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Alfred Russel Wallace : Alfred Wallace : A. R. Wallace :
Russel Wallace : Alfred Russell Wallace (sic)

Personal Names Index to the Writings of Alfred Russel Wallace

    The following compilation represents an index of personal names (and a few organizations) that appeared in Wallace's writings. To produce the index I examined every page of every item listed in the "Wallace Bibliography" list, keeping track both of each name that appeared, and how many times it appeared. Only those names that Wallace referred to in more than simple citation terms are included (i.e., names that appeared as part of systematic synonymies, straight citations, etc. are not included unless Wallace also mentioned the persons involved in some further fashion in the main text of his writing--however, most of the omitted names can be found by doing a general website-wide search). Once I had a "raw" list of names, I attempted to verify and/or distinguish the persons involved using various reference tools (Wallace often refers to people by their last name only, so a few errors are likely in this regard).

    The resulting list refers names to the "S" items in which they appeared (see "Bibliography" or "Wallace Writings" for links to the full-text for all such items). When the person's name appeared one or two times in the item, it appears in the list in regular strength type; when the name appeared three or four times, it appears in boldface type; when the name appeared five or more times, it is both underlined and in boldface type. When the item represented either a direct response to someone else's remarks or a book review, I added an extra "four times" to the tally for the name of the person involved to arrive at this final scaling. Note that some names that were included in the "raw" list of names are not included in the final list accessible here because they were of trivial importance (e.g., one-time mentions of servants or very minor contacts). I have not recorded page numbers of mentions because of the extra work that would entail; I am willing to provide these (within reason!) for books and the longer works on an individual contact basis, however.

    The editions of the books indexed here are as follows: Palm Trees of the Amazon S713 (original 1853 edition); Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro S714 (facsimile reprint of 1889 second edition); The Malay Archipelago S715 (facsimile reprint of 1890 tenth edition); Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection S716 (facsimile reprint of original 1870 edition); On Miracles and Modern Spiritualism S717 (facsimile reprint of 1896 edition); The Geographical Distribution of Animals S718 (facsimile reprint of original 1876 edition); Tropical Nature and Other Essays S719 (facsimile reprint of original 1878 edition); Australasia S720**; Island Life S721 (facsimile reprint of 1911 third edition); Land Nationalisation S722 (original 1882 edition); Bad Times S723 (original 1885 edition); Darwinism S724 (1897 reprint of 1889 second edition); The Wonderful Century S726 (original 1898 New York edition); Man's Place in the Universe S728 (original 1903 New York edition); My Life S729 (original 1905 London edition); Is Mars Habitable? S730 (original 1907 edition); The World of Life S732 (original 1910 London edition); Social Environment and Moral Progress S733 (original 1913 New York edition); The Revolt of Democracy S734 (original 1913 edition). I did not separately index the collections Natural Selection and Tropical Nature (S725) or Studies Scientific and Social (S727), or the edited work Notes of a Botanist on the Amazon and Andes (S731), though in the case of the last two the items S583-S587 and S667-S668, newly created for inclusion in them, were indexed under those latter individual numbers.

    To search for the names found in any one particular work, use the "Find" feature of your browser's "Edit" function. For example, to find names from S93, enter '--93 ' (i.e., the five characters: hyphen-hyphen-nine-three-[space]), making sure to include the blank space after the number.

    For an ordered list of those individuals who appeared most frequently in Wallace's writings (including where available links to additional information on them), Click Here.

    In 2010-2011 (and again in 2024) I reviewed and revised the list, incorporating over fifteen hundred changes (additions, deletions, corrections, and enhancements) to improve comprehensiveness and accuracy.

**In the case of Australasia, I indexed both the 1888 fifth edition and the 1893 edition (whose updated coverage of the region was limited to Australia and New Zealand only). To distinguish the two in the list I have designated the former "S720," and the latter, "S720a."


Abbott, Annie, her possession of unusual magneto-electrical powers ----435
Abbott, Charles C. [naturalist 1843-1919] ----404 --406 --724
Abbott, John [naturalist b. 1751], on caterpillars ----724
Abdullah (Abdulah) [spirit entity] ----282 --519a --729
Abel, Dr. Clarke [naturalist 1780-1826], on orangutans ----715 --718
Abernethy, Dr. John [anatomist & surgeon 1764-1831], on phrenology ----726
Académie des Sciences (France) ----174 --221 --519a --717 --728 --729
Académie Nationale de Médecine/Académie Royale de Médecine (France) ----207 --270 --285 --287 --420 --561 --726
Ackroyd, Mr. William, on metachromatism ----272 --719
Acland, Sir Thomas Dyke [politician & reformer 1809-1898] ----376ac --723
Acworth, Harry Arbuthnot [1849-1933], on sanitation conditions in Bombay ----726
Adalbert, Prince [navigator & explorer 1811-1873], Xingu River explorer ----714
Adams, Andrew Leith [physician & naturalist 1827-1882], on his travels in Malta & the Nile Valley ----194
Adams, Mr. Henry [conchologist 1813-1877], on Malay Archipelago land shells ----109
Adams, John [1767-1829], Pitcairn Id. descendant of the Bounty mutineers ----586
Adams, Mr. John, letter to Wallace & response ----699b
Adams, John Couch [astronomer & mathematician 1819-1892] ----726 --728
Adare, Lord (see Dunraven, Earl of)
Aesop/AEsop [fabulist ca.620 B.C. - ca.564 B.C.] ----384 --729
Agassiz, Alexander [naturalist 1835-1910] ----286 --313 --401 --724 --729 --732
Agassiz, Louis [naturalist 1807-1873] ----107 --124 --172 --210 --233 --248 --286 --313 --358 --401 --402 --480 --481 --486 --716 --718 --724 --726 --729 --732 --735
Ainsworth, William Harrison [novelist 1805-1882], on his Rookwood ----729
Airy, Sir George B. [astronomer 1801-1892] ----455 --729
Aitken, Mr. John [1839-1919], on condensation nuclei ----547 --726
Akademie der Wissenschaften (Berlin) ----221
Aksakov/Aksakoff/Aksákow, Aleksandr [writer & psychical researcher 1832-1903] ----246a --729
Alaric I, King of the Visigoths [d. 410] ----368a
Albertis, Luigi Maria d' [traveler 1841-1901] ----235 --301 --332 --718 --720
Alcock, Mr. Thomas [1801-1866], on the rural clearances ----722
Alembert, Jean le Rond d' [mathematician 1717-1783], on mathematics ----729
Alexander, Amazon field assistant ----714
Alexander I (Alexander the Great) [356 B.C. - 323 B.C.] ----691a --732
Alexander, Mr. Patrick Proctor [philosopher 1823-1886] ----243 --717 [note that the middle name 'Fraser' given in S243 & S717 is an error]
Alexander, Prof. Thomas, on mimicking butterflies ----359
Alfred, King of Wessex [849-899] ----631 --691a
Ali [Malay Archipelago field assistant] ----715 --729
Allen, Charles [Malay Archipelago field assistant] ----21 --59 --61 --62 --67 --68 --70 --71 --74 --85 --102 --127 --154 --156 --204b --301 --715 --720 --729
Allen, Prof. Frank James, M.D. [1854-1942], on the conditions essential for life ----728
Allen, Grant [writer 1848-1899] ----304 --308 --348 --425 --427 --496 --532 --591a --602 --644 --661aa --712ac --719 --724 --729 --732 --733 --735d
Allen, Joel Asaph [mammalogist & ornithologist 1838-1921] ----172 --253 --322 --389 --524 --669 --718 --721 --724 --729
Allen, Revd. Joseph A. [1814-1900], Grant Allen's father ----729
Allen, William, a shareholder in New Lanark Mills ----729
Allingham, William [poet 1824-1889] ----729 --738 --744
Allman, Prof. George James [zoologist 1812-1898], & his sufferings from asthma ----729
Almeida, Dr. Francisco José de Lacerda e [explorer 1753-1798], his African travels ----232
Alston, Edward R. [zoologist 1845-1881], on European mammals ----721
Amalitskii, Vladimir P., Prof., on fossil remains of early reptiles from Northern Russia ----732
Amberley, Lord [1842-1876] ----225 --243 --717
Ameghino, Dr. Florentino [paleontologist 1853-1911], on the Microbiotheriidae ----732
American Ornithologists' Union ----468 --534
Anaxagoras [Greek philosopher ca.500 B.C. - ca.428 B.C.] ----589
Anaximander [Greek astronomer 610 B.C. - ca.547 B.C.] ----589 --728
Anderson, Dr. Elizabeth Garrett [1836-1917], re statistics on unvaccinated children ----608
Anderson, Mr. William Marshall [1807-1881], on the skull of an Ohio Amerind ----257 --719
Anderson, Mr. William Crawford [1877-1919], on the labor problem ----734
Anderson, Mr., magician ----118 --717
Anderson, Mr., British Museum attendant ----722
Andersson, Nils J. [botanist 1821-1880], on Galapagos plants ----721
Andrews, Dr. Charles W. [paleontologist 1866-1924], on ancestral forms of elephants ----732
Anglesey, Marquis of, re a satire of ----745
Anson, Lord George [1697-1762], his voyage to Tinian ----720
Ansted, Prof. David T. [geographer 1814-1880], re exam-correcting ----729
Anthropological Society (Washington DC) ----394a --729 --735aa
Anthropological Society of London ----86 --87 --90 --92 --93 --94 --95 --99 --100 --106 --111 --113 --133
Anti-Vaccination League of America ----680
Antony, Senhor Henrique (Sir Henrique Anthony) [Amazon resident] ----6 --714 --729
Arago, François [physicist & astronomer 1786-1853] ----174 --717 --726 --728
Arch, Joseph [politician 1826-1919], on securing a homestead ----367a --375
Archer, William [critic 1856-1924], concerning censorship ----689b
Archimedes [ca.287 B.C. - 212 B.C.] ----445 --649 --691a --724 --733
Argelander, Friedrich Wilhelm August [astronomer 1799-1875], his star-charts ----728
Argyll [sic Argyle], Duke of [statesman & writer 1823-1900] ----134 --140 --150 --173 --175 --241 --462 --466 --486a --491 --668 --716 --722 --724 --729 --732
Ariel [literary character] ----726
Aristophanes [playwright ca.450 B.C. - ca.388 B.C.] ----384
Aristotle [philosopher 384 B.C. - 322 B.C.] ----174 --211 --272 --307 --484 --507 --717 --719 --728
Arjun [literary character] ----690aa
Arkwright, Sir Richard [inventor 1732-1792] ----438
Armfield, Mr., on land reform ----344a --345aa
Armstrong, Prof. Henry E. [organic chemist 1848-1937] ----507a --732
Armstrong, Mr., at Washington DC hotel ----729
Arnold, Matthew [poet & social critic 1822-1888], on provincial organization ----735
Arnold, Sir R. Arthur [politician & writer 1833-1902], on lands owned by the peerage ----722
Arrhenius, Prof. Svante [physicist & chemist 1859-1927], on cosmological origins ----732
Artedi, Peter [ichthyologist 1705-1735], on synonymy ----205
Ashburner, Dr. John [physician 1793-1878] ----118 --174 --191 --263a --270 --717
Asquith, Herbert Henry [politician 1852-1928] ----700a --703a --703ad --734 --749 --752c
Atkins, Mr. Thomas de Courcy, on land ownership in Ireland ----365 --722
Atkinson, Mr. Edward [economist & statistician 1827-1905] ----466 --507 --512 --584 --655
Atkinson, Mr. Henry G. [phrenologist 1812-1890?] ----174 --191 --216 --717 --726
Audubon, John James [naturalist 1785-1851] ----279 --578 --719 --732
Aughey, Samuel [naturalist 1831-1912], on the loess of Nebraska ----406
Augustinho, Senhor [Amazon resident] ----714
Auria, Luigi d', on stellar motion ----728
Auschnetz [sic Anschütz] Gustav [artist] ----118 --270 --717
Australasian Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society ----720
Avebury, Lord (see Lubbock, Sir John)
Aveling, Edward B. [socialist & writer 1851-1898], on the American working class ----466
Aylward, Captain Alfred [1843-1889], on glacial markings in the Transvaal ----721
Aymar, Jacques [psychic or conjuror b. 1662], re his use of the divining rod ----717
Azara, Félix de [naturalist 1746-1821] ----279 --290 --463 --719 --721 --724

Babington, Prof. Charles C. [botanist 1808-1895] ----280 --568a --721 --724
Babrius [fabulist 2nd cent. A.D.] ----384
Bach family [musicians], re a spinet they owned ----209
Backhouse, Mr. James [horticulturist 1825-1890], and his alpine gardens in York ----668 --729 --731
Bacon, Francis [philosopher 1561-1626] ----1a --174 --398 --475 --484 --498 --717 --726
Baden Powell, Revd. [mathematician & priest 1796-1860] ----107
Baderoon [Malay Archipelago field assistant] ----715
Baer, Karl Ernst von [embryologist 1792-1876] ----305 --352
Bagehot, Walter [economist 1826-1877], on human social evolution ----221
Bailey, Liberty Hyde [botanist 1858-1954], of the Agricultural College of Michigan ----710
Bain, Alexander [psychologist 1818-1903] ----155 --186
Baines, Edward [newspaperman & politician 1774-1848], on New Lanark ----729
Baines, Henry [botanist 1794-1878], his Flora of Yorkshire ----668
Baines, Thomas [traveler & artist 1820-1875], on his plates for The Malay Archipelago ----729

