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Alfred Russel Wallace : Alfred Wallace : A. R. Wallace :
Russel Wallace : Alfred Russell Wallace (sic)

Bibliography Part I (cont.):
Papers, Essays, Reviews, Letters to the Editor, etc. (S460-S712: 1893-1913+)

S460. lttE [one of two printed as 'The Earth's Age']. Nature 47: 227 (226-227) (5 Jan. 1893: no. 1210).

S461. Man and Evolution [review of Evolution and Man's Place in Nature by Henry Calderwood, 1893; signed 'A. R. W.']. Nature 47: 385-386 (23 Feb. 1893: no. 1217).

S462. The Glacier Theory of Alpine Lakes [lttE]. Nature 47: 437-438 (9 March 1893: no. 1219).
--synopsis/N printed in The Glacialists' Magazine 1(6): 144-145 (Jan. 1894).

S463. Reveries of a Naturalist [review of Idle Days in Patagonia by William H. Hudson, 1893]. Nature 47: 483-484 (23 March 1893: no. 1221).

S464. Inaccessible Valleys; A Study in Physical Geography. Nineteenth Century 33: 391-404 (March 1893: no. 193).
--reprints: Littell's Living Age 197 (5th s., vol. 82): 498-508 (20 May 1893: no. 2551); slightly revised version printed in SSS, Vol. 1: 1-27 (Nov. 1900).

S465. Note on Mr. Jukes-Browne's Paper [concerning the origin and classification of islands]. Natural Science 2: 193-194 (March 1893: no. 13).

S466. The Social Quagmire and the Way Out of It. I. The Farmers. Arena 7: 395-410 (March 1893: no. 40) / The Social Quagmire and the Way Out of It. II. Wage-workers. Arena 7: 525-542 (April 1893: no. 41).
--reprint: in SSS, Vol. 2: 394-431 (Nov. 1900).

S467. The Late Mr. S. J. Davey's Experiments [lttE followed by a lengthy reply from Richard Hodgson]. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 6 (1893-94): 33-36 (33-47) (March 1893: no. 98).

S467a. The Sanitation of the Borough [news story/N concerning a Local Government Board inquiry held 19 April 1893; includes a summary of comments Wallace made during the meeting]. The Western Gazette (Somerset), 21 April 1893: 6.

S468. Are Individually Acquired Characters Inherited? I. Fortnightly Review 53 (n.s.; 59, o.s.): 490-498 (1 April 1893: no. 316, n.s.) / II. Fortnightly Review 53 (n.s.; 59, o.s.): 655-668 (1 May 1893: no. 317, n.s.).
--reprinted with slight revisions in SSS, Vol. 1: 315-344 (Nov. 1900).

S469. Mr. H. O. Forbes's Discoveries in the Chatham Islands [lttE]. Nature 48: 27-28 (11 May 1893: no. 1228).

S470. Reason Versus Instinct [review of The Intelligence of Animals by Charles William Purnell, 1893]. Nature 48: 73-74 (25 May 1893: no. 1230).

S471. President's Address, 1893. The Conditions Essential to the Success of Small Holdings. [read by William Volckman, Chairman, at the twelfth annual meeting of the LNS, 15 June 1893]. in Report of the Land Nationalisation Society, 1892-3 (Land Nationalisation Society Tract no. 50: Land Nationalisation Society, London, June 1893): 15-23; also printed in Land and Labor no. 45: 3-4 (July 1893); also printed as LNS Tract no. 51 (LNS, London, 1893; pp. (1)-2-7).
--reprinted with slight modification as part of S585 in SSS, Vol. 2: 354-363 (Nov. 1900).

S472. discussion [of letter by Graham Officer; printed with Officer's letter as 'The Glacier Theory of Alpine Lakes']. Nature 48: 198 (198) (29 June 1893: no. 1235).

S472a. Dr. A. Russel Wallace and the BFA [lttE dated 1 Dec. 1892, Parkstone, Dorset]. The Social Problem, Organ of the British Freeland Association June 1893: 29-30. [contributed by John van Wyhe]
--reprinted untitled in Freeland; A Social Anticipation by Theodor Hertzka (Freeland Printing & Pub. Co., New York, 1904): (2) (second page of thirteen-page unnumbered ‘The Freeland Movement’ essay preceding the main work).

S473. The Non-inheritance of Acquired Characters [lttE]. Nature 48: 267 (20 July 1893: no. 1238).

S474. The Response to the Appeal. From Prelates, Pundits and Persons of Distinction. [article/N posting results of a survey of opinion concerning the stated intended purpose of the journal; Wallace's one of many responses printed]. Borderland 1: 17 (10-23) (July 1893: no. 1).

S475. The Bacon-Shakespeare Case. Verdict No. I. [one of many solicited responses concerning the authorship of Shakespeare's works]. Arena 8: 222-225 (July 1893: no. 44).
--excerpt reprinted in Paragraph-Writing; A Rhetoric for Colleges (new ed.) ed. by Fred Newton Scott & Joseph Villiers Denney (Allyn and Bacon, Boston & Chicago, 1909): 354-356; edited version reprinted in Is It Shakespeare? by "A Cambridge Graduate" (J. Murray, London, 1903): 118-119.

S476. Prenatal Influences on Character [lttE]. Nature 48: 389-390 (24 Aug. 1893: no. 1243).
--reprints: Pall Mall Gazette 57(8876): 8a (26 Aug. 1893); in A Bedside Nature; Genius and Eccentricity in Science 1869-1953 ed. by Walter Gratzer (W. H. Freeman and Company, New York, 1997): 93; partial reprint in Radiant Motherhood by Marie Carmichael Stopes (G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York & London, 1921): 145-147; reprinted verbatim in The Brisbane Courier 50: 7a-b (3 Nov. 1893: no. 11,172).

S477. Habits of South African Animals [lttE introducing comments by R. R. Mortimer on some South African birds]. Nature 48: 390-391 (24 Aug. 1893: no. 1243).

S478. Notes on the Growth of Opinion as to Obscure Psychical Phenomena During the Last Fifty Years [a paper communicated to the Psychical Congress in Chicago, held 21-25 Aug. 1893; sent from Parkstone, Dorset, England]. Religio-Philosophical Journal (Chicago) 4 (n.s.), no. 15: 229a-230a (2 Sept. 1893).
--reprints: The Two Worlds (Manchester) 6: 440-441 (15 Sept. 1893: no. 305); as 'Science and Psychics. Fifty Years' Progress.' in Borderland 1: 149-150 (Oct. 1893: no. 2); in German as 'Geheimpsychologie und Öffentliche Meinung in den Letzten Fünfzig Jahren' in Sphinx (Leipzig) 18(95): 17-22 (Jan. 1894); reprinted with slight revision as 'Preface to the Third Edition' in Miracles and Modern Spiritualism (3rd ed.): ix-xvii (Jan. 1896); reprinted from the latter as 'The Evidence of Facts' as part of an article/N entitled 'Shall We Live After Death; And If So, How? Speculations.' in Borderland 3(3): 269-270 (258-272) (July 1896); excerpts from the 'Preface' version reprinted in 'Dr. Wallace's Volume on Modern Spiritual Philosophy' by B. O. Flower in Arena 16: 165-167 (June 1896); extracts from paper entitled 'Some Notes by Alfred R. Wallace' reprinted in Light (London) 13: 439 (16 Sept. 1893: no. 662).

S479. On Malformation From Pre-natal Influence on the Mother [a letter communicated to the 15 Sept. 1893 (Nottingham) meeting of Section D, Biology, of the BAAS]. in Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 63 (1893) (John Murray, London, 1894): 798-799.

S479a. letter [to Parliament, concerning postal service charges]. in The Parliamentary Debates, Authorised Edition. Fourth Series: Volume 17. [5 Sept. 1893 through 22 Sept. 1893] (Eyre and Spottiswoode, London, 1893): column 1685 (19 Sept. 1893).

S480. The Supposed Glaciation of Brazil [lttE]. Nature 48: 589-590 (19 Oct. 1893: no. 1251).
--summary/N printed in The Glacialists' Magazine 1(6): 147 (Jan. 1894).

S480a. letter extract [to Charles A. Keeler, concerning the colors of feathers; included in Keeler's article 'The Evolution of the Colors of North American Land Birds.--A Reply to Criticism.']. The Auk 10(4): 375 (373-380) (Oct. 1893).

S481. The Ice Age and Its Work. I. Erratic Blocks and Ice-sheets. Fortnightly Review 54 (n.s.; 60, o.s.): 616-633 (1 Nov. 1893: no. 323, n.s.) / The Ice Age and Its Work. II. Erosion of Lake Basins. Fortnightly Review 54 (n.s.; 60, o.s.): 750-774 (1 Dec. 1893: no. 324, n.s.).
--reprints: in four parts in Popular Science Monthly 44: 681-689 (March 1894) & 781-791 (April 1894) / 45: 40-50 (May 1894) & 244-258 (June 1894); slightly revised versions printed in SSS, Vol. 1: 59-93, 94-128 (Nov. 1900); selections from each part reprinted in Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution (to July 1893) (Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., 1894): 277-286, 286-300; this subsequently issued as Octavo pamphlet no. 945 (pp. 24; plate); summary/N entitled 'The Origin of Lake Basins' printed in The Glacialists' Magazine 1(5): 113-116 (Dec. 1893).

S482. The Recent Glaciation of Tasmania [lttE]. Nature 49: 3-4 (2 Nov. 1893: no. 1253).

S482a. Footpaths Along Railways. Letter From Dr. A. Russel Wallace. [lttE suggesting the implementation of pedestrian-ways]. The Leeds Mercury no. 17346: 3h (8 Nov. 1893).

S483. The Programme of Land Nationalisers [a paper read at a general meeting of the LNS held 15 Nov. 1893]. Land and Labor no. 50: 1-2 (Dec. 1893).

S484. Sir Henry H. Howorth on "Geology in Nubibus" [lttE concerning glacial movement]. Nature 49: 52 (16 Nov. 1893: no. 1255).

S485. Recognition Marks [letter responding to inquiry regarding rabbits' use of their tails as danger signals]. Nature 49: 53 (16 Nov. 1893: no. 1255).

S486. "Geology in Nubibus" [letter responding to remarks by Henry H. Howorth concerning glacial movement]. Nature 49: 101 (30 Nov. 1893: no. 1257).

S486a. The Problem of the Unemployed [relating the ideas in Herbert V. Mills's book Poverty and the State to this subject]. The Daily Chronicle (London) no. 9921: 7a-b (26 Dec. 1893).

S487. lttE [one of two printed as 'The Origin of Lake Basins']. Nature 49: 197 (197) (28 Dec. 1893: no. 1261).

S488. Preface. to The Dispersal of Shells; An Inquiry Into the Means of Dispersal Possessed by Fresh-water and Land Mollusca by Harry Wallis Kew (International Scientific Series, Vol. LXXV: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., Ltd., London, 7 Dec. 1893): v-viii.

S488a. letter [to J. F. Snyder, concerning an archeological artifact; included in Snyder's article 'The Ohio Llama'; dated 4 March 1887]. The Archaeologist (Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society) 1(12): 240 (235-241) (Dec. 1893).

S488b. letter [to Alexander Milton Ross, concerning Ross's work as an anti-vaccinationist; sent from Frith Hill, Godalming]. in the Appendix to Ross's Memoirs of a Reformer (Hunter, Rose & Company, Toronto, 1893): 270-271.

S489. lttE [one of two printed as 'The Origin of Lake Basins']. Nature 49: 220-221 (220-221) (4 Jan. 1894: no. 1262).

S490. Why Does Man Exist? [letter to Arthur J. Bell, author of Why Does Man Exist? (1890); treated here as a notice of that book; dated 12 Nov. 1891, Parkstone, Dorset]. Borderland 1: 272 (Jan. 1894: no. 3).

S491. How to Preserve the House of Lords. Contemporary Review 65: 114-122 (Jan. 1894).
--reprint: as 'A Representative House of Lords' in SSS, Vol. 2: 223-234 (Nov. 1900).

S492. Richard Spruce, Ph.D., F.R.G.S. [obituary signed 'A. R. W.']. Nature 49: 317-319 (1 Feb. 1894: no. 1266).

S492a. The New Utopia in East Africa [article/N including abridged announcement by Wallace and Theodor Hertzka concerning the planned Freeland Colony near Mt. Kenya]. Pall Mall Gazette no. 9010: 8a (7 Feb. 1894).
--reprints: entire (unabridged) announcement printed as 'Freeland Colony.--Pioneers Sail for East Africa.' in The West Australian (Perth, Western Australia) 10 (n.s.): 6b-c (26 March 1894: no. 2531, n.s.), and in The Western Mail (Perth, Western Australia) 9: 26c (31 March 1894: no. 432).

S493. A Critic Criticised [review of Darwinianism: Workmen and Work by James Hutchison Stirling, 1893]. Nature 49: 333-336 (8 Feb. 1894: no. 1267).

S493a. Progressive Death Duties and Income Tax [lttE]. Daily Chronicle (London) no. 9984: 6g (9 March 1894).

S494. What Are Zoological Regions? [a paper read at the 500th meeting of the Cambridge Natural Science Club, 12 March 1894]. Nature 49: 610-613 (26 April 1894: no. 1278).

S494a. letter [to Editor Robert Blatchford (?), printed in his "Clarion Letters" column; concerning Blatchford's book Merrie England]. The Clarion (London) no. 121: 3f (3d-3f) (31 March 1894).

S495. President's Address [presented at the thirteenth annual meeting of the LNS, 9 April 1894; includes a notice of Social Evolution by Benjamin Kidd (1894)]. in 13th Report of the Land Nationalisation Society, 1893-4 (Land Nationalisation Society Tract no. 56: Land Nationalisation Society, London, April 1894): 15-24; also printed in Land and Labor no. 54: 34-37 (May 1894); also printed as pamphlet entitled The Local Government (England and Wales) Act, 1894, Relating to Parish Councils, etc. (Land Nationalisation Tract no. 57: Land Nationalisation Society, London, May 1894; pp. (1)-11).

S496. The Future of Civilisation [review of Social Evolution by Benjamin Kidd, 1894]. Nature 49: 549-551 (12 April 1894: no. 1276).

S497. lttE [one of two printed as 'Woman and Natural Selection']. Humanitarian 4 (n.s.), no. 4: 315 (315-319) (April 1894).

S498. Economic and Social Justice. in Vox Clamantium; The Gospel of the People by "writers, preachers & workers brought together by Andrew Reid" (A. D. Innes & Co., London, April 1894): 166-197.
--reprints: in SSS, Vol. 2: 432-454 (Nov. 1900); as 'The Soil; "Land and Its Ownership in the Past"' in The Meaning of Modern Life ed. by Charles F. Horne (The National Alumni, New York, 1907): Chapter XXIX.

S499. Panmixia and Natural Selection [lttE]. Nature 50: 196-197 (28 June 1894: no. 1287).

S500. The Palæarctic and Nearctic Regions Compared as Regards the Families and Genera of Their Mammalia and Birds. Natural Science 4: 433-445 (June 1894: no. 28).
--reprint: in SSS, Vol. 1: 235-249 (Nov. 1900).

S501. A New Book on Socialism [review of The Great Revolution of 1905; Or The Story of the Phalanx by Frederick W. Hayes, 1893]. Land and Labor no. 57: 52-54 (July 1894).

