [1879-1960], 1950. The Natural Philosophy
of Plant Form. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University
Press. 246 pp. A.T.: plant morphology; plant anatomy;
flowering plants
Archey, Gilbert E. [1890-1974], 1941. The Moa; A Study
of the Dinornithiformes. Auckland Institute and Museum,
Bull. No. 1. 145 pp. A.T.: extinct species; New Zealand
Olof [1896-1977], 1921. Species
and area. Journal of Ecology 9(1): 95-99. A.T.: species-area
relationship; plant associations
_____, 1923. Statistical
investigations in the constitution of plant associations. Ecology 4(1):
68-73. A.T.: species-area relationship; sampling
John James [1785-1851], 1831-1839. Ornithological
Biography, Or an Account of the Habits of the Birds of
the United States of America: Accompanied by Descriptions
of the Objects Represented in the Work Entitled "The Birds
of America." 5 vols. Edinburgh: Adam Black
/ Adam and Charles Black.
Daniel I. [1910-1998], 1948. Climate
and evolution in western North America during Middle Pliocene
time. Evolution 2(2): 127-144. A.T.: paleobotany;
Tertiary floras
*_____, 1950. Evolution of desert vegetation in western North
America. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication No.
590: 217-306. A.T.: Pleistocene; Tertiary floras
Irving W. [1884-1967], & Edmund
W. Sinnott [1888-1968], 1916. The
climatic distribution of certain types of Angiosperm leaves. American
Journal of Botany 3(1): 24-39. A.T.: leaf-margin;
environmental factors; morphology
Frank C. [1867-1942], 1920. The
Life of the Pleistocene or Glacial Period as Recorded in
the Deposits Laid Down by the Great Ice Sheets.
Urbana, IL: Univ. of Illinois Bull. 17(41). 476 pp. A.T.: North
America; paleontology
Frederick S. [1890-1965], 1944. Mountain
climates of the western United States. Ecological
Monographs 14(2): 223-254. A.T.: regional climatology
Thomas [1884-1946], 1912. A
contribution to the zoögeography of the East Indian
Islands. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative
Zoölogy at Harvard College 44(1): 1-203. A.T.: Indonesia;
_____, 1914. A
contribution to the zoögeography of the West Indies,
with especial reference to amphibians and reptiles. Memoirs
of the Museum of Comparative Zoölogy at Harvard College 44(2):
209-359. A.T.: herpetogeography
_____, 1916. Some
remarks upon Matthew's Climate and Evolution. Annals
of the New York Academy of Sciences 27(1): 1-10. A.T.: waif
dispersal; land bridge theory; island biogeography
Barbour, Thomas, & Arthur Loveridge [1891-1980], 1928. A
comparative study of the herpetological faunae of the Uluguru
and Usambara Mountains, Tanganyika Territory, with descriptions
of new species. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoölogy
at Harvard College 50(2): 87-265.
John G. [1860-1920], William E. Clarke, & Percy
H. Grimshaw, 1911. Atlas of Zoogeography. Edinburgh:
John Bartholomew. 67 pp.
John [1789-1852], 1827. A
Lecture on the Geography of Plants. London:
Harvey and Darton. 94 pp.
Henry Walter [1825-1892], 1862. Contributions
to an insect fauna of the Amazon Valley: Lepidoptera: Heliconidae. Transactions
of the Linnean Society of London 23: 495-566. A.T.: mimicry;
regional faunas
*_____, 1863. The
Naturalist on the River Amazons. London:
John Murray. 2 vols. A.T.: Brazil; natural history;
Beaufort, Lieven F. de [1879-1968], 1926. Zoögeographie
van den Indischen Archipel. Haarlem: E. F. Bohn. 202
pp. A.T.: Malay Archipelago
Frank E. [1858-1925], 1895. A
Text-book of Zoogeography. Cambridge, U.K.:
Cambridge Univ. Press. 245 pp.
Bryan P. [1918-1998], 1947. The history of the
British land mammals. Annals and Magazine of Natural
History 14 (11th ser.): 501-514. A.T.: zoogeography;
Pleistocene; regional faunas
Thomas [1832-1878], 1874. The
Naturalist in Nicaragua. London: John Murray.
403 pp. A.T.: natural history
Lev S. [1876-1950], 1950. Natural Regions
of the U. S. S. R. (transl. of the Russian ed.). New
York: Macmillan. 436 pp. A.T.: regional floras;
regional geography; environmental factors
Carl G. L. C. [1814-1865], 1847. Ueber
die Verhältnisse der Wärmeökonomie der Thiere
zu ihrer Grösse [link is to 1848 reprint]. Göttinger Studien (Göttingen)
Abthl. 1: 595-708. A.T.: Bergmann's Rule; ecogeographic
Edward W. [1875-1945], 1911. The
Lower Cretaceous floras of the world. Maryland
Geological Survey: 99-151. A.T.: paleobotany
_____, 1916. The
Upper Cretaceous floras of the world. Maryland
Geological Survey: 183-313. A.T.: paleobotany
_____, 1916. The
Lower Eocene Floras of Southeastern North America.
Washington, D.C.: Geological Survey (U.S.), Professional
Paper No. 91. 481 pp. A.T.: paleobotany
_____, 1924. The Middle and Upper Eocene Floras of Southeastern
North America. Washington, D.C.: Geological Survey (U.S.),
Professional Paper No. 92. 206 pp. A.T.: paleobotany
_____, 1937. Tertiary
floras of eastern North America. Botanical
Review 3(1): 31-46. A.T.: paleobotany
Bews, John W. [1884-1938], 1925. Plant Forms and Their
Evolution in South Africa. London, etc.: Longmans, Green
and Co. 199 pp. A.T.: phytogeography; regional biogeography
_____, 1927. Studies in the ecological
evolution of the angiosperms. New Phytologist 26: 1-21, 65-84, 129-148, 209-248, 273-294. A.T.: climatic
factors; grasses; habitat forms; flowering plants
W. Dwight [1910-1997], 1950. Vegetation
and plant growth as affected by chemically altered rocks
in the western Great Basin. Ecology 31(1):
62-74. A.T.: chemical weathering; soil; relictual
Bisby, Guy Richard [1889-1958], 1943. Geographical
distribution of fungi. Botanical Review 9(7):
466-482. A.T.: dispersal; climate; age and area
Black, George A. [1916-1957], Th. Dobzhansky, & C. Pavan,
1950. Some
attempts to estimate species diversity and population density
of trees in Amazonian forests. Botanical Gazette 111(4):
413-425. A.T.: Brazil; tree counts; sampling
Thomas [1809-1885], 1862. On
the geographical distribution of the genera and species
of land shells of the West India Islands; With a catalogue
of the species of each island. Annals of
the Lyceum of Natural History of New York 7: 335-361.
William T. [1832-1905], 1876. The
African element in the fauna of India: a criticism of Mr.
Wallace's views as expressed in the "Geographical Distribution
of Animals." Annals and Magazine of Natural
History 18 (4th ser.): 277-294. A.T.: regional
zoogeography; zoological provinces; birds; mammals; reptiles
_____, 1890. The
anniversary address of the President. Proceedings
of the Geological Society of London (1889-90): 43-110. A.T.: oceanic
basins permanence hypothesis; island biogeography; zoological
_____, 1901. The
distribution of vertebrate animals in India, Ceylon, and
Burma. Philosophical Transactions of the
Royal Society of London, Series B 194: 335-436. A.T.: zoogeography;
faunas; sub-regions; refugia; glacial epoch
Edward [1810-1873], 1835. An
attempt to classify the "varieties" of animals, with observations
on the marked seasonal and other changes which naturally
take place in various British species, and which do not
constitute varieties. Magazine of Natural
History 8(1): 40-53.
_____, 1871. A
suggested new division of the earth into zoological regions.
Nature 3: 427-429. A.T.: regional zoogeography
Charles M. [1908-1992], 1949. Thermoregulation
in reptiles, a factor in evolution. Evolution 3(3):
195-211. A.T.: physiological ecology; body temperature;
"Prince" Charles Lucien [1803-1857], 1838. A
Geographical and Comparative List of the Birds of Europe and
North America. London: John Van Voorst. 67 pp. A.T.: regional
Bond, James [1900-1989], 1940. Check-list of Birds of
the West Indies. Philadelphia: Academy of Natural Sciences.
184 pp. A.T.: regional faunas
_____, 1948. Origin
of the bird fauna of the West Indies. Wilson
Bull. 60(4): 207-229. A.T.: ornithogeography;
regional biogeography
*Borchert, John R. [1918-2001], 1950. The
climate of the central North American grassland. Annals
of the Association of American Geographers 40(1): 1-39. A.T.: Great
Plains; prairie; regional climatology
de Saint-Vincent, Jean Baptiste G. M. [1778-1846],
1803. Essais
sur les Isles Fortunées et l'Antique Atlantide,
ou, Précis de l'Histoire Générale
de l'Archipel des Canaries. Paris: Baudouin.
522 pp. A.T.: island life; natural history; Canary
_____, 1804. Voyage
dans les Quatres Principales Îles des Mers d'Afrique
. . . Paris: Chez F. Buisson. 3 vols. A.T.: island
life; natural history; Canary Islands; Réunion;
Mauritius; Saint Helena
George A. [1858-1937], 1905. The
distribution of African fresh-water fishes. Nature 72:
413-421. A.T.: zoogeography; regional faunas
Frederick O. [1855-1948], 1908. The
Origin of a Land Flora, A Theory Based Upon the Facts of
Alternation. London: Macmillan and Co. 727
pp. A.T.: sporophytes; alternation of generations
_____, 1930. Size and Form in Plants with Special Reference
to the Primary Conducting Tracts. London: Macmillan.
232 pp. A.T.: environmental factors; morphology
_____, 1935. Primitive Land Plants; Also Known as Archegoniatae.
London: Macmillan. 658 pp. A.T.: cryptogams; alternation
of generations; plant evolution
Boyko, Hugo [1892-1970], 1947. On
the role of plants as quantitative climate indicators and
the geo-ecological law of distribution. Journal
of Ecology 35(1-2): 138-157. A.T.: insolation;
exposure; slope aspect; topographical distribution
Braestrup, Frits W. [b. 1906], 1947. Remarks on faunal exchange
through the Sahara. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk
Naturhistorisk Forening (Copenhagen) 110: 1-15.
E. Lucy [1889-1971], 1950. Deciduous
Forests of Eastern North America. Philadelphia:
Blakiston. 596 pp. A.T.: regional phytogeography;
regional floras
Josias [1884-1980], 1932. Plant
Sociology; The Study of Plant Communities.
New York: McGraw-Hill. 439 pp. A.T.: plant ecology;
William L. [1865-1953], 1900. The
relations of the North American flora to that of South
America. Science 12(306) (new ser.):
709-716. A.T.: remnant floras; anthropogenic factors;
long-term change; environmental factors
Adolphe T. [1801-1876], 1828-1837. Histoire
des Végétaux Fossiles, ou Recherches Botaniques
et Géologiques sur les Végétaux Renfermés
dans les Diverses Couches du Globe. Paris & Amsterdam:
G. Dufour et E. d'Ocagne. 2 vols. A.T.: paleobotany
Charles E. P. [1888-1957], 1926. Climate
Through the Ages; A Study of the Climatic Factors and Their
Variations. London: Ernest Benn. 439 pp. A.T.: interglacial
periods; climate fluctuations; paleogeography
*Brooks, John Langdon [b. 1920], 1950. Speciation
in ancient lakes. Quarterly Review of Biology 25(1):
30-60; 25(2):
131-176. A.T.: Lake Baikal; Lake Tanganyika;
Lake Nyasa
Robert [1773-1858], & Ferdinand Bauer [1760-1826],
1814. General
remarks, geographical and systematical, on the botany of
Terra Australis. In Matthew Flinders, Robert
Brown, William Westall, John Pye, William Finden, & John
Scott, A Voyage to Terra Australis . . . (London:
G. and W. Nicol. 2 vols.), Vol. 2, Appendix No. 3: 533-591.
Charles T. [1879-1955], 1927. Animal
life in hot springs. Quarterly Review of
Biology 2(2): 181-203. A.T.: temperature; chemical
Brunhes, Bernard [1867-1910], 1906. Recherches
sur la direction d'aimantation des roches volcaniques. Journal
de Physique, Théorique et Appliquée 5
(4th ser.): 705-724. A.T.: geomagnetism
G.-L. Leclerc, Comte de [1707-1788], 1749-1789. Histoire
Naturelle, Générale et Particuliere, Avec
la Description du Cabinet du Roi. Paris:
Imprimerie Royale. 36 vols. A.T.: natural history
Patrick A. [1892-1956], 1923. Animal
Life in Deserts; A Study of the Fauna in Relation to the
Environment. London: Arnold. 176 pp. A.T.: physiological
ecology; environmental factors
Stanley A. [1902-1995], 1931. Ecological
studies of the vegetation of the Great Smoky Mountains of
North Carolina and Tennessee. I. Soil reaction and plant
distribution. Botanical Gazette 91(1):
22-41. A.T.: pH; soil acidity; environmental factors
*_____, 1938. The
species-area curve. American Midland Naturalist 19(3):
573-581. A.T.: quadrat sampling; plant communities
_____, 1943. Criteria for the indication of center of origin
in plant geographical studies. Torreya 43(2): 132-154. A.T.: dispersal
_____, 1944. Foundations of Plant Geography.
New York: Harper & Brothers. 556 pp. A.T.: phytogeography;
areography; paleoecology; polyploidy
_____, 1947. Characteristics
of natural areas and factors in their development. Ecological
Monographs 17(2): 185-200. A.T.: plant associations;
phytogeography; mapped data
_____, 1950. Life-forms and phytoclimate. Botanical Review 16(1):
1-32. A.T.: Raunkiaer; vegetative form; climatic factors;
Wendell H. [1904-1963], 1947. Distribution
patterns in modern plants and the problems of ancient
dispersals. Ecological Monographs 17(2):
159-183. A.T.: angiosperms; southern continents;
evolutionary origins
Douglas H. [1859-1953], 1944. Relations
of the temperate floras of North and South America. Proceedings
of the California Academy of Sciences 25(2) (4th ser.):
139-146. A.T.: continental drift; phytogeography;
historical biogeography
Alphonse L. P. P. de [1806-1893], 1855. Géographie
Botanique Raisonnée; Ou, Exposition des Faits Principaux
et des Lois Concernant la Distribution Géographique
des Plantes de l'Epoque Actuelle. Paris:
V. Masson. 2 vols. A.T.: statistical methods
_____, 1859. On
the causes which limit vegetable species towards the north,
in Europe and similar regions. Annual Report
of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution,
1858: 237-245. A.T.: limiting factors; temperature
*_____, 1883. Origine
des Plantes Cultivées. Paris: G.
Baillière. 377 pp. (English transl.: Origin
of Cultivated Plants. London: Kegan Paul,
& Co., 1884. 468 pp.) A.T.: cultural biogeography; plant
domestication; economic botany
Augustin Pyramus de [1778-1841], 1817. Mémoire
sur la géographie des plantes de France, considerée
dans ses rapports avec la hauteur absolue. Mémoires
de Physique et de Chimie de la Société d'Arcueil 3:
262-322. A.T.: physical factors
*_____, 1820. (Essai
Élémentaire de) Géographie Botanique. In Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles, Tome 18 (Strasburg: F. G. Levrault): 359-436. A.T.: stations &
habitations; phytogeography
Robert [1802-1871], 1844 (published anonymously). Vestiges
of the Natural History of Creation. London:
J. Churchill. 390 pp. A.T.: evolution
Ralph W. [1890-1971], 1938. Paleoecological
interpretations of Cenozoic plants in western North America. Botanical
Review 4(7): 371-396. A.T.: paleobotany; climatic
_____, 1940. Tertiary forests and continental history. Bull.
of the Geological Society of America 51(3): 469-488. A.T.: paleobotany
_____, 1947. Tertiary
centers and migration routes. Ecological
Monographs 17(2): 139-148. A.T.: floras; forests;
North America
_____, 1948. The
bearing of the living Metasequoia on problems of Tertiary
paleobotany. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 34(11):
503-515. A.T.: China
James P. [1889-1964], 1923. Ecological
aspects of bird distribution in tropical Africa. American
Naturalist 57(649): 106-125. A.T.: temperature;
environmental factors; isolation by altitude
Frank M. [1864-1945], 1917. The
Distribution of Bird-life in Colombia; A Contribution to
a Biological Survey of South America. New
York: American Museum of Natural History, Bull. Vol. 36.