Baird, Prof. Spencer Fullerton [zoologist 1823-1887], on American & West Indian birds ----718
Baker, Captain G. P., on the Javan ruins at Chandi Sewa ----715 --720
Baker, Prof. James Hutchins [1848-1925], of Denver High School ----729
Baker, Mr. John Gilbert [botanist 1834-1920] ----96 --716 --721 --724 --729
Baker, Sir Samuel White [traveler & writer 1821-1893] ----120 --229 --718 --720a
Balbi, Adriano [geographer 1782-1848], on his estimates of continental areas ----52
Baldwin, James Mark [psychologist & evolutionist 1861-1934], ARW letters to ----707c
Baldwin, Lucky [businessman & land speculator 1828-1909] ----735d
Balfour, Mr. Arthur J. [politician 1848-1930] ----729 --752
Balfour, Dr. John Hutton [Edinburgh botanist 1808-1884] ----667 --668 --729
Balfour, Dr. T. Graham [physician 1813-1891] ----420 --536 --544 --547aa --726
Balkwill, Mr. J. H., on the Arabian Nights tale ----615
Ball, John [peasants revolt leader d. 1381] ----498
Ball, Mr. John [alpinist 1818-1889] ----184 --464 --724
Ball, Sir Robert S. [astronomer 1840-1913] ----520 --728 --729 --730 --732
Ball, Mr. William Platt [freethinker & writer 1844-1917], on use & disuse in selection ----440 --468 --649
Ball, Mr. [Java resident] ----715
Baltazarini [sic Baltasarini] [musician d. ca.1587] ----209
Baly, Joseph S. [entomologist 1817-1890] ----81 --98 --205 --718
Bank of England ----553 --729
Banks, Sir Joseph [naturalist 1743-1820], and the Botany Bay expedition ----720 --720a
Barande (see Barrande)
Barber, Mary Elizabeth [naturalist 1818-1899] ----272 --389 --425 --444 --719 --724
Barbosa, Duarte [ca.1480 - 1521], early writer on the Malay Archipelago region ----715 --720
Barclay, James William, [1832-1907], farmer & M.P. ----504 --722 --723
Barclay, Dr. John [physiologist & physician 1758-1826], re his attack on phrenology ----726
Baring-Gould, Mr. Sabine [clergyman & writer 1834-1924] ----365 --466 --717 --722
Barker, Dr., re the Davenport brothers ----243 --717
Barlow, Jane [writer 1857-1917] ----738
Barnard, Edward Emerson [astronomer 1857-1923], on the surface of Mars ----730
Barnardo, Dr. Thomas John [physician & foster-father 1845-1905] ----466 --505 --510a --549 --726 --733 --737 --747
Barnes, George Nicoll [politician 1859-1940], letter from ARW to ----618b
Baron, Revd. Richard [missionary & naturalist 1847-1907], on the Madagascan flora ----721
Barrande [sic Barande], Joachim [1799-1883], on Paleozoic invertebrates ----716
Barrett, Sir William F. [physicist & psychical investigator 1844-1925] ----258 --259 --270 --283 --385b --451 --582 --685 --699 --717 --729 --738 --753
Barrington, Daines [naturalist & judge 1727-1800] ----210 --716
Barrows, Colonel William E. [co-operative manager of the Willimantic Thread Company] ----586
Barry, Sir Charles [architect 1795-1860], his Houses of Parliament ----729
Barry, Dr., on vaccination statistics ----420 --536 --726
Bartels, A., letter from ARW to ----707am
Barter, Major General Richard, C.B., re a phantasmal pony in India ----430 --717
Bartlett, Abraham Dee [1812-1897], & his transfer of Wallace's live birds of paradise ----729
Bartlett, Edith [literary character] ----421b
Bass, George [navigator 1771-1803], discoverer of Bass Strait ----720 --720a
Basterot, Baron de, on local color variation in lizards ----293
Bastian, H. Charlton [physician & biologist] ----196 --211 --299
Bate, C. Spence [biologist 1818-1889] ----185 --286
Bates, Henry Walter [entomologist 1825-1892] ----3 --7 --13 --25 --44 --72 --81 --93 --96 --103 --121 --123 --123a --127 --134 --136 --138 --143a --156 --176 --181 --205 --210 --238 --272 --279 --288 --289 --290 --304 --319 --350 --353 --388 --446 --449 --510 --603a --668 --669 --707ah --713 --714 --715 --716 --717 --718 --719 --724 --729 --732 --743 --748a --752aa --753 --754
Bateson, William [biologist 1861-1926] ----510 --729
Baumgartner, Andreas von [physicist 1793-1865], on magnets ----270
Baxter, Robert Dudley [economist & statistician 1827-1875] ----358aa --722
Bayma, Father Joseph [philosopher & mathematician 1816-1892] ----155 --165 --716
Beaconsfield, Lord (see Disraeli, Benjamin)
Beal, Prof. William J. [botanist 1833-1924] ----710 --729
Beale, Dr. Lionel S. [physician 1828-1906], on microflora in the cells of animals ----211
Bear, Mr. William E. [agricultural writer], editor of Mark Lane Express ----438 --723
Beattie, Mr. John [spirit photographer] ----243 --430 --717
Beaumont, Gustave de [political writer 1802-1866], on Ireland ----722
Beauvoir, Marquis de [traveler 1846-1929], on his A Voyage Round the World ----182
Beccari, Odoardo [naturalist 1843-1920] ----296 --301 --332 --503 --715 --720 --732
Bechstein, Johann M. [naturalist 1757-1822] ----715 --716 --724
Becquerel, Antoine César [electrochemist 1788-1878], on the temperature of plants ----248
Beddard, Frank E. [zoologist 1858-1925] ----517 --535 --724
Bedford, Mr., on match-box makers ----367b
Beeby, William H. [botanist 1849-1910], on British plants & the classification of varieties ----468 --503 --721 --732
Beecher, Prof. Charles Emerson [paleontologist 1856-1904], on aold age in animal races ----732
Beecher, Henry Ward [clergyman & writer 1813-1887] ----398 --735a --729
Beechey, Capt. Frederick W. [1796-1856], captain of the Blossom ----720
Beethoven, Ludwig van[1770-1827] ----750
Beke, Dr. Charles T. [traveler & writer 1800-1874], on Africa ----232
Belcher, Lady Diana [1806-1890], & the Pitcairn islanders ----182a
Belcher, Sir Edward [naval officer & explorer 1799-1877] ----720 --721
Bell, Arthur J., on his Why Does Man Exist? ----490 --648a --708 --729
Bell, Sir Charles [anatomist 1774-1842], on the hand ----146
Bell, Lady Florence [writer 1851-1930], on reading habits of the working class ----749
Bell, Thomas [zoologist 1792-1880], on Galapagos lizards ----721
Bellamy, Edward [writer 1850-1898] ----418 --421a --421b --427 --431 --450 --494a --498 --501 --512 --522a --554 --556a --568aa --622 --654 --659a --693 --726 --729 --737 --751a
Bellew, John [spirit entity] ----729
Belshazzar, King of Babylonia [d. ca.539 B.C.] ----717
Belt, Thomas [naturalist 1832-1878] ----134 --238 --268 --272 --279 --289 --290 --313 --318 --319 --388 --389 --480 --481 --510 --531a --716 --718 --719 --721 --724 --729
Bendyshe, Thomas [anthropologist 1827-1886] ----87 --93
Bennett, Alfred W. [botanist 1833-1902] ----175 --176 --177 --729
Bennett, Arnold [novelist 1867-1931] ----748
Bennett, Mr. Arthur [botanist 1843-1929], on British plants ----721
Bennett, Edward T. [1831-1908], on spiritualistic phenomena ----273 --685 --729
Bennett, Dr. George [naturalist 1804-1893], on Australian natural history ----720a
Bennett, J. J., on the work of Richard Spruce ----668
Bennett, Mr. W., on purchasing the railways ----628a
Bentham, George [botanist 1800-1884] ----492 --668 --668aa --720a --721 --724 --732
Bentham, Jeremy [jurist & philosopher 1748-1832] ----329 --406 --450 --586 --692b --729 --733 --749
Bentley, Dr. Richard [scholar & critic 1662-1742], on the soul of a virtuous man ----728
Berg, Dr., Swedish statistician, re vaccination statistics ----536 --726
Bergsma, Pieter A. [1830-1882], on Indonesian climate ----288 --719
Berkeley, George [philosopher 1685-1753], on the skeptical philosophy ----398
Berkeley, Revd. Miles J. [naturalist 1808-1889] ----248 --660
Berkeley, Mr., letter on voting ----110
Berlin Museum ----732
Bernard, Henry Meyners [zoologist 1853-1909], letter from ARW defining 'species' ----712am
Bernard, Colonel Thomas, nobleman of Kinnitty [1816-1882] ----722
Bernoulli [sic Bernouilli], Daniel [scientist 1700-1782], on small-pox statistics ----420
Bernstein, Dr. Heinrich A. [naturalist & physician 1828-1865] ----63 --127 --715
Berry, Mrs. Catherine [spiritualist medium 1813-1891] ----137 --729
Berthoud, Edward L. [archeologist & naturalist 1828-1908], on stone implements found in Colorado ----406
Berzelius, Jöns Jakob [chemist 1779-1848] ----107
Besant, Annie [theosophist & social reformer 1847-1933] ----447a --506 --530
Bessels [sic Bessil], Dr. Emil [zoologist 1847-1888], on the Bathybius ----305
Beste, Mrs. [spiritualist medium], as a possible fraud ----411
Bevan, Edward [beekeeper 1770-1860], his The Honey Bee ----187
Bevan, Mr. [civil engineer], inventor of a slide rule ----729
Bickerstaffe, Isaac, re spiral growth forms ----695
Bickmore, Mr. Albert S. [traveler 1839-1914] ----165 --716 --720
Bidwill [sic Bidwell], John Carne [botanist & traveler 1815-1853], and the success of seeds rooting in New Zealand ----724
Bierstadt, Albert [artist 1830-1902], & the Sierra Nevada ----729
Biggs, Mr. J. Thomas [sanitary engineer], on health & disease statistics for Leicester ----536 --726
Binney, Frederick A. [sic Binney, T. A.], on millionaires and pauperism ----371a
Binney, Mr. William G. [conchologist 1833-1909], on North American molluscs ----718
Birch, John [surgeon & anti-vaccinationist 1745?-1815] ----536 --726
Bird, Isabella L. [traveler & writer 1831-1904] ----455 --729
Birdwood, Sir George C. M. [1832-1917], on sanitary conditions in India ----726
Birkbeck, Mr. William L. [1806-1887] ----365 --722
Birmingham Psychical and Ethical Society ----619c
Birmingham Socialist Centre ----646ad
Bishop, Mr. W. Irving [medium or conjuror] ----281 --283 --327c
Bishop, Mrs., on the Aino people ----583
Bishop of Manchester, on rural accommdations ----722
Bishop of Natal (see Colenso)
Bishop of Tournay, on miracles ----174 --717
Black, Joseph [chemist 1728-1799] ----726
Black, Dr., on streets & sanitation ----726
Blackburn, Jane [illustrator], her Birds of Moidart ----578
Blackburn, J. J., on illegal roadside enclosures ----373b --383aa Blackburn, Revd. Thomas [entomologist 1844-1912], on Hawaiian insects ----721
Blackie, John Stuart [scholar & writer 1809-1895], his 1882 letter to ARW ----729
Blackley, Revd. W. L. [writer 1830-1902], on insurance ----362b --722
Blackmore, Richard D. [novelist 1825-1900], re the Doone Valley ----738
Blackstone, Sir William [judge 1723-1780], on landholding laws ----707
Blackwall, John [zoologist 1790-1881] ----181 --205 --578
Blagden, Miss, at a seance ----243 --717
Blainville, Henri M. Ducrotay de [zoologist 1777-1850] ----102 --728
Blake, Dr. C. Carter [anthropologist] ----92 --93 --120 --259 --270
Blakiston, Thomas W. [traveler & naturalist 1832-1891] ----359 --721
Blanchard, Mr. Edward L. [1820-1889], re automatic writing ----209
Blanchard, Émile [zoologist 1819-1900] ----88 --185 --223 --721
Bland, Mr. Hubert [socialist 1856-1914] ----729
Bland, Mr. Thomas [conchologist 1809-1885], on American land shells ----718 --721
Bland, Mr. Thomas Augustus [Indian advocate 1830-1906?] ----398 --729
Blane, Sir Gilbert [physician 1749-1834] ----536 --726
Blandford (see Blanford, William T.)