S502. The Influence of Previous Fertilisation of the Female on Her Subsequent Offspring, And the Effect of Maternal Impressions During Pregnancy on the Offspring [interim report to the BAAS drawn up by James Clark, member of Wallace-chaired committee studying this subject; meeting held in Oxford in Aug. 1894]. in Report of the Sixty-fourth Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science (1894) (John Murray, London, 1894): 346.

S502a. lttE [one of two printed as 'The Fourth Dimension,' discussing as to whether there is a fourth dimension to "space"]. Light (London) 14: 467 (466-467) (29 Sept. 1894: no. 716).

S503. Rev. George Henslow on Natural Selection. Natural Science 5: 177-183 (Sept. 1894: no. 31).
--reprint: as 'A Critic of Natural Selection Answered' in SSS, Vol. 1: 305-314 (Nov. 1900).

S504. Another Substitute for Darwinism [review of Nature's Method in the Evolution of Life by "Anonymous" [James W. Barclay], 1894]. Nature 50: 541-542 (4 Oct. 1894: no. 1301).

S504a. letter [to Taylor White concerning the kea; read as part of White's 'The Kea (Nestor notabilis), a Sheep-eating Parrot,' a presentation made to the Hawke's Bay (New Zealand) Philosophical Institute on 8 Oct. 1894]. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 27: 277 (273-280) (1894).

S505. A Suggestion to Sabbath-keepers. Nineteenth Century 36: 604-611 (Oct. 1894: no. 212).
--reprint: as 'A Counsel of Perfection for Sabbatarians' in SSS, Vol. 2: 364-374 (Nov. 1900).

S506. Why Live a Moral Life? The Answer of Rationalism. [one of several invited replies to an inquiry; in part based on S243]. in The Agnostic Annual 1895 ed. by Charles A. Watts (London, W. Stewart & Co., Oct.? 1894): 6-12.
--reprints: in SSS, Vol. 2: 375-383 (Nov. 1900); edited and reprinted as 'Immortality and Morality' in Borderland 2: 10-11 (Jan. 1895: no. 7); excerpts printed as 'Why Live a Moral Life?' in The Two Worlds (Manchester) 7: 505-506 (26 Oct. 1894: no. 363).

S507. The Social Economy of the Future. in The New Party Described by Some of Its Members (new ed.) ed. by Andrew Reid (Hodder Brothers, London, Dec. 1894): 177-211.

S507a. The Word "Scientist." [article/N including the results of a general inquiry on the desirability of the word; Wallace's response, dated 8 Dec. 1894, one of several printed]. Science-Gossip 1 (n.s.): 242 (242-243) (1894/95: no. 10?, n.s.). [contributed by James Moore]

S508. Note on Compensation to Landlords [not the same article as S391]. Land and Labor no. 63: 5 (Jan. 1895).

S509. Forty-five Years' Registration Statistics. A Correction. [lttE]. The Vaccination Inquirer and Health Review 16: 159-160 (1 Feb. 1895: no. 191).

S510. The Method of Organic Evolution. I. Fortnightly Review 57 (n.s.; 63, o.s.): 211-224 (1 Feb. 1895: no. 338, n.s.) / II. Fortnightly Review 57 (n.s.; 63, o.s.): 435-445 (1 March 1895: no. 339, n.s.).
--reprints: in Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution (to July 1894) (Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., 1896): 413-425, 426-435; this subsequently issued as Octavo pamphlet no. 1013 (pp. 22); reprinted with minor revisions in SSS, Vol. 1: 345-377 (Nov. 1900).

S510a. The Alleged Increase of Poverty [lttE replying to comments made by C. N. Nicholson]. The Daily Chronicle (London) no. 10293: 3f-g (5 March 1895).

S511. Tan-spots Over Dogs' Eyes [lttE responding to an inquiry). Nature 51: 533 (4 April 1895: no. 1327).

S512. Suggestions for Solving the Problem of the Unemployed, etc., etc. [Presidential Address read at the fourteenth annual meeting of the LNS, 8 April 1895]. Land Nationalisation Tract no. 64 (Land Nationalisation Society, London, April? 1895; pp. (1)-20); also printed as 'President's Address' in Land and Labor no. 67: 40-45 (May 1895).
--reprints: with changes and additions as 'Re-occupation of the Land: The Only Solution to the Problem of the Unemployed' in Forecasts of the Coming Century by a Decade of Writers ed. by Edward Carpenter (The Labour Press Ltd., Manchester, Aug. 1897 / W. Scott, Ltd., London, 1897): 9-26; this then reprinted as 'Re-occupation of the Land' in Hand and Brain: A Symposium of Essays on Socialism by William Morris and others (Roycroft Printing Shop, East Aurora, New York, 1898): 25-43; 1897 version reprinted in French as 'La Réoccupation de la Terre' in L'Humanité Nouvelle 3: 385-395 (Octobre 1898); revised version revised further and printed as 'Re-occupation of the Land: The Only Immediate Solution to the Problem of the Unemployed' in SSS, Vol. 2: 478-492 (Nov. 1900); excerpt reprinted as 'Security of the Home' in My Life, Vol. 2: 264-265 (Oct. 1905).

S513. lttE [one of two printed as 'The Age of the Earth']. Nature 51: 607 (607-608) (25 April 1895: no. 1330).

S513a. A Series of Remarkable Seances [lttE introducing seance narratives from General F. J. Lippitt, of Washington, D.C.]. Light (London) 15: 194 (194-197) (27 April 1895: no. 746).

S514. Uniformitarianism in Geology [lttE]. Nature 52: 4 (2 May 1895: no. 1331).

S514a. editorial comment [concerning an address by Sir Walter L. Buller on the natural history of New Zealand birds; not signed, but referred to as being by Wallace on page 180 of a later publication of Buller's, 'Notes on the Ornithology of New Zealand,' in Volume 29 of the Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 1896]. Nature 52(1333): 60 (in the 'Notes' feature, 58-61) (16 May 1895).

S515. Another Book on Social Evolution [review of The Evolution of Industry by Henry Dyer, 1895]. Nature 52: 386-387 (22 Aug. 1895: no. 1347).

S515a. lttE [on the subject of spiritualistic 'doubles'; printed (along with the Editor's reply) as 'Talks with Tien.--No. II. Through the Mediumship of Mr. J. J. Morse']. Light (London) 15(763): 398b (24 Aug. 1895).

S516. discussion [concerning a letter Wallace sent to Adolf B. Meyer in 1869; Meyer's letter (containing an excerpt from the 1869 letter) and Wallace's comments thereon printed as 'How Was Wallace Led to the Discovery of Natural Selection?']. Nature 52: 415 (415) (29 Aug. 1895: no. 1348).

S517. Our Native Birds [review of British Birds by William H. Hudson, 1895]. Saturday Review 80: 342-343 (14 Sept. 1895: no. 2081).

S518. The Expressiveness of Speech, Or Mouth-gesture as a Factor in the Origin of Language. Fortnightly Review 58 (n.s.; 64, o.s.): 528-543 (1 Oct. 1895: no. 346, n.s.).
--reprints: Littell's Living Age 207 (6th s., vol. 8): 369-380 (9 Nov. 1895: no. 2679); Eclectic Magazine 62(5) (n.s.; 125(5), o.s.): 649-660 (Nov. 1895); in SSS, Vol. 2: 115-137 (Nov. 1900).

S518ac. Agriculture and the Land Laws [lttE and "resolution" drawn up by Wallace, A. C. Swinton, and Joseph Hyder, and printed in a number of newspapers]. The Standard (London) no. 22238: 2f (10 Oct. 1895).
--partial reprint as ‘Land Laws and the Agricultural Depression’ in The Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser no. 12144: 3c (11 Oct. 1895).

S518a. The Exposure of Eusapia [lttE concerning the celebrated exposure of the spiritualistic medium Eusapia Palladino]. The Daily Chronicle (London) no. 10500: 6e (1 Nov. 1895).

S519. Introductory Note. to Psychic Philosophy as the Foundation of a Religion of Natural Law by V. C. Desertis [pseudonym of Stanley DeBrath] (George Redway, London, 5 Dec. 1895 / Bellairs & Co., London, Nov. 1895): v-vi; note reprinted on pages v-vi of new edition of 1909.

S519a. two letters [to Alfred Erny, on spiritualistic subjects; dated 28 March 1893 and December 1892; originals likely in English but here translated into French]. in Le Psychisme Expérimental; Étude des Phénomènes Psychiques by Alfred Erny (Librairie E. Flammarion, Paris, 1895): 161-162, 162-164.

S520. lttE [one of two printed as 'The Cause of an Ice Age']. Nature 53: 220-221 (220-221) (9 Jan. 1896: no. 1367).

S520a. Eusapia Palladino [lttE]. The Daily Chronicle (London) no. 10572: 3g (24 Jan. 1896).

S521. The Astronomical Theory of a Glacial Period [lttE]. Nature 53: 317 (6 Feb. 1896: no. 1371).

S521a. Peat Fibre for Orchids [brief request for information]. The Garden 49: 117b (15 Feb. 1896: no. 1265).

S521c. letter [to Clarion columnist "Nunquam" (pseudn. of Editor Robert Blatchford) regarding columnist "The Bounder’s" writings]. The Clarion (London) no. 220: 5f (5f-6f) (22 Feb. 1896).

S522. The Theory of the Double. Light (London) 16: 87-88 (22 Feb. 1896: no. 789).
--reprint: as 'On the Theory of the Double. A Suggestion.' in Borderland 3(2): 173-175 (April 1896).

S522a. Democracy and Voting Power [letter to Clarion columnist "Nunquam" (pseudn. of Editor Robert Blatchford)]. The Clarion (London) no. 221: 4e-4f (4e-5c) (29 Feb. 1896).

S523. Philosophy and Evolution [review of Evolution and Man's Place in Nature (2nd ed.) by Henry Calderwood, 1896; signed 'A. R. W.']. Nature 53: 435 (12 March 1896: no. 1376).

S524. Old and New Theories of Evolution [review of The Primary Factors of Organic Evolution by Edward D. Cope, 1896; and The Present Evolution of Man by G. Archdall Reid, 1896]. Nature 53: 553-555 (16 April 1896: no. 1381).

S525. Letter From the President [to Joseph Hyder, read at the fifteenth annual meeting of the LNS, 20 April 1896]. Land and Labour no. 79: 33-34 (May 1896).

S526. The Proposed Gigantic Model of the Earth. Contemporary Review 69: 730-740 (May 1896).
--reprints: Littell's Living Age 209 (6th s., vol. 10): 692-700 (13 June 1896: no. 2710); Eclectic Magazine 63(6) (n.s.; 126(6), o.s.): 791-798 (June 1896); as 'How Best to Model the Earth' in SSS, Vol. 2: 59-73 (Nov. 1900).

S527. The Problem of Utility: Are Specific Characters Always or Generally Useful? [a paper read at the LSL meeting of 18 June 1896]. Journal of the Linnean Society: Zoology 25: 481-496 (1896).
--reprint: in SSS, Vol. 1: 378-398 (Nov. 1900).

S527a. Miracles and Modern Spiritualism [lttE concerning the new edition of this book]. Light (London) no. 806: 298 (20 June 1896).

S527b. note/N [concerning a mis-statement in Gustave Le Bon's book The Crowd as to Wallace's personal knowledge of the conjuror S. J. Davey]. The Daily Chronicle (London) 29 June 1896 [not seen].
--reprinted untitled in Light (London) 16(808): 319b-320a (4 July 1896).

S528. lttE [concerning labour and militarism to Keir Hardie, on the occasion of the International Labour Congress]. The Labour Leader 8: 251 (25 July 1896: no. 121, n.s.).
--reprint: as 'Passive Resistance' in Full Report of the Proceedings of the International Workers' Congress London, July and August, 1896 (The Labour Leader, Glasgow & London, 1896): 73-74; reprinted untitled in The Labour Leader 8(21), n.s.: 251b-c (25 July 1896); excerpt reprinted as 'Dr. Wallace on Passive Resistance' in The Herald of Peace and International Arbitration (London) no. 566 (n.s.): 135 (1 Oct. 1896).

S529. The Gorge of the Aar and Its Teachings. Fortnightly Review 60 (n.s.; 66, o.s.): 175-182 (1 Aug. 1896: no. 356, n.s.).
--reprints: The Glacialists' Magazine 4(2): 61-71 (Sept. 1896); slightly revised version printed in SSS, Vol. 1: 129-145 (Nov. 1900).

S530. Spiritualism [lttE]. The Echo (London) no. 8637: 4a (12 Sept. 1896).
--extract included in note/N entitled 'Mr. Alfred R. Wallace, F.R.S., in the Echo' in Light (London) 16: 449 (19 Sept. 1896: no. 819).

S530a. letter excerpt [concerning Morrison Davidson's discussion of Saxons and Britons in his book The Annals of Toil]. The Aberystwyth Observer no. 2533: 2c (8 Oct. 1896).

S531. Methods of Land Nationalisation. Land and Labour no. 85: 82-83 (Nov. 1896).

S531a. letters [thirteen letters to James Croll concerning astronomy, climatology, and glaciology; dates ranging from 1870 to 1889]. in Autobiographical Sketch of James Croll LL.D., F.R.S., etc. (with Memoir of His Life and Work by James Campbell Irons) (E. Stanford, London, 1896): 247, 247-249, 271, 334-335, 336-337, 337-339, 358-359, 361, 382, 387, 440-442, 468-469, 470-471.

S531b. Dr. Alfred Russell Wallace, F.R.S. [lttE affirming Wallace's continuing belief in phrenology]. In The British Phrenological Year Book 1896 ed. by J. P. Blackford (British Phrenological Association, London): 64 (1896).

S531c. letter excerpt (to Keir Hardie?) [concerning the creation of the William Morris Labour Church at Leek, Staffordshire; mentioned in the column 'Here and There']. The Labour Leader Ninth Year: 13d (13c-13e) (9 Jan. 1897).

S532. Darwin and Darwinism [review of Charles Darwin and the Theory of Natural Selection by Edward B. Poulton, 1896]. Nature 55: 289-290 (28 Jan. 1897: no. 1422).

S533. Lord Penrhyn and the Quarrymen [full version of a lttE first printed in edited form as 'What Parliament Should Do' in The Daily Chronicle (London) no. 10885: 10d (23 Jan. 1897)]. Land and Labour no. 88: 9-10 (Feb. 1897).

S534. The Problem of Instinct [review of Habit and Instinct by C. Lloyd Morgan, 1896]. Natural Science 10: 161-168 (March 1897: no. 61).
--reprints: Scientific American Supplement 43: 17724-17725 (3 April 1897: no. 1109); in SSS, Vol. 1: 497-508 (Nov. 1900).

S534b. Byron [lttE concerning an unidentified poem; dated Parkstone, Dorset]. The Echo (London) no. 8825: 1c (22 April 1897).

S535. On the Colour and Colour-patterns of Moths and Butterflies [comments on a paper on this subject by Alfred Goldsborough Mayer; signed 'A. R. W.']. Nature 55: 618-619 (29 April 1897: no. 1435).

S535ab. "The Notables of Britain": A Portrait Gallery of Contemporaries [article, probably by W. T. Stead, containing a communication from Wallace on his favorite motto, "fiat justitia, ruat coelum"]. Review of Reviews (London) 15(6): 592 (586-592) (June 1897).