729 pp. A.T.: regional faunas; life zones; ornithogeography
_____, 1926. The
Distribution of Bird-life in Ecuador; A Contribution
to a Study of the Origin of Andean Bird-life.
New York: American Museum of Natural History, Bull. Vol.
55. 784 pp. A.T.: regional faunas; life zones;
Royal N. [1889-1939], 1928. The
quantitative analysis of environmental factors. Ecology 9(2):
111-122. A.T.: Tribolium; flour beetles;
populations; hypothesis testing
_____, 1931. Animal Ecology, With Special Reference
to Insects. New York: McGraw-Hill. 464 pp. A.T.: environmental
factors; communities
Andrew H. [1911-1975], 1949. The Invasion
of New Zealand by People, Plants and Animals: The South
Island. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers Univ. Press. 465
pp. A.T.: cultural biogeography; introduced species;
anthropogenic factors
Hubert L. [1870-1947], 1946. The Echinoderm
Fauna of Australia, Its Composition and Its Origin.
Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication
No. 566. 567 pp. A.T.: regional faunas
Jens [1891-1969], David D. Keck, & William
M. Hiesey, 1940. Experimental Studies on the Nature
of Species. I. Effect of Varied Environments on Western
North American Plants. Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Institution
of Washington, Publication No. 520. 452 pp. A.T.: environmental
_____, 1941. Regional
differentiation in plant species. American
Naturalist 75(758): 231-250. A.T.: vertical
distribution; climatic races; ecotypes
_____, 1947. Heredity
of geographically and ecologically isolated races. American
Naturalist 81(797): 114-133. A.T.: Compositae;
California; hybrids; sub-species; sunflowers
*_____, 1948. Experimental Studies on the Nature
of Species. III. Environmental Responses of Climatic Races
of Achillea. Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Institution of
Washington, Publication No. 581. 129 pp. A.T.: yarrow;
environmental factors
Frederic E. [1874-1945], 1905. Research
Methods in Ecology. Lincoln: University
Pub. Co. 334 pp. A.T.: plant ecology
**_____, 1916. Plant
Succession: An Analysis of the Development of Vegetation.
Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Institution of Washington,
Publication No. 242. 512 pp. A.T.: community ecology;
climatic factors; ecological climax
*_____, 1936. Nature
and structure of the climax. Journal of Ecology 24(1):
252-284. A.T.: biotic communities; plant succession
*Clements, Frederic E., & Victor
E. Shelford [1877-1968], 1939. Bio-ecology.
New York: John Wiley, & London: Chapman & Hall,
London. 425 pp. A.T.: plant succession; ecology;
community ecology
Wesley R. [1869-1960], 1946. The
means of dispersal of bathypelagic animals in the North
and South Atlantic Oceans. American Naturalist 80(793):
453-469. A.T.: ocean currents; larvae; ocean circulation
May Thacher [1885-1963], 1928. The
Spread of the European Starling in North America (to 1928).
United States Department of Agriculture, Circular No. 40.
10 pp. A.T.: naturalized species; introduced species;
James G. [1830-1902], 1859. On
the distribution of the forests and trees of North America,
with notes on its physical geography. Annual
Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution,
Showing the Operations, Expenditures, and Condition of
the Institution for the Year 1858: 246-280.
William S. [1884-1978], 1913. The
climax forest of Isle Royale, Lake Superior, and its development.
I. Botanical Gazette 55(1): 1-44. A.T.: ecological
climax; coniferous forest; island life
_____, 1926. The
fundamentals of vegetational change. Ecology 7(4):
391-413. A.T.: dynamic ecology; history of ecology;
ecological theory
Edward Drinker [1840-1897], 1875. Check-list
of North American Batrachia and Reptilia with a systematic
list of the higher groups and an essay on geographical
distribution, based on the specimens contained in the U.
S. National Museum. Bull. of the United States
National Museum No. 1: 1-104.
Henry C. [1869-1939], 1899. The
ecological relations of the vegetation on the sand dunes
of Lake Michigan. Botanical Gazette 27: 95-117, 167-202, 281-308, 361-391. A.T.: ecological
climax; pine forests; oak forests
*_____, 1901. The physiographic
ecology of Chicago and vicinity; a study of the origin, development,
and classification of plant societies. Botanical
Gazette 31: 73-108, 145-182. A.T.: ecological
climax; phytogeography; Schimper; plant formations
Raymond B. [1896-1975], & Charles
M. Bogert [1908-1992], 1944. A
preliminary study of the thermal requirements of desert
reptiles. Bull. of the American Museum of
Natural History 83(5): 265-296. A.T.: temperature;
physiological ecology
Cunnington, William A., 1920. The fauna of the African lakes:
A study in comparative limnology with special reference to
Lake Tanganyika. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of
London 1920: 507-622. A.T.: regional faunas
John T. [1913-1961], & H. C. Greene, 1949. A
study of relic Wisconsin prairies by the species-presence
method. Ecology 30(1): 83-92. A.T.: indicator
species; relicts
Georges [1769-1832], 1812. Recherches
sur les Ossemens Fossiles de Quadrupèdes, etc. Paris:
Deterville. 4 vols. A.T.: paleontology
*Cuvier, Georges, & Pierre-André
Latreille [1762-1833], 1817. Le
Règne Animal Distribué d'après son Organisation,
pour Servir de Base à l'Histoire Naturelle des Animaux
et d'Introduction à l'Anatomie Comparée. Tome
I. L'Introduction, Les Mammifères et Les Oiseaux. Paris:
Deterville. 540 pp. A.T.: comparative anatomy
Eilif [1916-1993], 1946. On
different types of unglaciated areas during the ice ages
and their significance to phytogeography. New
Phytologist 45(2): 225-242. A.T.: arctic floras;
Karel W. [1885-1951], 1929. On the zoogeography
of Java. Treubia 11(1): 1-88. A.T.: vertebrates;
molluscs; regional biogeography; regional faunas
*_____, 1948. The Fauna of Krakatau 1883-1933. Koninklïjke
Nederlandsche Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeling Natuurkunde,
Verhandelingen 2. Sect., Deel 44. 594 pp. A.T.: island
biogeography; colonization
James D. [1813-1895], 1853. On
the question whether temperature determines the distribution
of marine species of animals in depth. American
Journal of Science and Arts 15 (2nd ser.): 204-207. A.T.: molluscs
_____, 1853. On
an isothermal oceanic chart, illustrating the geographical
distribution of marine animals. American
Journal of Science and Arts 16 (2nd ser.): 153-167,
314-327. A.T.: isocrymes; zoological provinces;
winter temperatures
_____, 1856. On
the origin of the geographical distribution of Crustacea. Annals
and Magazine of Natural History 17 (2nd ser.): 42-51. A.T.: centers
of creation; dispersal; centers of diffusion
_____, 1872. Corals
and Coral Islands. New York: Dodd & Mead.
398 pp. A.T.: coral reefs
Philip J., Jr. [1904-1983], 1938. Was
there an Archatlantis? American Naturalist 72(743):
521-533. A.T.: Carabidae; beetles; land bridge theory;
West Indies
*_____, 1938. The
origin of the fauna of the Greater Antilles, with discussion
of dispersal of animals over water and through the air. Quarterly
Review of Biology 13(3): 274-300. A.T.: West
Indies; accidental dispersal; island biogeography; land
bridge theory
*_____, 1943. Carabidae
of mountains and islands: Data on the evolution of isolated
faunas, and on atrophy of wings. Ecological
Monographs 13(1): 37-61. A.T.: insects; island
biogeography; beetles
_____, 1948. The geographical distribution
of cold-blooded vertebrates. Quarterly Review of
Biology 23(1):
1-26; 23(2):
105-123. A.T.: reptiles; amphibians; freshwater
fishes; dispersal; zoogeography
Charles [1809-1882], 1839. Journal
of Researches into the Geology and Natural History of the
Various Countries Visited by H.M.S. Beagle.
London: Henry Colburn. 615 pp.
_____, 1842. The
Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs.
London: Smith, Elder and Co. 214 pp.
**_____, 1859. On
the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection,
or, The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle
for Life. London: John Murray. 502 pp. A.T.: evolution;
_____, 1868. The
Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication.
London: John Murray. 2 vols. A.T.: character variation
Rexford F. [1909-1995], 1938. Merriam's
life zones of North America. Quarterly Review
of Biology 13(3): 327-332. A.T.: biotic provinces;
temperature; bioclimatic zones
*_____, 1943. Vegetational zonation in the Rocky Mountains. Botanical
Review 9(6): 325-393. A.T.: altitudinal zonation;
alpine environments
*_____, 1947. Plants
and Environment, A Textbook of Plant Autecology.
New York: J. Wiley. 424 pp. A.T.: plant ecology;
environmental factors
Davidson, James [d. 1945], & Herbert
G. Andrewartha [1907-1992], 1948. Annual
trends in a natural population of Thrips imaginis (Thysanoptera). Journal
of Animal Ecology 17(2): 193-199. A.T.: climatic
factors; population levels
Davies, Arthur M. [1869-1959], 1934-1935. Tertiary Faunas:
A Text-book for Oilfield Palæontologists and Students
of Geology. London: Thomas Murby & Co. 2 vols. A.T.: paleontology
George M. [1849-1901], 1894. The
extinct northern sea-cow, and early Russian explorations
in the North Pacific. Ottawa Naturalist 7(10):
Edward S., Jr. [1914-1988], 1949. Biogeography
of the Pleistocene. Part I: Europe and North America. Bull.
of the Geological Society of America 60(9): 1315-1416. A.T.: glacial
epoch; postglacial dispersal
_____, 1950. Hydroids
from Louisiana and Texas, with remarks on the Pleistocene
biogeography of the western Gulf of Mexico. Ecology 31(3):
334-367. A.T.: disjunct distribution patterns
Lee R. [1887-1977], 1923. Life
zones and mammalian distribution. Journal
of Mammalogy 4(1): 39-47. A.T.: Alabama
_____, 1931. The
relation of mammalian distribution to vegetation types. Scientific
Monthly 33(4): 312-317. A.T.: climatic factors
*_____, 1943. The
Biotic Provinces of North America. Ann
Arbor, MI: Univ. of Michigan Press. 78 pp. A.T.: systematic
*_____, 1945. Measures
of the amount of ecologic association between species. Ecology 26(3):
297-302. A.T.: Dice coefficient; Dice index; coefficients
of association; measures of association
Dickerson, Roy E. [1878-1944], Elmer
D. Merrill [1876-1956], Richard C. McGregor,
W. Schultze, Edward H. Taylor, & Albert W. C. T. Herre,
1928. Distribution of Life in the Philippines. Manila:
Bureau of Printing. 322 pp. A.T.: regional biotas
Dieffenbach, Ernst [1811-1855], 1843. Travels in New Zealand:
With Contributions to the Geography, Geology, Botany, and
Natural History of That Country. London: John Murray.
2 vols. [Vol.
1; Vol.
2] A.T.: regional biotas
George Edward [1848-1895], 1884. On
some peculiarities in the geographical distribution and
in the habits of certain mammals inhabiting continental
and oceanic islands. Annals and Magazine
of Natural History 14 (5th ser.): 153-159. A.T.: island
Theodosius [1900-1975], 1940. Speciation
as a stage in evolutionary divergence. American
Naturalist 74(753): 312-321. A.T.: isolating
mechanisms; physiological isolation
*_____, 1950. Evolution
in the tropics. American Scientist 38(2):
209-221. A.T.: biodiversity; Drosophila; environmental
*Docters van Leeuwen, Willem M. [1880-1960], 1936. Krakatau,
1883 to 1933. A. Botany. Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg
(Buitenzorg, Java), Annales Vols. 46-47. 506 pp. A.T.: succession;
Vasilii V. [1846-1903], 1967. Russian Chernozem (transl.
of the Russian ed., Russkii Chernozem, first published
in 1883). Jerusalem: Israel Program for Scientific Translations.
419 pp.
Doty, Maxwell S. [b. 1916], 1946. Critical
tide factors that are correlated with the vertical distribution
of marine algae and other organisms along the Pacific Coast. Ecology 27(4):
315-328. A.T.: environmental factors; intertidal
Andrew Ellicott [1867-1962], 1919, 1928, 1936. Climatic
Cycles and Tree-Growth. Washington, D.C.:
Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication No. 289.
3 vols. A.T.: climatic factors; solar activity;
annual tree rings, dendrochronology
_____, 1941. Crossdating in dendrochronology. Journal of
Forestry 39(10): 825-831. A.T.: tree ring chronology;
annual tree rings
Oscar [1852-1933], 1890. Handbuch
der Pflanzengeographie. Stuttgart: J. Engelhorn.
582 pp. (French transl.: Manuel de Géographie
Botanique. Paris: P. Klincksieck, 1897. 552 pp.) A.T.: phytogeography
Duff, Roger S. [1912-1978], 1950. The Moa-hunter Period
of Maori Culture. Wellington, New Zealand: Dept. of Internal
Affairs, Canterbury Museum Bull. No. 1. 405 pp. A.T.: extinct
Emmett Reid [1894-1956], 1922. A
suggestion to zoogeographers. Science 56(1447):
336-338. A.T.: geographical range; physiographic
_____, 1923. The
geographical distribution of amphibians. American
Naturalist 57(649): 129-136. A.T.: salamanders;
dispersalism; age and area
_____, 1931. The herpetological fauna of the Americas. Copeia (3):
106-119. A.T.: regional faunas; zoogeography
Rietz, G. Einar [1895-1967], 1931. Life-forms
of terrestrial flowering plants. Acta Phytogeographica
Suecica 3(1): 1-95.
_____, 1940. Problems of bipolar plant distribution. Acta
Phytogeographica Suecica 13: 215-282. A.T.: phytogeography
_____, 1949. Huvudenheter och huvudgränser i Svensk myrvegetation. Svensk
Botanisk Tidskrift 43: 274–309. A.T.: mire
vegetation; peat
Toit, Alexander L. [1878-1948], 1927. A Geological
Comparison of South America with South Africa. Washington,
D.C.: Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication No.
381. 158 pp. A.T.: continental drift; historical
geology; paleogeography
**_____, 1937. Our Wandering Continents; An Hypothesis
of Continental Drifting. Edinburgh & London: Oliver &
Boyd. 366 pp. A.T.: paleogeography
_____, 1944. Tertiary
mammals and continental drift; a rejoinder to George G.
Simpson. American Journal of Science 242(3):
145-163. A.T.: land bridge theory; paleogeography
Frank E. [1911-1996], 1942. Indigene
versus alien in the development of arid Hawaiian vegetation. Ecology 23(1):
14-23. A.T.: naturalized plants; indigenous plants
Carl H. [1863-1927], 1909. The
fresh-water fishes of Patagonia and an examination of the
Archiplata-Archhelenis theory. In William B.
Scott, ed., Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions
to Patagonia, 1896-1899 (Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ.
Press), Vol. 3(3): 225-374. A.T.: land bridge theory
_____, 1909. Cave
Vertebrates of America; A Study in Degenerative Evolution.
Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Institution of Washington,
Publication No. 104. 241 pp.
_____, 1912. The
Freshwater Fishes of British Guiana, Including a Study
of the Ecological Grouping of Species and the Relation
of the Fauna of the Plateau to That of the Lowlands.