Blanford, Henry F. [physical geographer 1834-1893], on fossils in India & South Africa ----721
Blanford [sic Blandford], William T. [naturalist 1832-1905] ----109 --178 --229 --248 --453 --457 --718 --721
Blatchford, Robert [editor & writer on social issues 1851-1943] ----494a --498 --501 --521c --522a --568aa --571 --577 --594 --617 --643 --659 --659a --699 --729 --738 --739 --741 --745
Blavatsky, Helena P. [theosophist 1831-1891] ----439a --624
Blecker (see Bleeker)
Bleeker, Dr. Pieter [naturalist 1819-1878] ----715 --720
Bligh, Captain William [1754-1817], of the Bounty ----182a
Blind, Mathilde [writer 1841-1896] ----574 --726
Blind Tom ----729
Blomefield, Revd. Leonard [naturalist 1800-1893], on a Darwin letter sent to him in 1845 ----589
Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich [anthropologist 1752-1840] ----229 --715
Blyth, Sir Arthur [colonial administrator 1823-1891] ----323a
Blyth, Edward [naturalist 1810-1873] ----24 --102 --229 --715 --718 --724 --729
Blyton, Thomas, re the conduct of seances ----356a
Board of Agriculture ----414 --625 --655 --688 --747 --751a
Bocarmé, Monsieur, re Papilio larvae ----96 --716
Bock, Carl Alfred [traveler 1849-1932], his The Head-hunters of Borneo ----342
Boddaert, Pieter [naturalist b. ca.1730], bird names ----72 --715
Boeddicker, Dr. Otto [astronomer b. 1853] ----728 --730
Boheman, Karl Henrik [entomologist 1796-1868], on the Cassididae ----81
Boisduval, Jean Alphonse [naturalist 1801-1879] ----14 --33 --36 --40 --74 --96 --127 --145 --148 --205 --716 --729
Boissier, Edmond [botanist 1810-1885], his Flora Orientalis ----732
Bollaert, William [traveler 1807-1876] ----93 --120
Bolus, Mr. Harry [botanist 1834-1911], Cape Region flora ----732
Bombay Corporation ----697
Bompas, George C. [writer], on the sun's plane of motion ----728
Bonaparte, 'Prince' Charles Lucien [ornithologist 1803-1857] ----28 --37 --53 --58 --64 --66 --69 --71 --72 --75 --77 --80 --84 --85 --89 --102 --114 --141 --246 --279 --715 --718 --719 --729
Bonaparte, Napoleon (see Napoleon I)
Bond, Dr. Francis T. [physician & vaccination advocate] ----542 --544 --544b --547aa --548 --729
Bonelli, Mr., on Andean hummingbirds ----279 --719
Bonney, Prof. Thomas G. [geologist 1833-1923] ----481 --529
Bonpland, Amé [naturalist & traveler 1773-1858], with Humboldt ----492
Bonvouloir, Vicomte Henri de [entomologist 1839-1914], on the Eucnemidae ----205
Booth, Charles [social writer 1840-1916], on laborers & poverty ----423 --581 --587 --726 --734
Booth, General William [religious leader 1829-1912] ----466 --486a --505 --586 --655
Borrer, Mr. William [naturalist 1781-1862] ----668 --668aa --729
Borrow, George [linguist & writer 1803-1881] ----649 --729
Borthwick, Lord [d. 1885] ----243 --346 --451 --717
Bosco, Carlo [conjuror 1823-1891] ----243 --270 --717
Boucher de Perthes, Jacques [archeologist 1788-1868] ----174 --233 --276 --379 --404 --406 --717 --726
Boué, Ami [geologist 1794-1881], on extinct animals & man ----174 --276 --717
Boulenger, George Albert [zoologist 1858-1937] ----721 --734a
Boulton, Matthew [engineer & manufacturer 1728-1809] ----726 --729
Bounder, The, Clarion columnist [d. 1900] ----521c --577
Boutleroff (or Boutlerov or Butleroff or Butlerov), Prof. Aleksandr [chemist], visits ARW ----729
Bouverie-Pusey, Sidney E. B. [1839-1911], on anthropological matters ----90 --92 --93
Boveri, Prof. Theodor [biologist 1862-1915], on sea urchin fertilization experiments ----732
Bowman, Revd. A., on sanitary conditions of Bombay ----726
Bowman, Mr. Robert [d. 1900], a Meriden, Connecticut manufacturer ----729
Bowring, Sir John [traveler & writer 1792-1872] ----45 --135
Boyle, Robert [physicist & chemist 1627-1691] ----174 --398 --717
Brace, Charles Loring [traveler & social writer 1826-1890] ----248 --337
Brackett, Edward A. [sculptor & pisciculturist 1818-1908], on apparitions ----411 --712ac --729
Braddon, Mary Elizabeth [novelist 1837-1915], ARW likes some of her stories ----743
Bradlaugh, Mr. Charles, M.P. [secularist & reformer 1833-1891] ----243 --386 --407 --684 --717
Bradley, Prof. Cornelius Beach [1843-1936], on sequoias ----441 --729
Brady, Sir Antonio [1811-1881] ----325b --729
Brady, George S. [zoologist 1832-1921], on starfish ----724
Brady, Mr. Henry B. [naturalist 1835-1891], on foraminifera & globigerina ooze ----286 --721
Brahé, re an 1861 Australian expedition ----720 --720a
Brahe, Tycho [astronomer 1546-1601] ----358 --589 --673 --728 --732 --733
Braid, Mr. James [magnetizer 1795?-1860] ----270
Braithwaite, Robert [mycologist 1824-1917], on British mosses ----721
Bramah, Joseph [inventor 1749-1814] ----445 --468
Brandão, Senhor José Antonio [Amazon resident] ----714
Brande, William Thomas [chemist 1788-1866] ----1a
Brandt, Prof. Johann Friedrich [paleontologist 1802-1879], on fossil mammals ----718
Branner, John C. [geologist 1850-1922] ----480 --529 --724 --729
Brassey, Sir Thomas, Civil Lord of the Admiralty [1836-1918] ----420b --562a --729
Brauer, Friedrich [entomologist 1832-1904], on Campodea ----205
Braun, Dr. Max [1850-1930], on crayfish morphology ----724
Bray, Charles [writer 1811-1884] ----118 --174 --717
Bree, Dr. Charles R. [naturalist 1811-1886], his attack on Darwinism ----210
Breeks, James W. [civil servant & writer 1830-1872], on the Nilgiris ----234
Brenchley, Mr. Julius L. [traveler & collector 1816-1873], on the Tonga Islands ----720
Brent, Bernard Price ('B. P.') [d. 1867], on birds & their variation ----724
Brewer, William H. [naturalist 1828-1910], on color patterns in domestic animals ----724
Brewster, Sir David [physicist 1781-1868] ----118 --243 --434 --602 --717 --728 --729
Bridgman, Laura Dewey [blind deaf-mute 1829-1889] ----714 --729
Briggs, Thomas, on machines & labor ----403 --722
Briggs, Mr., on species vs. variety ----205
Bright, Mr. John, M.P. [politician 1811-1889] ----345 --367a --375 --722 --729 --735d
Brindley, H. H., on variation ----510
Brindley, James [canal engineer 1716-1772] ----445 --468 --737
Brisson, Mathurin-Jacques [naturalist 1723-1806] ----72 --80 --84 --714
British and Foreign Bible Society ----729
British Association for the Advancement of Science ----1a --82 --118 --119 --121 --142a --143 --147 --150 --151 --152 --165 --170 --171 --174 --205 --212 --213 --216 --233 --248 --257 --259 --261 --270 --272 --324 --347a --353 --368ab --401 --446 --466 --479 --481 --502 --531a --534 --587 --645 --669 --689 --700 --707ac --716 --717 --719 --728 --729 --730 --732 --735d --737 --751 --752aa
British Freeland Association ----472a
British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection ----622a
Brittan, Mr. L. N. (see Britton)
Brittan, Samuel Byron [spiritualist editor ca.1815 - 1883] ----439a
Britten, James, re Ricard Spruce's travels ----668
Britton [sic Brittan], Nathaniel Lord [1859-1934], on the flora of Jamaica ----732

Broadhurst, Mr. Henry, M.P. [1840-1911], on land tenure legislation ----371a
Broadway, Mr. Walter E. [1863-1935], re Trinidad botany ----732
Broca, Paul [anthropologist 1824-1880] ----142aa --165 --716 --724
Broderick (see Brodrick)
Brodie, Sir Benjamin [surgeon 1783-1862] ----270 --726
Brodrick [sic Broderick], George C. [political writer 1831-1903] ----345 --360a --365 --375 --407 --466 --722 --723
Bronn, Prof. Heinrich G. [paleontologist 1800-1862], on the variation & utility of traits ----724
Bronte, Charlotte [novelist 1816-1855] ----743 --745
Brooke, Charles Johnson [colonial administrator 1829-1917] ----16 --676c --715 --720 --729
Brooke, Henry [poet 1703-1783] ----726
Brooke, Sir James [soldier & colonial administrator 1803-1868] ----15b --16 --18 --22 --24 --29 --355 --434 --630 --676c --715 --717 --720 --729
Brooke, Revd. Stopford A. [clergyman & writer 1832-1916] ----375 --729
Brooke, Sir Victor [1843-1891], on bovids ----718
Brooks, Revd. John Graham [1846-1938], & his address on socialism ----729
Brooks, Dr. William K. [biologist 1848-1908], meets ARW at Johns Hopkins ----729
Brough, B. Charles, on the Bedford Canal experiment ----220b
Brougham, Lord ----243 --717 --729 --752aa
Broughton, Capt. William R. [naval officer 1762-1821], discoverer of the Chatham Islands ----720a
Brown, Mr. Curtis [literary agent] ----729
Brown, Edwin [d. 1876], of Burton-on-Trent ----135
Brown, Revd. George [missionary & writer 1835-1917], on New Britain Island ----720
Brown, Dr. John, Wallace appreciates his sermons ----729
Brown, Dr. John Ball [sic Ball, John] [1784-1862], re the sole of the foot ----440
Brown, Robert [botanist 1773-1858] ----19 --715 --732
Brown, Robert [geographer 1842-1895], on ethnography ----337
Brown, Dr. Thomas [metaphysician 1778-1820] ----493
Brown, Dr. Thomas [surgeon] ----536 --726
Browne, Mr. Albert G. [newspaperman 1835-1891], meets Wallace in New York ----729
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett [poet 1806-1861] ----733
Browning 'the poet' (which one??) ----729
Bruce-Joy, Mr. A., cures Wallace's asthma ----729
Bruijn [sic Le Brun], Cornelis de [traveler 1652-1726/7] ----715
Bruijn Kops [sic Bruyn Kops], George François [1820-1881], on New Guinea explorations ----301
Brummell, Beau [socialite 1778-1840] ----729
Brunel, Sir Marc I. [engineer 1769-1849] ----445
Brunel (which one??) ----468
Bruyn Kops (see Bruijn Kops)
Bryant, William Cullen [poet & journalist 1794-1878], on the "Leonainie" hoax ----708
Bryce, Mr. James, M.P. [1838-1922], Chair of Commons Preservation Society ----370ab --371a
Brydges, Mr., re Bolivian collections of Erycinidae. ----4
Buccleuch, Duke of, as President of the British Association ----729
Buch, Leopold von [geologist 1774-1853] ----718 --724
Buchan, Alexander [meteorologist 1829-1907] ----531a
Buchan, Dr. William [physician 1729-1805], on scurvy ----726
Buchanan, Sir George [physician 1831-1895], re vaccination ----420
Buchanan, Robert, on a poaching incident ----446aa
Büchner, Ludwig [physician & philosopher 1824-1899], against clairvoyance ----726
Buck, Albert H. [physician 1842-1922] ----420 --536 --726
Buckingham, James Silk [1786-1855], as an unsurpassed lecturer ----729
Buckland, Dr. William [geologist 1784-1856] ----340 --481 --729 --732
Buckle, Henry T. [historian 1821-1862] ----493 --649 --729 --745
Buckley, Arabella B. (Mrs. Fisher) [1840-1929], Charles Lyell's secretary ----729
Buckley, Major [magnetizer] ----270 --726
Buckley, Mr., breeder of Leicester sheep ----724
Budd, Dr. Richard, M.D. [physician], on malformation from pre-natal influence ----479
Buddha [sic Budha; ca.563 B.C. - ca.483 B.C.] ----583 --649 --691a --732 --733
Buffon, Comte de [naturalist 1707-1788] ----83 --84 --102 --180 --279 --311 --316 --348 --510 --589 --656 --715 --724 --726 --729 --733
Bull, Mr. William [1828-1902], and his orchid exhibits ----729
Buller, Sir Walter L. [ornithologist 1838-1906], on New Zealand birds ----514a
Bullock, William, on Mexican birds ----279 --719
Bulman, Mr. G. W., re genius and the struggle for existence ----600
Bulwer, Edward [novelist 1803-1873] ----729
Bulwer, Sir Henry [diplomat 1801-1872] ----365 --722
Bumpus, Prof. Hermon C. [zoologist 1862-1943], on birds that died in a storm ----732
Bunbury, Sir Charles [1821-1881], Wallace socializes with ----729
Bunyan, John [writer 1628-1688], and the tinker of Turvey story ----729
Burchell, Dr. William J. [traveler 1782?-1863], on South Africa & Brazil ----272 --719 --724 --732
Burdett-Coutts, Lady Angela [1814-1906], Wallace socializes with ----729
Burdin, Mons., on mesmeric clairvoyance ----270 --285 --726
Burdon-Sanderson, Sir John Scott [physiologist 1828-1905] ----299 --728
Burke, John [Irish genealogist 1786-1848] ----729
Burke, Mr. Luke, on varieties & species ----93
Burke, Mr. Robert O'Hara [explorer 1821-1861] ----720 --720a
Burmeister, Hermann [naturalist 1807-1892], his Handbuch der Entomologie ----135 --205 --718
Burn, Mr. Robert Scott [technical & agricultural writer] ----371a --375 --723
Burn, Dr., on the duties of overseers ----722
Burnett, Frances Hodgson [novelist 1849-1924], meets Wallace in Washington DC ----729
Burnett, Mr. John, re the Industrial Remuneration Conference ----729
Burney, Miss Fanny [1752-1840], and her Evelina ----729
Burnham, S. W. [astronomer 1838-1921], stars he discovered ----728
Burns, James [publisher 1808-1871] ----118 --411
Burns, Mr. John Elliot [politician & labor leader 1858-1943] ----640 --641 --655 --678 --711a --734 --752c
Burns, Robert [poet & songwriter 1759-1796] ----722 --733
Bursch, Revd. G. J., on chick pecking behavior ----724
Burt, Mr. Thomas, M.P. [1837-1922], re the Industrial Remuneration Conference ----729
Burton, Mr. John F., and his Story of the Vaccination Crusade ----618
Burton, Langhorne [Lincolnshire landowner] ----722
Burton, Sir Richard F. [traveler & scholar 1820-1891] ----118 --232 --294a --451 --615 --717
Bush, Prof. George [theologian 1796-1859] ----191
Busk, Prof. George [naturalist 1807-1886], re fossil mammals ----194 --224
Butler, Alban [1711-1773] ----174 --717
Butler, Mr. Arthur G. [naturalist 1844-1925] ----147 --148 --181 --205 --510 --716 --724 --729
Butler, George Grey [1852-1935], medalist in physical geography ----168a
Butler, Samuel [1835-1902] ----303 --311 --437 --589 --712ab --729
Butler, Dr. Samuel [headmaster at Shrewsbury School 1774-1839] ----673
Butler, Mr. Thomas, Asst. Secretary at the British Museum ----729
Butler, Sir William Francis [traveler & military officer 1838-1910] ----732
Buxton, Charles, M.P. [politician 1822-1871] ----248 --722
Buxton, Sir Thomas Fowell [1822-1908] ----321a
Byron, Lord [1788-1824] ----1ac --534b --729