S535ad. The Queen's Reign. Its Most Striking Characteristic and Most Beneficent Achievement. [article/N posting results of a survey in which Wallace's was one of ten responses printed; Wallace's remarks apparently were aired as early as May 1897, as a number of newspapers reported on their reception around that time]. Temple Magazine (London) 1(9): 710 (709-712) (Sept. 1897).

S535a. Cattleya Mendeli and C. Mossiæ [brief request for information; signed 'A. R. W.' and probably Wallace]. The Garden 52: 276a (9 Oct. 1897: no. 1351).

S536. Vaccination a Delusion; Its Penal Enforcement a Crime: Proved by the Official Evidence in the Reports of the Royal Commission. Swan Sonnenschein & Co., Ltd., London, 18 Feb. 1898 (according to My Life (Vol. 2, p. 353), "brought out" as a booklet for distribution in Jan. 1898); pp. (1)-96; 12 fold-out diagrams.
--reprints: as Chapter 18 of The Wonderful Century: 213-323 (includes the Appendix 'The Causes of the Improvement in the Health of London toward the End of the Eighteenth and Beginning of the Nineteenth Centuries,' not present in the 1898 pamphlet edition; American eds. pagination: 213-324) (10 June 1898); this then reprinted as pamphlet ("Second Edition": The National Anti-Vaccination League & Swan Sonnenschein & Co., Ltd., London, 1901 & 1904; pp. (i)-(iv), 213-323 (plus two pages of Index, unnumbered); 12 fold-out diagrams).

S536b. lttE [concerning poaching; placed under 'ILP Notes and News']. The Labour Leader Tenth Year: 63e (19 Feb. 1898).

S537. The Eagle and the Serpent [letter commending the aims of The Eagle and the Serpent]. The Clarion (London) no. 328: 95b (19 March 1898).

S538. Mr. A. R. Wallace and Vaccination [lttE dated 20 March 1898, Parkstone, Dorset]. Lancet, Vol. 1 for 1898: 894 (26 March 1898: no. 3891).
--reprint: loosely transcribed as 'Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace and the Lancet' in The Vaccination Inquirer and Health Review 20: 12 (1 April 1898: no. 229).

S539. The Eagle and the Serpent [an ad including comments by Wallace commending the aims of the journal]. Justice (London) 15(742): 8a (2 April 1898).
--reprints: The Eagle and the Serpent 1(2): 21 (15 April 1898) & 1(3): 46 (15 June 1898).

S540. Nietzsche as a Social Reformer, Or, The Joys of Fleecing and Being Fleeced [article/N posting results of a general inquiry; Wallace's one of several responses printed]. The Eagle and the Serpent 1(2): 26-27 (25-28) (15 April 1898).

S541. letter [to Joseph Hyder, read at the seventeenth annual meeting of the LNS, 20 April 1898; dated 19 April 1898, Parkstone, Dorset]. Land and Labour no. 103: 35 (May 1898).

S541a. letter [to Julia Dawson, concerning The Clarion Van; dated Parkstone, Dorset, 18 April 1898]. The Clarion (London) no. 334: 8d (8d-8f) (30 April 1898).

S542. Vaccination and Its Enforcement. Dr. Bond and Mr. A. R. Wallace. [lttE dated 9 May 1898, Parkstone]. The Daily Chronicle (London) no. 11291: 3b (12 May 1898).
--reprints: as 'Dr. Bond v. Mr. A. R. Wallace' in Shrewsbury Chronicle 20 May 1898: 3b; as 'Dr. Bond v. Mr. A. R. Wallace. A Spirited Challenge.' in The Echo (London) no. 9152: 1f (11 May 1898).

S543. letter [included in note/N entitled 'Dr. Alfred R. Wallace on Altruism: Mr. Platt's Repudiation']. The Eagle and the Serpent 1(3): 36 (15 June 1898).

S544. Dr. Bond and Mr. A. R. Wallace. Mr. Wallace Replies. [lttE concerning vaccination; dated 13 June, Parkstone]. The Echo (London) no. 9183: 1c (16 June 1898).

S544b. Dr. Bond's Methods [lttE dated 18 June, Parkstone]. The Echo (London) no. 9187: 2d (21 June 1898).

S545. Spiritualism and Social Duty [from an address delivered at the International Congress of Spiritualists on 23 June 1898, at St. James Hall, London]. Light (London) 18: 334-336 (selection followed by an account of related discussion on pp. 336-337) (9 July 1898: no. 913).
--reprints: Light of Truth (Chicago) 23(5): 2-3 (30 July 1898); Light version reprinted as pamphlet (London, 1898?, pp. 8); main portion of address printed privately as pamphlet as Justice, Not Charity, As the Fundamental Principle of Social Reform. An Appeal to My Readers. (The Friars Printing Association, Limited, London, summer 1898; pp. (1)-(5), 6-14); reprinted under this title "with verbal modifications" in SSS, Vol. 2: 521-528 (Nov. 1900).

S546. discussion/N [of paper on Brazilian spiritism by A. Alexander read at the 23 June 1898 session of the International Congress of Spiritualists]. Light (London) 18: 337 (9 July 1898: no. 913).

S547. The Importance of Dust: A Source of Beauty and Essential to Life. Chapter 9 of The Wonderful Century: 69-85 (68-84, American edition; pp. 170-191 of the "New Edition" of Sept. 1903) (June 1898).
--reprint: in English Prose selected and ed. by Frederick William Roe & George Roy Elliott (Longmans, Green, & Co., New York, Nov. 1913): 278-291; reprinted in part in Expository Writing compiled and ed. by Maurice Garland Fulton (Macmillan, New York, 1912): 1-11, and in English, Science, and Engineering selected and ed. by J. Lawrence Eason & Maurice H. Weseen (Doubleday, Page & Company, Garden City, NY, 1918): 176-190.

S547aa. Dr. Bond and Mr. A. R. Wallace [lttE dated 6 July, Parkstone]. The Echo (London) no. 9202: 1c (8 July 1898).

S547a. The Natural History Museum [an open memorial/N addressed to the Trustees of the British Museum concerning the management of the Natural History Museum; signed by dozens of noteworthies, including Wallace]. The Times (London) no. 35564: 10a (9 July 1898).

S548. Dr. Bond and Mr. A. R. Wallace. Mr. Wallace's Final Reply. [lttE]. The Echo (London) no. 9234: 1c (15 Aug. 1898).

S549. Darwinism in Sociology: Dr. Alfred Russell [sic] Wallace Replies to Mr. Thomas Common. The Eagle and the Serpent 1(4): 57-59 (1 Sept. 1898).
--partial reprint as 'The Average of Inherent Vice. Diminishing the Rate of Increase.' in The Labour Leader Tenth Year: 318a-318b (24 Sept. 1898).

S550. letter [referring to the intent of the journal and to a book by Ragnar Redbeard]. The Eagle and the Serpent 1(4): 62 (1 Sept. 1898).

S551. The Vaccination Question [lttE from Corfe View, Parkstone; originally published several days earlier in a local newspaper, the Parkstone Reminder]. The Times (London) no. 35610: 10e (1 Sept. 1898).
--reprint: as 'Mr. Alfred Russel Wallace on Vaccination' in The Echo (London) 3 Sept 1898, p. 1c.

S551a. The Burmese Lily. (Lilium ochroleucum.) [lttE giving a short description of the species]. The Garden 54: 259a-c (including photograph) (1 Oct. 1898: no. 1402).

S552. letter [to columnist "Dangle" concerning socialist reforms and the monopoly of money]. The Clarion (London) no. 357: 325c-d (8 Oct. 1898).

S553. Is There Scarcity or Monopoly of Money? [letter to columnist "Dangle"]. The Clarion (London) no. 360: 348c-e (29 Oct. 1898).

S554. The Wonderful Century.--A Correction. Land and Labour no. 108: 82 (Oct. 1898).

S554a. The Problem of the Tropics [lttE concerning the matter of whether white men can work effectively in tropical climates]. The Daily Chronicle (London) no. 11440: 3g (2 Nov. 1898).
--partial reprint in The Barbados Agricultural Reporter (Bridgetown) 38 n.s. (152): 2d-2e (2 July 1900).

S555. Introductory Note. to The Third Factor of Production and Other Essays by Arthur J. Ogilvy (Swan Sonnenschein & Co., Ltd., London, 5 Nov. 1898): vii-viii.

S555a. "The Tragedy of a Millionaire." [article/N posting results of a survey of opinion on an earlier article; Wallace's the first of nine responses printed]. The Independent (New York) 50: 1470 (1470-1473) (24 Nov. 1898: no. 2608).
--also printed in the Dec. 1898 issue of Volume 12 of The Young Man.

S556. A Complete System of Paper Money [letter to columnist "Dangle"]. The Clarion (London) no. 365: 389e-f (3 Dec. 1898).

S556a. brief remarks [included in feature/N with many others'; titled 'Favourite Books of 1898']. The Academy no. 1388: 435 (435-436) (10 Dec. 1898).

S557. Paper Money as a Standard of Value. Academy 55: 549-550 (31 Dec. 1898: no. 1391, n.s.).
--reprint: in SSS, Vol. 2: 145-149 (Nov. 1900).

S557a. National Defence for Small Communities [one of many solicited responses concerning the military defense of small countries; included in the second part of a compilation/N entitled 'Holland's Militairisme'; contribution dated 3 July 1898]. De Jonge Gids (Amsterdam) 2: 193-194 (1899).

S558. The Utility of Specific Characters [lttE concerning recognition marks]. Nature 59: 246 (12 Jan. 1899: no. 1524).

S559. America, Cuba, and the Philippines [lttE]. The Daily Chronicle (London) 19 Jan. 1899: 3g.
--reprinted in edited form as 'America and the Philippines' in Supplement to the London and China Telegraph, 23 Jan. 1899: 7; excerpts reprinted in David Starr Jordan, Imperial Democracy (D. Appleton and Company, New York, 1899): 82-83; abbreviated version in The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser 3rd ser., no. 603 (16 Feb. 1899): 7a.

S560. The Inefficiency of Strikes: Is There Not a Better Way? in The Labour Annual: 1899 ed. and published by Joseph Edwards (Wallasey, Cheshire, Jan.? 1899): 105.

S561. Mr. Podmore on Clairvoyance and Poltergeists [lttE]. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 9 (1899-1900): 22-30 (Feb. 1899: no. 156).

S562. White Men in the Tropics. The Independent (New York) 51: 667-670 (9 March 1899: no. 2623).
--reprints: as 'White Men in Tropics' in New-York Daily Tribune 58(19113): 5d-e (15 March 1899); in SSS, Vol. 2: 99-106 (Nov. 1900); edited version, untitled, in Industrial Liberty. Our Duty to Rescue the People of Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippine Islands from That Greatest of All Evils—Poverty by Charles Edward Buell (Plainfield, NJ, 1900): 80-86.

S562a. The Storage of Gunpowder [lttE referring to Wallace's c1882 idea that explosives might safely be stored under water]. The Daily Chronicle (London) no. 11562: 11c (24 March 1899).

S563. Letter From the President [to Joseph Hyder, read at the eighteenth annual meeting of the LNS, 26 April 1899; dated 20 April 1899, Parkstone, Dorset]. Land and Labour no. 115: 46 (May 1899).

S564. letter [to columnist Julia Dawson, accompanying a donation to The Clarion Van]. The Clarion (London) no. 386: 130e (29 April 1899).

S565. Clairvoyance and Poltergeists [lttE]. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 9 (1899-1900): 56-57 (April 1899: no. 158).

S566. Garden City [letter to Ebenezer Howard concerning planned communities]. Land and Labour no. 114: 38 (April 1899).

S567. Les Causes de la Guerre--Comment y Remédier [abridged translation of one of many essays included in a special supplementary publication entitled 'Enquête sur la Guerre et le Militarisme']. L'Humanité Nouvelle Mai 1899: 245-250.
--reprints: entire (unabridged) essay printed in English as 'The Causes of War, and the Remedies' in The Clarion (London) no. 396: 213a-d (8 July 1899); this then reprinted in SSS, Vol. 2: 384-393 (Nov. 1900).

S568. Introductory Note. to 'Extract From Js-E de Mirville's Des Esprits et de Leurs Manifestations Fluidiques' [read as 'Clairvoyance of Alexis Didier' at the SPR meeting of 23 June 1899]. Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research 14 (1898-9): 373-374 (373-381) (Supplement 5 to Part XXXV, July? 1899).

S568aa. Is Britain on the Down Grade? [article/N posting results of a survey; Wallace's one of twelve responses printed]. The Young Man 13: 223-224 (222-227). (July 1899).

S568a. Is the Swedish Red Water Lily a Variety of Nymphæa Alba? [sizable lttE]. The Garden 56: 130b-c (12 Aug. 1899: no. 1447).

S569. lttE [one of many printed as 'Protests Against War']. Manchester Guardian no. 16557: 7f (7f-h) (2 Sept. 1899).

S569a. War for Such a Cause [letter from Wallace inserted at the end of 'National Memorial,' a story/N on an anti-war memorial signed by dozens of people]. The Morning Leader (London) no. 2304: 8a (8a) (10 Oct. 1899).

S570. letter [a reply to remarks by Thomas Common concerning the "might vs. right" issue]. The Eagle and the Serpent 1(9): 136 (15 Oct. 1899).

S570a. letter extract [to W. T. Stead, editor of the Review of Reviews, expressing approval of a featured review there of the war in South Africa; included in an ad for the feature]. War Against War in South Africa no. 1: 15c (20 Oct. 1899).

S571. The Transvaal War. Wanted Facts. [lttE]. The Clarion (London) no. 415: 365a-b (18 Nov. 1899).

S572. Facts From the Transvaal [lttE introducing remarks by an observer back from the Boer War]. The Clarion (London) no. 417: 380f (2 Dec. 1899).

S573. Mottoes for the New Year. Wise Words From Famous People. [article/N posting results of a general inquiry; Wallace's one of many responses printed]. The Daily News Weekly (London) no. 27: 11b-c (11a-d) (30 Dec. 1899).
--reprint: as 'Alfred Russel Wallace on Equality of Opportunity' in Land and Labour 11(2): 21 (Feb. 1900).

S574. Introductory Note. to The Ascent of Man by Mathilde Blind (T. Fisher Unwin, London, 18 Dec. 1899): v-xii.

S574aa. letter [to Thomas Wilkinson Wallis, concerning the Bedford Canal experiment; dated The Dell, Grays, Essex, 20 April 1874]. in Wallis' Autobiography of Thomas Wilkinson Wallis, Sculptor in Wood (J. W. Goulding & Son, Louth, 1899): 181-182, plus drawing.

S574a. Naturalisation in the Transvaal [lttE dated 19 Dec. 1899 concerning rights of naturalization of "Outlanders" in the Transvaal]. War Against War in South Africa no. 12: 187b (5 Jan. 1900).

S575. Is New Zealand a Zoological Region? [lttE]. Nature 61: 273 (18 Jan. 1900: no. 1577).

S575b. What is the New Century's Greatest Need? [title of the results of a general enquiry; Wallace's brief response included in a short sketch of him entitled 'Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace.']. The Puritan: An Illustrated Magazine for Free Churchmen 3(1): 10-11 (9-13) (Jan. 1900).