Pittsburgh: Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum Vol. 5. 578
pp. A.T.: regional biogeography
Loren C. [1907-1977], 1943. Archaeological
observations on the problem of post-glacial extinction. American
Antiquity 8(3): 209-217. A.T.: anthropogenic
_____, 1945. Myth
and mammoth in archaeology. American Antiquity 11(2):
84-87. A.T.: extinct species
_____, 1946. Men,
mastodons, and myth. Scientific Monthly 62(6):
517-524. A.T.: extinct species
Sven [1876-1964], 1935. Tiergeographie des
Meeres. Leipzig: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft. 542
pp. A.T.: marine biogeography
_____, 1940. Begründung einer Statistischen Methode
in der Regionalen Tiergeographie; Nebst einer Analyse der
Palaarktischen Steppen- und Wustenfauna. Uppsala: Nova
Acta Regiae Societatis Scientarum Upsaliensis 12(2) (4th
ser.). 117 pp. A.T.: statistical methods; zoogeography
Ellerman, John Reeves [1909-1973], 1940-1949. The
Families and Genera of Living Rodents.
London: British Museum (Natural History). 3 vols.
Charles S. [1900-1991], 1924. Periodic fluctuations
in the numbers of animals: Their causes and effects. British
Journal of Experimental Biology 2(1): 119-163. A.T.: population
biology; population cycles
_____, 1925. The
dispersal of insects to Spitsbergen. Transactions
of the Entomological Society of London 1925 (Vol. 73):
289-299. A.T.: island biogeography
*_____, 1927. Animal
Ecology. London: Sidgwick & Jackson;
New York: Macmillan. 207 pp.
_____, 1949. Population
interspersion: an essay on animal community patterns. Journal
of Ecology 37(1): 1-23. A.T.: community ecology;
habitat; patchiness
Adolf [1844-1930], 1879-1882. Versuch
einer Entwicklungsgeschichte der Pflanzenwelt, Insbesondere
der Florengebiete seit der Tertiärperiode.
Leipzig: W. Engelmann. 2 vols. A.T.: paleobotany;
Engler, Adolf, & Oscar
Drude [1852-1933], eds., 1896-1928. Die Vegetation
der Erde. Sammlung Pflanzengeographischer Monographien.
Leipzig: W. Engelmann. 15 vols. A.T.: phytogeography
*Engler, Adolf, & Karl Prantl, eds., 1887-1909. Die
Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien. Leipzig:
W. Engelmann. 32 vols. A.T.: botany
Carl [1894-1968], & Harlan Lewis [b. 1919],
1942. The
centers of distribution of the chaparral and coastal sage
associations. American Midland Naturalist 27(2):
445-462. A.T.: California; plant communities; Miocene
Ernst, Alfred, 1908. The
New Flora of the Volcanic Island of Krakatau (translated
from the German by Albert C. Seward). Cambridge, U.K.:
University Press. 74 pp. A.T.: colonization
Felt, E. Porter [1868-1943], 1925. The dissemination of insects
by air currents. Journal of Economic Entomology 18(1):
152-158. A.T.: dispersal; wind
Merritt L. [1873-1950], 1924. Isolation
and endemism in northeastern America and their relation
to the age-and-area hypothesis. American
Journal of Botany 11(9): 558-572. A.T.: floras;
*_____, 1925. Persistence
of plants in unglaciated areas of boreal America. Memoirs
of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 15(3):
239-342. A.T.: relicts
_____, 1929. Some relationships of the floras of the Northern
Hemisphere. In Proceedings of the International Congress
of Plant Sciences, Ithaca . . . (Menasha, WI: George Banta
Pub. Co.), Vol. 2: 1487-1507. A.T.: disjunct distribution
patterns; postglacial distribution patterns
_____, 1931. Specific
segregations and identities in some floras of eastern North
America and the Old World. Rhodora 33:
25-63. A.T.: phytogeography; disjunct distribution
patterns; paleogeography
Albert K. [1856-1948], et al., 1893. The
Death Valley Expedition. A Biological Survey of Parts of
California, Nevada, Arizona, and Utah. Part II. Washington,
D.C.: North American Fauna No. 7. 402 pp. A.T.: regional
biotas; natural history
Ronald A. [1890-1962], A. S. Corbet, & C.
B. Williams [1889-1981], 1943. The
relation between the number of species and the number of
individuals in a random sample of an animal population. Journal
of Animal Ecology 12(1): 42-58. A.T.: butterflies;
mathematical models; diversity indices
John [1785-1857], 1828. A
History of British Animals, Exhibiting the Descriptive
Characters and Systematical Arrangement of the Genera and
Species of Quadrupeds, Birds, Reptiles, Fishes, Mollusca,
and Radiata of the United Kingdom; Including the Indigenous,
Extirpated, and Extinct Kinds, Together with Periodical
and Occasional Visitants. Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute;
London: James Duncan. 565 pp. A.T.: regional faunas
_____, 1829. On
the value of the evidence from the animal kingdom, tending
to prove that the Arctic regions formerly enjoyed a milder
climate than at present. Edinburgh New Philosophical
Journal 6: 277-286. A.T.: analogy; extinct species;
Rudolf [1894-1965], 1940. The Tertiary Fossil
Conifers of South Chile and Their Phytogeographical Significance,
With a Review of the Fossil Conifers of Southern Lands.
Stockholm: Almqvist and Wiksells. 107 pp. A.T.: paleobotany
Edward [1815-1854], 1844. Report
on the Mollusca and Radiata of the Aegean Sea, and on their
distribution, considered as bearing on geology.
In Report of the Thirteenth Meeting of the British Association
for the Advancement of Science 1843 (London: J. Murray):
*_____, 1846. On
the connexion between the distribution of the existing
fauna and flora of the British Isles, and the geological
changes which have affected their area, especially during
the epoch of the northern drift. Memoirs
of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, and of the Museum
of Economic Geology in London 1: 336-432. A.T.: historical
biogeography; Pleistocene
_____, 1854. On
the manifestation of polarity in the distribution of organized
beings in time. Notices of the Proceedings
at the Meetings of the Members of the Royal Institution 1:
_____, 1856. Zoological geography: distribution of marine
life. In Alexander K. Johnston, The
Physical Atlas of Natural Phenomena (Edinburgh:
W. Blackwood): 99-102. A.T.: marine biogeography
_____, 1859 (edited and continued by Robert A. C. Godwin-Austen). The
Natural History of the European Seas. London: John Van
Voorst. 306 pp. A.T.: marine biogeography
Stephen A. [1844-1930], 1887. The
lake as a microcosm. Bull. of the Scientific
Association, 1887 (Peoria, IL): 77-87. (1925 reprint: Illinois
Natural History Survey Bull. 15: 537-550) A.T.: limnology;
_____, 1907. On
the local distribution of certain Illinois fishes: An essay
in statistical ecology. Bull. of the Illinois
State Laboratory of Natural History 7: 273-303.
Georg [1754-1794], 1777. A Voyage Round the
World, in His Britannic Majesty's Sloop, Resolution, Commanded
by Capt. James Cook, During the Years 1772, 3, 4, and 5.
London: B. White, J. Robson, P. Elmsly, & G. Robinson.
2 vols. A.T.: natural history
Johann Reinhold [1729-1798], 1778. Observations
Made During a Voyage Round the World, on Physical Geography,
Natural History, and Ethic Philosophy. London: G. Robinson.
649 pp.
F. Raymond [1908-1993], 1948. Derivation of
the flora of the Hawaiian Islands. In Elwood C. Zimmerman, Insects
of Hawaii. Vol. 1: Introduction (Honolulu: Univ. of
Hawaii Press): 107-119. A.T.: phytogeography; island
Gottfried S. [1901-1984], 1932. Die Wanderungen
der Insekten. Ergebnisse der Biologie 9: 1-238. A.T.: dispersal;
Freeman, J. A. [b. 1912], 1945. Studies
in the distribution of insects by aerial currents. The
insect population of the air from ground level to 300 feet. Journal
of Animal Ecology 14(2): 128-154. A.T.: England;
wind dispersal; economic entomology
Frederick E. J. [1908-1989], 1947. Effects
of the Environment on Animal Activity. Toronto: Univ.
of Toronto Studies Biological Series, No. 55. 62 pp. A.T.: fishes;
metabolic rate; temperature; physiological ecology
Fry, Frederick E. J., & J. S. Hart, 1948. The relation
of temperature to oxygen consumption in the goldfish. Biological
Bull. 94(1): 66-77. A.T.: physiological ecology;
Hans F. [1855-1928], 1905. The
distribution of Mexican amphibians and reptiles. Proceedings
of the Zoological Society of London 1905, Pt. 2: 191-244. A.T.: regional
_____, 1910. The effect of altitude upon the distribution
of Mexican amphibians and reptiles. Zoologische Jahrbücher:
Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der
Tiere 29(6): 689-714. A.T.: temperature
_____, 1913. The
Wanderings of Animals. Cambridge, U.K.:
Cambridge Univ. Press; New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons.
150 pp. A.T.: dispersal
Garren, Kenneth H. [b. 1912], 1943. Effects of fire on vegetation
of the southeastern United States. Botanical Review 9(9):
617-654. A.T.: plant succession; ecological climax;
controlled burning
Martin S. [1866-1955], 1938. The American
Bison; The Story of Its Extermination as a Wild Species
and its Restoration Under Federal Protection. New York:
New York Zoological Society. 254 pp.
Henri [1891-1981], 1933. Géographie
des Plantes. Paris: A. Colin. 222 pp. A.T.: phytogeography
Georgii F. [1910-1986], 1934. The
Struggle for Existence. Baltimore: Williams &
Wilkins. 163 pp. A.T.: natural selection; mathematical
Rudolf [1894-1981], 1950. The
Climate Near the Ground. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard Univ. Press. 482 pp. A.T.: bioclimatology;
Joseph [1912-2000], 1949. Foundations of Australian
bird geography. Emu 49(2): 85-129.
Lilian S. [1870-1925], 1920. Notes
on the phytogeography and flora of the mountain summit
plateaux of Tasmania. Journal of Ecology 8: 1-17, 89-117. A.T.: montane
floras; floristic evolution
Theodore [1837-1914], 1885. The
principles of zoogeography. Proceedings of
the Biological Society of Washington 2: 1-39. A.T.: faunal
_____, 1893. A
comparison of antipodal faunas. Memoirs of
the National Academy of Sciences (Washington, D.C.)
6(5): 89-124. A.T.: New Zealand; fishes; British
Henry A. [1882-1975], 1912. An
isolated prairie grove and its phytogeographical significance. Botanical
Gazette 53(1): 38-49. A.T.: fire; relictual
distribution; oak forests
*_____, 1917. The
structure and development of the plant association. Bull.
of the Torrey Botanical Club 44(10): 463-481. A.T.: plant
succession; ecological climax; environmental factors; individualistic
_____, 1922. The
vegetational history of the Middle West. Annals
of the Association of American Geographers 12: 39-85. A.T.: plant
migration; dispersal; glacial epoch; interglacial periods;
anthropogenic factors
*_____, 1922. On
the relation between species and area. Ecology 3(2):
158-162. A.T.: quadrat sampling; plant associations
_____, 1925. Species
and area. Ecology 6(1): 66-74. A.T.: species-area
relationship; quadrat sampling; aspen association
**_____, 1926. The
individualistic concept of the plant association. Bull.
of the Torrey Botanical Club 53(1): 7-26. A.T.: community
ecology; philosophy of ecology
*_____, 1939. The
individualistic concept of the plant association. American
Midland Naturalist 21(1): 92-110. A.T.: community
ecology; philosophy of ecology; plant migration
*Glick, Perry A., 1939. The Distribution of Insects,
Spiders, and Mites in the Air. United States Department
of Agriculture, Technical Bull. No. 673. 151 pp. A.T.: dispersal;
Glinka, Konstantin D. [1867-1927], 1927. The
Great Soil Groups of the World and Their Development.
(transl. of Die Typen der Bodenbildung, first
published in 1914). Ann Arbor: Edwards Brothers. 235
Constantin W. Lambert [1803-1859], 1833. Das
Abändern der Vögel durch Einfluss des Klima's.
Breslau: August Schulz. 159 pp. A.T.: Gloger's Rule
Frederick Du Cane [1834-1919], & Osbert Salvin
[1835-1898], eds., 1879-1888. Biologia
Centrali-Americana; Or, Contributions to the Knowledge
of the Fauna and Flora of Mexico and Central America.
London: R. H. Porter and Dulau & Co. 5 vols. A.T.: natural
Harry [1901-1985], 1923. Dispersal
of pond floras. Journal of Ecology 11(2):
160-164. A.T.: barriers; England; phytogeography
_____, 1949. The
spreading of the British flora: Considered in relation
to conditions of the Late-Glacial Period. Journal
of Ecology 37(1): 140-147. A.T.: pollen; seeds;
postglacial dispersal
Edward A. [1873-1946], & Robert
T. Moore [1882-1958], 1946. The biotic provinces
of Mexico. Journal of Mammalogy 26(4): 347-360. A.T.: mammals;
birds; regional biogeography
Ronald [1896-1992], 1931. A
theory of plant geography. New Phytologist 30(3):
149-171. A.T.: angiosperms; theory of tolerance;
plant migration; plant distribution
*_____, 1947. The Geography of the Flowering Plants.
London: Longmans, Green & Co. 403 pp. A.T.: phytogeography;
geographical distribution
John [1804-1881], 1865. Handbook
to The Birds of Australia. London: the author.
2 vols. A.T.: regional faunas
Asa [1810-1888], 1856, 1857. Statistics of the
flora of the Northern United States. American Journal
of Science and Arts 22
(2nd ser.): 204-232; 23
(2nd ser.): 62-84, 369-403. A.T.: regional
floras; Europe; phytogeography; floristic comparisons
_____, 1859. Diagnostic
characters of new species of phaenogamous plants, collected
in Japan by Charles Wright, Botanist of the U. S. North
Pacific Exploring Expedition. With observations upon the
relations of the Japanese flora to that of North America,
and of other parts of the Northern Temperate Zone. Memoirs
of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 6, Pt.
II (new ser.): 377-452. A.T.: floristic comparisons
*_____, 1878. Forest
geography and archaeology: a lecture delivered before the
Harvard University Natural History Society, April 18, 1878. American
Journal of Science and Arts 16 (3rd ser.): 85-94, 183-196. A.T.: refugia;
phytogeography; regional biogeography; precipitation
*Gray, Asa, & William
S. Sullivant [1803-1873], 1848. A
Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States . .
. Boston: J. Monroe. 710 pp. A.T.: regional
floras; phytogeography
Robert F. [1881-1962], 1914. Observations
on the behavior of some species at the edges of their ranges. Bull.
of the Torrey Botanical Club 41(1): 25-49. A.T.: range
limits; phytogeography
_____, 1934. The
edge of the forest in Alaska and the reasons for its position. Ecology 15(2):
80-96. A.T.: ecotones; coniferous forest; plant
_____, 1940. The
ecology of rare plants. Bull. of the Torrey
Botanical Club 67(7): 575–594. A.T.: rarity;
phytogeography; climatic factors; environmental factors;
_____, 1946. The
timberlines of northern America and their interpretation. Ecology 27(4):
275–289. A.T.: treelines; climatic factors;
Mt. Washington, NH
Joseph [1877-1939], 1914. Barriers
to distribution as regards birds and mammals. American
Naturalist 48(568): 248-254. A.T.: geographical
range; range limits
*_____, 1914. An
account of the mammals and birds of the Lower Colorado
Valley with especial reference to the distributional problems
presented. Univ. of California Publications
in Zoology 12(4): 51-294. A.T.: range barriers;
_____, 1922. The
role of the "accidental." Auk 39(3):
373-380. A.T.: extralimital records; range barriers
_____, 1924. Geography
and evolution. Ecology 5(3): 225-229. A.T.: adaptation;
environmental factors
_____, 1928. Presence and absence of animals. Univ. of
California Chronicle 30: 429-450.
August [1814-1879], 1859-1864. Flora
of the British West Indian Islands. London:
L. Reeve & Co. 789 pp. A.T.: regional floras
_____, 1872. Die
Vegetation der Erde nach Ihrer Klimatischen Anordnung.