Cabanis, Jean Louis [ornithologist 1816-1906] ----63 --89
Caine, Sir Hall [novelist 1853-1931] ----661a --738
Caird, Sir James [agriculturist 1816-1892] ----344 --345 --358a --723
Cairnes, Prof. John Elliott [political economist 1823-1875] ----345 --365 --515 --722 --726
Calderwood, Henry [philosopher 1830-1897] ----461 --523
Calistro, Senhor [Amazon resident] ----714
Calvin, Jean [religious reformer 1509-1564], on supernatural facts ----174 --717
Cambridge University Natural Science Club ----494 --500 --729
Cameron, John [traveler] ----104 --105
Cameron, Dr. John [physician], on a death possibly due to vaccination ----536 --726
Campanella [sic Campanelli], Tommaso [philosopher 1568-1639], re schemes of social regeneration ----498
Campbell, Mr. Charles [botanist d. 1808], re Sumatra ----720
Campbell, Sir Colin [1792-1863], on the death of Captain Wheatcroft ----118 --717
Campbell, Mr. Frederick A. [1849-1930], on labor in the New Hebrides ----720
Campbell, Sir George [judge 1824-1892], on eruptions of Kilauea ----455
Campbell, James, effect of the Highland clearances on ----722
Campbell, Napier, Stornoway solicitor ----371a
Campbell, Thomas [poet 1777-1844] ----726
Campbell, Prof. William W. [astronomer 1862-1938] ----606 --728
Campbell, Mr., on glaciers ----721
Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry [statesman 1836-1908] ----684 --734 --752c
Candolle, Alphonse de [botanist 1806-1893] ----221 --248 --503 --721 --724 --732
Candolle, Lucien de [1838-1927] ----173
de Candolle, Prof. (which one??) ----96 --358 --716
Cantoni, Prof. Gaetano, of Pavia [1815-1887], on spontaneous generation experiments ----211
Cantor, Dr. Theodore Edward [physician & biologist 1809-1860], on a specimen of Palaeornis caniceps he obtained in Penang ----102
Capron, Mr. Eliab Wilkinson [writer on spiritualism fl. 1848-1855], friend of the Fox family ----270
Carlyle, Thomas [historian & essayist 1795-1881] ----365 --493 --498 --568aa --591a --632 --722 --726 --734 --750
Carnarvon, Lord [politician 1831-1890], re Canadian sectional disputes ----392a
Carnegie, Andrew [industrialist 1835-1919] ----635b --691a
Carpenter, Dr. Alfred, on treatment of the poor in Croydon ----364b
Carpenter, Mr. Edward, M.A. [writer 1844-1929] ----655 --721 --729
Carpenter, Dr. Philip P. [conchologist 1819-1877], on Central American shells ----238 --718
Carpenter, William [flat earther 1830-1896] ----162 --163 --179aa --200aa --202 --214a --220b --248ab --248b --252c --729
Carpenter, Dr. William B. [physiologist 1813-1885] ----96 --107 --155 --205 --206 --209 --229 --243 --245 --246a --258 --259 --263 --263a --264 --266aa --270 --276 --277 --281 --283 --285 --286 --287 --327c --376a --420 --478 --493 --519 --536 --675 --716 --717 --721 --724 --726 --729
Carrington, Lord [1843-1928] ----380 --387 --466 --582a --723 --729 --751a
Carroll, Lewis [mathematician & writer 1832-1898], ARW reads in old age ----729
Carruthers, William [botanist 1830-1922] ----710 --729
Carter, Franklin [educator 1837-1919], Wallace entertained by in Massachusetts ----729
Carter, Henry John [geologist & zoologist 1813-1895], on cellular changes in microorganisms ----211
Carter, Mr. [Malay Archipelago resident] ----715
Carteret, Capt. Philip [d. 1796], re a 1767 trip to the Admiralty Islands ----720
Cartier, on crayfish morphology ----724
Cartwright, Sir Richard J. [politician 1835-1912] ----403 --729
Cartwright, Mr. (son of Sir Richard) ----403
Carus, Dr. Julius V. [zoologist 1823-1903] ----246 --718
Cassin, Mr. John [ornithologist 1813-1869] ----75 --718
Castellet, Jean-Baptiste Constans de [1726-1800], on silkworms ----118 --717
Catchpool, Mr. Edmund, on natural selection ----429
Catlin, George [artist & writer 1796-1872], on American bison herds ----732
Cattell, Charles C., on land reform ----371a
Cautley, Sir Proby Thomas [engineer & paleontologist 1802-1871], on fossil mammals of India ----718
Cavendish, Henry [chemist & physicist 1731-1810] ----726
Cawood, John, on the condition of the workers at New Lanark ----729
Caxton, William [printer ca.1422 - 1491] ----631
Cayley, Arthur [mathematician 1821-1895] ----649 --724
Celoria, Prof. Giovanni [astronomer 1842-1920] ----606 --728
Central Association of Spiritualists ----356a
Central Chamber of Agriculture ----383b
Cerruti, Giovanni Battista [sic G. E.] [traveler 1850-1914] ----168
Cetewayo [Zulu king ca.1826 - 1884] ----650
Chágos, Senhor [Amazon resident] ----714
Challis, James [astronomer 1803-1882] ----118 --146 --717 --726
Chalmers, Dr. Thomas [1780-1847], on the plurality of worlds ----728
Chamberlain, Mr. Joseph [politician 1836-1914] ----266b --370ab --376ac --383aa --438 --569 --580a
Chamberlain, Lord, on his estates at Killarney ----722
Chamberlin, Thomas C. [geologist 1843-1928] ----481 --728 --730
Chambers, Robert [publisher 1802-1871] ----146 --209 --219 --243 --370 --451 --506 --510 --530 --656 --685 --717 --724 --726 --729 --733
Chambers, William [publisher 1800-1883] ----370 --729
Chambers, Dr. Walter, Bishop of Labuan, Sarawak [1824-1893] ----720
Chandless, William [traveler fl. 1860s], on a Rio Purus tributary ----128
Channing, Dr., works of ----1a
Chapman, Miss Carrie [social reformer 1859-1947], on marriage ----427
Charity Organisation Society (London) ----510a --722 --723 --726
Charles I, King of England ----292 --726
Charpentier, Johann von [geologist 1786-1855] ----481 --486 --726
Charpignon, Dr. Jules [mesmerist 1815-1886] ----270 --276
Chatillon, Duc de ----174 --717
Chatterton, Thomas [poet 1752-1770], and Shakespeare ----475
Chaucer, Geoffrey [poet d. 1400] ----714 --729
Cheeseman, F. T., on the flora of the Kermadec Islands ----720a --732
Chenevix, Mr. Richard, F.R.S. [chemist & writer 1774-1830], on mesmerism ----726
Cheyne, Capt. Andrew [b. 1817], on Palau Islanders ----720
Cheyne, Dr. George [physician 1671-1743] ----726
Chiaia, Prof. Ercole [d. 1905], on Eusapia Palladino ----520a
Child, Revd. Thomas [1839-1906], re his Root Principles ----648a
Children, Richard, of Ramhurst ----118 --717
Christian, Fletcher [1764-1793], of the Bounty ----182a
Christy, Miller [writer & antiquary 1861-1928], re the 25th anniversary of the Essex Field CLub ----623ab
Church, Frederick E. [artist 1826-1900], on his work "Niagara" ----729
Church of England ----225 --236 --356aa --374a --491 --536 --720 --720a --726 --729
Church of England Society ----510a --726
Church of Ireland ----376ac --729
Churchill, Lord Randolph [politician 1849-1895], on small holdings ----735
Churchill, Winston [novelist 1871-1947], read by Wallace ----745
Cicero, Marcus Tullius [orator & statesman 106 B.C. - 43 B.C.] ----1ac --729
Clanny, Dr. William Reid [medical writer 1776-1850] ----451 --561
Claparède, Edouard [zoologist 1832-1871] ----173 --181 --246a --716
Clapperton, Hugh [traveler 1788-1827], in West Africa ----729
Clarion, The ----501 --537 --552 --571 --572 --577 --595 --617 --618ac --622 --644 --654 --659 --685 --699 --739 --741 --744b
Clark, Edwin [civil engineer 1814-1894], on South America ----724
Clark, Dr. G. B., M.P. [1846-1930], one of the founders of the Land Nationalisation Society ----450 --620 --729
Clark, Revd. Hamlet [entomologist 1823-1867] ----290 --719
Clark, Sir James [physician 1788-1870] ----726 --729
Clark, Dr. T. Edwards, on trance & clairvoyance ----717
Clarke, Dr. Adam [clergyman ca.1762 - 1832] ----430 --561
Clarke, Mr. Hyde [philologist 1815-1895] ----258 --518
Clarke, Revd. James Freeman [1810-1888], Wallace socializes with ----729
Clarke, Revd. Richard F. [1839-1900], and his Lourdes and Its Miracles ----729
Clarke, Sarah [spirit entity] ----209
Clarke, Major Trevor [horticulturist], on crossing plant forms ----660
Clarke, William [writer 1852-1901], on moral deterioration ----555a --568aa
Clarke, Revd. William B. [geologist & writer 1798-1878], on the denudation of valleys ----464
Clarke, William Eagle [ornithologist 1853-1938], on Philippine mammals ----721
Cleghorn, Dr. James [Surgeon General of India 1841-1920], rer a Plague outbreak in India ----726
Clemens, Samuel L. (Mark Twain) [writer 1835-1910] ----493 --729 --745
Clephan, Mr., an architect in Bedfordshire ----729
Clerck, Carl Alexander [zoologist 1710-1765] ----96 --147 --205
Clerke, Agnes M. [astronomer 1842-1907] ----606 --728 --730
Cleveland, Grover [1837-1908], Wallace meets ----729
Cleves, Marie de [1533-1574], andf Henry III ----209
Clifford, Revd. John [1836-1923], as a socialist ----729
Clifford, William Kingdon [mathematician 1845-1879] ----726
Clio, on land laws ----386
Clodd, Edward [English writer 1840-1930], re two letters from ARW to Grant Allen ----591a
Cloquet, Jules Germain [surgeon 1790-1883], re a use of mesmeric sleep ----726
Cobbett, William [political writer 1763-1835] ----726 --732
Cobbold, Thomas Spencer [biologist 1828-1886], on evolutionary succession ----171a
Cobden, Richard [economist & politician 1804-1865] ----306 --312 --687 --722 --726 --735d
Cobden Club ----387 --722 --723
Cockburn, C. J., on illegal roadside enclosures ----373b --383aa
Cockerell, Sir Sydney Carlyle [museum director & book collector 1867-1962], four letters from ARW to ----711a
Cockerell, Theodore D. A. [entomologist 1866-1948] ----421c --603a --707ac --707an --712aw --721 --732
Coirin, Mademoiselle, and her cancer ----174 --717
Coke, Sir Edward [judge 1552-1634], on land laws ----707
Cole, Sir Henry [official 1808-1882] ----729
Cole, Mr. William [entomologist] ----623ab --732
Coleman, Mr. Benjamin [spiritualist] ----118 --243 --451 --717 --729
Coleman, Mr. John, on farm laborer's eviction ----723
Colenso, Revd. John William, Bishop of Natal [1814-1883] ----111 --113 --398
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor [critic & poet 1772-1834], on absolute property in land ----707
Colins, Baron [social scientist 1783-1859], on social & political reform ----361
Colley, Archdeacon Thomas [psychical investigator d. 1912], re his description of a manifestation ----637
Collings, Jesse, M.P. [politician 1831-1920] ----371a --383aa --386 --423 --438 --722 --729
Collingwood, Cuthbert [naturalist 1826-1908], on recognition behavior of Malay butterflies ----724
Collingwood, J. Frederick, as Asst. Examiner in physical geography ----729
Collins, F. Howard [lexicographer & writer 1857-1910], re the jaws of aboriginal Australians ----468
Collins, John R., of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, re the position of the sun in the Milky Way ----712c
Colquhoun, Mr. John Campbell [writer on animal magnetism 1785-1854] ----726
Columbus, Christopher [1451-1506] ----266 --691a --724 --726 --732 --735d
Combe, Andrew [physiologist & phrenologist 1797-1847] ----476 --726
Combe, George [phrenologist 1788-1858] ----1a --476 --531b --726 --729
Common, Thomas [Nietzschean writer 1850-1919] ----540 --549 --570
Commons Preservation Society ----371a --383aa --722
Comrie, Dr. Peter, on Papuan ethnology ----301 --720
Comte, Auguste [philosopher 1798-1857] ----155 --710 --726 --728
Condé, Prince de (= Henri I de Bourbon) [1552-1588] ----209
Condon, Mr. Thomas [geologist 1822-1907], on sculpted anthropoid ape heads found in Oregon ----433
Conference of Trades Unions of England ----387
Confucius [philosopher 551 B.C. - 479 B.C.] ----237 --257 --645 --649 --719 --732 --733
Congreve, Capt. Richard [writer 1818-1899], on the Nilgiris ----234
Connor, Lieut., on the Papuans ----720
Conolly, Dr. John [physician 1794-1866], and phrenology ----726
Conrad, Mr. T. A. [conchologist & paleontologist 1803-1877], on Colorado land shells ----406
Conservative Party ----384a --392a --454 --491 --501 --595 --603 --655
Constantine I, Emperor of Rome [d. 337] ----745
Conti, Niccolò [sic Nicolò] de' [merchant & traveler 1385-1469] ----715
Conti, Prince of ----174 --717
Conway, Sir William Martin [alpinist 1856-1937], on the Hispar glacier ----481
Conway, Lord Edward [1564-1632], his house at Ragley, Ireland ----174 --717
Conyers, John [apothecary & antiquary ca.1633 - 1694], re an early discovery of flint weapons ----174 --717
Cook, Albert J. [agriculturist 1842-1916], re his bee-keeping book ----327
Cook, Miss Florence [spiritualist medium 1856-1904] ----243 --430 --451 --717 --729
Cook, Frederick F., re spiritualism & science ----383
Cook, Captain James [navigator 1728-1779] ----131 --167 --301 --340 --720 --720a --721 --733
Cook, Miss Kate [spiritualist medium] ----729
Cook, Mr. Samuel, on Australian caves ----720a
Cook, Mr. [conjuror] ----243 --717 --744
Cooley, Mr. William D. [geographer d. 1883] ----232
Coomaraswamy, Ananda Kentish [metaphysician & art historian 1877-1947] ----652a --658a
Cooper, Bransby Blake [physician 1792-1853], on mesmerism ----726
Cooper, James Fenimore [novelist 1789-1851] ----493 --729
Cooper-King, Major, as Asst. Examiner in physical geography ----729
Coote, Walter, on his travels ----355
Cope, Edward Drinker [paleontologist 1840-1897] ----394 --397 --524 --532 --660 --718 --721 --724 --729
Copernicus, Nicolaus [astronomer 1473-1543] ----398 --717 --728 --732 --742
Copperfield, David [literary character] ----734
Cordeiro, Senhor João [Amazon resident] ----714
Corelli, Marie [novelist 1855-1924] ----729
Cornu, Marie Maxime [botanist 1843-1901], re Phylloxera vastatrix ----323a
Cornwallis, Lord, re the ryots of India ----329
Cortes (Cortez), Hernando [conqueror 1485-1547], his conquests ----726
Cosmos Club, Washington DC ----729
Coues, Dr. Elliott [ornithologist 1842-1899], on American birds ----315a --718 --729
Coulcher, Mr. M. W. B., of Downham, and the flat-earth experiments ----202 --228a --248ab --252c --729
Coulier, Paul-Jean [1824-1890], on dust as condensation nuclei ----547 --726
Coulson, Robert [mining engineer] ----97 --715 --729
Coulson, Mr., against the reality of mesmerism ----726
Coulter, John M. [botanist 1851-1928], on Rocky Mountains plants ----724 --729
Courtney, William Leonard [writer & editor 1850-1928] ----491 --708
Couto, Diogo do [historian 1542-1616], his early account of Celebes ----720
Coventry, Prof., on seance phenomena ----270
Cowen, Mr. Joseph, M.P. [journalist & politician 1831-1900], on Irish cottiers ----722
Cowper, William [poet 1731-1800] ----729
Cox, Mr. Robert, Edinburgh resident ----729
Cox, Serjeant ----243 --255 --259 --270 --283 --398 --717 --726 --729
Cox, Captain, on avian natural history ----96
Cox, Dr., & an apparition story ----434
Craig, Mr. Edward T. [writer 1804-1894], on Ralahine ----486a --576 --586 --646ad --655
Cramer, Pieter [lepidopterist d. 1780] ----3 --42 --96 --117 --127 --147 --148 --716
Crampton, Sir Philip [surgeon 1777-1858], re clairvoyance ----270
Crawford, F. Marion [novelist 1854-1909] ----745
Crawford, Earl of (see Lindsay, Lord)
Crawford & Balcarres, Earl of (see Lindsay, Lord)
Crawfurd, Mr. John [colonial administrator 1783-1868] ----41 --76 --78 --82 --323 --715 --720
Creighton, Dr. Charles [physician 1847-1927] ----420 --536 --551 --562 --616 --726 --729
Crisp, Dr. Edwards [physician 1806-1882], on mammalian anatomical data ----724
Croll, James [astronomer & glaciologist 1821-1890] ----146 --159 --171 --184 --214 --313 --325 --325b --460 --520 --521 --531a --721 --729 --732
Cromwell, Oliver [1599-1658], as a benefactor ----631
Crookes, Sir William [physicist 1832-1919] ----206 --207 --243 --246a --251 --258 --259 --264 --268a --270 --281 --283 --327c --398 --430 --451 --506 --530 --611 --685 --699 --717 --726 --729 --732 --738 --751
Crookshank, Prof. Edgar March [bacteriologist 1858-1928] ----536 --551 --726
Crosbie, Mr. Thomas, on Irish estates ----722
Crosby, William Otis [geologist 1850-1925], on oceanic islands ----453
Cross, John [1790-1850], on the 1819 Norwich smallpox epidemic ----536 --726
Cross, Robert, his assistance to Richard Spruce in South America ----492
Crossley, Alfred, re Madagascan birds ----274
Crotch, Mr. George Robert [entomologist 1841-1874] ----181 --193 --718 --721 --729
Crowell, Dr. Eugene [spiritualist 1817-1894] ----430 --434 --451 --717 --729
Crusoe, Robinson [literary character] ----729 --752aa
Crutwell, Clement Henry [Wallace's school headmaster] ----729
Cudworth, Ralph [philosopher 1617-1688], his support of Glanvil ----174 --717
Culver, Mrs. [spiritualist medium] ----270
Culverwell, Mr. Edward P., on geological climates & the causes of the Ice Age ----520 --521 --729
Cuming, Hugh [naturalist 1791-1865] ----109 --135
Cunningham, Mr. J. T. [zoologist 1859-1935] ----415 --459 --468
Cunningham, Prof. Robert Oliver [naturalist 1841-1918], on Tierra del Fuego birds & lizards ----718
Cunningham, Mr. Richard [botanist 1793-1835?], murdered explorer in Australia ----720 --720a
Curr, Mr. Edward M. [writer 1820-1889] ----583 --720a --733
Curtis, Miss R. F., re a premonitional dream ----434
Cuvier, Georges [paleontologist 1769-1832] ----28 --107 --124 --146 --165 --174 --350 --358 --493 --589 --684a --716 --717 --718 --726
Cuvier Club, Cincinnati ----729