S576. Labour and the Next General Election [article/N posting results of a general inquiry; Wallace's one of several responses printed; response dated 17 Nov. 1899, Parkstone, Dorset]. in The Labour Annual: The Reformers' Year-book for 1900 ed. and published by Joseph Edwards (Wallasey, Cheshire, Jan. 1900): 29 (26-30).

S576a. The Royal Buckhounds [news story/N including an open memorial/N to the Prime Minister concerning discontinuing the hunting of park deer; signed by dozens of noteworthies, including Wallace]. The Times (London) no. 36054: 11a (1 Feb. 1900).
--reprinted in 'Protest Against the Royal Buckhounds'/N in The Humane Review 1: 93-96 (1900).

S576aa. From Our Readers [comments on the Boer War from a number of notables, including Wallace]. The Morning Leader (London) no. 2405: 4d (4c-4d) (5 Feb. 1900).
--excerpt reprinted in 'Some Utterances of Notable Englishmen and Englishwomen' in War Against War in South Africa no. 17: 265a (265a-265c) (9 Feb. 1900).

S576af. lttE [concerning a manifesto on the War in South Africa]. Justice: The Organ of the Social Democracy (London) 17(839): 5a (10 Feb. 1900).

S576ab. The Decay of Brain Power. The Dangers of a Cheap and Scrappy Press. [article/N posting results of a survey; Wallace's one of twelve responses printed]. The Young Man 14: 42 (41-43) (Feb. 1900).

S576ad. letter extracts [from an ARW letter to Ebenezer Howard regarding Garden Cities]. The Municipal Reformer and Local Government News Feb. 1900: 55-56.

S576ac. Mutisia Decurrens [brief lttE; signed 'A. R. W., Parkstone, Dorset']. The Garden 57: 169b (3 March 1900: no. 1476).

S576b. The Peace Movement [description/N of an open circular concerning negotiations in the Transvaal war; signed by many noteworthies, including Wallace]. The Times (London) no. 36099: 7e (26 March 1900).
--entire circular printed in Advocate of Peace (Boston) 62(5): 115-116 (May 1900); also in The Kent & Sussex Courier (Tunbridge Wells) no. 2679: 3g-3h (30 March 1900).

S577. letter [to columnist "Nunquam" concerning the death of Clarion columnist "The Bounder"; dated 1 Nov. 1896, Parkstone, Dorset]. The Clarion (London) no. 447: 205b (30 June 1900).

S578. lttE [concerning Edward Jenner's observations on the cuckoo; part of a discussion including another letter and comments by the Editor entitled 'Jenner and the Cuckoo']. The Vaccination Inquirer and Health Review 22: 58 (58-61) (2 July 1900: no. 256).

S579. Imperial Might and Human Right [comments on an article by George Bernard Shaw concerning imperialism]. The Clarion (London) no. 450: 230b (21 July 1900).

S580. letter [a reply to remarks by Ragnar Redbeard concerning the "might vs. right" issue]. The Eagle and the Serpent 1(11): 164 (July 1900).

S580a. The Stop the War Movement. The Protest Against Annexation. [article/N including a drafted open letter of protest against annexing the Boer Republics; signed by dozens of noteworthies, including Wallace]. War Against War in South Africa no. 30: 30b-c (10 Aug. 1900).

S581. Letter From Dr. A. R. Wallace [concerning social problems; dated 4 July 1900, Parkstone, Dorset]. in The Anatomy of Misery: Plain Lectures on Economics (2nd ed.) by John Coleman Kenworthy (Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, & Co., Ltd., London, Sept. 1900 / Small, Maynard & Co., Boston, 6 April 1901): 98-100 (as part of the Appendix).
--reprinted in 'The Book of the Month' by W. T. Stead in The Review of Reviews (London) 22: 188 (186-189) (15 Aug. 1900).

S581aa. Outlanders [letter regarding the Boers "sent to a contemporary"]. The Labour Leader Twelfth Year: 341d-341e (27 Oct. 1900).
--partial reprint as 'The Grievances of the Uitlanders. A Suggestion by Mr. Russel Wallace.' [a lttE originally appearing in the Morning Leader] in The Westminster Gazette 16(2371): 4b (18 Oct. 1900).

S581a. Dr. Alfred Russell Wallace [letter concerning the upcoming National Democratic Convention; part of article entitled 'The Great Convention']. Reynolds's Newspaper (London) no. 2620: 5e (5b-5f) (28 Oct. 1900).

S582. letter extracts [in Part XI and Appendix G of 'On the So-called Divining Rod. A Psycho-Physical Research on a Peculiar Faculty Alleged to Exist in Certain Persons Locally Known as Dowsers. Book II.' by William F. Barrett]. Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research 15 (1900-1901): 277, 374-375 (Part XXXVIII, Oct.? 1900).
--first letter reprinted untitled in On the Cosmic Relations by Henry Holt (Houghton Mifflin, Boston & New York, 1914), Vol. 1: 132.

S582a. lttE [concerning the causes of the trend of population relocation from rural to urban settings]. The Morning Leader (London) no. 2659: 4e (28 Nov. 1900).

S583. Affinities and Origin of the Australian and Polynesian Races [the first part of this article (pp. 461-473) forms the concluding section of Vol. 1, Chapter 5 of Australasia (ed. of Nov. 1893)]. in SSS, Vol. 1: 461-496 (Nov. 1900).

S584. Interest-bearing Funds Injurious and Unjust. in SSS, Vol. 2: 254-264 (Nov. 1900).

S585. Some Objections to Land Nationalization Answered [derived "from Tracts issued by the LNS": see S385, S423 & S471]. in SSS, Vol. 2: 345-363 (Nov. 1900).

S586. Ralahine and Its Teachings [comments on The Irish Land & Labour Question, Illustrated in the History of Ralahine and Co-operative Farming by Edward T. Craig, 1882]. in SSS, Vol. 2: 455-477 (Nov. 1900).

S587. True Individualism--The Essential Preliminary of a Real Social Advance. in SSS, Vol. 2: 510-520 (Nov. 1900).

S588. Professor Alfred Russel Wallace [letter of support read at the Eastbourne Conference of the National A-VL, held 5 Dec. 1900]. The Vaccination Inquirer and Health Review 22: 156 (1 Jan. 1901: no. 262).

S589. Evolution [the first in a series of articles published in The Sun under the overall title 'The Passing Century']. The Sun (New York) 68(114): 4a-g, 5a (23 Dec. 1900).
--reprint: nearly verbatim in The Progress of the Century (Harper & Brothers, New York & London, 20 April 1901): 3-29.

S590. article concerning social evolution in the twentieth century [not seen; part of a special feature entitled 'Dawn of the Century']. The [Sunday] Journal (New York) no. 6611: ? (23 Dec. 1900).

S591. A Message to My Fellow Spiritualists for the New Century. The Two Worlds (Manchester) 13: 867 (28 Dec. 1900: no. 685).

S591a. two letters [to Grant Allen, on the subject of animal and plant colours as discussed in his books Physiologcal Æsthetics and The Colour Sense; dated 7 Oct. 1877 and 17 Feb. 1879]. in Grant Allen A Memoir by Edward Clodd (Grant Richards, London, 1900): 63-64, 72-74.

S592. letter [dated 6 Nov. 1900; written in response to an inquiry]. The Sermon (Toronto), Dec. 1900. [not seen]
--reprint: in part or whole as 'Dr. A. R. Wallace and the "Subliminal Self"' in Light (London) 21: 29 (19 Jan. 1901: no. 1045).

S592a. What the New Century May Bring Forth [article/N giving the results of a general inquiry; Wallace's one of several short responses printed]. The Salt Lake Herald no. 206: 30a/b (30a/b) (30 Dec. 1900).

S593. Words of Counsel [article/N posting results of a general inquiry; Wallace's one of several responses printed]. The Morning Leader (London) no. 2689: 3a (3a) (2 Jan. 1901).

S594. letter [to columnist "Nunquam," concerning his novel Julie]. The Clarion (London) no. 485: 92e (23 March 1901).

S594a. comment [one of many included in a feature/N titled 'A Colony of Mercy' advocating the cause of the poor]. Review of Reviews (London) 23: 506 (506) (15 May 1901).

S595. letter [to columnist Julia Dawson, concerning the subjects of peace and The Clarion Van]. The Clarion (London) no. 493: 160d (18 May 1901).

S595ab. Is Tolstoy Inconsistent? [lttE on Tolstoi's socialism/anarchism]. I. L. P. News 5(52): 1-2 (July 1901).

S595ad. The War in South Africa. The Terms of Settlement. What Should They Be? [feature/N including results of a general enquiry by "A.M.T."; Wallace’s response, untitled, one of two printed]. The Clarion (London): 1g (1f-1g) (16 Nov. 1901).

S595a. Foreword [dated 18 April 1901]. to The Education Problem and Its Solution, by John Richardson (Twentieth Century Press, Ltd., London, 1901): 3-4. [contributed by Christine Garwood]

S595aa. letter extracts [to Rev. Canon Fowler, concerning mimicry; included in Fowler's 'The President's Address,' delivered at the 15 Jan. 1902 annual meeting of the Entomological Society of London]. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London for the Year 1901: lviii (1902).

S595b. Eucalyptus Gunnii. The Garden 61: 57-58 (25 Jan. 1902: no. 1575).

S595c. Enquiry into the Economic Condition of India [memorial/N prepared by the Indian Famine Union submitted to the Secretary of State for India in January 1902; signed by numerous noteworthies, including Wallace]. in Speeches and Papers on Indian Questions, 1891 and 1902 by Romesh C. Dutt (Elm Press, Calcutta, 1902): 150-156.

S595d. An Old Eton Institution [article/N including an open memorial/N to the Governing Body of Eton School from the Humanitarian League concerning cruelty to animals occasioned by student-organized hunt activities; dated 17 Feb. 1902 and signed by dozens of noteworthies, including Wallace]. The Humane Review 3: 160-161 (157-165) (July 1902).

S596. Are Plant Diseases Hereditary? The Garden 61: 317 (17 May 1902: no. 1591).

S596a. A Message to South Africa [article/N on an open letter signed by Wallace and others, expressing admiration for the Boers' stand]. The Morning Leader (London) no. 3145: 4e (18 June 1902).

S596b. Vivisection at the Brown Institution [article/N on a public memorial signed by many, including Wallace, asking that vivisection be forbidden there]. The Morning Leader (London) no. 3148: 4b (21 June 1902).

S597. Eucalyptus gunnii. The Garden 62: 47 (19 July 1902: no. 1600).

S597a. letter [concerning Home Rule to Morrison Davidson, dated 10 Aug. 1902, Parkstone, Dorset]. in Scotland for the Scots: Scotland Revisited, by Morrison Davidson (Francis Riddell Henderson, London, early autumn? 1902): 93-94 (as part of the Appendix).
--reprint: Reynolds’s Newspaper (London) no. 2886: 2d (3 Dec 1905).

S598. Dr. Russel Wallace's Advice [letter read at an A-VL meeting held 22 Oct. 1902]. Vaccination Inquirer 24: 158-159 (1 Nov. 1902: no. 284).
--reprints: in news stories/N titled 'Anti-Vaccinationists at Chesterfield' in the Sheffield Daily Telegraph no. 14753: 8e (23 Oct. 1902); and 'The Anti-Vaccination League. National Conference at Chesterfield.' in the Sheffield Daily Independent 42(14960): 9g (9f-9g) (23 Oct. 1902).

S598a. Alfred Russel Wallace, F. R. S., Jan. 8, 1823 [lttE concerning Wallace's eightieth birthday]. The Daily Chronicle (London) no. 12749: 5b (8 Jan. 1903).

S599. The Dawn of a Great Discovery (My Relations With Darwin in Reference to the Theory of Natural Selection). Black and White 25: 78-79 (17 Jan. 1903: no. 624).

S600. Genius and the Struggle for Existence [lttE]. Nature 67: 296 (29 Jan. 1903: no. 1735).

S601. Our Sphinx's Fatal Question: Why Do the Ungodly Prosper? Is Might Right? Can the Poor Be Saved Through the Pity of the Rich? [article/N posting results of a general inquiry; Wallace's one of several responses printed]. The Eagle and the Serpent no. 18: 69 (68-73) (Feb.? 1903).

S602. Man's Place in the Universe. The Independent (New York) 55: 473-483 (26 Feb. 1903: no. 2830); also printed as 'Man's Place in the Universe: As Indicated by the New Astronomy' in Fortnightly Review 73 (n.s.; 79, o.s.): 395-411 (1 March 1903: no. 435, n.s.).
--reprints: The Living Age 237 (7th s., vol. 19): 1-13 (4 April 1903: no. 3065); Eclectic Magazine 9(5) (3rd s.; 140(5), o.s.): 561-573 (May 1903); in Modern Inventions and Discoveries (J. A. Hill and Company, New York, 1904): 219-237.

S603. Dr. Russel Wallace on the Use of the Vote [letter read at the annual meeting of the A-VL held 18 March 1903]. Vaccination Inquirer 25: 14 (1 April 1903: no. 289).

S603a. letter [to T. D. A. Cockerell, concerning Wallace's early influences; printed in Cockerell's article 'The Making of Biologists']. Popular Science Monthly 62(6): 517 (512-520) (April 1903).

S603b. encomium [brief appreciation of the Julie Sutter book Britain's Next Campaign appearing in an ad placed in many issues]. The Daily News (London) no. 19536: 3c (21 May 1903).

S604. lttE [one of several printed as 'Man's Place in the Universe']. Knowledge 26: 107-108 (107-110) (May 1903: no. 211).

S605. Dr. A. R. Wallace on the Strenuous Policy [lttE dated 10 May 1903, Broadstone, Dorset]. Vaccination Inquirer 25: 49 (comment by the Editor follows on pp. 49-50) (1 June 1903: no. 291).

S606. Man's Place in the Universe: A Reply to Criticisms. The Independent (New York) 55: 2024-2031 (27 Aug. 1903: no. 2856); also printed in Fortnightly Review 74 (n.s.; 80, o.s.): 380-390 (1 Sept. 1903: no. 441, n.s.).
--reprints: The Living Age 239 (7th s., vol. 21): 193-201 (24 Oct. 1903: no. 3094); Eclectic Magazine 10(6) (3rd s.; 141(6), o.s.): 773-781 (Dec. 1903).

S606b. note [recommending a book on Switzerland; in 'Notes to Clarionettes' section]. The Clarion (London) no. 614: 8g (11 Sept. 1903).

S606c. Licensing Law. Important Manifesto. All Sections Combine on a Practical Program. [article/N on a manifesto on temperance legislation signed by many, including Wallace]. The Morning Leader (London) no. 3565: 3c (21 Oct. 1903).

S607. letter [of support read at a meeting of the Gloucester League held 22 Oct. 1903]. Vaccination Inquirer 25: 153 (2 Nov. 1903: no. 296).
--also appears in news story/N on event printed in Bellshill Speaker (Lanarkshire) no. 550: 3b (13 Nov. 1903).

S608. The Wonderful Century [letter responding to comments by a reviewer on the new edition of The Wonderful Century (Sept. 1903)]. Academy 65: 453 (24 Oct. 1903: no. 1642, n.s.).