Leipzig: W. Engelmann. 2 vols. (French transl.: La
Végétation du Globe, d'après sa
Disposition suivant les Climats Esquisse d'une Géographie
Comparée des Plantes. Paris: J.-B. Baillière,
1877-1878. 2 vols.) A.T.: phytogeography; climate
Gulick, Addison [1882-1969], 1932. Biological
peculiarities of oceanic islands. Quarterly
Review of Biology 7(4): 405-427. A.T.: island
biogeography; island life; dispersal; evolution; adaptive
John T. [1832-1923], 1872. On
the variation of species as related to their geographical
distribution, illustrated by the Achatinellinæ. Nature 6:
222-224. A.T.: Hawaiian Islands; land shells; land
_____, 1873. On
diversity of evolution under one set of external conditions. Journal
of the Linnean Society: Zoology 11: 496-505. A.T.: Hawaiian
Islands; land shells
Albert C. L. G. [1830-1914], 1858. On
the geographical distribution of reptiles. Proceedings
of the Zoological Society of London 26: 373-398. A.T.: regional
biogeography; zoogeography
_____, 1880. An
Introduction to the Study of Fishes. Edinburgh:
A. & C. Black. 720 pp. A.T.: ichthyology;
natural history
Henry B. [1854-1926], 1903, 1906. Observations
of a Naturalist in the Pacific Between 1896 and 1899.
London: Macmillan. 2 vols. [Vol.
1; Vol.
2] A.T.: natural history
_____, 1917. Plants, Seeds and Currents in the West Indies
and Azores. London: Williams and Norgate. 531 pp. A.T.: dispersal;
Ernst [1834-1919], 1866. Generelle
Morphologie der Organismen. Berlin: G. Reimer.
2 vols. A.T.: ecology; recapitulation; ontogeny; phylogeny
_____, 1868. Natürliche
Schöpfungsgeschichte . . . Berlin:
Reimer. 568 pp. (English transl.: The
History of Creation . . . London: H. S.
& Co., 1876. 2 vols.) A.T.: evolution; Darwinism
J. B. S. [1892-1964], 1948. The theory of a
cline. Journal of Genetics 48(3): 277-284. A.T.: natural
selection; genetics; populations
Halliday, William E. D., 1937. A Forest Classification
for Canada. Ottawa: Dept. of Mines and Resources, Canada
Forest Service Bull. No. 89. 50 pp.
Henry P. [1907-1989], 1947. Postglacial Forest
Succession, Climate, and Chronology in the Pacific Northwest.
American Philosophical Society, Transactions Vol. 37(1)
(new ser.). 130 pp.
Alister C. [1896-1985], & P. S. Milne, 1938. Studies
in the distribution of insects by aerial currents. Experiments
in aerial tow-netting from kites. Journal
of Animal Ecology 7(2): 199-229. A.T.: wind
*Hardy, Alister C., & Eugene R. Gunther [1902-1940],
1935. The Plankton of the South Georgia Whaling Grounds
and Adjacent Waters, 1926-1927. Cambridge, U.K.: University
Press. Discovery Reports, Vol. XI. 456 pp. A.T.: regional
Francis [1886-1972], 1945. Extinct
and Vanishing Mammals of the Old World.
Cambridge, MA: American Committee for International Wild
Life Protection, Special Publication No. 12. 850 pp. A.T.: endangered
Roland M. [1878-1966], 1911. The
relation of climax vegetation to islands and peninsulas. Bull.
of the Torrey Botanical Club 38(11): 515-525. A.T.: fire;
Florida; hammocks; pine forests
_____, 1914. Geography
and vegetation of northern Florida. Tallahassee: Sixth
Annual Report of the Florida Geological Survey: 163-451.
Launcelot [1880-1928], 1924. The
migration route of the Australian marsupial fauna. Australian
Zoologist 3: 247-263. A.T.: dispersal; W. D.
Matthew; paleobiogeography
_____, 1928. The composition and origins of the Australian
fauna, with special reference to the Wegener hypothesis. Report
of the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement
of Science 18: 332-396.
John W. [1869-1929], 1911. Phytogeographic
Survey of North America. A Consideration of the Phytogeography
of the North American Continent, Including Mexico, Central
America and the West Indies, Together with the Evolution
of North American Plant Distribution. New
York: G. E. Stechert
& Co.; Leipzig: W. Engelmann. 790 pp.
_____, 1916. The Vegetation of the New Jersey Pine-barrens;
An Ecologic Investigation. Philadelphia: Christopher
Sower Co. 329 pp. A.T.: community ecology; phytogeography;
environmental factors
Hatt, Robert T. [b. 1902], J. Van Tyne, L. C. Stuart, C.
H. Pope,
& A. B. Grobman, 1948. Island Life: A Study of the Land
Vertebrates of the Islands of Eastern Lake Michigan. Bloomfield
Hills, MI: Cranbrook Institute of Science, Bull. 27. 179 pp. A.T.: island
Oliver P. [1846-1930], 1908. The
Fossil Turtles of North America. Washington,
D.C.: Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication No.
75. 568 pp. A.T.: paleontology
_____, 1923. The
Pleistocene of North America and Its Vertebrated Animals
from the States East of the Mississippi River and from
the Canadian Provinces East of Longitude 95 Degrees.
Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Institution of Washington,
Publication No. 322. 499 pp. A.T.: paleontology
_____, 1924. The Pleistocene of the Middle Region of North
America and Its Vertebrated Animals. Washington, D.C.:
Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication No. 322A.
385 pp. A.T.: paleontology
_____, 1927. The Pleistocene of the Western Region of
North America and Its Vertebrated Animals. Washington,
D.C.: Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication No.
322B. 346 pp. A.T.: paleontology
_____, 1929, 1930. Second Bibliography and Catalogue of
the Fossil Vertebrata of North America. Washington, D.C.:
Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication No. 390.
2 vols. A.T.: paleontology
William Jacob [1830-1875], 1871. Notes
on the range of some of the animals in America at the time
of the arrival of the white man. American
Naturalist 5(7): 387-392. A.T.: cultural biogeography;
range change; extirpated species; introduced species
Charles [1862-1926], 1893. On
the relation of the fauna and flora of Australia to those
of New Zealand. Natural Science 3: 187-191. A.T.: paleobiogeography;
_____, 1912. The
palæogeographical relations of Antarctica. Proceedings
of the Linnean Society of London 124: 80-90. A.T.: land
bridge theory; paleogeography
Oswald [1809-1883], 1855-1859. Flora Tertiaria
Helvetiae. Die Tertiäre Flora der Schweiz. Winterthur:
J. Würster. 3 vols. A.T.: Tertiary; Switzerland;
Heer, Oswald, Karl Eduard Cramer [1831-1901], Adolf
E. Nordenskjöld [1832-1901], & Carl Schröter
[1855-1939], 1868-1883. Flora
Fossilis Arctica. Die Fossile Flora der Polarländer
. . . Zürich: J. Würster. 7 vols. A.T.: paleobotany;
Hehn, Victor [1813-1890], 1870. Kulturpflanzen
und Hausthiere in Ihrem Übergang aus Asien nach
Griechenland und Italien Sowie in das Übrige Europa:
Historisch-linguistische Skizzen. Berlin:
Gebrüder Borntraeger. 456 pp. (English transl.: The
Wanderings of Plants and Animals from Their First Home.
London: Swan Sonnenschein, 1885. 523 pp.) A.T.: cultural
Angelo [1853-1907], 1883. On
the value of the "Nearctic" as one of the primary zoological
regions. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural
Sciences of Philadelphia, 1882 (Vol. 34): 316-334. A.T.: regional
_____, 1887. The
Geographical and Geological Distribution of Animals.
New York: D. Appleton & Co. 435 pp. A.T.: zoogeography
Heim de Balsac, Henri [1899-1979], 1936. Biogéographie
des Mammifères et des Oiseaux de l'Afrique du Nord.
Paris: Bull. Biologique de France et de Belgique, Supplément
21. 446 pp. A.T.: Sahara; North Africa; zoogeography
Lawrence J. [1878-1942], 1913. The
Fitness of the Environment; An Inquiry into the Biological
Significance of the Properties of Matter.
New York: Macmillan. 317 pp. A.T.: environmental
factors; chemical factors
Willi [1913-1976], 1950. Grundzüge einer
Theorie der Phylogenetischen Systematik. Berlin: Deutscher
Zentralverlag. 370 pp. A.T.: phylogenetic systematics;
Andrew J. [1865-1915], 1905. The
major natural regions: An essay in systematic geography. Geographical
Journal 25(3): 300-312. A.T.: regional geography
Richard [1868-1944], 1924. Tiergeographie
auf Ökologischer Grundlage. Jena: Gustav Fischer.
613 pp. A.T.: zoogeography; ecology
*Hesse, Richard, W.
C. Allee [1885-1955], & Karl
P. Schmidt [1890-1957], 1937. Ecological
Animal Geography. New York: John Wiley & Sons;
London: Chapman & Hall. 597 pp. A.T.: zoogeography
C. Gordon [1885-1920], 1921. The
Conservation of the Wild Life of Canada.
New York: C. Scribner's Sons. 334 pp.
Samuel F. [1883-1949], 1939. The
Panama Canal as a passageway for fishes, with lists and
remarks on the fishes and invertebrates observed. Zoologica (New
York) 24(3): 15-45. A.T.: dispersal
Hilgard, Eugene W. [1833-1916], 1906. Soils;
Their Formation, Properties, Composition, and Relations
to Climate and Plant Growth in the Humid and Arid Regions.
New York & London: Macmillan. 593 pp.
Johan [1869-1948], 1914. Fluctuations in
the Great Fisheries of Northern Europe, Viewed in the Light
of Biological Research. Copenhagen: Rapports et Procès-Verbaux
des Réunions du Conseil International pour l'Exploration
de la Mer, Vol. 20. 228 pp.
Leslie R. [1907-1999], 1947. Determination
of world plant formations from simple climatic data. Science 105(2727):
367-368. A.T.: climatic factors; altitudinal factors;
ecozones; life zones
Joseph D. [1817-1911], 1844-1860. The
Botany of the Antarctic Voyage of HMS Discovery Ships "Erebus" and
"Terror" in the Years 1839-1843, Under the Command of Captain
Sir James Clark Ross. London: Reeve Brothers.
3 parts (I. Flora Antarctica II. Flora Novae-Zelandiae
III. Flora Tasmaniae) in 6 vols. A.T.: natural
_____, 1859. On
the Flora of Australia: Its Origin, Affinities, and Distribution,
Being an Introductory Essay to the Flora of Tasmania. London:
Lovell Reeve. 128 pp. A.T.: regional floras
_____, 1861. Outlines of the distribution of Arctic plants. Transactions
of the Linnean Society of London 23(17): 251-348. A.T.: phytogeography
_____, 1866. Lecture
on insular floras [delivered before the British
Association for the Advancement of Science at Nottingham,
August 27, 1866; subsequently reprinted in four issues
of the Gardeners' Chronicle in Jan. 1867, and in
various pamphlets]. A.T.: phytogeography; island
biogeography; Atlantic Ocean; evolution
_____, 1881. .
. . Address to the Geographical Section of the British
Association: On Geographical Distribution.
Spottiswood and Co. 12 pp.
Hooper, Emmet T., Jr. [1911-1992], 1949. Faunal Relationships
of Recent North American Rodents. Ann Arbor: Museum of
Zoology, Univ. of Michigan, Miscellaneous Publication No.
72. 28 pp.
A. Brazier [1886-1961], 1922. Agencies
which govern the distribution of life. American
Naturalist 56 (646): 428-438. A.T.: barriers;
enemies; climatic factors; temperature
_____, 1924. Theories
of distribution--a critique. Ecology 5(1):
51-53. A.T.: multi-causality
Carl L. [1894-1979], 1940. Speciation
of fishes. American Naturalist 74(752):
198-211. A.T.: geographical distribution; adaptation
to environment; hybrid formation
*Hubbs, Carl L., & Robert
R. Miller [1916-2003], 1948. The zoological
evidence: correlation between fish distribution and hydrographic
history in the desert basins of western United States.
In The Great Basin; With Emphasis on Glacial and Postglacial
Times (Bull. of the Univ. of Utah, Biological Series
10(7)): 17-166. A.T.: stream basins; zoogeography
F. Edward [1841-1909], 1895. Natural
History, Lore and Legend. London: Bernard
Quaritch. 350 pp. A.T.: folklore
Eric [1894-1981], 1937. Outline of the History
of Arctic and Boreal Biota During the Quaternary Period;
Their Evolution During and After the Glacial Period as
Indicated by the Equiformal Progressive Areas of Present
Plant Species. Stockholm: Bokförlags Aktiebolaget
Thule. 168 pp. A.T.: Pleistocene; refugia
*_____, 1950. Atlas Över Växternas Utbredning
i Norden. Fanerogamer och Ormbunksväxter. Atlas of the
Distribution of Vascular Plants in Northwestern Europe.
Stockholm: Generalstabens Litografiska Anstalt. 119, 512
Alexander von [1769-1859], & Aimé
J. A. Bonpland [1773-1858], 1805. Essai
sur la Géographie des Plantes: Accompagné d'un
Tableau Physique des Régions Équinoxiales .
. . Paris: Levrault, Schoell et Compagnie.
155 pp. A.T.: phytogeography; biogeography
_____, 1808-1809. Plantes
Équinoxiales: Recueillies au Mexique . . . Paris:
Chez F. Schoell. 2 vols. A.T.: Andes; Ecuador; Amazon;
Cuba; Venezuela; Mexico; Peru
**_____, 1814. Personal
Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the
New Continent During the Years 1799-1804.
London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 7 vols.
in 6.
Ellsworth [1876-1947], 1914. The
Climatic Factor as Illustrated in Arid America.
Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication
No. 192. 341 pp. A.T.: environmental factors; environmental
determinism; climatic factors
_____, 1915. Civilization
and Climate. New Haven: Yale University
Press. 333 pp. A.T.: environmental determinism;
climatic factors; environmental factors
*Hutchins, Louis W. [b. 1916], 1947. The
bases for temperature zonation in geographical distribution. Ecological
Monographs 17(3): 325-335. A.T.: marine ecology;
seasonal variation; invertebrates
George Evelyn [1903-1991], 1948. Teleological
mechanisms: circular causal systems in ecology. Annals
of the New York Academy of Sciences 50(4): 221-246. A.T.: biogeochemical
cycles; systems theory; population biology
Frederick W. [1836-1905], 1873. On
the geographical relations of the New Zealand fauna. Transactions
and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 5: 227-256.
_____, 1896. Theoretical
explanations of the distribution of southern faunas. Proceedings
of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 21(1): 36-47. A.T.: Mesozoic
South Pacific continent; paleogeography
Thomas H. [1825-1895], 1868. On
the classification and distribution of the Alectoromorphae
and Heteromorphae. Proceedings of the Zoological
Society of London for the Year 1868: 294-319. A.T.: birds;
Hermann von [1850-1930], 1891. On
the ancient relations between New Zealand and South America. Transactions
and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 24: 431-445. A.T.: land
bridge theory
_____, 1907. Archhelenis
und Archinotis: Gesammelte Beiträge zur Geschichte
der Neotropischen Region. Leipzig: Wilhelm
Engelmann. 350 pp. A.T.: land bridge theory
_____, 1927. Die Geschichte des Atlantischen Ozeans.
Jena: Gustav Fischer. 237 pp. A.T.: zoogeography; paleontology;
Atlantic Ocean; paleogeography
Illichevsky, S., 1933. The
river as a factor of plant distribution. Journal
of Ecology 21(2): 436-441. A.T.: seasonal inundation;
Eastern Europe; microenvironmental factors
Paul [1868-1944], 1901. Étude
comparative de la distribution florale dans une portion des
Alpes et du Jura. Bull. de la Société Vaudoise
des Sciences Naturelles 37(142) (4th ser.): 547-579.
_____, 1902. Lois
de distribution florale dans la zone alpine. Bull.
de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 38
(4th ser.): 69-130.
**_____, 1908. Nouvelles
recherches sur la distribution florale. Bull.
de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 44
(4th ser.): 223-270. A.T.: Jaccard index; Jaccard
similarity index; Jaccard coefficient; coefficients of association
*_____, 1912. The
distribution of the flora in the alpine zone. New
Phytologist 11(2): 37-50. A.T.: coefficient
of community; rarity; phytogeography; coefficients of association
Alexander K. [1804-1871], 1856. The
Physical Atlas of Natural Phenomena. Edinburgh:
W. Blackwood. 137 pp.
_____, 1856. Zoological
geography. In Alexander K. Johnston, The
Physical Atlas of Natural Phenomena (Edinburgh: W.