Daguerre, Louis J. M. [artist & inventor 1787-1851] ----726 --752aa
Daily Citizen, The ----723 --752ac
Dale, David [1739-1806], original proprietor of New Lanark ----729
Dalhousie, Earl of, and the Industrial Remuneration Conference ----722 --729
Dall, William H. [naturalist 1845-1927], on Aleutian Islands shell heaps ----406 --718
Dalton, John [chemist & physicist 1766-1844] ----726
Dampier, William [navigator 1652-1715] ----114 --301 --715 --720 --720a
Dana, Prof. James D. [naturalist & geologist 1813-1895] ----286 --313 --347a --453 --457 --720 --721 --724 --729
Dangle, Clarion columnist ----552 --553 --556
Dante Alighieri [poet 1265-1321] ----724 --729 --732
Darwin, Charles [1809-1882] ----13 --53 --57 --78 --81 --82 --83 --89 --93 --96 --107 --108 --120 --121 --123 --123a --125 --127 --129 --130 --131 --134 --138 --139 --140 --142a --143b --146 --148 --155 --158a --159 --165 --171 --172 --173 --175 --176 --181 --185 --186 --187 --193 --197 --198 --210 --211 --212 --217 --220 --222 --227 --228 --229 --238 --245 --246a --248 --253 --257 --266a --268a --269 --272 --279 --286 --299 --315 --311 --302 --303 --304 --305 --316 --319 --322 --322a --327 --334a --337b --340 --347a --353 --358 --368ab --368ac --372 --381 --384 --387 --389 --390 --391a --393 --394 --395 --397 --402 --410 --415 --420 --424 --425 --427 --428 --429 --432 --437 --439 --442 --445 --447 --453 --459a --461 --463 --464 --468 --478 --481 --488 --493 --499 --503 --504 --510 --523 --527 --532 --574 --589 --591a --599 --600 --646 --648 --649 --656 --658 --660 --666 --669 --672 --673 --676 --680a --684a --691a --702a --707ac --707an --707as --707c --712ab --714 --715 --716 --717 --718 --719 --720a --721 --724 --726 --728 --729 --732 --733 --735 --735a --735b --735d --737 --738 --741 --742 --743 --745 --748 --748a --752 --752aa --753 --754
Darwin, Dr. Erasmus [poet & physician 1731-1802] ----217 --311 --445 --493 --510 --656 --672 --726 --729 --737
Darwin, Sir Francis [botanist 1848-1925] ----493 --532 --724 --729
Darwin, Sir George H. [astronomer 1845-1912] ----455 --520 --724 --728 --729 --730 --732
Darwin, Dr. Robert (Erasmus Darwin's father) ----672
Darwin, Dr. Robert (Charles Darwin's father) ----187
Daunt, William J. O'Neill [1807-1894] ----329
Davenport brothers [spiritualist mediums] ----118 --137 --204 --243 --271 --451 --717
Davey, Dr. James G. [physician 1813-1895], re phrenology ----726
Davey, Mr. S. J. [conjuror] ----436 --467 --527b
David, Père Armand [missionary & naturalist 1826-1900], on Chinese & Tibetan wildlife ----718 --721
Davidson, Mr. George [geologist 1825-1911], meets Wallace in San Francisco ----729
Davidson, John Morrison [socialist & writer 1843-1916] ----530a --597a --729
Davidson, Mr. P. M. [Congleton health officer], on vaccination-related injuries ----536 --726
Davies, Revd. C. Maurice, and his interest in spiritualism ----729
Davies, Miss, Wallace boards with ----729
Davis, Andrew Jackson [clairvoyant 1826-1910] ----439a --451
Davis, Dr. Joseph Barnard [anthropologist 1801-1881] ----165 --715 --716 --720 --729
Davy, Sir Humphry [chemist 1778-1829] ----157 --174 --191 --380 --587 --717 --726 --729 --742 --748a
Dawkins, Prof. William Boyd [glaciologist 1838-1929] ----159 --325b --721 --724
Dawson, Prof. George M. [geologist 1849-1901], re evidence for multiple glaciatiions ----721
Dawson, Sir John William [geologist 1820-1899] ----124 --313 --721 --724 --729
Dawson, Julia, Clarion columnist ----541a --564 --595 --647 --654
Dawson, J. F., [encyclopedia author; d. ca.1869], of Bedford ----181
Day, Lady ----729
De Brath, Stanley (see Desertis, V. C.)
De Morgan, Augustus [mathematician 1806-1871] ----118 --191 --211 --243 --265 --268a --377 --506 --717 --726 --729
De Morgan, Mrs. Augustus ----118 --717 --729
De Morgan, William F. [novelist 1839-1917], ARW's disinterest in ----748
De Rance, Mr. Charles E. [geologist 1847-1906], on Eocene American plants ----721
De Soto [sic De Loto], Hernando [explorer ca.1500 - 1542], re a relic found in Ohio ----404
De Ville, Mr. J. [phrenologist], on a study of convicts bound for New South Wales ----726
De Vry, Mr., on Javan tree cultivation ----289 --719
Dean, Revd. Dr. R., on the curing feats of Greatorex ----717
Deane, Mr. Henry [1847-1924], on Australian floras ----732
Debs, Eugene V. [socialist & labor leader 1855-1926] ----707a
Deeley, Richard Mountford [1855-1944], on the mechanism of glacial motion ----487
Defoe, Daniel [1661?-1731], on his History of the Great Plague ----729
Del Mar, Alexander [writer on economics 1836-1926], on silver & gold production ----723
Delaporte, Louis M. J. [1842-1925], on Cambodia & Angkor Wat ----583
Delaune, Romain, and his Du Peuple ----371a
Delebecque, André [1861-1947], on French lakes ----481
Deleuze, J. P. F. [naturalist & magnetizer 1753-1835], on clairvoyance ----270
Dell, John Henry [poet & illustrator 1830-1888] ----726 --728 --733
Democritus [philosopher ca.460 B.C. - ca.370 B.C.] ----729
Denham, Dixon [traveler 1786-1828], his West African travels ----729
Dent, Joseph Malaby [publisher 1849-1926], re his Everyman's Magazine ----752aa
Denton, Mr. J. Bailey [sanitary engineer 1814-1893], on agriculture & labor ----723
Descartes, René [philosopher 1596-1650], and the skeptical philosophy ----398
Desertis, V. C. (pseud. of Stanley De Brath) [writer 1854-1937] ----519 --675 --685
Désor, Edouard [geologist 1811-1882] ----464 --481
Devon Commission ----365 --722
Deyrolle, Achille [entomologist 1813-1865], on the Buprestidae ----127
Dhrita-Rashtra [literary character] ----690aa
Diard, Monsieur ----15
Dias, Senhor Antonio [Amazon resident] ----714
Dick, Robert, M.D. [1810-1878] ----364 --729
Dick, Dr. Thomas [theologian & science writer 1774-1857], on the plurality of worlds ----728
Dick, Mr. [literary character] ----734
Dickens, Charles [1812-1870] ----631 --654a --691a --692b --739 --743
Didier, Adolphe [clairvoyant] ----264 --270 --717 --726
Didier, Alexis [clairvoyant] ----264 --266aa --270 --561 --568 --717 --726
Dieffenbach, Dr. Ernst [traveler 1811-1855], on the Chatham Islands aborigines ----720 --720a
Diener, Dr. Karl [geologist 1862-1928], re moraine rubbish on the Milam glacier ----481
Diesing, Dr. Karl M. [zoologist 1800-1867] ----118 --270 --717
Dilke, Sir Charles W. [writer & politician 1843-1911] ----272 --371a --375 --536 --719 --720 --720a --726 --752
Dilke, Elizabeth [Wallace's grandmother] ----729
Dilke, Lady Emilia F. S. [art critic 1840-1904], on cheap labor ----515
Dinuzulu [Zulu king 1868-1913], appeal for ----676c
Dionysius, of ancient Greece ----733
Dircks, Mr., re the validity of evidence ----219
Disraeli, Benjamin [politician 1804-1881] ----617
Distant, William L. [entomologist 1845-1922] ----351
Dives and Lazarus ----545
Dixey [sic Dixie], Dr. Frederick A. [1855-1935], on butterfly coloration ----535 --732
Dixon, Charles [ornithologist 1858-1926], on New Zealand birds ----724
Dixon, William Hepworth [1821-1879], on his book The Switzers ----606b
Dobler, Ludwig [conjuror 1861-1864] ----243 --717
Dobson, Mr. George Edward [naturalist 1848-1895], on bats ----718 --721
Dodds, Mr., re a sitting with Mr. S. J. Davey ----467
Dods, George [1811-1871], co-apportioner with ARW in 1846 ----1bc
Dohrn, Anton [zoologist 1840-1909] ----171a --205 --246a --717 --729
Doleschall, Dr. Carl Ludwig [entomologist 1827-1859], Wallace introduced to in Amboyna ----715
Dollond family [opticians] ----445 --468 --602
Donkin, Dr. Horatio, on the Slade exposure ----259
Donovan, Dr. Cornelius [phrenologist c1820-1872], on phrenology & ethnology ----113a
Donovan, Edward [naturalist 1768-1837], on Indo-Australian Pieridae ----127
Doppler, Prof. Christian [physicist 1803-1853], on the Doppler Effect ----728
Dorsetshire County Council ----751b
Doten, Miss Lizzie [trance speaker & writer 1827-1913], & E. A. Poe ----708 --732
Doubleday, Edward [lepidopterist 1811-1849] ----9 --13 --40 --42 --74 --96 --127 --145 --147 --205 --446 --716 --718 --729
Douglas, Mr. J., re crossing black and white game fowl ----660
Douglas, Norman [writer 1868-1952], re recognition marks ----707ae
Douglas, Miss, re seances she attended ----243 --717 --729
Dove, Heinrich Wilhelm [climatologist 1803-1879], on earth temperatures ----159
Dowler, Dr. Bennet [physiologist 1797-1879], on paleobotany ----233
Drage, Geoffrey [writer 1860-1955], on labor ----734
Drake, Sir Francis [navigator ca.1540 - 1596], visit to Ternate in 1579 ----715
Draupadi [literary character] ----690aa
Dresser, Henry E. [ornithologist 1838-1915] ----190 --215 --230 --249 --500 --718 --721 --732
Drinkwater, Peter [cotton manufacturer 1750-1801], Robert Owen's connection with ----729
Druce, Mr. S. B. L. ----723 --724
Drummond, Prof. Henry [writer 1851-1897], anticipated by Blind ----574
Drury, Dru [entomologist 1725-1803], on the figure of Papilio aenippe ----127
Drysdale, Dr., on land reform ----337a --337b --356aa
Du Bois-Reymond, Emil [physiologist 1818-1896], on consciousness ----732
Du Chaillu, Paul B. [traveler 1831-1903] ----232 --715 --718 --721
Du Maurier, George [artist & novelist 1834-1896], on the characteristics of English ladies ----726
Du Prel, Carl [philosopher & psychical investigator 1839-1899], on the unconscious ego ----434 --446a --717
Du Villard de Durand [sic Duvillard], E. E. [1755-1832, on smallpox statistics ----374
Duff Gordon, Lady Lucie [1821-1869], and her Letters from Egypt ----729
Dufour, Jean Marie Léon [1780-1865], re collecting plants in Spain ----668 --729
Dufour, Pierre [not Leon], his Histoire de la Prostitution ----729
Duguid, David [spiritualist medium 1832-1907], re seances with ----619c
Duivenboden family [Malay Archipelago residents] ----715
Dulong, Pierre Louis [1785-1838], re radiated heat ----730
Dumas, Alexandre [novelist & playwright 1802-1870] ----729
Dumont d'Urville, Jules-Sebastien-César [navigator 1790-1842], on a specimen location ----33
Dun [sic Dunn], Walter Angus [physician & archeologist 1857-1887], meets Wallace in Cincinnati ----729
Duncan, Prof. P. Martin [naturalist 1821-1891] ----185 --201 --321 --718 --720 --720a --721
Duncombe, Mr. Thomas Slingsby, M.P. [1796-1861], on deaths possibly due to vaccination ----536 --726 --729
Dunn, Edward John [geologist 1844-1937], on glacial markings in Tasmania ----456 --482
Dunn, Robert William [surgeon] ----722
Dunn, Dr., of Cincinnati (see Dun)
Dunphy, Mr. Henry M. [lawyer & writer], on spiritualistic phenomena ----243 --717
Dunraven, Earl of (Lord Adare) [politician & psychical investigator 1841-1926] ----243 --283 --423 --451 --717
Duperrey [sic Dupurey], Captain Louis-Isidore [navigator 1786-1865] ----51 --131
Duponchel, P. A. J. [lepidopterist 1774-1846], on Latin names ----205
Dupotet, Monsieur J. [animal magnetizer 1796-1881] ----270 --726
Dupurey (see Duperrey)
Durham, Lord, governor of the New Zealand Land Company ----720 --720a
Dury, Mr. Charles [naturalist 1847-1931], meets Wallace in Cincinnati ----729
Dutt, Romesh Chunder [historian 1848-1909] ----690aa --733
Dutton, Clarence E. [geologist 1841-1912] ----464 --481 --729
Duvilard (see Du Villard de Durand)
Dyer, Henry [1848-1918], and his The Evolution of Industry ----515