S608a. Note on Nymphæa gigantea. The Garden 64: 310a-b (7 Nov. 1903: no. 1668).

S609. Does Man Exist in Other Worlds? "A Reply to My Critics." The Daily Mail (London) no. 2362: 4d (12 Nov. 1903).

S610. Anticipations and Hopes for the Immediate Future [invited for publication by the Berliner-Lokal-Anzeiger but rejected by it]. The Clarion (London) no. 630: 1c-d (1 Jan. 1904).
--reprint: in My Life, Vol. 2: 221-223 (Oct. 1905).

S611. A Letter From Wallace [excerpt from letter concerning Wallace's continued support of spiritualism]. The Sentinel (Wood Green, etc., England) no. 451: 3d (15 Jan. 1904).
--entire letter printed in article/N entitled 'Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace and Spiritualism' in Light (London) 24: 26 (16 Jan. 1904: no. 1201).

S612. An Unpublished Poem by Edgar Allan Poe. Leonaine [sic]. Fortnightly Review 75 (n.s.; 81, o.s.): 329-332 (1 Feb. 1904: no. 446, n.s.).

S613. From Dr. Russel Wallace [letter of support sent to the annual meeting of the A-VL held 15-16 March 1904]. Vaccination Inquirer 26: 18 (1 April 1904: no. 301).

S614. The "Leonainie" Problem [lttE]. Fortnightly Review 75 (n.s.; 81, o.s.): 706-711 (1 April 1904: no. 448, n.s.).

S615. The Birds of Paradise in the Arabian Nights. I. Independent Review 2(7): 379-391 (April 1904) / II. Independent Review 2(8): 561-571 (May 1904).

S616. A Summary of the Proofs That Vaccination Does Not Prevent Small-pox but Really Increases It. National Anti-Vaccination League, London, 1904 (probably April, May or June); pp. (1)-24 (incl. diagram).
--reprints: Section VI, "The Army and Navy: A Demonstration of the Uselessness of Vaccination," issued as a pamphlet (National Anti-Vaccination League, London, 1904?; pp. 4); Second Edition [reprint of First Edition], National Anti-Vaccination League, London, 1910.

S616a. The Immigration of Aliens. The Clarion (London) no. 652: 8a (3 June 1904).

S616b. quoted letter commenting on psychical manifestations, in book review/N [of The Widow's Mite, and Other Psychic Phenomena, by Isaac K. Funk]. The Advertiser (Adelaide, South Australia) 47(14297): 9a (9a-c) (13 Aug. 1904).

S616c. lttE [concerning the fallacy that cheap Japanese labor might have an effect on Britain's foreign trade; dated 30 Aug. 1904, Broadstone, Wimborne]. The Daily News (London) no. 18239: 4f (2 Sept. 1904).

S617. Practical Politics [a reply to Editor Robert Blatchford's comments on military spending]. The Clarion (London) no. 669: 1b-c (30 Sept. 1904).
--reprint: as 'A Substitute for Militarism' in My Life, Vol. 2: 223-226 (Oct. 1905).

S618. letter [excerpt from letter concerning John F. Burton's Story of the Vaccination Crusade in Hackney & Stoke Newington, 1902-1904, And What Came of It; included in story/N titled 'The Vaccination Crusade']. The Morning Leader (London) no. 3859: 5d (28 Sept 1904).
--reprint: Vaccination Inquirer 26: 162 (1 Nov. 1904: no. 308).

S618a. Have We Lived on Earth Before? Shall We Live on Earth Again? [article/N posting results of a survey; Wallace's one of several responses printed]. The London: A Magazine of Human Interest 13: 401-403 (401-408) (Nov. 1904: no. 76).
--summary/N printed in Light (London) 24: 574 (26 Nov. 1904: no. 1246).

S618ac. note [one of many recommendations collected for All About the Clarion Vans (The Clarion, London, 1904): 4; adapted from excerpts from S541a and S595].

S618b. From the Doyen of Science [lttE concerning a policy of productive competition by labour with existing employers; dated 22 Nov. 1904, Broadstone, Wimborne]. Amalgamated Engineers Monthly Journal (London) 1: 33-34 (Jan. 1905: no. 1, n.s.).
--reprinted nearly completely as 'How Labour May Oust the Employer' in The Review of Reviews (London) 31: 102 (Jan. 1905: no. 181).

S618c. A Practical Suggestion [a short essay on the application of Robert Owen's ideas to educational reform]. The Ethological Journal 1(1): 19-21 (Jan. 1905).

S619. letter [of support read at the annual meeting of the A-VL held 15-16 March 1905]. Vaccination Inquirer 27: 6 (1 April 1905: no. 313).

S619b. On Drawings of Fishes of the Rio Negro [description/N of the exhibit of Wallace's Rio Negro fish sketches presented at the 21 March 1905 meeting of the Zoological Society of London, and quoting from some of Wallace's original notes]. Proceedings of the General Meetings for Scientific Business of the Zoological Society of London. 1905, Vol. I. (Longmans, Green, and Co., London, 1905): 189-190.

S619c. lttE [one of four printed as 'Séances with Mr. David Duguid']. Light (London) 25: 153-154 (153-155) (1 April 1905: no 1264).

S620. In Memoriam A. C. Swinton [obituary]. Land and Labour 16(4): 33-34 (April 1905).

S620a. lttE [one of three printed in response to a survey as 'The Future Problems and Aims of Ornithology']. The Condor 7(3): 63 (62-66) (May-June 1905).

S621. A Message From Dr. A. R. Wallace [concerning the inconsistency of the government's position on vaccination]. Vaccination Inquirer 27: 49 (1 June 1905: no. 315).

S622. If There Were a Socialist Government--How Should It Begin? The Clarion (London) no. 715: 5a-f (18 Aug. 1905).
--reprinted as pamphlet (The Clarion, London, n.d.; pp. (1)-2-11).

S622aa. To Federate Europe. A Consensus of Opinion. [one of several letters printed as a feature/N concerning a possible federation of Europe proposed by F. W. Fox; dated 19 Aug. 1905, Broadstone, Wimborne]. The Daily News (London) no. 18543: 7f (7e-7f, 8a) (23 Aug. 1905).

S622a. Dr. Wallace and Vivisection [portion of a letter to W. R. Hadwen]. The Daily News (London) no. 18567: 9e (20 Sept. 1905).
--reprints: The Morning Leader (London) no. 4166: 5d (21 Sept. 1905); The Citizen (Gloucester) 30(227): 3g (22 Sept. 1905); Zoophilist and Animals' Defender 25(6): 113 (1 Nov. 1905); in Experiments on Living Dogs... [transcript of hearings on vivisection by the 2nd session of the 71st U. S. Congress] (U.S. Govt. Printing Office, Washington D.C., 1930): 299; reprinted untitled in The Colac Herald (Victoria, Australia) 39(3634): 6f (17 Nov. 1905).

S623. The South-Wales Farmer [written for publication about 1843 but not appearing at that time]. in My Life, Vol. 1: 206-222 (Oct. 1905).

S623ab. letter [to Raphael Meldola, congratulating Meldola and William Cole on the 25th anniversary of the Essex Field Club; read at a dinner held on 9 Dec. 1905 and then printed in 'Presentation to Mr. William Cole: A Report,' by Miller Christy]. The Essex Naturalist 14: 125 (117-135) (1906).

S623aa. letter [to William Tallack, on crime and the punishment thereof]. in Howard Letters and Memories by William Tallack (Methuen & Co., London, 1905): 62-63.
--reprinted in article entitled 'Taking the Name of Howard in Vain' by H. J. B. Montgomery. The Humane Review 7: 214 (209-225) (Jan. 1907).

S623ac. Rationalists and the Schools [article/N on a manifesto on temperance legislation signed by many, including Wallace; sponsoring group: the Rationalist Press Associated (Limited)]. The Yorkshire Post (Leeds) no. 18264: 8a (5 Jan. 1906).

S623a. Anglo-German Relations [open lttE concerning the state of relations between the two countries; signed by dozens of noteworthies, including Wallace]. The Times (London) no. 37915: 15a (12 Jan. 1906).

S624. Alfred R. Wallace on Isis Unveiled [letter to Helena P. Blavatsky dated 1 Jan. 1878, commending her book]. The Theosophist (Adyar, India) 27(7): 559 (April 1906).
--reprinted in 'Great Theosophists: I. Scientists' by J. L. Davidge in The Theosophist 63(9): 201-202 (196-208) (June 1942).

S624a. Woman: Her Brain, Mental Capacity, and Character [brief comments on an address by Bernard Hollander; Wallace's one of a number of replies printed]. Ethological Journal 2(2): 63 (51-?) (April 1906).

S624b. The May-Day Messages [feature/N posting replies to an enquiry; Wallace’s one of several responses printed]. The Labour Leader 2(57), n.s.: 733c/d (733c/d) (4 May 1906).

S625. letter [of support to Joseph Hyder, read at the 25th annual meeting of the LNS, 9 May 1906; dated 5 May 1906, Broadstone, Wimborne]. Land and Labour 17(6): 61-62 (June 1906).

S626. A Statement of the Reasons for Opposing the Death Penalty. Leaflet no. 2: Society for the Abolition of Capital Punishment, London, n.d.; pp. 2.
--reprint: excerpt reprinted untitled in Light (London) 26: 225 (12 May 1906: no. 1322).

S627. The Nativity of Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace [article by the Editor containing short excerpt from Wallace letter commenting on the results of an astrological charting]. Modern Astrology 3 (n.s.; o.s., 17), no. 5: 206-207 (May 1906).

S627a. Why Not British Guiana? Five Acres for Half-a-Crown. [encouraging Englishmen to settle in that Colony]. The Daily News (London) no. 18859: 6e (27 Aug. 1906).

S628. How to Nationalise Railroads. The Daily News (London) no. 18883: 6e (24 Sept. 1906).
--reprint: as 'Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace and Compensation by Terminable Annuities' in Land and Labour 17(10): 113-114 (Oct. 1906).

S628a. How to Buy the Railways. Dr. A. R. Wallace's Reply to Critics. [lttE]. The Daily News (London) no. 18888: 4f (29 Sept. 1906).

S628aa. lttE [one of two printed as 'How to Buy the Railways. Dr. Wallace's Reply.']. The Daily News (London) no. 18889: 12f (12f) (1 Oct. 1906).

S628b. Should Women Have Votes: A Symposium [article/N posting the results of a general inquiry; Wallace's one of many responses printed]. The Daily News (London) no. 18925: 8b (8) (12 Nov. 1906).

S629. Our Black Brother [lttE referring to S630]. The Clarion (London) no. 781: 5c (23 Nov. 1906).

S630. The Native Problem in South Africa and Elsewhere. Independent Review 11: 174-182 (Nov. 1906: no. 38).

S631. Britain's Greatest Benefactor [article/N posting results of an opinion survey concerning the most important figure in British history; Wallace's one of many responses printed; his choice: Shakespeare]. The Clarion (London) no. 786: 3a (3a-c) (28 Dec. 1906).

S632. Personal Suffrage. A Rational System of Representation and Election. Fortnightly Review 81 (n.s.; 87, o.s.): 3-9 (1 Jan. 1907: no. 481, n.s.).
--edited version reprinted as 'Personal Suffrage' in The Social-Democrat (London) 11(1): 53-57 (15 Jan. 1907).

S633. Fertilisation of Flowers by Insects [lttE sent in response to an inquiry about Madagascan moths]. Nature 75: 320 (31 Jan. 1907: no. 1944).

S634. The Railways for the Nation. Arena 37: 1-6 (Jan. 1907: no. 206).
--reprint: The University Digest (Chicago) 2(1): 24-29 (March 1907).

S635. A New House of Lords: Representative of the Best Intellect and Character of the Nation. Fortnightly Review 81 (n.s.; 87, o.s.): 205-214 (1 Feb. 1907: no. 482, n.s.).

S635a. letter extract [included in note/N entitled 'The Mitten Collection of Mosses and Hepatics'; dated 5 Sept. 1906]. Journal of the New York Botanical Garden 8(86): 29 (28-32) (Feb. 1907).

S635b. Mr. Carnegie's Greatest Gift [lttE included in article/N titled 'My Partners, the People,' about the opinions of Andrew Carnegie on the disposition of accumulated wealth]. The Review of Reviews (London) 35: 312 (312-313) (March 1907: no. 207).

S636. Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace [excerpt from letter of support read at the annual meeting of the A-VL]. Vaccination Inquirer 29: 4 (1 April 1907: no. 337).

S637. Archdeacon Colley and Mr. Maskelyne [article/N including part of the transcript of Wallace's testimony at the libel trial of J. N. Maskelyne in late April 1907]. Light (London) 27: 208-209 (207-209, 213) (4 May 1907: no. 1373).
--reprints: testimony summarized as part of note/N entitled 'Colley v. Maskelyne' in The Times (London) no. 38318: 4c (4b-d) (27 April 1907); Wallace's own "proof" copy of what he intended to say printed in note/N entitled 'Dr. A. R. Wallace's Testimony to Materialisations' in Light (London) 33: 557 (22 Nov. 1913: no. 1715); another accounting/N printed as 'Stories of Spirits' in the Daily Mail (London) no. 3444: 5b (5a-5b) (27 April 1907).

S638. Dr. Wallace's Letter [of support to Joseph Hyder, read at the 26th annual meeting of the LNS, 14 May 1907; dated 13 May 1907, Broadstone, Wimborne]. Land and Labour 18(6): 65 (June 1907).
--reprint: included in note/N entitled 'Land Nationalization Society' printed in The Times (London) no. 38334: 3f (16 May 1907).

S639. "Economic Chivalry" [article/N posting survey of opinions regarding Bishop Gore's report 'The Moral Witness of the Church on Economic Subjects'; Wallace's one of several criticisms printed]. Public Opinion (London) 91: 639 (639-640) (24 May 1907: no. 2383).

S640. The New Vaccination Bill [lttE dated 23 May 1907, Broadstone, Wimborne]. West Briton & Cornwall Advertiser (Truro) 27 May 1907: 2b; also printed in: The Standard (London) no. 25877: 4b (27 May 1907), The Clarion (London) no. 808: 2e-f (31 May 1907), Supplement to the Carmarthen Weekly Reporter 31 May 1907: 2d.
--reprints: highly edited version printed as 'A Simple Declaration' in The Daily News (London) no. 19093: 4e (27 May 1907); excerpt from letter entitled 'Dr. A. R. Wallace' included in article/N entitled 'The Government Vaccination Bill. Text of the Measure and Some Opinions Upon It.' printed in Vaccination Inquirer 29: 47 (44-48) (1 June 1907: no. 339).

S640a. Parishioners and the Proposed Recreation Ground [news story/N concerning a meeting of Broadstone residents held 4 June 1907; includes a summary of remarks Wallace made at the time]. The Western Gazette (Somerset) no. 8908: 4d (7 June 1907).

S641. Britain's Hope: An Appreciation [notice of Britain's Hope; An Open Letter Concerning the Pressing Social Problems to the Rt. Hon. John Burns, M. P. by Julie Sutter, 1907]. Land and Labour 18(6): 73 (June 1907).

S642. lttE [one of two printed as 'The "Double Drift" Theory of Star Motions']. Nature 76: 293 (293-294) (25 July 1907: no. 1969).