Blackwood): 79-98.
Joleaud, Léonce [1880-1938], 1924. L'histoire biogéographique
de l'Amérique et la théorie de Wegener. Journal
de la Société des Américanistes de Paris 16:
325-360. A.T.: continental drift; paleobiogeography
_____, 1939. Atlas de Paléobiogéographie.
Paris: Paul Lechevalier. 99 maps. A.T.: paleobiogeography
David Starr [1851-1931], 1905. The
origin of species through isolation. Science 22(566)
(new ser.): 545-562. A.T.: barriers; fishes; birds;
Theodor [1904-1960], 1947. Geology
and plant distribution. Ecological Monographs 17(2):
127-137. A.T.: angiosperms; centers of origin; arctic
Olavi [1908-1974], 1949. Changes in geographic
ranges in the avifauna of northern and central Europe in
relation to recent changes in climate. Bird-Banding 20(2):
77-103. A.T.: range limits; environmental factors;
climatic factors; range change
Kampen, Pieter N. van [1878-1937], 1911. The
zoogeography of the East Indian Archipelago (translated
from the Dutch by Thomas Barbour). American
Naturalist 45(537): 537-560. A.T.: Indonesia;
New Guinea
Keller, Otto [1838-1927], 1909, 1913. Die
Antike Tierwelt. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann. 2 vols. A.T.: cultural
biogeography; folklore
Vernon L. [1867-1937], 1913. Distribution
and species-forming of ecto-parasites. American
Naturalist 47(555): 129-158. A.T.: birds; host-parasite
dispersal; Mallophaga
S. Charles [1904-1986], 1934. The
rôle of environment in the life of birds. Ecological
Monographs 4(3): 299-417. A.T.: environmental
factors; temperature; migration; biotic communities; passerines;
deciduous forest
_____, 1949. Effect
of temperature and season on energy resources of the English
sparrow. Auk 66(2): 113-127. A.T.: animal
behavior; energy balance; environmental factors; physiological
von Marilaun, Anton [1831-1898], 1895-1896. The
Natural History of Plants; Their Forms, Growth, Reproduction,
and Distribution (translated and edited
by F. W. Oliver). New York: H. Holt and Co. 2 vols. in
4 parts. (original German ed.: Pflanzenleben. Leipzig:
Verlag des Bibliographischen Instituts, 1887-1891. 2 vols.)
Kew, Harry Wallis [b. 1868], 1893. The
Dispersal of Shells, an Inquiry into the Means of Dispersal
Possessed by Fresh-water and Land Mollusca.
London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co. 291
Alfred C. [1894-1956], 1937. An
evolutionary analysis of insular and continental species. Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States
of America 23(1): 5-11. A.T.: gall wasps; Cynipidae;
island life; hybridization
Klages, Karl H. W. [b. 1898], 1942. Ecological
Crop Geography. New York: Macmillan. 615
pp. A.T.: bioclimatology; physiological ecology;
geographical distribution
Kobelt, Wilhelm [1840-1916], 1897, 1898. Studien
zur Zoogeographie. Wiesbaden: C. W. Kreidel. 2 vols.
Wladimir P. [1846-1940], 1936. Das Geographische
System der Klimate. In Wladimir P. Köppen & Rudolf
Geiger, eds., Handbuch der Klimatologie, Band 1 (Berlin:
Gebrüder Borntraeger), Teil C. 44 pp. A.T.: climatology;
August [1874-1949], 1934. Conditions
of life in the ocean. Ecological Monographs 4(4):
421-429. A.T.: physiological ecology; primary productivity;
phytoplankton; nutrients
_____, 1934. Conditions
of life at great depths in the ocean. Ecological
Monographs 4(4): 430-439. A.T.: physiological
ecology; light; pressure; nutrients
Kryshtofovich, Afrikan N. [1885-1953], 1929. Evolution
of the Tertiary flora in Asia. New Phytologist 28(4):
303-312. A.T.: Northern Asia; paleobotany; climatic
August W. [1907-1999], 1947. A
geographic system of vegetation. Geographical
Review 37(2): 233-240. A.T.: vegetative form;
classification; phytogeography
_____, 1949. A
physiognomic classification of vegetation. Annals
of the Association of American Geographers 39(3): 201-210. A.T.: vegetative
form; phytogeography
David [1910-1973], 1937. The
psychological factor in bird distribution. British
Birds 31: 130-136. A.T.: animal behavior; habitat
*_____, 1947. Darwin's Finches. Cambridge,
U.K.: Cambridge Univ. Press. 208 pp. A.T.: birds; island
life; evolution; island biogeography
Aldo [1887-1948], 1933. Game Management.
New York
& London: C. Scribner's Sons. 481 pp. A.T.: conservation;
wildlife biology
_____, 1933. The conservation ethic. Journal of Forestry 31(6):
634-643. A.T.: ethics; wildlife; anthropogenic factors
**_____, 1949. A Sand County Almanac, and Sketches
Here and There. New York: Oxford Univ. Press. 226 pp. A.T.: natural
history; conservation
A. Starker [1913-1983], 1950. Vegetation
zones of Mexico. Ecology 31(4): 507-518. A.T.: classification;
regional biogeography; phytogeography
Justus [1803-1873], 1840. Die
Organische Chemie in Ihrer Anwendung auf Agricultur und
Physiologie. Braunschweig: F. Vieweg und
Sohn. 342 pp. A.T.: agricultural chemistry; limiting
factors; Law of the Minimum
Burton E. [1875-1948], & Grace J. Livingston,
1913. Temperature
coefficients in plant geography and climatology. Botanical
Gazette 56(5): 349-375. A.T.: climatic factors;
United States
Livingston, Burton E., & Forrest
Shreve [1878-1950], 1921. The
Distribution of Vegetation in the United States, as Related
to Climatic Conditions. Washington, D.C.:
Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication No. 284.
590 pp. A.T.: phytogeography; climatic factors
Chester R. [1887-1975], 1944. Some
thoughts on the evidence for continental drift. American
Journal of Science 242(4): 218-231. A.T.: Du
Toit; Wegener; paleobiogeography
Einar [1865-1942], 1927. Some Speculations
on the Origin of the North American Ornithic Fauna.
Stockholm: Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar
4(6) (3rd ser.). 24 pp. A.T.: ornithogeography;
Alfred J. [1880-1949], 1925. Elements
of Physical Biology. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins,
Baltimore. 460 pp. A.T.: Lotka-Volterra model
Richard [1849-1915], 1896. A
Geographical History of Mammals. Cambridge,
U.K.: Cambridge Univ. Press. 400 pp.
_____, 1916. Wild
Life of the World; A Descriptive Survey of the Geographical
Distribution of Animals. London & New
York: Frederick Warne. 3 vols.
Charles [1797-1875], 1830, 1832, 1833. Principles
of Geology, Being an Attempt to Explain the Former Changes
of the Earth's Surface, by Reference to Causes Now in Operation.
London: John Murray. 3 vols. A.T.: uniformitarianism
MacDougal, Daniel T. [1865-1958], and E. S. Spalding, 1910. The
Water-Balance of Succulent Plants. Washington,
D.C.: Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication No.
141. 77 pp. A.T.: bioclimatology; physiological
ecology; Sonoran Desert
Frère [1885-1944], 1938. Phytogeographical
problems of eastern Canada. American Midland
Naturalist 19(3): 489-558. A.T.: regional floras;
floristic evolution; land bridge theory; paleogeography
George Perkins [1801-1882], 1864. Man
and Nature: Or, Physical Geography as Modified by Human
Action. New York: C. Scribner. 560 pp. A.T.: conservation;
anthropogenic factors
Sheina M. [1896-1977], & Andrew P. Orr, 1927.
The relation of the plankton to some chemical and physical
factors in the Clyde Sea area. Journal of the Marine
Biological Association of the United Kingdom 14(4)
(new ser.): 837-869. A.T.: environmental factors;
Karl F. P. von [1794-1868], 1831. Die
Pflanzen und Thiere des Tropischen America: Ein Naturgemälde.
München: Verfasser; Leipzig: F. Fleischer. 48 pp. A.T.: natural
Emmanuel de [1873-1955], 1909. Traité
de Géographie Physique. Paris: Librairie
Armand Colin. 2 vols. A.T.: physical geography; phytogeography
Martonne, Emmanuel de, Auguste Chevalier, & Lucien Cuénot,
1950. Traité de Géographie Physique (6e
ed.). Tome Troisième. Biogéographie. Paris:
Librairie Armand Colin. A.T.: phytogeography
Herbert L. [1896-1994], 1946. The edaphic factor
in narrow endemism. I. The nature of environmental influences. Madroño 8(7):
209-226. A.T.: environmental factors; soil
_____, 1946. The edaphic factor in narrow endemism. II. The
geographic occurrence of plants of highly restricted patterns
of distribution. Madroño 8(8): 241-257. A.T.: soil;
_____, 1947. Evolution
of certain floristic associations in western North America. Ecological
Monographs 17(2): 201-210. A.T.: plant communities;
floristic evolution; redwood forest; Tertiary
William Diller [1871-1930], 1908. Mammalian
migrations between Europe and North America. American
Journal of Science 25 (4th ser.): 68-70. A.T.: dispersal;
paleobiogeography; faunal exchange
_____, 1913. Certain
theoretical considerations affecting phylogeny and correlation. Bull.
of the Geological Society of America 24(2): 283-292. A.T.: centers
of dispersal
**_____, 1915. Climate
and evolution. Annals of the New York Academy
of Sciences 24: 171-318. (2nd ed., revised & enlarged:
New York Academy of Sciences, Special Publications Vol.
1, 1939. 223 pp.) A.T.: climatic factors; paleobiogeography;
evolution; dispersal; dispersalism
_____, 1918. Affinities
and origin of the Antillean mammals. Bull.
of the Geological Society of America 29(4): 657-666. A.T.: paleobiogeography;
West Indies
_____, 1919. Recent
discoveries of fossil vertebrates in the West Indies and
their bearing on the origin of the Antillean fauna. Proceedings
of the American Philosophical Society 58(3): 161-181. A.T.: paleobiogeography;
paleontology; mammals
_____, 1930. The
dispersal of land animals. Scientia (Bologna)
48: 33-42. A.T.: mammals; climatic factors; paleobiogeography
Matthews, James R., 1937. Geographical
relationships of the British flora. Journal
of Ecology 25(1): 1-90. A.T.: phytogeography;
historical review; floristic elements
Ernst [1904-2005], 1940. Speciation
phenomena in birds. American Naturalist 74(752):
249-278. A.T.: evolution; isolation; geographical
_____, 1941. The origin and the history of the bird fauna
of Polynesia. In Proceedings of the Sixth Pacific Science
Congress of the Pacific Science Association (Berkeley & Los
Angeles: Univ. of California Press), Vol. 4: 197-216. A.T.: ornithogeography;
island biogeography
*_____, 1942. Systematics and the Origin of Species,
From the Viewpoint of a Zoologist. New York: Columbia
Univ. Press. 334 pp. A.T.: evolution
_____, 1943. The
zoogeographic position of the Hawaiian Islands. Condor 45(2):
45-48. A.T.: birds; island biogeography
_____, 1944. Wallace's
Line in the light of recent zoogeographic studies. Quarterly
Review of Biology 19(1): 1-14. A.T.: zoogeographic
boundaries; faunal regions; Indonesia
_____, 1946. History
of the North American bird fauna. Wilson
Bull. 58(1): 3-41. A.T.: regional biogeography;
_____, 1946. The
number of species of birds. Auk 63(1): 64-69. A.T.: species
*_____, 1947. Ecological
factors in speciation. Evolution 1(4):
263-288. A.T.: geographical isolation; sympatry;
Waldo L. [1883-1962], 1947. Distribution
of seeds by birds. American Midland Naturalist 38(1):
214-223. A.T.: seed dispersal
C. Hart [1855-1942], 1892. The
geographic distribution of life in North America, with
special reference to the Mammalia. Proceedings
of the Biological Society of Washington 7: 1-64. A.T.: life
*_____, 1894. Laws
of temperature control of the geographic distribution of
terrestrial animals and plants. National
Geographic Magazine 6: 229-238. A.T.: life zones
_____, 1895. The
geographic distribution of animals and plants in North
America. Yearbook of the United States Department
of Agriculture 1894: 203-214. A.T.: life zones
*_____, 1898. Life
Zones and Crop Zones of the United States.
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Division of Biological Survey,
Bull. No. 10. 79 pp.
*Merriam, C. Hart, & Leonhard
H. Stejneger [1851-1943], 1890. Results
of a Biological Survey of the San Francisco Mountain Region
and Desert of the Little Colorado, Arizona.
Washington, D.C.: North American Fauna No. 3. 136 pp. A.T.: life
zones; altitudinal zonation
Elmer D. [1876-1956], 1945. Plant Life of
the Pacific World. New York: Macmillan. 295 pp. A.T.: regional
Robert [1894-1975], 1934. Die Insel-Reptilien,
Ihre Ausbreitung, Variation, und Artbildung. Zoologica
(Stuttgart), Heft 84. 209 pp. A.T.: reptiles; island
Maynard M. [1868-1940], 1923. The
origin and distribution of the Anura. American
Naturalist 57(652): 385-411. A.T.: land bridge
theory; host-parasite dispersal; frogs
_____, 1929. Parasites and the Aid They Give in Problems
of Taxonomy, Geographical Distribution, and Paleogeography.
Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 81,
No. 8. 36 pp. A.T.: host-parasite dispersal; zoogeography
Hermann [1909-1997], 1943. Vergleichende
Arealkunde. Berlin-Zehlendorf: Borntraeger. 2 vols. A.T.: phytogeography
Franz J. F. [1804-1840], 1836. Grundriss
der Pflanzengeographie . . . Berlin: Haude und Spenersche.
478 pp. (English transl.: Outlines
of the Geography of Plants . . . London:
Ray Society, 1846. 422 pp.) A.T.: phytogeography
Michaelsen, Johann W. [1860-1937], 1903. Die
Geographische Verbreitung der Oligochaeten.
Berlin: R. Friedländer. 186 pp.
Robert Rush [1916-2003], 1948. The Cyprinodont
Fishes of the Death Valley System of Eastern California
and Southwestern Nevada. Ann Arbor: Museum of Zoology,
Univ. of Michigan, Miscellaneous Publication No. 68. 155
pp. A.T.: desert fishes
Miranda, Faustino, & Aaron J. Sharp [1904-1997], 1950. Characteristics
of the vegetation in certain temperate regions of eastern
Mexico. Ecology 31(3): 313-333. A.T.: regional
floras; phytogeography; South Carolina
Misra, R. D., 1938. Edaphic
factors in the distribution of aquatic plants in the English
lakes. Journal of Ecology 26(2): 411-451. A.T.: substratum
variation; chemical factors; muds
John Alexander [1915-2002], 1942. The role of
temperature in speciation of frogs. Biological Symposia 6:
Reginald E. [1897-1970], 1948. Ecological
isolation in a rich tropical avifauna. Journal
of Animal Ecology 17(2): 113-126. A.T.: Usambara;
ecological biogeography; ecological overlap
John B. [1909-1977], 1945. Some
chemical factors influencing the distribution of aquatic
plants in Minnesota. American Midland Naturalist 34(2):
402-420. A.T.: lakes; pH; acidity; water chemistry
John [1838-1914], 1901. Our
National Parks. Boston & New York: Houghton,
Mifflin and Company. 370 pp. A.T.: conservation;
protected lands
____, 1912. The
Yosemite. New York: Century. 284 pp. A.T.: conservation;
natural history; California
Müller, Peter E. [1840-1926], 1887. Studien
über die Natürlichen Humusformen und deren Einwirkung
auf Vegetation und Boden. Berlin: J. Springer.
324 pp. A.T.: humus; forest soils; plant ecology
George C. [1866-1963], 1944. Birds of Hawaii.