Earl, George Windsor [traveler] ----78 --301 --715 --719
Eastwood, Alice [botanist 1859-1953], Wallace botanizes with in Colorado ----707an --729
Eastwood, Mr., supporter of Major Tredcroft ----373d
Eaton, Revd. Alfred E. [entomologist 1845-1929] ----181 --205 --718 --724
Eddington, Sir Arthur S. [astronomer 1882-1944], on star motions ----642
Edgar I, King of England [944-975] ----719
Edison, Thomas [1847-1931] ----726
Edmonds [sic Edmunds], John W. [spiritualist & judge 1816-1874] ----118 --191 --219 --243 --398 --451 --717 --729
Edmonds, Mrs. John W. ----729
Edmonds, Miss Laura ----243 --398 --717
Edmunds, Dr. James [physician], re the Davenports ----204
Edmunds, Judge (see Edmonds, John W.)
Edward the Elder, King of Wessex [d. 924], re a castle built by ----729
Edwards, William Henry [lepidopterist 1822-1909] ----6 --324 --342a --413 --446 --714 --718 --724 --729 --748a --753
Eglinton [sic Eglington], Mr. William [spiritualist medium b. 1857] ----282 --519a --729
Ehrenberg, Christian Gottfried [biologist 1795-1876], on natural selection ----107
Eimer, Gustav H. T. [biologist 1843-1898], re horns on mammals ----468
Eley (see Ely)
Elgin, Lord (Sir James Bruce) [1811-1863], in North America ----630
Élie de Beaumont, Léonce [geologist 1798-1874] ----229 --295
Eliot, George [novelist 1819-1880] ----745
Elizabeth I, Queen of England [1533-1603] ----1ac --292 --372 --726 --729 --745
Ella [spirit entity] ----398
Elliot [sic Elliott], Daniel G. [zoologist 1835-1915] ----69 --89 --468 --718
Elliot, G. F. Scott [naturalist 1862-1934], on flower color & pollination ----425
Elliot [sic Elliott], Sir Walter [1803-1887] ----153 --165 --716
Elliotson, Dr. John [physician 1788-1868] ----118 --174 --191 --208 --219 --270 --478 --717 --726 --729 --742
Elliott, Dr. Stephen [1806-1866], Bishop of Georgia ----729
Ellis, H. S., on flint implements discovered in North Devon ----122
Ellis, Mr., a weaver ----729
Elwes, Mr. Henry J. [naturalist 1846-1922], on Asiatic birds ----718 --721 --729
Ely [sic Eley], Prof. Richard T. [economist 1854-1943] ----403 --431 --729
Emerson, Edward Waldo [1844-1930], meets Wallace in Boston ----729
Emerson, Ralph Waldo [poet 1803-1882] ----729
Emma, Dr. Haddock's clairvoyant servant ----118 --270 --717
Emmett, Dr. Bache McE., on smallpox & other contagious diseases ----420 --536 --726
Empedocles [philosopher ca.490 B.C. - 430 B.C.] ----589 --728
Endlicher, Prof. D. [botanist] ----118 --263a --270 --717
Endowed Schools Commission ----236
Engledue, Dr. W. C. [physician 1814-1859], on phrenology ----726
Engler, Adolf [botanist 1844-1930], accepts some of Wallace's biogeographical views ----729
Ennemoser, Joseph [physician 1787-1854], on superstitions ----207
Enock, C. Reginald [writer 1868-1970], portions of ARW leters to ----700aa
Entomological Society of London ----10 --13 --16 --35 --36 --42 --47 --49 --50 --54 --56 --96 --98 --121 --123 --123a --126a --126b --127 --129 --134 --135 --143b --145 --147 --148 --154 --158a --181 --188 --205 --328 --353 --424 --446 --595aa --716 --729
Entomological Society of Philadelphia ----716
Epidemiological Society of London ----420 --536 --726
Epping Forest Commission ----292
Erman, Prof. Adolf [Egyptologist 1854-1937], on early Egypt ----733
Erny, Alfred [writer b. 1838], portions of letters from ARW to ----519a
Erskine, Admiral John Elphinstone [1805-1887], on South Sea islanders ----720 --733
Erskine, Lord [1750-1823], re a strange story ----209
Eschscholtz, Johann Friedrich [naturalist 1793-1831], on figured pierids ----127
Esdaile, Dr. James [surgeon & magnetizer 1808-1859] ----174 --191 --270 --717 --726
Essex Field Club ----325b --365a --623ab --729 --732
Estcourt, Mr. Roland, one of the founders of the Land Nationalisation Society ----620 --729
Ethell, Will J., and the "Leonainie" hoax ----614
Ethnological Society of London ----82 --113a --165 --716
Eton College ----595d
Ettingshausen, Baron von [paleobotanist 1826-1897], on New Zealand & Australian fossil plants ----720a --721
Euclid [geometer fl. ca.300 B.C.] ----1ac --195 --413 --445 --724 --726 --729 --733
Eudoxus of Cnidus [astronomer ca.400 B.C. - ca.350 B.C.], on the motions of the planets ----728
Evagrius Scholasticus [historian b. 536?], on domesticated cats ----384
Evangelides, Mr., re a Greek-speakng spirit ----243 --717
Evans, Fred P. [spiritualist medium 1862-1922+] ----400 --467 --729
Evans, Sir John [antiquary 1823-1908], on flint implements found in the Somme valley ----726
Eve, on Wallace's comments on women ----650
Everett, Mr. Alfred H. [1848-1898], re Malay Archipelago natural history ----224 --323 --721 --724
Ewbank, Thomas [naturalist 1792-1870], re an artefact ----488a
Ewing, Revd. T. J., on Eucalyptus ----597
Eyre, Mr. Edward J. [explorer & administrator 1815-1901] ----583 --720 --720a
Eyton, Thomas C. [naturalist 1809-1880] ----28 --724