S643. letter [to Editor Robert Blatchford; included in a Blatchford article entitled 'The Socialist Ideal'; from Broadstone, Wimborne]. The Clarion (London) no. 819: 1f (1f) (16 Aug. 1907).

S643a. Is Not Convinced of Life on Mars [newspaper story/N on Percival Lowell's views on life on Mars, and containing remarks by Wallace thereon sent by telegraph]. New York Times no. 18116: 3a-b (3a-b) (31 Aug. 1907).

S644. Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace on Socialist Poets [letter to columnist A. E. Fletcher; dated 8 Sept. 1907]. The Clarion (London) no. 823: 2a (13 Sept. 1907).

S645. Dr. A. R. Wallace & Sir W. M. Ramsay's Theory; Did Man Reach His Highest Development in the Past? [lttE]. Public Opinion (London) 92: 336 (13 Sept. 1907: no. 2399).

S646. How Life Became Possible on the Earth. in Harmsworth History of the World ed. by Arthur Mee, J. A. Hammerton, & A. D. Innes (8 vols., Carmelite House, London, 1907-1909), Vol. 1: 91-98 (11 Oct. 1907).
--reprints: in The Book of History A History of All Nations. Volume 1. Man and the Universe (The Grolier Society, New York, & The Educational Book Co., London, 1915?): 91-98; excerpt reprinted in Religious Beliefs of Scientists by Arthur H. Tabrum (Hunter & Longhurst, London, 1910): 60-61.

S646a. The Denshawai Prisoners [open letter addressed to Sir Edward Grey concerning a riot in Egypt; signed by dozens of noteworthies, including Wallace]. The New Age 1 (n.s.), no. 26: 405 (24 Oct. 1907: no. 685).

S646ad. Poor Law Reform. Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace on Labour Colonies. [a communication included in testimony presented by Mr. Fred Hughes on 18 November 1907]. in Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Distress. Appendix Volume VIII. Minutes of Evidence (123rd to 138th Days) with Appendix. (His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910): 357-358 (357-365).
--Wallace's communication first printed in abbreviated form in The Birmingham Daily Mail no. 12621: 5f (30 May 1906).

S646b. letter [to W. T. Stead concerning working in the tropics; included in Stead's article 'Brazil at the Hague,' dated 24 Oct. 1907, Broadstone, Wimborne]. The Review of Reviews (London) 36: 24-25 (1-32) (Nov. 1907: no. 215).
--reprinted in The Western Mail (Perth, Australia) no. 1161 (n.s.): 45b (28 March 1908).

S647. letter [to columnist Julia Dawson, giving advice to Socialist women of Great Britain as part of her article titled 'Angels' Wings']. The Clarion (London) no. 838: 7c (7a-d) (27 Dec. 1907).

S648. Dr. Wallace Pleased With Advance in Natural History Exploration [remarks contributed via cable to a feature article/N entitled 'Leaders of Thought Tell the World of Achievements of 1907'; Wallace's one of many invited responses printed; dated 28 Dec., London]. The World (New York) no. 16931: 2a-b (1-3) (29 Dec. 1907).

S648a. Haeckel and Swedenborg [anonymous feature/N containing a letter from Wallace to an unnamed correspondent, concerning the book Root Principles in Rational and Spiritual Things by the Rev. Thomas Child]. The Northern Whig (Belfast) no. 30528: 10c (11 June 1906).
--also printed in The Belfast News-Letter no. 28322: 9c-9d (11 June 1906); partially reprinted in Emmanuel Swedenborg; His Life, Teachings and Influence by George Trobridge (Frederick Warne and Company, London & New York, 1907): 63-64.

S649. Evolution and Character. Fortnightly Review 83 (n.s.; 89, o.s.): 1-24 (1 Jan. 1908: no. 493, n.s.).
--reprint: in Character and Life; A Symposium ed. and arranged by Percy L. Parker (Williams & Norgate, London, Nov. 1912): 3-50.

S649a. lttE [concerning remarks by others on the possible immortality of man's body]. The Daily News (London) no. 19284: 6d (4 Jan. 1908).

S650. lttE [one of several printed as 'Dr. Russel Wallace and Woman']. The Outlook (London) 21: 89 (89-90) (18 Jan. 1908: no. 520).

S650aa. Dr. A. R. Wallace on "Life in Mars" [a short lttE deflecting a criticism of Wallace's position in Is Mars Habitable? that that planet's poles are covered with carbon dioxide-based ice; dated 24 Jan. 1908]. The Daily News (London) no. 19303: 6f (27 Jan. 1908).

S650ab. letter excerpt [printed in the Editor's 'Notes by the Way' column; refers to political unrest in the Congo]. Light (London) 28(1414): 73a (73-74) (15 Feb. 1908).

S650a. The Arrest of M. Tchaikovski [news story/N including an open memorial/N to the Russian Ambassador concerning the arrest of Nicholas Tchaikovski; signed by dozens of noteworthies, including Wallace]. The Times (London) no. 38575: 8a (21 Feb. 1908).

S651. What to Eat, Drink, and Avoid [article/N posting results of a general inquiry; Wallace's one of many responses printed]. The Review of Reviews (London) 37: 137-138 (136-146) (Feb. 1908: no. 218).
--excerpts reprinted in Land and Labour 19(5): 52 (May 1908).

S652. Dr. A. R. Wallace's Message [letter of support read at the annual meeting of the A-VL held 11 March 1908]. Vaccination Inquirer 30: 8 (1 April 1908: no. 349).

S652a. letter extract [to Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, commenting favorably on his book The Deeper Meaning of the Struggle; included in an ad for the book]. The New Age 2 (n.s.), no. 21: 414 (21 March 1908: no. 706).

S652c. A Garland of May-Day Greetings. [brief greetings, along with those of a number of others]. The Labour Leader 5(18) n.s.: 276 (276-277) (1 May 1908).

S653. Letter From Dr. A. R. Wallace [to Joseph Hyder, read at the 27th annual meeting of the LNS, 29 April 1908; dated 26 April 1908, Broadstone, Wimborne]. Land and Labour 19(6): 65 (June 1908).

S654. letter [to columnist Julia Dawson, concerning the book that converted Wallace to Socialism, Looking Backward]. The Clarion (London) no. 861: 9c-d (5 June 1908).

S654a. lttE [concerning a ghost story]. Occult Review (London) 7: 348 (June 1908).

S655. The Remedy for Unemployment [in large part an account of Poverty and the State by Herbert V. Mills, 1889]. I. Socialist Review 1: 310-320 (June 1908) / II. Socialist Review 1: 390-400 (July 1908).
--revised version printed as pamphlet (Pass On Pamphlets, no. 8: The Clarion Press, London, Jan. 1909; pp. 1-(24)).

S656. address [acceptance speech on receiving the Darwin-Wallace Medal on 1 July 1908]. in The Darwin-Wallace Celebration Held on Thursday, 1st July 1908, by the Linnean Society of London (printed for the Linnean Society by Burlington House, Longmans, Green & Co., London, Feb. 1909): 5-11.
--reprint: as 'The Origin of the Theory of Natural Selection' in Popular Science Monthly 74: 396-400 (April 1909).

S657. The First Paper on Natural Selection [lttE]. The Times (London) no. 38689: 12b (3 July 1908).

S658. A Correction [letter to 'Mr. Thompson' correcting an erroneous report that Wallace was soon to be knighted; included in a short reply by Thompson under that title]. The Clarion no. 866: 6f (10 July 1908).
--reprint: as 'Dr. A. R. Wallace and Honours' in Public Opinion (London) 94: 78a (17 July 1908: no. 2443).

S658a. letter [excerpts from a letter to Dr. A. K. Coomaraswamy; featured in a note/N entitled 'Professor Wallace on the Failure of Lord Morley']. Modern Review (Calcutta) 4(1): 77-78 (July 1908).
--reprint: The Coming Day (London) 18: 209-210 (Sept. 1908).

S658b. Is There Too Much News? [article/N that was supposed to post the results of a survey in The Young Man issue of July 1908, but apparently never reached final print; Wallace's comments therein described in other sources, including the article/N 'Is The Newspaper a Waste of Time?', The Northern Whig (Belfast) no. 31215: 10f (20 Aug. 1908)]

S659. Is It Peace or War?; A Reply by Dr. Alfred R. Wallace [letter responding to article printed the week before]. Public Opinion (London) 94: 202-203 (14 Aug. 1908: no. 2447).

S659a. A Symposium on Humanitarians [untitled reply to a query; printed under this title along with the replies of dozens of others]. The Medico-Pharmaceutical Critic and Guide 11(8): 278 (261-283) (Aug. 1908).
--reprint: in A Symposium on Humanitarians conducted by Victor Robinson (The Altrurians, New York, 1909): 37.

S660. The Present Position of Darwinism. Contemporary Review 94: 129-141 (Aug. 1908).
--reprint: The Living Age 258 (7th s., vol. 40): 707-716 (19 Sept. 1908: no. 3350).

S661. Nationalisation, Not Purchase, of Railways [lttE]. The New Age 3 (n.s.), no. 21: 417-418 (19 Sept. 1908: no. 732).

S661aa. "Human Selection." Dr. A. R. Wallace's "Best Thoughts." [lttE responding to a reference to Wallace's essay "Human Selection," and commenting on his position on eugenics; dated 18 Sept. 1908, Broadstone, Wimborne]. The Daily News (London) no. 19507: 12c (21 Sept. 1908).

S661a. The Influence of Ruskin [article by Hall Caine featuring comments by many figures, including brief ones by Wallace]. The Bookman (London) 35: 30 (26-34) (Oct. 1908: no. 205).

S662. The Facts Beat Me. Delineator 72: 542 (Oct. 1908) / The Dead Have Never Really Died. Delineator 72: 852-853 (Nov. 1908). [included as short sections of a several part article/N entitled 'Are the Dead Alive?'; in large part consisting of excerpts from S398 and the Preface to the 3rd ed. of Miracles and Modern Spiritualism (Jan. 1896)]

S663. letter [concerning Wallace's notification of winning the Copley Medal; read at the Royal Society's annual meeting of 30 Nov. 1908]. The Times (London) no. 38818: 9e (1 Dec. 1908).

S664. A Veteran Scientist's Testimony [note responding to an inquiry regarding Wallace's thoughts on Jesus Christ and his teachings]. The Christian Commonwealth 29: 166d (9 Dec. 1908: no. 1417).
--reprinted untitled in Light (London) 28: 610 (19 Dec. 1908: no. 1458).

S665. 1909. For What Should We Strive? [article/N posting results of an opinion survey; Wallace's one of many responses printed]. The Christian Commonwealth 29: 231a (231a-b) (30 Dec. 1908: no. 1420).
--reprint: as part of article/N titled 'Labour M.P.'s and the Most Urgent Reform' in Derby Daily Telegraph, 30 Dec. 1908: 4g.

S666. Darwinism Versus Wallaceism. Contemporary Review 94: 716-717 (Dec. 1908).

S667. Preface. to Notes of a Botanist on the Amazon and Andes by Richard Spruce (ed. and condensed by Alfred Russel Wallace, Dec. 1908), Vol. 1: v-ix.

S668. Biographical Introduction. in Notes of a Botanist on the Amazon and Andes by Richard Spruce (ed. and condensed by Alfred Russel Wallace, Dec. 1908), Vol. 1: xxi-xlvii.

S668aa. letter to the Director [included in note/N entitled 'Richard Spruce,' concerning the donation of Spruce manuscripts, letters, and publications; dated 11 Nov. 1908, Broadstone, Wimborne]. Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information (Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew) no. 10, 1908: 464 (464) (Dec. 1908).

S668a. A Remedy for Unemployment [lttE]. The New Age 4 (n.s.), no. 12: 251 (14 Jan. 1909: no. 749).

S668b. "A Hideous Hypocrisy." Scientist's Opinion of Foreign Missions. [reprint of comments Wallace made in "this week's issue of the Christian Commonwealth" wherein "a number of prominent people contribute opinions on foreign missions"]. Nottingham Evening Post no. 9480: 5b (22 Jan. 1909).

S669. The World of Life: As Visualised and Interpreted by Darwinism [revision of a lecture a portion of which was delivered at the Royal Institution on 22 Jan. 1909]. Fortnightly Review 85 (n.s.; 91, o.s.): 411-434 (1 March 1909: no. 507, n.s.); also printed in The Independent (New York) 66: 398-404 (25 Feb. 1909: no. 3143) / 66: 449-457 (4 March 1909: no. 3144).
--excerpts, summaries, etc., under various titles: Nature 79: 384-386 (28 Jan. 1909: no. 2048); The Times (London) no. 38864: 9e (23 Jan. 1909); Popular Science Monthly 75: 452-457 (Nov. 1909); Scientific American Supplement 68: 350-351 (27 Nov. 1909: no. 1769); Chicago Daily Tribune 68(17): 7a-b, Section II (25 April 1909); abstract/Y in Notices of the Proceedings at the Meetings of the Members of the Royal Institution of Great Britain 19, 1908-1910: 423-429 (1912).

S670. Flying Machines in War. Dr. A. R. Wallace Calls to Action. [lttE dated 4 Feb., Broadstone, Wimborne]. The Daily News (London) no. 19626: 4f (6 Feb. 1909).

S670a. Dr. A. R. Wallace on Land Taxation [lttE signed Old Orchard, Broadstone, Wimborne]. The Daily News (London) no. 19629: 4f (10 Feb. 1909).

S671. Dr. A. R. Wallace and Woman Suffrage [note/N including letter from Wallace read at a meeting to support woman suffrage held 10 Feb. 1909 at Godalming]. The Times (London) no. 38880: 10d (11 Feb. 1909).
--reprinted in article/N entitled 'Two Wise Men' in The Independent (New York) 66: 499 (499-500) (4 March 1909: no. 3144).

S672. To-day's Centenaries. Charles Darwin. The Daily Mail (London) no. 4007: 4d (12 Feb. 1909).

S673. The Centenary of Darwin. The Clarion (London) no. 897: 5c-d (12 Feb. 1909).

S674. Dr. A. R. Wallace [letter of support read at the annual meeting of the A-VL held 24 Feb. 1909]. Vaccination Inquirer 30: 202 (1 March 1909: no. 360).

S674a. lttE [one of three printed as 'Dr. Wallace's Remedy for Unemployment']. The New Age 4 (n.s.), no. 18: 369 (369-370) (25 Feb. 1909: no. 755).

S675. Note to the Present Edition [dated 15 Dec. 1908, Broadstone, Wimborne]. to Psychic Philosophy as the Foundation of a Religion of Natural Law (new ed.) by V. C. Desertis [pseudonym of Stanley DeBrath] (William Rider & Son, Ltd., London, Feb. 1909): vi.

S676. Note on the Passages of Malthus's 'Principles of Population' Which Suggested the Idea of Natural Selection to Darwin and Myself. in The Darwin-Wallace Celebration Held on Thursday, 1st July 1908, by the Linnean Society of London (printed for the Linnean Society by Burlington House, Longmans, Green & Co., London, Feb. 1909): 111-118.

S676a. lttE [one of two printed as 'Dr. A. R. Wallace on Colonisation']. The New Age 4 (n.s.), no. 19: 390 (390) (4 March 1909: no. 756).