Honolulu: Tongg Publ. Co. 189 pp. A.T.: regional
Robert Cushman [1887-1973], 1936. Oceanic
Birds of South America; A Study of Species of the Related
Coasts and Seas, Including the American Quadrant of Antarctica,
Based Upon the Brewster-Sanford Collection in the American
Museum of Natural History. New York: American Museum
of Natural History. 2 vols. A.T.: regional faunas
Andrew [1812-1878], 1866. The
Geographical Distribution of Mammals. London:
Day & Son. 420 pp. A.T.: zoogeography
John [1841-1914], 1908. The
distribution of organisms in the hydrosphere as affected
by varying chemical and physical conditions. Internationale
Revue der Gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie 1(1-2):
10-17. A.T.: physical factors; marine biology; limiting
Murray, John, & Johan
Hjort [1869-1948], 1912. The
Depths of the Ocean, A General Account of the Modern Science
of Oceanography . . . London: Macmillan.
821 pp. A.T.: North Atlantic Ocean; marine life
George S. [1905-1985], 1938. Fresh-water
fishes and West Indian zoogeography. Annual
Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution 92:
339-364. A.T.: land bridge theory; paleogeography;
island biogeography
_____, 1940. An American cyprinodont fish, Jordanella
floridae, reported from Borneo, with notes on the possible
widespread introduction of foreign aquarium fishes. Copeia (4):
267-268. A.T.: introduced species
_____, 1949. Salt-tolerance
of fresh-water fish groups in relation to zoogeographical
problems. Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde 28:
315-322. A.T.: environmental factors; salinity
Myers, John Golding, 1934. The
arthropod fauna of a rice-ship, trading from Burma to the
West Indies. Journal of Animal Ecology 3(2):
146-149. A.T.: anthropogenic factors; introduced
Melchior [1845-1890], 1883. Über
klimatische Zonen während der Jura- und Kreidezeit. Denkschriften
der Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche
Klasse 47: 277-310. A.T.: climatic factors
Marion I. [1869-1934], 1913. Animal
Geography; The Faunas of the Natural Regions of the Globe.
Oxford, U.K.: Clarendon Press. 238 pp. A.T.: zoogeography
_____, 1936. Plant and Animal Geography. London: Methuen.
298 pp. A.T.: biogeography
A. J. [1895-1969], 1933. The
balance of animal populations. Journal of
Animal Ecology 2(1): 132-178. A.T.: competition;
population density; predator-prey relations; environmental
*Nicholson, A. J., & Victor A. Bailey [1895-1964],
1935. The balance of animal populations. Part 1. Proceedings
of the Zoological Society of London for 1935: 551-598. A.T.: host-parasite
relation; population biology; density-dependent
Gladwyn K. [1894-1940], 1925. The
evolution and dispersal of the frogs. American
Naturalist 59(662): 265-271. A.T.: systematics;
Metcalf; host-parasite dispersal
_____, 1926. An
Analysis of the Remarkable Cases of Distribution Among
the Amphibia, With Descriptions of New Genera.
New York: American Museum of Natural History Novitates
No. 212. 24 pp. A.T.: centers of dispersal; disjunct
distribution patterns; morphology
Norman, John R. [1898-1944], 1931. A History of Fishes.
London: Ernest Benn; New York: Frederick A. Stokes. 463 pp. A.T.: ichthyology;
natural history
Eugene P. [1913-2002], 1950. Bird
populations of the Highlands (North Carolina) Plateau in
relation to plant succession and avian invasion. Ecology 31(4):
587-605. A.T.: ecological biogeography
Walter R. B. [1883-1957], 1930. New Zealand
Birds. Wellington: Fine Arts (N. Z.). 541 pp. A.T.:
regional faunas
_____, 1949. The Moas of New Zealand and Australia.
Wellington: Dominion Museum Bull. No. 15. 205 pp. A.T.: extinct
Henry J. [1903-1968], 1948. The
Study of Plant Communities; An Introduction to Plant Ecology.
San Francisco: W. H. Freeman. 389 pp. A.T.: phytogeography;
community ecology
*Oosting, Henry J., & W.
Dwight Billings [1910-1997], 1942. Factors
effecting vegetational zonation on coastal dunes. Ecology 23(2):
131-142. A.T.: ecological biogeography; phytogeography;
plant ecology; North Carolina
Arnold E. [1863-1927], 1896. Grundzüge
der Marinen Tiergeographie. Jena: Gustav
Fischer. 96 pp. A.T.: marine biogeography
_____, 1902. The
geographical distribution of freshwater decapods and its
bearing upon ancient geography. Proceedings
of the American Philosophical Society 41: 267-400. A.T.: paleogeography
_____, 1910. Tertiary
Archhelenis. American Naturalist 44(520):
237-242. A.T.: land bridge theory; von Ihering;
South America
Fairfield [1887-1969], 1948. Our
Plundered Planet. Boston: Little, Brown.
217 pp. A.T.: conservation; anthropogenic factors
Henry Fairfield [1857-1935], 1910. The
Age of Mammals in Europe, Asia and North America.
New York: Macmillan. 635 pp. A.T.: paleobiology;
_____, 1936-1942. Proboscidea. A Monograph of the Discovery,
Evolution, Migration and Extinction of the Mastodonts and
Elephants of the World (edited by Mabel Rice Percy).
New York: American Museum of Natural History. 2 vols.
Richard [1804-1892], 1859. On
the Classification and Geographical Distribution of the
Mammalia. London: John W. Parker & Son.
103 pp.
William H. [1891-1964], 1920. The
aquatic vegetation of the English lakes. Journal
of Ecology 8(3): 163-201. A.T.: Lake District;
ecological biogeography; phytogeography; environmental factors
_____, 1921. The
development of vegetation in the English Lakes, considered
in relation to the general evolution of glacial lakes and
rock basins. Proceedings of the Royal Society
of London, Ser. B 92(647): 259-284. A.T.: geomorphology;
landscape evolution; ecological biogeography; environmental
_____, 1922. A
suggestion as to factors influencing the distribution of
free-floating vegetation. Journal of Ecology 9(2):
241-253. A.T.: dispersal; currents
*_____, 1932. Phytoplankton
in the English Lakes II. The composition of the phytoplankton
in relation to dissolved substances. Journal
of Ecology 20(2): 241–262. A.T.: water
chemistry; nutrients; plant ecology; algae
_____, 1950. Mountains and Moorlands. London: Collins.
312 pp. A.T.: moors; alpine plants; alpine ecology;
alpine floras
Pearson, Gustaf A. [1880-1949], 1920. Factors
controlling the distribution of forest types. Ecology 1: 139-159, 289-308. A.T.: environmental
factors; temperature; soils; moisture; San Francisco Mountains
Perrier de la Bâthie, Henri [1873-1958], 1936. Biogéographie
des Plantes de Madagascar. Paris: Société d'Éditions
Géographiques, Maritimes et Coloniales. 156 pp. A.T.: regional
John C. [1876-1938], 1928. Wild Birds Introduced
or Transplanted in North America. U. S. Department
of Agriculture, Technical Bull. No. 61. 64 pp. A.T.: introduced
species; acclimatization; bioinvasions; anthropogenic factors
Charles [1805-1878], 1863. The
Geographical Distribution of Animals and Plants.
United States Exploring Expedition During the Years 1838,
1839, 1840, 1841, 1842. Under the Command of Charles Wilkes,
U.S.N. Vol. XV. Boston: Gould and Lincoln; London:
Trübner &
Co. 168 pp. A.T.: natural history
Guy E. [1875-1943], 1913. The correlation of
the Siwaliks with mammal horizons of Europe. Records
of the Geological Survey of India 43: 264-325. A.T.: paleogeography;
vertebrate paleontology, zoogeography
_____, 1941. The dispersal of the Artiodactyla. Biological
Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 16(2):
134-163. A.T.: paleobiogeography; paleontology; centers
of origin
Henry Augustus [1862-1957], 1901. The
genesis of mid-Pacific faunas. Proceedings
of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1900 (Vol.
52): 568-581. A.T.: dispersal; island biogeography;
paleogeography; land-snails; Polynesia
Pilsbry, Henry A., & Joseph
C. Bequaert [1886-1982], 1927. The
aquatic mollusks of the Belgian Congo, with a geographical
and ecological account of Congo malacology. Bull.
of the American Museum of Natural History 53(2): 69-602. A.T.: regional
faunas; regional biogeography
Gifford [1865-1946], 1910. The
Fight for Conservation. New York: Doubleday,
& Co. 152 pp.
Frank A. [1916-2003], 1941. Distribution
of birds in relation to major biotic communities. American
Midland Naturalist 25(1): 113-137. A.T.: biomes;
deciduous forest species; coniferous forest species
Robert Lloyd [1865-1953], 1901. Irish
Topographical Botany. Dublin: Royal Irish
Academy, Proceedings Vol. 7 (3rd ser.). 410 pp.
Frank W. [1896-1989], 1948. The
commonness, and rarity, of species. Ecology 29(3):
254-283. A.T.: Raunkiaer; C.B. Williams; lognormal
distribution; population biology; mathematical models
Austin L. [1905-1982], 1936. The
distribution and habits of Madagascar birds: Summary of the
field notes of the Mission Zoologique Franco-Anglo-Américaine à
Madagascar. Bull. of the American Museum of Natural
History 72(5): 143-499.
_____, 1948. Glaciation,
an isolating factor in speciation. Evolution 2(4):
314-321. A.T.: North America; birds; geographical
isolation; glacial epoch
Friedrich [1844-1904], 1901. Der Lebensraum:
Eine Biogeographische Studie. Tübingen: H. Laupp.
87 pp. A.T.: geopolitics; anthropogeography; biogeography;
living space
_____, 1901, 1902. Die
Erde und das Leben: Eine Vergleichende Erdkunde. Leipzig & Wien:
Bibliographisches Institut. 2 vols. A.T.: cultural
biogeography; physical geography; biogeography
Christen [1860-1938], 1934. The Life Forms
of Plants and Statistical Plant Geography. Oxford,
U.K.: The Clarendon Press. 632 pp. A.T.: plant morphology
Hugh M. [1901-1995], 1941. Botanical problems
in boreal America. Botanical Review 7(3 & 4): 147-248. A.T.: plant
communities; subarctic; phytogeography; glacial refugia;
_____, 1942. Trends
in the development of geographic botany. Annals
of the Association of American Geographers 32(4): 319-354. A.T.: history
of phytogeography; methodology; phytogeography
_____, 1947. Some
natural floristic areas in boreal America. Ecological
Monographs 17(2): 221-234. A.T.: Canada; glacial
refugia; equiformal progressive areas; subarctic
Raven, Henry C. [1889-1944], 1935. Wallace's
Line and the distribution of Indo-Australian mammals. Bull.
of the American Museum of Natural History 68(4): 179-293. A.T.: zoogeographic
boundaries; regional zoogeography
René-Antoine Ferchault de [1683-1757],
1738. Observations
du thermometre, faites à Paris pendant l'année
M. DCCXXXV. Comparées avec celles qui ont été
faites sous la Ligne, à l'Isle de France, à Alger,
& en quelques-unes de nos Isles de l'Amérique. Histoire
de l'Académie Royale des Sciences, Année M.
DCCXXXV, Avec les Mémoires de Mathématique
& de Physique, pour la même Année: 545-576.
Clement [1853-1916], 1899. The
Origin of the British Flora. London: Dulau &
Co. 191 pp. A.T.: paleobotany
Reinig, William F. [b. 1904], 1937. Die Holarktis; Ein
Beitrag zur Diluvialen und Alluvialen Geschichte der Zirkumpolaren
Faunen- und Florengebiete. Jena: Gustav Fischer. 124
pp. A.T.: Holarctic; regional biogeography
Bernhard [1900-1990], 1929. Das Prinzip Geographischer
Rassenkreise und das Problem der Artbildung. Berlin:
Gebrüder Borntraeger. 206 pp. A.T.: biogeography;
*_____, 1947. Neuere Probleme der Abstammungslehre:
Die Transspezifische Evolution. Stuttgart: Ferdinand
Enke. 407 pp. A.T.: macroevolution
John [1787-1865], William
Swainson [1789-1855], & William
Kirby [1759-1850], 1829-1837. Fauna
Boreali-Americana; Or the Zoology of the Northern Parts
of British America . . . London: John Murray.
4 vols. A.T.: natural history; Arctic; regional
Henry N. [1855-1956], 1930. The Dispersal
of Plants Throughout the World. Ashford, Kent, U.K.:
L. Reeve & Co. 744 pp. A.T.: phytogeography
S. Dillon II [1913-2001], 1949. Avian
relicts and double invasions in peninsular India and Ceylon. Evolution 3(2):
150-159. A.T.: isolation; range overlap; glacial
epoch; climatic change
Ritchie, James [1882-1958], 1920. The
Influence of Man on Animal Life in Scotland: A Study
in Faunal Evolution. Cambridge, U.K.:
Cambridge Univ. Press. 550 pp. A.T.: cultural
biogeography; anthropogenic factors
Robin, Percy Ansell, 1932. Animal Lore in English Literature.
London: John Murray, London. 196 pp. A.T.: folklore
Alfred S. [1894-1973], 1933. Vertebrate Paleontology.
Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press. 491 pp.
Daniele [1857-1944], 1931. L'Ologénèse;
Nouvelle Théorie de l'Évolution et de la
Distribution Géographique des Êtres Vivants (rev. & expanded
transl. by the author from his original 1918 Italian ed.).
Felix Alcan, Paris. 368 pp. A.T.: hologenesis
Eduard A. [1876-1960], 1927. Ecology,
plant geography, and geobotany: their history and aim. Botanical
Gazette 84(4): 428-439. A.T.: philosophy of
ecology; Grisebach
_____, 1930. Pflanzengesellschaften der Erde. Bern-Berlin:
H. Huber. 464 pp. A.T.: plant ecology; phytogeography
Rutsch, Rolf F. [b. 1902], 1940. Evolution of tropical American
Tertiary faunas and theory of continental drift. In Proceedings
of the Sixth Pacific Science Congress of the Pacific Science
Association (Berkeley & Los Angeles: Univ. of California
Press), Vol. 2: 619-626.
Per Axel [1860-1931], 1917. Flora
of the Rocky Mountains and Adjacent Plains.
New York: the author. 1110 pp. A.T.: regional biogeography
_____, 1932. Flora of the Prairies and Plains of Central
North America. New York: New York Botanical Garden. 969
pp. A.T.: regional floras
Edward J. [1886-1978], 1926. The
geographical distribution of plants in relation to climatic
factors. Geographical Journal 67(4): 312-342.
Finn [1909-1983], 1948. The distribution of
birds and the recent climatic change in the North Atlantic
area. Dansk Ornithologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 42(2):
85-99. A.T.: breeding birds; accidentals
Robert F. [1858-1934], 1895. Études
sur les mammifères de la région holarctique
et leurs relations avec ceux des régions voisines. Mémoires
de la Société Zoologique de France 8:
436-474. A.T.: zoogeography
_____, 1899. The
History of the European Fauna. London:
Walter Scott; New York: C. Scribner's Sons. 364 pp. A.T.: zoogeography
_____, 1907. European
Animals: Their Geological History and Geographical Distribution.
London: Archibald Constable & Co. 258 pp. A.T.: zoogeography
_____, 1909. On the Evidences of a Former Land-bridge Between
Northern Europe and North America. Dublin & London:
Royal Irish Academy, Proceedings Vol. 28, Section B, No.