Fabian Society ----501
Fabricius, Johann Christian [entomologist 1745-1808] ----127 --148 --205
Fairchild, Prof. George [1838-1901], meets Wallace in Manhattan, Kansas ----729
Fairlamb, Miss [Newcastle medium], experiments with ----729
Falconer, Dr. Hugh [paleontologist 1808-1865] ----194 --248 --718 --726
Falsan, A. [naturalist b. 1833], on alpine glacial lakes ----481
Falstaff [literary character] ----536 --726 --729
Faraday, Michael [physicist 1791-1867] ----118 --157 --209 --243 --270 --445 --468 --549 --586 --587 --691a --717 --729 --732 --737
Faraday Society ----732
Farmer, W. J., re variation & directing agencies ----712ab
Farquhar, Mr. H., on the New Zealand fauna ----575
Farr, Dr. William [physician & statistician 1807-1883] ----376a --420 --536 --616 --726 --729
Farrar, Dr. Frederic W. [clergyman & writer 1831-1903] ----99 --100 --337 --518
Farrell, Mrs. C. P. [anti-vivisectionist], letter declining invitation to a meeting ----707ad
Favenc, Mr. Ernest [writer 1846-1908], on Australian exploration ----720a
Favre, Prof. Alphonse [geologist 1815-1890], on mountains ----295 --481
Fawcett, Prof. Henry [politician & economist 1833-1884] ----306 --362b --365 --368a --371 --375 --722 --723
Fawcett, Mr. W., presents Wallace with orchids ----729
Fay, Mrs. Eva [spiritualist medium] ----243 --281 --283 --327c --712ac --717 --729
Fay, Mr. [the medium's husband] ----118 --243 --327c --451 --717
Fechner, Prof. Gustav Theodor [psychophysicist 1801-1887] ----717
Feilden, Colonel Henry Wemyss [1838-1921], re the diet of arctic birds ----721 --729 --732
Feisthamel, Baron [1791-1851], on Indo-Australian Pieridae ----127
Felder, Baron Cajetan von [administrator & lepidopterist 1814-1894] and Felder, Rudolf [lepidopterist & illustrator 1842-1871] ----96 --127 --147 --148 --205 --272 --716 --719
Feltrup, A., re a small-pox case ----374
Ferguson [sic Fergusson], Dr., re a smallpox death ----118 --243 --717
Ferguson, Mr., on giant trees in Victoria, Australia ----720 --720a
Fergusson [sic Ferguson], James [1808-1886], on architecture in India ----583
Ferrier, Sir David [physiologist 1843-1928] ----726 --729
Ferrier, Captain, of Ayer Panas, Malacca ----19
Ferris, A. J., re his book Pauperizing the Rich ----587
Ferrus, Mons. ----264 --270
Field, Mr. Herbert H. [science bibliographer 1868-1921], on European floras ----732
Fielden, Colonel (see Feilden)
Fielding, Henry [1707-1754], his Tom Jones ----729
Fife, Dr. George, re phrenological characters of jail inmates ----726
Figuier, Louis [science writer 1819-1894], re the Fox family ----270
Filhol, Henri [naturalist 1843-1902], on fossil mammals in France ----724
Fillingham, Revd. Robert C. [b. 1861], as a socialist ----729
Finch, Mr. John, his visit to Ralahine ----586
Finsch, Otto [naturalist 1839-1917] ----718
Fisher, Revd. F., Parish Council Chairman ----640a
Fisher, Joseph [historian], on the history of landholding ----365
Fisher, Revd. Osmond [geophysicist 1817-1914] ----298 --300 --453 --455 --721 --728 --732
Fisher, Mrs. (see Buckley, Arabella B.)
Fitch, Mr. Walter Hood [illustrator 1817-1892] ----729
Fitzgerald, Desmond G. [electrician & spiritualist 1834-1905], re the medium Slade ----327c
Fitzgerald, Prof. George F. [astronomer 1851-1901], re starlight measurements ----728
Fitzgerald, Mr. Robert D. [1830-1892], on Australian orchids ----732
Fitzpatrick, William J. [biographer 1830-1895], re Archbishop Whately ----118 --717
Fitzroy, Captain Robert [captain of the Beagle 1805-1865] ----733
Fizeau, Armand-Hippolyte-Louis [physicist 1819-1896] ----726 --728
Flammarion, Camille [astronomer 1842-1925] ----243 --248b --398 --717 --728
Fletcher, A. E., Clarion columnist ----644
Fletcher, John William [trance medium 1834-1882] ----282 --285a --327b --327c
Fletcher, Mr. L. [geologist 1854-1921], on inorganic compounds ----732
Fletcher, Susan Willis (Mrs. J. W. Fletcher) [spiritualist], concerning an imprisoned spiritualist ----345a
Fletcher, Mr., on migration from rural areas to the cities ----582a
Flinders, Captain Matthew [navigator 1774-1814] ----583 --720 --720a
Flint, Prof. Austin [physician 1812-1886], on spirtualist raps ----270
Flood, James Clair [1826-1888], re his palatial home in California ----729
Flourens, Pierre [physiologist 1794-1867], an opponent of Darwinism ----210
Flower, Benjamin O. [editor 1859-1918], re the magazine The Arena ----429a
Flower, Mr. John, F.Z.S. [naturalist] ----302a
Flower, Sir William Henry [mammalogist & administrator 1831-1899] ----189 --297 --402 --500 --547a --718 --729 --732
Foissac, Monsieur Pierre [1801-1886], re the Academic Report of 1830 on mesmerism ----287
Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier de [writer 1657-1757], on the plurality of worlds ----728
Forbes, Mr. David [geologist 1828-1876], on chalk ----721
Forbes, Edward [naturalist 1815-1854] ----20 --134 --229 --718 --716 --729
Forbes, Henry O. [naturalist 1851-1932] ----381 --469 --715 --720 --721 --724 --732
Forbes, John Murray [merchant 1813-1898], Wallace meets in Boston ----729
Forbes, Sir John [physician 1787-1861], re the Didier brothers ----264 --266aa --270 --726
Ford, Robert [writer 1846-1905], on the 'Leonainie' hoax ----708
Forel, Auguste [psychiatrist & entomologist 1848-1931], on ants ----362
Forel, François-Alphonse [naturalist 1841-1912], on alpinre glacial lakes ----481
Forrest, Mr. Alexander, on his Australian explorations ----720 --720a
Forrest, Thomas [navigator 1729?-1802?], visit to New Guinea ----301
Forshey, Caleb G. [civil engineer 1812-1881], on the 'Natchez man' ----406
Forsten, Eltio Alegondas [natural history collector 1811-1843] ----45 --57 --101 --715
Fortune, Mr. Robert [traveler 1813-1880] ----25 --729
Foster, Mr. Charles H. [spiritualist medium 1838-1888] ----209 --270
Foster, Joseph, a shareholder in New Lanark Mills ----729
Foster, Sir Michael [physician 1836-1907], re smallpox vaccination ----420
Foucault, Jean-Bernard-Léon [physicist 1819-1868] ----726
Fowler, Mr. William, M.P. [politician 1828-1905], on land nationalization ----722
Fowler, Revd. William W. [clergyman & entomologist 1849-1923], on British Coleoptera ----595aa --721
Fox, Mr. Charles, on vaccination-related illnesses ----536 --726
Fox, Charles James [statesman & orator 1749-1806], re deaths from vaccination ----439a --632
Fox, F. W., on a possible federation of Europe ----622aa
Fox, Kate [spiritualist medium 1841-1892] ----209 --243 --270 --451 --717
Fox, Margaret [spiritualist medium 1838-1893] ----243 --451 --717
Fox, Mr. W. T., on how to buy the railroads ----628aa
Fox, Mr., father of Kate & Margaret ----270
Fox family ----270 --451
Foxwell, Prof. Herbert Somerton [economist 1849-1936], and the Industrial Remuneration Conference ----729
Franklin, Benjamin [1706-1790] ----174 --191 --276 --717 --722 --726 --742
Franklin, Dr. (Benjamin?) ----243 --717
Fraser, Mr., on an echimyid rodent in Ecuador ----718
Fraunhofer, Joseph von [physicist & optician 1787-1826], on solar spectrum lines ----726
Frederic, Harold [novelist 1856-1898], read by ARW ----745
Free Church of Scotland ----371a --720 --720a
Frere [sic Freere], Mr. John [antiquary 1740-1807], on extinct animals & man ----174 --276 --717
Freshfield, Mr. Douglas W. [geographer & alpinist 1845-1934], on lake evolution ----481
Fresnel, Augustin-Jean [physicist 1788-1827], on the wave theory of light ----726
Frewen, Moreton [entrepreneur 1853-1924] ----723
Frewen, Thomas [physician 1704-1791], re small-pox statistics ----420
Freycinet, Louis C. D. de [navigator 1779-1842], on Tinian ----720
Frith, William Powell [artist 1819-1909], & his paintings of English ladies ----726
Frivaldszky, Imré [naturalist 1799-1870], his death ----205
Frölich, Josef Aloys [naturalist 1766-1841], on Lomaptera ----135
Froude, James Anthony [historian 1818-1894] ----329 --376aa --576aa --722
Fry, Elizabeth [1780-1845], and the female prisoners at Newgate ----659a --729
Fryer, Mr., of Bath, England ----434 --717
Fullerton [sic Fullarton], Capt. Duncan, of the ship Timaru ----724
Fuller, Thomas [1608-1661], on the authenticity of Shakespeare's works ----475
Funnell, William [naturalist & navigator fl. ca.1700], on an earthquake at Amboyna in 1705 ----715