S676b. Dr. Russel Wallace and Simplified Spelling [a very brief note/N quoting Wallace's views on "simplified spelling"]. The Yorkshire Post (Leeds) no. 19266: 5b (23 March 1909).

S676c. Dinuzulu's Sentence. Dr. A. R. Wallace on Native Rights. [lttE concerning racial policies in Africa and Australia; dated 29 March 1909, Broadstone, Dorset]. The Daily News (London) no. 19671: 6f (31 March 1909).

S677. Aerial Fleets. Dr. Russel Wallace on Idle Panics. [lttE]. The Daily News (London) no. 19678: 4e (8 April 1909).
--reprint: as 'Aerial Fleets and Idle Panics' in Land and Labour 20(5): 55 (May 1909).

S677a. letter [to the Canterbury Philosophical Institute, re receiving the Order of Merit; printed in the 'Local and General' section]. Wellington Dominion (New Zealand) 2(502): 4f (4e-4f) (8 May 1909).

S678. letter [of support to Joseph Hyder, read at the 28th annual meeting of the LNS, 13 May 1909; dated 7 May 1909, Old Orchard, Broadstone, Wimborne]. Land and Labour 20(6): 64 (June 1909).
--reprint: The Daily News (London) no. 19709: 6c (14 May 1909).

S678a. Memorial Against Flogging [article/N on a public memorial signed by many, including Wallace, asking that flogging of prisoners be abolished in the United Kingdom]. The Birkenhead News and Wirral General Advertiser no. 3017: 4d (27 Oct 1909).

S679. The Development Fund. Letter From Dr. A. R. Wallace. Land and Labour 20(10): 112-113 (Oct. 1909).

S680. letter [of support (as Honorary Vice-President) read at the second annual conference of the Anti-Vaccination League of America, held 29 Dec. 1909 in Philadelphia]. Vaccination Inquirer 31: 253 (1 March 1910: no. 372).

S680a. letter [to Samuel Waddington, concerning basic notions of species origins; dated 23 Feb. 1901]. in Chapters of My Life; An Autobiography by Samuel Waddington (Chapman & Hall, London, 1909): 209.

S680b. footnote [on biogeographic points]. in The Foundations of the Origin of Species, A Sketch Written in 1842 by Charles Darwin ed. by Francis Darwin (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1909): 30 [also printed on page 30 of The Foundations of the Origin of Species, Two Essays Written in 1842 and 1844 by Charles Darwin ed. by Francis Darwin (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1909)]. [contributed by John van Wyhe]

S680d. More Tributes to the Labour Party [brief expression of support, along with those of several others]. The Labour Leader 7(2) n.s: 25b (25b-25d) (14 Jan. 1910).

S681. Dr. Wallace's High Praise [note/N including letter to Ernest McCormick regarding latter's article 'Is Vaccination a Disastrous Delusion?']. Vaccination Inquirer 31: 228 (1 Feb. 1910: no. 371).

S681a. letter [an undated letter to S. B. J. Skertchly on various personal items; included with the newspaper editor's contextual comments as a note entitled 'Alfred Russell Wallace']. The Queenslander (Brisbane) no. 2292: 32b-c (12 Feb. 1910). [contributed by Kees Rookmaaker and John van Wyhe]

S682. Alfred Russel Wallace, LL.D., O.M., etc. [letter of support read at the annual meeting of the A-VL held 15 March 1910]. Vaccination Inquirer 32: 5-6 (1 April 1910: no. 373).

S682a. Man in the Universe. Dr. A. R. Wallace's Conclusions. [lttE concerning Wallace's conclusions as to the possible existence of extraterrestrial life; dated 8 April 1910, Broadstone]. The Daily News (London) no. 19993: 12c (11 April 1910).

S683. telegram [of support read at the 29th annual meeting of the LNS, 18 April 1910]. Land and Labour 21(5): 51 (May 1910).
--reprint: The Daily News (London) no. 20000: 9d (19 April 1910); also printed in The Clarion (London) issue of 22 April 1910, on p. 7d.

S683a. Pleasures of Life. Striking Events in a Scientist's Career. [letter]. Daily Record and Mail (Glasgow), City Edition no. 19855: 3e (13 Sept. 1910).

S684. A New Era in Public Opinion; Some Remarkable Changes in the Last Half-century. Public Opinion (London) 98: 377 (14 Oct. 1910: no. 2555).
--reprinted in The Western Mail (Perth, Australia) no. 1299 (n.s.): 22b-c (19 Nov. 1910).

S684a. Geography of the Animal World; Distribution of Wild Life in Time and Place. in Harmsworth Natural History; A Complete Survey of the Animal Kingdom (3 vols., Carmelite House, London, 1910-1911), Vol. 1: 57-70 (1910).

S684c. comment [printed on the cover of the pamphlet The Story of Stephanus, A Contemporary and Disciple of Jesus..., remarking on the work]. in The Story of Stephanus, A Contemporary and Disciple of Jesus... (M'Culloch & Mackie, Falkirk, England, 1910): on front cover.

S685. Life after Life. "Star-shine and Immortal Tears." [article/N including a letter by Wallace concerning spiritualism]. The Clarion (London) no. 998: 5c (5c-e) (20 Jan. 1911).
--excerpts printed as 'Life after Life' in Light (London) 31: 43 (28 Jan. 1911: no. 1568).

S686. letter [concerning the still-holding arguments posed in Vaccination a Delusion; presented at interview of Deputation of the A-VL with the Edinburgh Public Health Committee on 24 Jan. 1911]. Vaccination Inquirer 32: 293 (1 March 1911: no. 384).
--reprint: as 'Dr. A. R. Wallace and Vaccination' in Public Opinion (London) 99: 206c (3 March 1911: no. 2575).

S686a. The Twenty-first Birthday of the "Review." [article/N posting the congratulations of the magazine's celebrity readers; Wallace's untitled response one of many printed]. Review of Reviews (London) 43(254): 110 (105-111) (Feb. 1911).
--reprint: in The Life of W. T. Stead by Frederic Whyte (Houghton Mifflin Co., New York & Boston, 1925), Vol. 2: 346-347 [letter date given as 15 Jan. 1911].

S687. Alfred Russel Wallace, LL.D, O.M., etc. [letter of support read at the annual meeting of the A-VL held 28 March 1911]. Vaccination Inquirer 33: 42 (1 May 1911: no. 386).

S688. letter [of support to Joseph Hyder, read at the 30th annual meeting of the LNS, 15 May 1911; dated 7 May 1911, Broadstone, Dorset]. Land and Labour 22(6): 61 (June 1911).
--reprint: Wallace's remarks summarized in article/N entitled 'The Depopulation of the Highlands' in The Times (London) no. 39586: 10c (16 May 1911).

S688a. The New Forest. An Appeal from Naturalists. [open lttE concerning conservation of natural history; signed by dozens of noteworthies, including Wallace]. The Times (London) no. 39601: 6e (2 June 1911).

S688b. Some Beautiful Flowering Shrubs [brief lttE]. The Garden 75: 362c (29 July 1911: no. 2071).

S688c. Materialism Not Dead [title of news note/N including a short quote from a Wallace letter to The Spiritual Journal (Boston)]. Light (London) 31(1597): 392a (19 Aug. 1911).

S689. letter extracts [passages from a letter to Clement Reid concerning the relation of the present flora of the British Isles to the Glacial Period; communicated to the 4 Sept. 1911 (Portsmouth) meeting of Section K, Botany, of the BAAS]. in Report of the Eightieth Meeting of the British Assocation for the Advancement of Science (John Murray, London, 1912): 577-578.
--letter first printed in note/N entitled 'A Letter From Dr. A. R. Wallace' in The Times (London) no. 39682: 10d-e (5 Sept. 1911); also described and quoted from as part of 'Botany at the British Association' in Nature 88: 57 (57-58) (9 Nov. 1911: no. 2193).

S689aa. encomium [brief appreciation of the magazine Public Opinion appearing in an ad, probably on many dates; also in other papers such as The Morning Leader (London)]. The Daily News (London) no. 20447: 2f-2g (2f-2g) (22 Sept. 1911).

S689a. Glo'ster Anti-Vivisection Society. Protest Against Insurance Bill Clause. [news story/N including part of a letter of support Wallace sent to the meeting, held 28 Nov. 1911]. Gloucester Journal no. 9871: 4d (4d-4e) (2 Dec. 1911).

S689b. Authors and the Censorship. For and Against New Appointment. Professor Saintbury's Defence. [enquiry/N; Wallace's eighth of nine opinions expressed]. The Morning Leader (London) no. 6110: 5a (5a) (7 Dec. 1911).

S690. Mr. A. R. Wallace and the Insurance Act [lttE dated 27 Dec., Old Orchard, Broadstone, Dorset]. The Times (London) no. 39781: 6c (29 Dec. 1911).

S690aa. three letters [to Romesh Chunder Dutt, on his translation of the epic poem 'Mahabharata,' dated 1 March 1899 & 8 March 1899, and on his book Famines in India, dated 1 Aug. 1900]. in Life and Work of Romesh Chunder Dutt C.I.E. by Jnanendra N. Gupta (J. M. Dent & Sons, London, & E. P. Dutton & Co., New York, 1911): 267-268, 268-269, 287.

S690ab. letter [one of many solicited responses included in article/N entitled 'What Is Wrong With Your House and How It Is to Be Bettered'; Wallace's essentially a non-response]. in The Book of the Exhibition of Houses and Cottages; Romford Garden Suburb Gidea Park (Exhibition Committee, London, 1911): 19 (17-29).

S690a. The Punishment for Blasphemy [news story/N including portions of an open petition to the Home Secretary that the basis of punishments for blasphemy be reviewed; signed by many noteworthies, including Wallace]. The Times (London) no. 39793: 10e (12 Jan. 1912).

S691. Dr. Russel Wallace on Insurance Act [lttE]. The Daily Chronicle (London) no. 15581: 4d (25 Jan. 1912).

S691a. Who Are the Twenty Greatest Men? [article/N posting results of a general enquiry; Wallace's response, untitled, one of many printed]. Review of Reviews (London) 45(265): 25 (22-33) (Jan. 1912).

S692. Naturalist Answers Birthday Greeting. A. R. Wallace Sends Letter. Silver and Gold [student newspaper at the University of Colorado, Boulder] 20(52): 4c (2 Feb. 1912).
--reprinted as 'Dr. Wallace and the University of Colorado' in Science no. 900: 487 (29 March 1912); excerpt reprinted untitled in Nature 89: 12-13 (7 March 1912: no. 2210); partial reprints under various titles: American Botanist 18(3): 86 (Aug. 1912); in Discovery: Or, The Spirit and Service of Science by Sir Richard Gregory (1916): 18; Bios 11(2): 91-92 (May 1940).

S692a. Is Home Rule for Ireland a Foregone Conclusion? What the Best Minds of Great Britain Say About the Immediate Prospect of Irish Self-Government. [article/N posting results of a general inquiry; Wallace's response, titled 'Opposition Due to Ignorance,' one of many printed]. Nash's Magazine (London) 5(5): 541 (536-548) (Feb. 1912).

S692b. Charles Dickens. Some Personal Recollections and Opinions. [article/N posting results of a general inquiry; Wallace's one of many responses printed]. The Bookman (London) 41(245): 247-248 (246-255) (Feb. 1912).

S693. Dinner to Mr. Hyndman. Mr. Bernard Shaw on the Strike. [note/N containing summary of letter Wallace sent on the occasion of Henry H. Hyndman's 70th birthday]. The Times (London) no. 39841: 7c (8 March 1912).
--text of actual letter printed in 'Hyndman’s Seventieth Birthday,' coverage/N in Justice (London) 29(1470): 5c-5d (5a-5d) (16 March 1912).

S694. Alfred Russel Wallace, LL.D. O.M., etc. [letter of support read at the annual meeting of the A-VL held 19 March 1912; dated 16 March 1912, Old Orchard, Broadstone, Dorset]. Vaccination Inquirer 34: 11 (1 April 1912: no. 397).

S695. letter [to Isaac Bickerstaffe, printed in Part I of his article 'Some Principles of Growth and Beauty']. The Field, The Country Gentleman's Newspaper 119: 946b (946-948) (11 May 1912: no. 3098).
--reprint: in The Curves of Life; Being an Account of Spiral Formations and Their Application to Growth in Nature, to Science and to Art by Theodore Andrea Cook (Constable & Co., London / H. Holt & Co., New York, Oct. 1914): 3-4.

S696. letter [of support to Joseph Hyder, read at the 31st annual meeting of the LNS, 16 May 1912; dated 13 May 1912, Old Orchard, Broadstone]. Land and Labour 23(6): 63-64 (June 1912).

S696a. Euphorbia Wulfenii [brief lttE]. The Garden 76: 339a-b (6 July 1912: no. 2120).

S697. Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace's Letter [letter to the Bombay Corporation concerning the accuracy of statistics Wallace presented before the Royal Commission on Vaccination; dated 5 June 1912, Old Orchard, Broadstone, Dorset]. Vaccination Inquirer 34: 121 (1 Aug. 1912: no. 401).

S698. A Policy of Defence [lttE]. The Daily News & Leader (London & Manchester) no. 20723: 4f (9 Aug. 1912).

S699. Mr. Blatchford's Dogmatism [letter commenting on discussion on spiritualism between The Clarion Editor Robert Blatchford and The Christian Commonwealth]. The Christian Commonwealth 32: 815b (11 Sept. 1912: no. 1613).
--excerpt reprinted untitled in Light (London) 32: 436 (14 Sept. 1912: no. 1653).

S699b. Letter from Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace [note/N including a letter dated 11 Sept. 1912, Old Orchard, Broadstone, Dorset, from Wallace to a "Rock Ferry gentleman"; includes a two-sentence description of his notion of what "matter" is]. The Birkenhead News (Birkenhead) 35 (3320): 3c (21 Sept. 1912).

S700. The Origin of Life. A Reply to Dr. Schäfer. Everyman 1(1): 5-6 (18 Oct. 1912).
--reprint: The Advertiser (Adelaide, Australia) 55(16882): 7a-b (23 Nov. 1912); excerpts reprinted in article/N entitled 'Doctor Alfred Russel Wallace's Challenge to the Chemical Theory of Life' in Current Literature 53(6): 657-659 (Dec. 1912).

S700a. Memorial to Mr. Asquith on Flogging [news story/N including portions of an open letter/N on restricting the use of flogging as a punishment; signed by dozens of noteworthies, including Wallace]. The Times (London) no. 40076: 3e (7 Dec. 1912).

S700aa. letter extracts [from letter(s) to C. Reginald Enock, concerning ethnographic and archeological matters]. in The Secret of the Pacific by C. Reginald Enock (T. Fisher Unwin, London, 1912): 77, 262, 269.
--Some of the letter excerpts reprinted in 'Does Easter Island Solve Secret of the Pacific?'/n in New York Times, Magazine Section Part 5, 4 Aug. 1912: M12b-c (M12a-g).

S700ac. Labour’s Vision. Thoughts From Some Leaders. Dr. Russel Wallace. [feature/N posting replies to an enquiry regarding advances in the program of Labor; Wallace’s one of several responses printed]. The Daily Citizen (London & Manchester) no. 83: 4f (4f) (13 Jan. 1913).