1. 28 pp. A.T.: paleogeography
_____, 1911. Distribution
and Origin of Life in America. London:
& Co. 497 pp. A.T.: zoogeography
Andreas F. W. [1856-1901], 1898. Pflanzen-geographie
auf Physiologischer Grundlage. Jena: Gustav
Fischer. 876 pp. (English transl.: Plant-geography
Upon a Physiological Basis. Oxford, U.K.:
Clarendon Press, 1903. 839 pp.) A.T.: environmental
factors; climate; plant formations; floristic regions
Ludwig K. [1819-1908], 1853. Die
Geographische Verbreitung der Thiere. Wien:
Carl Gerold & Sohn. 3 vols. A.T.: zoogeography
Karl P. [1890-1957], 1938. Herpetological
evidence for the postglacial eastward extension of the
steppe in North America. Ecology 19(3):
396-407. A.T.: postglacial dispersal; zoogeography;
range change
_____, 1943. Corollary
and commentary for "Climate and Evolution." American
Midland Naturalist 30(1): 241-253. A.T.: zoogeography;
centers of origin; dispersalism; history of biogeography
_____, 1945. Evolution,
succession, and dispersal. American Midland
Naturalist 33(3): 788-790. A.T.: evolution and
_____, 1946. On
the zoogeography of the Holarctic Region. Copeia (3):
144-152. A.T.: Eurasia; North America; dispersal;
faunal relations
_____, 1950. The concept of geographic range, with illustrations
from amphibians and reptiles. Texas Journal of Science 2(3):
326-334. A.T.: evolution and ecology; biogeography;
Per Fredrik [1905-1980], Raymond Hock, Vladimir
& Laurence Irving [1895-1979], 1950. Adaptation to cold in
arctic and tropical mammals and birds in relation to body temperature,
insulation, and basal metabolism rate. Biological Bull. 99(2):
259-271. A.T.: physiological ecology; climatic factors
Per Fredrik, Raymond Hock, Vladimir Walters, Fred Johnson, & Laurence
Irving, 1950. Heat regulation in some arctic and tropical mammals
and birds. Biological Bull. 99(2): 237-258. A.T.: temperature;
physiological ecology; climatic factors
Joakim F. [1789-1852], 1823. Grundzüge
einer Allgemeinen Pflanzengeographie. Berlin:
G. Reimer. 524 pp. A.T.: phytogeography; Germany
Charles [1858-1942], 1932. Gondwana land bridges. Bull.
of the Geological Society of America 43(4): 875-915. A.T.: land
bridge theory; paleobiogeography; larval dispersal
*_____, 1935. Historical Geology of the Antillean-Caribbean
Region, or the Lands Bordering the Gulf of Mexico and the
Caribbean Sea. New York: John Wiley & Sons; London:
Chapman &
Hall. 811 pp. A.T.: paleogeography
Philip Lutley [1829-1913], 1858. On
the general geographical distribution of the members of
the class Aves. Journal of the Proceedings
of the Linnean Society: Zoology 2: 130-145. A.T.: faunal
regions; faunal realms; birds; systematic zoogeography;
_____, 1878. Some
difficulties in zoological distribution.
Nineteenth Century 4: 1037-1052. A.T.: disjunct
distribution patterns
_____, 1897. On the distribution of marine mammals. Proceedings
of the Zoological Society of London for the Year 1897:
William Lutley [1863-1944], 1894-1897. The
geography of mammals. Geographical Journal 3(2):
95-105; 4(1):
35-52; 5(5):
471-483; 7(3):
282-296; 8(4):
378-389; 9(1):
67-76; 10(1):
84-91. A.T.: zoogeographic regions
Sclater, William L., & Philip
L. Sclater [1829-1913], 1899. The
Geography of Mammals. London: Kegan Paul,
Trench, Trübner & Co. 335 pp.
William Berryman [1858-1947], 1913. A
History of Land Mammals in the Western Hemisphere.
New York: Macmillan. 693 pp. A.T.: paleontology;
Scrivenor, John B. [1876-1950], I. H. Burkill, M. A. Smith,
A. S. Corbet, H. K. Airy Shaw, P. W. Richards, & F. E.
Zeuner, 1943. A discussion on the biogeographic division of
the Indo-Australian archipelago, with criticism of the Wallace
and Weber lines and of any other dividing lines and with an
attempt to obtain uniformity in the names used for the divisions. Proceedings
of the Linnean Society of London 154: 120-165. A.T.: zoogeographic
boundaries; Indonesia; faunal regions
Paul Bigelow [1891-1990], 1935. Deserts on
the March. Norman, OK: Univ. of Oklahoma Press. 231
pp. A.T.: desertification; anthropogenic factors
_____, 1935. Glacial
and postglacial vegetation. Botanical Review 1(2):
37-51. A.T.: Pleistocene; Holocene
Carl G. [1832-1893], 1881. Animal
Life as Affected by the Natural Conditions of Existence.
New York: D. Appleton & Co. 472 pp. A.T.: physiological
ecology; environmental factors
William A. [1864-1943], 1917. Geographical
distribution of the marine algae. Science 45(1157):
_____, 1920. The
temperature interval in the geographical distribution of
marine algae. Science 52(1339): 187-190. A.T.: isotheres;
North Atlantic
_____, 1935. Geographic
elements of the marine flora of the North Pacific Ocean. American
Naturalist 69(725): 560-577. A.T.: environmental
factors; geographical distribution; phytogeography; algae;
sea grasses
Ernest Thompson [1860-1946], 1925-1928. Lives
of Game Animals. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page &
Co. 4 vols. A.T.: animal behavior; North America; wildlife
Albert C. [1863-1941], 1926. The
Cretaceous plant-bearing rocks of western Greenland. Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B 215:
57-175. A.T.: paleobotany
_____, 1931. Plant Life Through the Ages; A Geological
and Botanical Retrospect. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge
Univ. Press; New York: Macmillan. 601 pp. A.T.: paleobotany
Homer L. [1876-1958], & Lydia N. Piemeisel,
1927. The water requirement of plants at Akron, Colo. Journal
of Agricultural Research 34(12): 1093-1190. A.T.: evaporation;
transpiration; physiological ecology
Victor E. [1877-1968], 1911. Physiological
animal geography. Journal of Morphology 22(3):
551-618. A.T.: environmental factors; autecology
_____, 1911. Ecological
succession. I. Stream fishes and the method of physiographic
analysis. Biological Bull. 21(1): 9-35.
1913. Animal
Communities in Temperate America, as Illustrated in the Chicago
Region. Chicago: Geographic Society of Chicago,
Bull. No. 5. 362 pp. (2nd ed.: 1937. 368 pp.) A.T.: community
ecology; animal ecology; environmental factors
Shelford, Victor E., & Warder
C. Allee [1885-1955], 1913. The
reactions of fishes to gradients of dissolved atmospheric
gases. Journal of Experimental Zoology 14(2):
207-266. A.T.: physiological ecology
Shelford, Victor E., et al., 1935. Some
marine biotic communities of the Pacific Coast of North
America. Part I. General survey of the communities. Ecological
Monographs 5(3): 251-332. A.T.: physiological
ecology; marine invertebrates; tidal communities
Forrest [1878-1950], 1911. The
influence of low temperatures on the distribution of the
giant cactus. Plant World 14: 136-146. A.T.: desert
plants; limiting factors
_____, 1914. The
role of winter temperatures in determining the distribution
of plants. American Journal of Botany 1(4):
194-202. A.T.: physiological ecology; limiting factors;
phytogeography; desert plants
_____, 1914. A
Montane Rain-forest; A Contribution to the Physiological
Plant Geography of Jamaica. Washington,
D.C.: Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication
No. 199. 110 pp. A.T.: ecological biogeography;
transpiration; environmental factors
_____, 1915. The
Vegetation of a Desert Mountain Range as Conditioned
by Climatic Factors. Washington, D.C.:
Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication No. 217.
112 pp. A.T.: desert plants; Arizona
_____, 1922. Conditions
indirectly affecting vertical distribution on desert mountains. Ecology 3(4):
269-274. A.T.: altitudinal factors; Arizona; vertical
zonation; plant associations
*_____, 1942. The desert vegetation of North America. Botanical
Review 8(4): 195-246. A.T.: life-forms; regional
biogeography; phytogeography; climatic factors
**Simpson, E. H., 1949. Measurement
of diversity. Nature 163: 688. A.T.: diversity
George Gaylord [1902-1984], 1936. Data
on the relationships of local and continental mammalian
faunas. Journal of Paleontology 10(5):
410-414. A.T.: Florida; New Mexico; zoogeography
_____, 1940. Antarctica
as a faunal migration route. In Proceedings
of the Sixth Pacific Science Congress of the Pacific Science
Association (Berkeley & Los Angeles: Univ. of California
Press), Vol. 2: 755-768. A.T.: dispersal
*_____, 1940. Mammals
and land bridges. Journal of the Washington
Academy of Sciences 30(4): 137-163. A.T.: zoogeography;
sweepstakes dispersal; corridor dispersal; waif dispersal;
_____, 1940. Review of the mammal-bearing Tertiary of South
America. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 83(5):
649-709. A.T.: paleontology
*_____, 1943. Mammals
and the nature of continents. American Journal
of Science 241(1): 1-31. A.T.: continental drift;
land bridge theory; paleogeography
_____, 1943. Turtles
and the origin of the fauna of Latin America. American
Journal of Science 241(7): 413-429. A.T.: paleogeography;
Cenozoic; dispersal
*_____, 1944. Tempo and Mode in Evolution.
New York: Columbia Univ. Press. 237 pp.
*_____, 1945. The
Principles of Classification and a Classification of
Mammals. New York: American Museum of
Natural History, Bull. Vol. 85. 350 pp. A.T.: systematics
_____, 1946. Tertiary
land bridges. Transactions of the New York
Academy of Sciences 8(8) (2nd ser.): 255-258. A.T.: mammals;
Cenozoic; paleogeography
_____, 1947. Evolution,
interchange, and resemblance of the North American and
Eurasian Cenozoic mammalian faunas. Evolution 1(3):
218-220. A.T.: paleontology; dispersal; faunal resemblance
*_____, 1947. Holarctic mammalian faunas and continental
relationships during the Cenozoic. Bull. of the Geological
Society of America 58(7): 613-687. A.T.: paleobiogeography;
paleogeography; regional zoogeography
*_____, 1948. The
beginning of the Age of Mammals in South America. Part
1, introduction, systematics. Bull. of the
American Museum of Natural History 91(1): 1-232. A.T.: paleontology
_____, 1950. History
of the fauna of Latin America. American Scientist 38(3):
361-389. A.T.: paleobiogeography; regional faunas;
Edmund W. [1888-1968], 1917. The
'age and area' hypothesis and the problem of endemism. Annals
of Botany 31: 209-216. A.T.: relicts; plants;
Carl J. F. [1880-1963], ed., 1920-1956. The
Natural History of Juan Fernandez and Easter Island.
Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksells. 3 vols. A.T.: island
_____, 1925. Juan Fernandez and Hawaii: A Phytogeographical
Discussion. Honolulu: Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Bull.
16. 47 pp. A.T.: island biogeography; age and area;
Hugh M. [1865-1941], 1896. A
review of the history and results of the attempts to acclimatize
fish and other water animals in the Pacific States. Bull.
of the United States Fish Commission Vol. 15, for 1895:
379-472. A.T.: anthropogenic factors; acclimatization;
introduced species
Lyman B. [1904-1997], 1934. Geographical evidence
on the lines of evolution in the Bromeliaceae. Botanische
Jahrbücher für Systematik 66(4): 446-468. A.T.: Andes;
historical biogeography
Smith, Marion R. [b. 1894], 1936. Distribution
of the Argentine Ant in the United States and Suggestions
for Its Control or Eradication. Washington,
D.C.: U. S. Dept. of Agriculture Circular No. 387. 40
pp. A.T.: bioinvasions; economic entomology; anthropogenic
factors; dispersion
Volney M. [1849-1918], 1909. Distribution
and Movements of Desert Plants. Washington,
D.C.: Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication No.
113. 144 pp. A.T.: ecological biogeography; plant
George Ledyard, Jr. [1906-2000], 1947. Evidence
on rates of evolution from the distribution of existing
and fossil plant species. Ecological Monographs 17(2):
149-158. A.T.: Tertiary; trees; California
*_____, 1950. Variation and Evolution in Plants.
New York: Columbia Univ. Press. 643 pp. A.T.: speciation;
genetics; isolation
Cornelis G. G. J. van [1901-1986], 1934-1936.
On the origin of the Malaysian mountain flora. Bulletin
du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg 13 (sér. III):
135-262, 289-417. A.T.: regional floras
_____, ed., 1948-. Flora Malesiana, Being an Illustrated
Systematic Account of the Malaysian Flora . . . Djakarta:
Noordhoff. in multiple series and parts. A.T.: regional
[Shtegman], Boris K. [1898-1975], 1938. Principes
Généraux des Subdivisions Ornithogéographiques
de la Région Paléarctique [text in Russian].
Moskva & Leningrad: Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR. 156
pp. A.T.: faunal regions
_____, 1938. Das Problem der atlantischen Landverbindung
in ornithgeographischer Beleuchtung. In Proceedings of the
Eighth International Ornithological Congress, Oxford July 1934 (Oxford,
U.K.: Univ. Press): 476-500. A.T.: land bridge theory
Leonhard H. [1851-1943], 1887. How
the Great Northern Sea-Cow (Rytina) became exterminated. American
Naturalist 21(12): 1047-1054. A.T.: extinction;
anthropogenic factors
_____, 1907. Herpetology
of Japan and Adjacent Territory. Washington,
D.C.: Bull. of the United States National Museum No.
58. 577 pp. A.T.: regional faunas
Stewart, Alban [b. 1875], 1911. A
botanical survey of the Galapagos Islands. Proceedings
of the California Academy of Sciences 1(2) (4th ser.):
7-288. A.T.: regional floras
Vladimir N. [1880-1967], 1928. Principles
of classification of the spruce communities of European
Russia. Journal of Ecology 16(1): 1-18. A.T.: taiga;
environmental factors; plant associations
William [1789-1855], 1835. A
Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals.
London: Longman et al. 367 pp. A.T.: natural history
Harry S. [1878-1935], 1931. The Avifauna
of the Galapagos Islands. San Francisco: California
Academy of Sciences, Occasional Papers Vol. 18. 299 pp. A.T.: regional
_____, 1936. Origins of the fauna of the Sitkan district,
Alaska. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 23(3)
(4th ser.): 59-78. A.T.: vertebrates; postglacial dispersal;
regional faunas
Arthur G. [1871-1955], 1920. The
classification of vegetation and the concept of development. Journal
of Ecology 8(2): 118-149. A.T.: plant communities;
ecological climax; plant associations; terminology; plant
**_____, 1935. The
use and abuse of vegetational concepts and terms. Ecology 16(3):
284-307. A.T.: ecosystem concept; terminology; ecological
climax; plant succession
George H. H. [1894-1953], 1935. Rodents
of the genus Rattus and Mus from the Pacific
islands, collected by the Whitney South Sea Expedition,
with a discussion of the origin and races of the Pacific
island rat. Bull. of the American Museum
of Natural History 68(3): 145-178. A.T.: island
life; anthropogenic factors; introduced species
Ralph [1840-1901], 1889. On the influence of
physiographic changes in the distribution of life in Australia. Report
of the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement
of Science 1: 312-325. A.T.: paleobiogeography
Taylor, Walter P. [1888-1972], 1934. Significance
of extreme or intermittent conditions in distribution of
species and management of natural resources, with a restatement
of Liebig's law of minimum. Ecology 15(4):
374-379. A.T.: environmental factors; climatic factors
Taylor, William Randolph [1895-1990], 1950. Plants of Bikini
and Other Northern Marshall Islands. Ann Arbor: University
of Michigan Press. University of Michigan Studies, Scientific
Series Vol. 18. 227 pp. A.T.: nuclear tests; atolls
August F. [1882-1960], 1918. Lebensgemeinschaft
und Lebensraum. Naturwissenschaftliche Wochenschrift 33(17): 281-290, 297-303.
_____, 1950. Verbreitungsgeschichte der Süswassertierwelt
Europas; Versuch einer Historischen Tiergeographie der Europäischen
Binnengewässer. Stuttgart: Schweizerbart. 809 pp. A.T.: freshwater
animals; limnology
D'Arcy W. [1860-1948], 1917. On
Growth and Form. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge
Univ. Press. 793 pp. A.T.: morphology
C. Wyville [1830-1882], William B. Carpenter
& J. Gwyn Jeffreys [1809-1885], 1873. The
Depths of the Sea: An Account of the General Results of the
Dredging Cruises of H.M.S.S. 'Porcupine' and 'Lightning' During
the Summers of 1868, 1869, and 1870 . . . New
York and London: Macmillan and Co., 1873. 527 pp.
