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Letter Excerpts to C. Reginald Enock
(S700aa: 1911/1912)

Editor Charles H. Smith's Note: Portions of a letter or letters to C. Reginald Enock, reprinted in his book The Secret of the Pacific in 1912, on pages 77, 262, and 269, respectively. Enock's lead-in words are also printed below to provide context. To link directly to this page, connect with: http://people.wku.edu/charles.smith/wallace/S700AA.htm

     [[p. 77]] . . . Of the early Norse immigration we have scarcely spoken. There is no doubt that this did occur. Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace supports this, amongst other authorities, and in one of his letters to me says: "The early Norse immigration, or a still earlier one, by which man entered America, perhaps accounts for the finer races of tall Indians, with long, flowing hair and aquiline noses, now almost extinct."1

     [[p. 262]] . . . It has been suggested that the fish carvings may indicate that these early immigrants held sacred some fish-god, somewhat as in the case of the early Peruvians. It is to be recollected that the large stone statue of Tiahuanako, near the Peru-Bolivia boundary, has a fish sculptured on its breast, as described before. Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace, in a letter1 bearing upon this subject which he wrote me, speaks of "the resemblance of human sculptures on some of the earliest stone buildings of Bolivia with the Easter Island statue in the British Museum." This statue, it will be recollected, was brought to England some forty years ago by H.M.S. Topaze. "I was greatly struck by the resemblance," he says, "and in the drawing of the large gateway in Bolivia there are figures whose features resemble the very peculiar features of the Easter Island monuments, and have a very curious Caucasian aspect."

     [[p. 269]] . . . The Polynesians are of a light brown colour, tall and well proportioned, with regular and often beautiful features, and in some cases are the physical equals of Europeans--or at least this is the case in Samoa and the Marquesas. Although both the brown and the black peoples living here had, in all probability, Asiatic ancestors in common, the Polynesian is to-day as he has ever been, a distinct race. Dr. Wallace, the great authority upon this subject, informed me as his opinion that there must have been "a stream of migration from East tropical Asia, where remnants of Caucasian races still exist, and these, intermixed perhaps with some Malay tribes, produced the fine Mahories of Samoa, the Sandwich Islands, and New Zealand."

Note Appearing in the Original Work

     1. December, 1911. [[on pages 77 and 262]]

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