S700b. Our Charter of Health [article/N featuring opinions on the Insurance Act solicited from about twenty notables, including Wallace]. The Daily Chronicle (London) no. 15884: 7b-c (1a-b, 7b-c) (14 Jan. 1913).

S701. Dr. A. R. Wallace's Birthday [note/N including one-line response by Wallace to letter sent by the London Spiritualist Alliance on his 90th birthday]. Light (London) 33: 28 (18 Jan. 1913: no. 1671).

S702. letter [of support read at the annual meeting of the A-VL held 13 March 1913]. Vaccination Inquirer 35: 9 (1 April 1913: no. 409).
--reprint: in note/N entitled 'Vaccination a Crime' describing the annual meeting printed in The Times (London) no. 40159: 4d (14 March 1913).

S702ab. What the World Wants [one of several brief responses to an inquiry; dated Old Orchard, Broadstone, Dorset, 7 April 1913]. The Cambria Daily Leader (Swansea) no. 12502: 2d (2d) (12 April 1913). [contributed by Christine Greenleaf]

S702aa. Our Manager Arrested. [feature/N posting replies to an enquiry regarding freedom of the press; Wallace's one of many printed]. The Labour Leader 10(20): 2a (1-2). (15 May 1913).

S702a. letter [to Edward B. Poulton, read by Poulton as part of his 1913 Presidential Address to the Linnean Society of London, 24 May 1913, concerning the probable forgery on natural selection once attributed to George W. Sleeper]. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London (one hundred and twenty-fifth session, 1912-1913): 26 (1913).

S703. letter [of support to Joseph Hyder, read at the 32nd annual meeting of the LNS, 28 May 1913; dated 25 May 1913, Old Orchard, Broadstone, Dorset]. The Land Nationaliser 24(6): 88 (June 1913).

S703ac. Arms and the Man [article/N posting results of a general inquiry on compulsory military service; Wallace's one-sentence reply one of many printed]. Pall Mall Magazine 52: 47 (45-50) (July 1913).

S703a. Mrs. Pankhurst's Health. An Appeal to the Prime Minister [an open letter to Prime Minister Asquith concerning the health of frequently arrested suffragist Emmeline Pankhurst; signed by many noteworthies, including Wallace]. The Times (London) no. 40299: 3e (25 Aug. 1913).

S703ad. letter [on Lloyd George; part of an anonymous ('C. J. B.') feature titled 'Out and About']. The Labour Leader 10(37): 2d (11 Sept. 1913).

S703ae. "Wages Must Be Raised." Dr. Wallace's Advice to Labour. [story/N featuring a letter from Wallace read at a meeting of the Bournemouth Trade and Labour Council]. The Daily Citizen (London & Manchester) no. 295: 5b (17 Sept. 1913).
--reprints: as 'Letter from Dr. Alfred Wallace' [letter read at a mass Trade Union and Labour Demonstration, at which Ben Tillett was the chief speaker; part of a story/N entitled 'Ben Tillett at Parkstone']. The Bournemouth Guardian and Hants and Dorset Advertiser no. 1538: 4h (4f-4h) (20 Sept. 1913); as 'Dr. Wallace's Advice to Labour' in The Lyttelton Times (Christchurch, NZ) no. 16392: 16b (8 Nov. 1913).

S703b. Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace [one of many letters to the Editor collected under the title 'First Milestone of "The Daily Citizen." The Record of a Year's Work. Birthday Messages. Complete Justification of a Labour Newspaper.']. The Daily Citizen (London & Manchester) no. 313: 2a (1b-1f, 2a-2b) (8 Oct. 1913).
--reprint: in anonymous obituary, 'Alfred Russel Wallace. Death at 90 Years of Age. Last of the Great Victorians,' The Daily Citizen (London & Manchester) No. 340 (8 Nov. 1913): 2d.

S703bc. Dr. Wallace on Astrology [lttE from R. K. Tarachand including extract from Wallace letter to him dated 27 May 1911]. The Times of India, 11 Nov. 1913: 4. [contributed by Christine Greenleaf]

S703c. letter excerpts [to James Marchant, concerning the agency of "superhuman or infinite beings"]. in Marchant's 'Life Story of the Author' introduction to Wallace’s The Revolt of Democracy (Cassell, London, 1913): xxxiv-xxxvi [vii-xlv].

S704. A Scientist's Sleepless Hours [note/N printing a letter to columnist Solomon Eagle concerning the authorship of two poems; first referred to in Eagle's column in New Statesman (London) 1: 790 (27 Sept. 1913: no. 25)]. Public Opinion (London) 104: 568 (21 Nov. 1913: no. 2717).

S705. Dr. A. R. Wallace's Faith [note/N containing one-sentence reply to an inquiry]. The Christian Commonwealth 34: 120b (12 Nov. 1913: no. 1674).
--reprints: reply printed with others' in an article/N entitled 'The Faith I Live By' in The Christian Commonwealth 34: 193c (190-193) (10 Dec. 1913: no. 1678); reprinted untitled in Light (London) 33(1715): 562a (22 Nov. 1913).

S705b. The Late Dr. Russel Wallace. Scientist, Explorer, Reformer. [note/N including a short letter from Wallace dated Parkstone, Dorset, 26 December 1892, declining an invitation]. Hertfordshire Mercury and County Press (Hertford) 79(4117): 8a (8a-8b) (15 Nov. 1913).

S706. Dr. Wallace on the Genesis of the Soul [letter dated 5 April 1903, Broadstone, Dorset, to an unnamed correspondent; submitted by S. H. Leonard]. Spectator 111: 863 (22 Nov. 1913: no. 4456).
--reprinted in Educational Review 47(3): 312-313 (March 1914).

S706c. Noted Scientist's Letter to Local Man Expounds Nature Beauty Theory at Meeting [article/N including letter from Wallace]. Pomona Daily Review (Pomona, CA) 16(89), Section 2: 1f-1g (1f-1g) (24 November 1913). [submitted by Christine Chua]

S707. Preface. to The Case for Land Nationalisation by Joseph Hyder (Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd., London, Nov. 1913): v-viii.

S707aa. (see S686a)

S707ad. letter [to Mrs. C. P. Farrell, agreeing to have his name used, but turning down offer of a Vice-Presidency at the Congress; dated 30 June 1913, Old Orchard, Broadstone, Dorset; read to the Congress by Rev. Dr. C. Ernest Smith on 9 Dec. 1913]. in Proceedings of the International Anti-Vivisection and Animal Protection Congress Held at Washington, D.C. December 8th to 11th, 1913 (The Tudor Press, New York, 1914): 41.

S707an. letters [extracts from various letters to T. D. A. Cockerell; see obituary by Cockerell in the 19 Dec. 1913 issue of Science]. Science 38 n.s.: 871-877 (19 Dec. 1913: no. 990).

S707bd. Professor T. J. J. See's Biography Is Issued [anonymous article/N including a 'Letter from Dr. Wallace']. San Francisco Examiner 100(32): 46b-46c (46b-46c) (1 February 1914). [submitted by Christine Chua]

S707ag. letter [brief note included with many others' in 'Darwin, Science and the Church; The Last Word of Science and the Church on the Teachings of Darwin: A Symposium' by Elmer J. Kneale]. The Forum (New York & London) 51: 824 (821-845) (June 1914).

S707ab. letter [to Sir John Lubbock, turning down a visit invitation and remarking on Lubbock's bill to protect birds; dated 23 June 1908]. in Life of Sir John Lubbock, Lord Avebury by Horace G. Hutchinson (Macmillan and Co., Ltd., London, 1914), Vol. 2: 258.

S707ah. letter [to Henry Walter Bates, concerning his book The Naturalist on the Amazons; dated ca. 1863]. in Memories by Edward Clodd (Chapman and Hall, London, 1916): 64-65.

S707am. letter [a 1910 letter to Mr. A. Bartels on Doryanthes palmeri; included in a lttE from C. T. White entitled 'That Mountain Lily']. The Brisbane Courier no. 18637: 6e (10 Oct. 1917).

S707ar. comments on nature vs. nurture. in Birth-rate and Empire by James Marchant (Williams and Norgate, London, 1917): 101.

S707a. From Alfred Russel Wallace [single-sentence tribute to Eugene V. Debs]. in Debs and the Poets ed. by Ruth Le Prade (Upton Sinclair, Pasadena, California, 1920): 40.

S707af. letter [to Alfred Newton, concerning the "flat earth" experiment and the title of Wallace's book on natural selection (S716); dated 18 Jan. 1870]. in Alfred Newton; Professor of Comparative Anatomy Cambridge University 1866-1907 by A. F. R. Wollaston (John Murray, London, 1921): 296-297.

S707ae. letter extract [to Norman Douglas, concerning Arthur Schopenhauer's anticipation of recognition marks; included as text note; letter dated 19 July 1894, Parkstone, Dorset]. in Alone by Norman Douglas (Robert M. McBride & Company, New York, 1922): 127.

S707ac. letters [to Francis Galton, concerning: (1) Galton's germ cell theory (dated 3 March 1876), and (2) a proposal to establish an experimental research institute (dated 3, 7, and 13 Feb. 1891)]. in The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton by Karl Pearson (University Press, Cambridge, U.K.), Vol. 2 (1924): 187 (first letter), and Vol. 3A (1930): 128-129, 130, 132-133 (last three letters).

S707ap. letter [to James Leon Williams, on characteristics of natural variation; dated 27 June 1913]. in The Life and Work of James Leon Williams by George Wood Clapp (The Dental Digest, New York, 1925): 238-239.

S707as. letters. [extracts from various letters to Edward B. Poulton; see obituary by Poulton in the 15 Dec. 1913 issue of Zoologist]

S707b. letter [to L. H. Pammel, dated 20 Nov. 1911, regarding Iowa plants]. in Pammel's Prominent Men I Have Met (Ames, IA, 1926): 6 (5-8).

S707c. letters [two, to James Mark Baldwin, concerning evolutionary subjects in two of Baldwin's books; dated 15 Aug. 1902 & 17 May 1910]. in Between Two Wars 1861-1921; Being Memories, Opinions and Letters Received, Vol. 2 by James Mark Baldwin (The Stratford Company, Boston, 1926): 246-248.

S708. Edgar Allan Poe; A Series of Seventeen Letters Concerning Poe's Scientific Erudition in Eureka and His Authorship of "Leonainie" [letters to Ernest Marriott from 1903 and 1904 assembled by an unknown compiler and privately printed as a pamphlet]. New York, n.d. (possibly, and no later than, 1930, its apparent cataloguing date); pp. (1)-18.
--reprint: American Transcendental Quarterly #24, Supplement One: 45-49 (Fall 1974).

S708aa. letter [to his daughter Violet, concerning why the wagtail wags its tail; dated 22 Oct. 1897]. in The Five Hundred Best English Letters selected and edited by The First Earl of Birkenhead (Cassell and Co. Ltd., London, 1931): 791.

S708a. letter extracts [two, to John Thomas Gulick, regarding two of his papers on evolution; dated 3 Sept. 1872 and 24 Dec. 1887]. in Evolutionist and Missionary John Thomas Gulick; Portrayed Through Documents and Discussions by Addison Gulick (University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1932): 235, 403.

S709. Letters Concerning Wallace, Newton and Tristram [note by A. L. Pickens reprinting 13 Jan. 1874 letter from The Dells, Essex, concerning bird families classification from Wallace to Canon Tristram; second letter is from Alfred Newton to Tristram]. Auk 51 (n.s.; 59, o.s.): 404-406 (July 1934).

S710. Letters of Alfred Russel Wallace to Lester F. Ward [article by Bernhard J. Stern centering on, and reprinting, Wallace's letters]. The Scientific Monthly 40: 375-379 (April 1935).

S711. A Letter From A. R. Wallace to F. P. Pascoe, Written From Ternate, 20 December 1860 [note by Hale Carpenter]. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London Series A 14: 77-78 (1939).

S711a. letters [four, to Sydney Carlyle Cockerell, ca. 1904-1906]. in Friends of a Lifetime; Letters to Sydney Carlyle Cockerell by S. C. Cockerell & Viola Meynell (J. Cape, London, 1940): 210-212.

S712. Letters From Edward B. Tylor and Alfred Russel Wallace to Edward Westermarck; Ed. With Introductory Remarks Concerning the Publication of The History of Human Marriage [article by K. Rob. V. Wikman]. Acta Academiae Aboensis Humaniora XIII.7; pp. (1)-22 (Wallace's letters presented on pp. 13-22) (1940).

S712ac. letter [to William James, concerning attending a seance in Boston; dated 1 June 1886 (incorrectly)]. in William James; His Marginalia, Personality and Contribution by Abraham A. Roback (Sci-Art Publishers, Cambridge MA, 1942): 98-101.

S712ae. remarks on atomic energy [short quotations from a conversation between James Marchant and Wallace in 1913]. The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post (London) no. 28126: 4g (9 Aug. 1945).
--later versions/reprints: in 'United Nations Charter' [specifically, as part of remarks by Sir Arthur Salter], Hansard, House of Commons Official Report vol. 413, cc697 (22 Aug. 1945); in 'What Is Wrong with the World?' in The Argus (Melbourne) no. 30928: 4c (15 Oct. 1945); in 'The Atomic Bomb' in The Times (London) no. 50290: 5e (3 Nov. 1945); reprinted from the latter in The Gospel Magazine no. 938 (n.s.): 47 (March-April 1946).

S712ab. letter [to W. J. Farmer, dated 3 Dec. 1908; included in Farmer's 'Bees and Evolution']. The British Bee Journal 77: 522 (522) (17 Nov. 1949: no. 3515).

S712aa. letter [to Upton Sinclair, regarding Sinclair's proposed anti-war International League; dated 3 May 1912, Old Orchard, Broadstone, Dorset]. in My Lifetime in Letters by Upton Sinclair (University of Missouri Press, Columbia, 1960): 105 (105-106).

S712ad. letters [two, to Albert C. L. G. Günther, soliciting assistance in Wallace's geographical distribution work; dated 16 Feb. & 28 March 1873]. in A Century of Zoology at the British Museum Through the Lives of Two Keepers 1815-1914 by Albert E. Gunther (Wm. Dawson & Sons Ltd., Folkestone, Kent, 1975): 316-317.

S712am. letter [to Henry Meyners Bernard, concerning the definition of speciation; included with many others' in 'Bernard's Symposium--The Species Concept in 1900' by A. G. Cock; dated 29 Nov. 1900]. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 9: 23-24 (1-30) (March 1977).

S712aw. letter [to Theodore D. A. Cockerell, on Colorado vegetation and other matters; from 1890]. in The Valley of the Second Sons: Letters of Theodore Dru Alison Cockerell... by Cockerell & William A. Weber (Pilgrims Process, Longmont CO, 2004): 508.
--most of the letter printed in Cockerell's obituary of Wallace in Science.

S712a. On a Probable Means of Procuring Plane and Curved Specula of Great Size, With a Few Remarks on Fixed Telescopes [originally attached to a letter to Fox Talbot dated 21 April 1843]. in 'Reflections on Wallace' by Charles H. Smith, Nature 443: 34 (33-34) (7 Sept. 2006: no 7107).

S712c. Alfred Russel Wallace and the RASC [article by R. A. Rosenfeld reprinting 2 June 1903 letter from Wallace to J. R. Collins concerning the location of Earth within the known universe]. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 103(4): 165-168 (Aug. 2009).

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