Thomson, C. Wyville, John
Murray [1841-1914], et al., 1880-1895. Report
on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger
During the Years 1873-76 Under the Command of Captain George
S. Nares . . . and the Late Captain Frank Tourle Thomson,
R.N. Edinburgh: H. M. Stationery Office. 40 vols. in
44. A.T.: natural history
*Thomson, George M. [1848-1933], 1922. The
Naturalisation of Animals and Plants in New Zealand.
Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge Univ. Press. 607 pp. A.T.: introduced
species; anthropogenic factors; acclimatization
C. Warren [1889-1963], 1948. An
approach toward a rational classification of climate. Geographical
Review 38(1): 55-94. A.T.: evapotranspiration;
climatic factors; Thornthwaite moisture index; thermal
efficiency; bioclimatology
John [1796-1873], & Asa Gray [1810-1888], 1838-1843. A
Flora of North America: Containing Abridged Descriptions
of All the Known Indigenous and Naturalized Plants Growing
North of Mexico; Arranged According to the Natural System.
New York
& London: Wiley & Putnam. 2 vols. A.T.: regional floras
Edgar N. [1875-1960], 1903. On
the geographic distribution and ecological relations of
the bog plant societies of northern North America. Botanical
Gazette 36(6): 401-420. A.T.: glacial epoch;
relictual distribution; phytogeography
*_____, 1935. The
prairie peninsula. Ecology 16(3): 423-437. A.T.: anthropogenic
factors; climatic change; Midwest
Carl [1899-1975], 1939. Luftbildplan und ökologische
Bodenforschung. Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für
Erdkunde zu Berlin 1939: 241-298. A.T.: landscape
Göte V. [1892-1970], 1922. The
species and the variety as ecological units. Hereditas 3(1):
100-113. A.T.: environmental factors; ecotypes
*_____, 1922. The genotypical response of the plant
species to the habitat. Hereditas 3: 211-350. A.T.: environmental
factors; ecotypes
*_____, 1925. The plant species in relation to habitat
and climate. Hereditas 6: 147-236. A.T.: environmental
factors; ecotypes
Turnage, William V., & Arthur L. Hinckley, 1938. Freezing
weather in relation to plant distribution in the Sonoran
Desert. Ecological Monographs 8(4): 529-550. A.T.: cold
temperature; limiting factors; range boundaries
William B. [1890-1961], 1929. The Plant-life
of the Balkan Peninsula. A Phytogeographical Study. Oxford,
U.K.: Clarendon Press. 490 pp. A.T.: regional floras;
Southeastern Europe
Denburgh, John [1872-1924], 1914. The
gigantic land tortoises of the Galapagos Archipelago. Proceedings
of the California Academy of Sciences 2(1) (4th ser.):
203-372. A.T.: island life
Dyke, Edwin C. [1869-1952], 1940. The origin
and distribution of the coleopterous insect fauna of North
America. In Proceedings of the Sixth Pacific Science
Congress of the Pacific Science Association (Berkeley & Los
Angeles: Univ. of California Press), Vol. 4: 255-268.
Nikolai Ivanovich [1887-1943], 1926. Studies
on the origin of cultivated plants. Trudy po Prikladnoi
Botanike, Genetike i Selektsii (Bull. of Applied
Botany, of Genetics and Plant-Breeding) 16: 1-248. A.T.: grain;
Vladimir I. [1863-1945], 1929. La Biosphère (French
transl. of the 1926 Russian ed., Biosfera). Paris:
Librairie Félix Alcan. 231 pp. A.T.: biosphere;
noosphere; evolution; philosophy of biology
_____, 1945. The biosphere and the noösphere. American
Scientist 33(1): 1-12. A.T.: evolution; philosophy
of biology; philosophy of geology
Stephen S. [1887-1967], 1916. The
biogeography of the northern Great Plains. Geographical
Review 2(2): 89-115.
_____, 1925. Tropical
cyclones and the dispersal of life from island to island
in the Pacific. American Naturalist 59(660):
70-78. A.T.: wind dispersal; ocean currents
Wadley, Francis M., & Daniel
O. Wolfenbarger [1904-1995], 1944. Regression
of insect density on distance from center of dispersion as
shown by a study of the smaller European elm bark beetle. Journal
of Agricultural Research 69(7): 299-308. A.T.: economic
entomology; distance-decay relationship
Johann Andreas [1797-1861], 1844-1846. Die geographische
Verbreitung der Säugethiere dargestellt. Abhandlungen,
Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische
Klasse 4(1):
1-146; 4(2):
37-108; 4(3):
1-114. A.T.: zoogeography
Moritz [1813-1887], 1868. Die
Darwin'sche Theorie und das Migrationsgesetz der Organismen.
Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot. 62 pp. A.T.: geographical
isolation; dispersal; Darwinism
_____, ed., 1889. Die
Entstehung der Arten durch Raumliche Sonderung.
Basel: B. Schwabe. 667 pp. A.T.: origin of species;
Alfred Russel [1823-1913], 1852. On
the monkeys of the Amazon. Proceedings of
the Zoological Society of London 20: 107-110. A.T.: riverine
barriers hypothesis; speciation
**_____, 1855. On
the law which has regulated the introduction of new species. Annals
and Magazine of Natural History 16 (2nd ser.): 184-196. A.T.: evolution;
Sarawak Law; historical biogeography
_____, 1857. On
the natural history of the Aru Islands. Annals
and Magazine of Natural History 20 (2nd ser., Supplement):
473-485. A.T.: Indonesia; historical biogeography;
Sarawak Law
_____, 1859. Letter
from Mr. Wallace concerning the geographical distribution
of birds. Ibis 1 (No. 4, 1st ser.): 449-454.
A.T.: ornithogeography; faunal regions; faunal realms;
*_____, 1860. On
the zoological geography of the Malay Archipelago. Journal
of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society: Zoology 4:
172-184. A.T.: Wallace's Line; zoogeography; faunal
boundaries; Indonesia
_____, 1863. On
the physical geography of the Malay Archipelago. Journal
of the Royal Geographical Society 33: 217-234. A.T.:
Indonesia; paleogeography; regional biogeography
_____, 1865. On
the phenomena of variation and geographical distribution
as illustrated by the Papilionidae of the Malayan region. Transactions
of the Linnean Society of London 25, pt. 1: 1-71. A.T.: mimicry;
polymorphism; protective coloration; natural selection;
*_____, 1869. The
Malay Archipelago. London: Macmillan.
2 vols. A.T.: Indonesia; natural history; ethnography;
**_____, 1876. The
Geographical Distribution of Animals; With a Study of
the Relations of Living and Extinct Faunas as Elucidating
the Past Changes of the Earth's Surface.
London: Macmillan; New York: Harper & Brothers. 2
vols. A.T.: zoogeography; zoological geography;
geographical zoology; systematic biogeography; paleobiogeography
_____, 1877. The
comparative antiquity of continents, as indicated by the
distribution of living and extinct animals. Proceedings
of the Royal Geographical Society 21(6): 505-534. A.T.: continental
permanence hypothesis; paleogeography; paleobiogeography
*_____, 1878. Tropical
Nature and Other Essays. London: Macmillan.
356 pp. A.T.: tropical regions; natural history
*_____, 1880. Island
Life: Or, The Phenomena and Causes of Insular Faunas
and Floras, Including a Revision and Attempted Solution
of the Problem of Geological Climates.
London: Macmillan; New York: Harper & Brothers (1881).
526 pp. A.T.: glacial epoch; Ice Age causation;
island biogeography; island classification; evolution
_____, 1894. What
are zoological regions? Nature 49: 610-613. A.T.: faunal
regions; faunal realms; systematic biogeography
Eugenius [1841-1924], 1909. Oecology
of Plants; An Introduction to the Study of Plant-Communities.
(transl. of the original 1895 Danish ed., Plantesamfund)
Oxford: The Clarendon Press. 422 pp. A.T.: plant
van der Gracht, Willem A. J. M. van [1873-1943],
ed., 1928. Theory of Continental Drift; A Symposium
on the Origin and Movement of Land Masses Both Inter-continental
and Intra-continental, as Proposed by Alfred Wegener.
Tulsa: American Association of Petroleum Geologists; London:
Thomas Murby & Co. 240 pp.
Hewett Cottrell [1804-1881], 1835. Remarks
on the Geographical Distribution of British Plants: Chiefly
in Connection with Latitude, Elevation, and Climate.
London: Longman et al. 288 pp. A.T.: phytogeography
_____, 1873-1874. Topographical
Botany; Being Local and Personal Records Towards Shewing
the Distribution of British Plants . . . London:
Thames Ditton. 2 vols. A.T.: phytogeography
Alexander S. [1892-1985], 1947. Pattern
and process in the plant community. Journal
of Ecology 35(1-2): 1-22. A.T.: patchiness;
dynamic ecology
Weaver, Harold, 1943. Fire as an ecological and silvicultural
factor in the ponderosa-pine region of the Pacific slope. Journal
of Forestry 41(1): 7-15. A.T.: community ecology;
environmental factors
John E. [1884-1966], and Frederic E. Clements,
1929. Plant Ecology. New York: McGraw-Hill. 520
pp. A.T.: phytogeography; ecological biogeography;
plant succession
Webb, William L. [b. 1913], 1950. Biogeographic
regions of Texas and Oklahoma. Ecology 31(3):
426-433. A.T.: similarity values; mammals; snakes;
climatic factors
Max W. C. [1852-1937], 1902. Der
Indo-Australische Archipel und die Geschichte Seiner Tierwelt.
Jena: Gustav Fischer. 46 pp. A.T.: Weber's Line
Alfred [1880-1930], 1915. Die
Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane. Braunschweig:
Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn. 94 pp. (1924 transl. of the
3rd German ed.: The Origin of Continents and Oceans.
London: Methuen & Co.; New York: Dutton. 212 pp. 1929
German ed.) A.T.: continental drift;
Frits W. [1903-1990], 1948. Ecology
of desert plants. I. Observations on germination in the
Joshua Tree National Monument, California. Ecology 29(3):
*_____, 1949. Ecology
of desert plants. II. The effect of rain and temperature
on germination and growth. Ecology 30(1):
1–13. A.T.: climatic factors; seeds; soil;
Gilbert [1720-1793], 1789. The
Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne, in the County
of Southampton. London: B. White and Son.
468 pp.
Whitford, Philip B. [b. 1920], 1949. Distribution
of woodland plants in relation to succession and clonal
growth. Ecology 30(2): 199-208. A.T.: quadrat
sampling; abundance-frequency ratios; Wisconsin; relative
Gilbert P. [1903-1975], 1932. Marine zoogeographical
regions of Australasia. Australian Naturalist 8(8):
Karl Ludwig [1765-1812], 1792. Grundriss
der Kräuterkunde zu Vorlesungen. Berlin:
Haude und Spener. 486 pp. A.T.: historical biogeography;
phytogeography; botany
C. B. [1889-1981], 1930. The Migration of
Butterflies. Edinburgh & London: Oliver and Boyd. 473
pp. A.T.: animal behavior
*_____, 1943. Area
and number of species. Nature 152: 264-267. A.T.: statistical
methods; species-area relation
_____, 1944. Some
applications of the logarithmic series and the Index of
Diversity to ecological problems. Journal
of Ecology 32(1): 1-44. A.T.: theoretical ecology;
mathematical ecology
_____, 1947. The
logarithmic series and its application to biological problems. Journal
of Ecology 34(2): 253-272. A.T.: theoretical
ecology; mathematical ecology; Index of Diversity
Bailey [1857-1949], 1932. Isthmian links. Bull.
of the Geological Society of America 43(4): 917-952. A.T.: paleogeography;
West Indies; land bridge theory
John C. [1868-1958], 1915. The
endemic flora of Ceylon, with reference to geographical
distribution and evolution in general. Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B 206:
307-342. A.T.: age and area; regional floras
**_____, 1922. Age
and Area; A Study in Geographical Distribution and Origin
of Species. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge
Univ. Press. 259 pp. A.T.: historical biogeography
Alexander [1766-1813], & Charles
Lucien Bonaparte [1803-1857], 1831. American
Ornithology; Or the Natural History of the Birds of the
United States. Edinburgh: Constable and
Co. 4 vols. A.T.: regional faunas
Kazimierz A. [1900-1987], 1950. Introduced
Mammals of New Zealand; An Ecological and Economic Survey.
Wellington: Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research,
Research Bull. No. 98. 255 pp. A.T.: anthropogenic
factors; economic biology
Daniel O. [1904-1995], 1946. Dispersion
of small organisms; distance dispersion rates of bacteria,
spores, seeds, pollen, and insects; incidence rates of
diseases and injuries. American Midland Naturalist 35(1):
1-152. A.T.: horizontal dispersion; vertical dispersion;
distance-decay relationship
Thomas V. [1822-1878], 1854. Insecta
Maderensia; Being an Account of the Insects of the Islands
of the Madeiran Group. London: J. Van Voorst.
634 pp. A.T.: island life
_____, 1878. Testacea
Atlantica, or the Land and Freshwater Shells of the Azores,
Madeiras, Salvages, Canaries, Cape Verdes, and Saint
Helena. London: L. Reeve & Co. 588 pp. A.T.: molluscs;
island life
Albert E. [1910-2002], 1950. Porcupines,
paleogeography, and parallelism. Evolution 4(1):
87-98. A.T.: hystricomorphs; Rodentia; dispersal;
paleobiogeography; paleontology
Sewall [1889-1988], 1940. Breeding
structure of populations in relation to speciation. American
Naturalist 74(752): 232-248. A.T.: genetics;
evolution; isolation
_____, 1941. The
"Age and Area" concept extended (review of The Course of
Evolution by Differentiation or Divergent Mutation rather than
by Selection by J. C. Willis). Ecology 22(3):
345-347. A.T.: evolution; historical biogeography
*_____, 1943. Isolation by distance. Genetics 28:
[Vul'f], Evgenii V. [1885-1941], 1943. An
Introduction to Historical Plant Geography (English
transl. of the 1932 Russian ed.). Waltham, MA: Chronica
Botanica Co. 223 pp. A.T.: historical biogeography;
Vero C. [1906-1997], 1935. On the habits and
distribution of birds on the North Atlantic. Proceedings
of the Boston Society of Natural History 40(4): 233-346. A.T.: behavior
_____, 1937. Isolated arctic-alpine floras in eastern North
America: a discussion of their glacial and recent history. Transactions
of the Royal Society of Canada 31 (3rd Series, Section
V): 33-58. A.T.: nunataks; relictual species distribution
Frederick E. [1905-1963], 1945. The Pleistocene
Period, Its Climate, Chronology and Faunal Successions.
London: Ray Society. 322 pp. A.T.: paleontology
_____, 1946. Dating the Past; An Introduction to Geochronology.
London: Methuen. 444 pp.
Elwood C. [1912-2004], 1942. Distribution
and origin of some Eastern oceanic insects. American
Naturalist 76(764): 280-307. A.T.: waif dispersal;
ocean currents; wind dispersal; island biogeography; Pacific
*_____, 1948. Insects of Hawaii. Vol. 1. Introduction. Honolulu:
Univ. of Hawaii Press. A.T.: regional faunas; island

Classics in Biogeography, Distribution, and Diversity Studies:
To 1950 has been reviewed, profiled or catalogued in
the following online and/or print venues: Science, Journal
of Biogeography, Against the Grain, Choice, Endeavour, Texas
Association of Biology Teachers (website), echo (George
Mason Univ. Center for History and New Media website), Scott's
Botanical Links (website), Earth Science Sites of
the Week (website), The Scout Report (website), Geotimes:
On the Web, Humbul Humanities Hub (website), Intute:
Arts and Humanities (website), BUBL Link / 5:15 (website), History
of Science Society (website), The Open Directory Project (website), Biogate (website),, BES
Bulletin (website), GEM (website), WorldCat (OCLC
database), and NetFirst (OCLC database).
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at this site copyright 2003-2014 by Charles H. Smith. All
rights reserved. Last modified 16 February 2012.