Gadow, Hans [zoologist 1855-1928] ----721 --732
Gagnepain, Mons. François [botanist 1866-1952], on the flora of Indochina ----732
Galaudet (see Gallaudet)
Gale, Mr. Samuel [antiquary 1682-1754], on cemeteries ----726
Galilei, Galileo [astronomer 1564-1642] ----118 --174 --191 --379 --398 --586 --589 --717 --728 --742
Gall, Dr. Franz Josef [phrenologist 1758-1828] ----133 --726
Gallaudet [sic Galaudet], Dr. Edward Miner [1837-1917], President of the National Deaf Mute College ----729
Galsworthy, John [novelist 1867-1933], Wallace doesn't read ----748
Galton, Sir Francis [sociologist 1822-1911] ----161 --165 --207 --217 --234 --257 --299 --375 --425a --427 --428 --445 --468 --499 --510 --532 --549 --596 --618a --649 --661aa --707ac --707an --707as --716 --719 --724 --729 --733 --732 --737 --738 --744
Galvani, Luigi [physician & scientist 1737-1798] ----276 --726
Gama, Vasco da [navigator ca.1460 - 1524] ----726
Gamble, Mr. J. S. [botanist 1847-1925], on the flora of the Malay Peninsula ----732
Ganot, Adolphe [physicist 1804-1887], on color ----378
Garcilaso (see Vega, Garcilaso de la) Gardiner [sic Gardner], Dr. George [botanist 1812-1849], on Brazilian biota ----172 --290 --714 --719 --732
Gardner, John Starkie [1844-1930], on fossil floras ----335 --455 --721
Garling, Mr., of Folkestone ----430 --717
Garnier, Francis [explorer & naval officer 1839-1873], on Angkor Wat ----583
Garnier, Jules [1839-1904], on Tahitians ----720
Garnier, Pierre [physician], re tests on Jacques Aymar ----717
Garrison, Francis Jackson [1848-1916], meets Wallace in Boston ----729
Garrod, Prof. Alfred Henry [zoologist 1846-1879] ----240 --718
Gärtner, Karl F. [1772-1850], on maize varieties ----389 --660
Gason, Mr. Samuel, on an aboriginal chief in Australia ----720a
Gasparin, Count Agénor de [writer & politician 1810-1871], on the physical confirmation of spiritualist phenomena ----243 --717
Gastaldi, Prof. Bartolomeo [geologist 1818-1879], on the glacial excavation of alpine lake basins ----233
Gätke, Mr. Heinrich [ornithologist 1814-1897] ----330 --534 --732
Gaudry, Albert [paleontologist 1827-1908] ----146 --210 --716 --718 --724
Gauss, Carl Friedrich [mathematician & physical scientist 1777-1855] ----724
Gay, Jacques Etiennes [botanist 1786-1864], on Petrocallis seeds ----724
Gay, John [poet & playwright 1685-1732], on unsanitary streets ----726
Gayton, Dr. William [physician & vaccination advocate] ----536 --616 --726
Geach, Mr. Frederick [mining engineer & friend of Wallace's] ----64 --715 --729
Geddes, Sir Patrick [biologist & sociologist 1854-1932] ----432 --503 --724 --729
Gegenbaur, Carl [anatomist 1826-1903] ----305
Geiger, Lazarus [philologist 1829-1870], on plants, color & philology ----272 --719
Geikie, Sir Archibald [geologist 1835-1924] ----124 --146 --159 --340 --347a --453 --455 --457 --481 --721 --724 --728 --729 --732
Geikie, Dr. James [geologist 1839-1915] ----313 --481 --531a --721 --732
Geistbeck, Alois [geographer 1853-1925], on German alpine lakes ----481
Gell, Mrs. Lyttleton [social reformer], on the importance of work to character ----505
Gemminger, Max [zoologist 1820-1887] ----159a --205 --718
Genghis Khan [conqueror ca.1162 - 1227] ----724
Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Étienne [naturalist 1772-1844] ----311 --358 --510 --724
Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Isidore [zoologist 1805-1861] ----248 --274 --311 --510 --660
Geological Society of America ----529
Geological Society of Liverpool ----721
Geological Society of London ----108 --124 --174 --286 --293 --358 --453 --481 --717
Geological Survey of Austria ----724
Geological Survey of Great Britain ----286 --453 --724 --732
Geological Survey of India ----178
Geological Survey of Ireland ----464
Geological Survey of Scotland ----184 --531a --721
George, Henry [economist & reformer 1839-1897] ----314a --337a --337b --341 --358a --358aa --358ac --361 --364b --365 --368a --369 --371a --375 --376aa --380 --399 --403 --423 --466 --483 --498 --585 --710 --722 --726 --729 --735 --735b --735d
George II, King of England [1683-1760] ----722
George III, King of England [1738-1820] ----729
Georget, Mons. [physician], re mesmeric patients ----285
Germain de Saint-Pierre, Ernest [botanist 1815-1882], re ant behavior ----223
Gervais, Paul [naturalist 1816-1879], re extinct Brazilian forms ----718
Gibbons, Dr. William P. [1812-1897], on redwood forests ----441 --729
Gibbs, Mr. George S. [anti-vaccinationist], re some vaccination statisics ----420
Giffen, Sir Robert [economist & statistician 1837-1910], on the well-being of the working class ----371a --385a --386 --387 --723 --726 --729
Giglioli, Prof. Enrico Hillyer [naturalist 1845-1909], on sheep-goat hybrids ----724
Gilbert, Grove Karl [geologist 1843-1918], on traces of ancient human activity near the Great Lakes ----406
Giles, Mr. Ernest [explorer 1835-1897] ----583 --720 --720a
Giles, J. A., on Central & Northern Australia ----720a
Gill, Sir David [astronomer 1843-1914], on star motions ----728
Gill, Theodore [ichthyologist 1837-1914], on freshwater fishes ----262
Gill, Mr., cross-examines Wallace ----637
Gilles de Rais (see Retz)
Gilly, Revd. Dr. William S. [clergyman & writer 1789-1855], re laborers' hovels ----722
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins [social reformer 1860-1935], her poem 'Similar Cases' ----684a
Gilman, Daniel C. [educator 1831-1908], shows Wallace around Johns Hopkins University ----729
Girdlestone, Mr. Edward D. [1829-1892] ----370 --729
Gladstone, Mr. William E. [politician 1809-1898] ----304 --325a --387 --391 --414 --423 --454 --591a --632 --719 --722 --723 --729 --734 --735 --735b --735d --751a
Glanvill [sic Glanvil], Mr. Joseph [philosopher 1636-1680] ----174 --398 --430 --561 --717
Glasier, John Bruce [politician 1859-1920], on the inconsistency of Tolstoy ----595ab
Gleditsch, Johann Gottlieb [1714-1786], on burying beetles ----217
Gledstanes, J. H., present at a seance apportation ----137
Gmelin, Johann Friedrich [naturalist & chemist 1748-1804] ----72 --84 --102 --114 --239 --718
Godart, Jean Baptiste [lepidopterist 1775-1825] ----6 --96 --127 --148
Godkin, James [writer on Ireland 1806-1879], on land proprietorship ----722
Godman, Frederick Du Cane [naturalist 1834-1919] ----181 --193 --388 --393 --446 --718 --721 --724 --732
Godman, Mr. [landowner in Godalming], re roadside enclosures ----370ab
Godwin, William [1756-1836], read by Wallace ----729
Godwin-Austen, Henry H. [geologist 1834-1923] ----174 --257 --276 --404 --717 --719 --721
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von [writer & philosopher 1749-1832] ----445 --493 --589 --726 --732 --733
Goldenstubbé, Baron de, re a case of paranormal "disturbances" in 1844 ----561
Goldschmidt, Hermann [astronomer], his spiritualist views ----243 --717
Goldson, William [Portsea surgeon], re small-pox following vaccination ----536 --726
Goodman, Neville, on the imitation of hornets by a beetle species ----724
Gordon, Sir Arthur [1829-1912], Governor of Fiji ----720
Gordon, Charles G. [soldier 1833-1885] ----650
Gordon, Dr. John [anatomist 1786-1818] ----726
Gordon, Colonel, proprietor of Scottish estates ----722
Gordon Cumming, Rosaleyn G. [big game hunter 1820-1866] ----118 --717
Gore, Bishop Charles [1853-1932], & economic chivalry ----639
Gore, John Ellard [astronomer 1845-1910] ----606 --728 --730
Gore, Lieutenant-Colonel, on an apparition ----717
Gorenflot [literary character] ----729
Gorham, Revd. Henry Stephen, on Malacodermata ----388
Görres, Joseph von [writer 1776-1848], on the supernatural ----207
Gorst, Sir John Eldon [politician 1835-1916], reads Wallace's pamphlet against vaccination ----729
Gory, Hippolyte L. [entomologist 1800-1852], on Malay Archipelago cetoniids ----135
Goschen, George J. [politician 1831-1907], on impoverishment ----563
Gosse, Philip Henry [naturalist 1810-1888] ----28 --279 --719 --724
Gosse, Mr. William C. [explorer 1842-1881], discoverer of Ayer's Rock ----720 --720a
Gould, Dr. Benjamin A. [astronomer 1824-1896] ----728 --729
Gould, Charles [1834-1893], on Tasmanian glaciology ----482
Gould, Mr. John [ornithologist 1804-1881] ----50 --55 --59 --61 --62 --69 --71 --72 --112 --134 --139 --141 --142 --167aa --279 --715 --716 --718
Graëlls, Prof. Mariano de la Paz [1809-1898], on plants collected in the mountains of Spain ----729
Graham, William [1839-1911], and his Creed of Science ----729
Grainger, Mr., on rock grooves in Ohio & their explanation ----481
Grandidier, Alfred [geographer 1836-1921], re Madagascan birds ----274 --718 --721
Grant, Principal George Munro [1835-1902], of Queen's College, Ontario ----729
Grant, Capt. James [1772-1833], explored shores of Victoria, Australia ----720 --720a
Grant, Prof. Robert E. [zoologist 1793-1874] ----724
Grant, Ulysses S. [1822-1885] ----735d
Grant, Charles Thomas [1831-1891], on the Dyaks ----342
Gratiolet, Louis Pierre [anatomist 1815-1865], on the gorilla ----724
Grattan, Mr. John, on a new craniometer ----120
Gray, Asa [botanist 1810-1888] ----83 --107 --292 --371c --441 --493 --721 --724 --729
Gray, Francis C. [lawyer & writer 1790-1856], re the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard ----401
Gray, Mr. George R. [zoologist 1808-1872] ----13 --28 --42 --50 --58 --62 --63 --68 --70 --71 --72 --73 --75 --84 --85 --96 --112 --114 --131 --141 --142 --246 --715 --718 --721 --729
Gray, Dr. John Edward [naturalist 1800-1875] ----38 --45 --143 --170 --286 --401 --716 --718 --721 --724 --729
Gray, Maxwell (pseud. of M. G. Tattiett) [novelist d. 1923],d Wallace reads ----748
Gray, Thomas [poet 1716-1771] ----587 --742
Gray, Thomas [railways advocate 1787-1848] ----174 --717
Grayson, Col. Andrew J. [artist & naturalist 1818-1869], re the Tres Marias Islands ----718
Greatorex, Mr. Valentine [healer 1629-1683] ----174 --717
Greely, Capt. Adolphus W. [explorer 1844-1935] ----729
Green, Mr. E. D. [artist] ----243 --717
Green, E. M., on the Kaffirs ----113
Green [sic Greene], John Richard [historian 1837-1883], his Short History of the English People ----450
Green, Revd. William S. [b. 1847], on the Southern Alps ----720a
Greene, Revd. Joseph ----134 --318 --716
Greenell, John [Wallace's grandfather] ----729
Greg, William R. [writer 1809-1881], pasturage for one man living on meat alone ----375
Gregory, Sir Augustus C. [explorer 1819-1905], on Australia ----291 --720 --720a
Gregory, Francis T. [1821-1888], Australian explorer ----720 --720a
Gregory, Dr. John W. [geologist 1864-1932] ----645 --721 --730
Gregory, Dr. William [chemist 1803-1858] ----118 --174 --191 --208 --219 --258 --263 --270 --283 --561 --717 --726 --729
Gregory, Mrs. William ----270
Grenfell, Henry Riversdale [banker & politician 1824-1902], re the enclosure of roadside wastes ----383aa
Grensted, Revd. Fred F., re the color of birds' eggs ----417
Grey, Sir Edward [statesman 1862-1933], re the Denshawai prisoners ----646a
Grey, Sir George [colonial administrator 1812-1898] ----375 --464 --576aa --583 --720 --720a --722 --729
Grey, Earl de, re his lands in Bedfordshire ----729
Grimthorpe, Lord, favoring Wallace's anti-vaccination efforts ----729
Grisebach, August [botanist & geographer 1814-1879] ----719 --732
Gronlund, Laurence [1846-1899], and his Our Destiny ----729
Grote, Mr. George [historian 1794-1871], dines with Wallace & J. S. Mill ----729
Grove, Sir William Robert [physicist & judge 1811-1896] ----118 --589 --717
Guenée, Achille [lepidopterist 1809-1880], re Nyctimera ----205
Guérin-Méneville, F. E. [naturalist 1799-1874] ----40 --135 --145 --148
Guillemard, Dr. F. H. H. [traveler 1852-1933] ----715
Guizot, François [historian 1787-1874], on the evolution of civilization ----93
Gulick, Revd. John T. [naturalist & missionary 1832-1923] ----212 --410 --428 --558 --708a --721 --718 --724
Gull, Sir William W. [physician 1816-1890], on vaccination in Sweden ----536 --726
Gully, Dr. James M. [physician 1808-1883] ----118 --219 --717
Gumpach, Johannes von [chronologist & geodesist], on a flat earth ----115
Günther, Dr. Albert C. L. G. [zoologist 1830-1914] ----81 --134 --146 --229 --262 --286 --302 --316 --334 --340 --712ad --716 --718 --721 --724 --732 --734a
Guppy, Dr. Henry B. [geologist 1854-1926] ----721 --724
Guppy, Henry F. J. [anthropologist], on the Negro race ----95
Guppy, Mrs. Samuel (formerly Miss Agnes Nichol) [spiritualist medium d. 1917] ----126 --132 --137 --208 --243 --283 --522 --717 --729
Guppy, Mr. Samuel [the medium's husband] ----204 --243 --717 --729
Gurney, Mr. Edmund [psychical investigator 1847-1888] ----385b --411 --729
Gurney, Mr. John H. [ornithologist 1848-1922] ----112 --142 --718
Gurney, J., New York photographer, re spirit photography ----430
Guy, Dr. William A., F.R.S. [physician 1810-1885] ----536 --616 --726 --729
Gwilym, Dafydd ap [poet 14th cent.] ----729
Gwynne, Dr. & Mrs., re an apparition ----430

Haan, Willem de [zoologist 1801-1855] ----50 --96 --715 --716
Haast, Sir Julius von [geologist 1822-1887], on New Zealand natural history ----718 --720 --720a --721
Habel, Dr. Simeon [traveler], re Galapagos birds ----718
Hackel, Mr., on stone weapons found with extinct mammal remains ----406
Haddock, Dr. Joseph W. [physician] ----118 --174 --191 --270 --561 --717 --726 --729
Hadwen, Dr. Walter R. [anti- vaccinationist & vivisectionist 1854-1932] ----607 --613 --622a
Haeckel, Ernst [biologist 1834-1919] ----274 --303 --305 --309 --432 --648a --669 --700 --712ab --729 --732 --735 --748 --751
Haeffle (see Hoefer)
Haen, Dr. Anton de [physician 1704-1776], on inoculation & vaccination ----536 --726
Hagen, Hermann A. [entomologist 1817-1893] ----205 --272 --719 --729
Haggard, Sir Henry Rider [novelist 1856-1925] ----554a --745
Hahn, Councillor, of Ingelfingen, re spiritualistic disturbances in Silesia in 1807 ----561 --565
Hale, Mr. Horatio Emmons [anthropologist 1817-1896], meets Wallace in Toronto ----729
Hale, Sir Matthew [judge 1609-1676] ----174 --398 --717
Hales, A. G., re the Japan-Russia war ----616c
Hales, John [clergyman 1584-1656], & the latitudinarian school ----174 --717
Halfeld [sic Halfield], H. G. F. [authority on Brazil 1797-1873] ----172
Haliburton, Prof. William D., on proteins ----728
Haliday, Alexander Henry [entomologist 1806-1870], death of ----181
Hall, Anna Maria (Mrs. S. C.) ----243 --258 --430 --451 --717 --729
Hall, Sir James [geologist 1761-1832], on erratic boulders in the Jura ----481
Hall, Leonard [political writer] ----552 --553
Hall, Dr. Marshall [physiologist 1790-1857] ----270 --726
Hall, Maxwell [meteorologist 1845-1920], on star motions ----606 --728
Hall, Mr. Samuel Carter [writer 1800-1889] ----118 --243 --258 --398 --451 --530 --717 --729
Hall, Spencer T. [magnetizer 1812-1885] ----478 --717 --729
Hall, W. H., landowner in Cambridgeshire ----439ae
Halley, Edmund [astronomer 1656-1742] ----673 --728
Hamilton, Mr. Nisbet, landlord ----722
Hamilton, Sir William [philosopher 1788-1856], & phrenology ----726
Hamilton, Dr., on smallpox & other contagious diseases ----420 --536 --726
Hampden, Mr. John [flat-earther d. 1891] ----163 --163a --179aa --200aa --200b --202 --214a --220a --220b --248a --248ab --248ad --248b --252c --574aa --729
Hanbury, Mr. Daniel [pharmacologist 1825-1875], Richard Spruce's friend ----667 --668
Hanbury, Edmund S. ----384aa
Hanbury, Sir Thomas [1832-1907], on the wind conveyance of seeds ----724 --729
Hann, Frank Hugh [explorer 1845-1921], discoverer of Queensland gold-fields ----720a
Hansen- [sic Hansten] Blangsted, Emile, on competition among Danish trees ----724
Harcourt, Sir William [politician 1827-1904] ----734
Hardcastle, Mr., on laborers & pauperism ----346
Hardenberg, Karl August von [politician 1750-1822], on Prussian reform ----722
Hardie, Keir [labor leader 1856-1915] ----501 --528
Hardinge (Britten), Emma [spiritualist 1823-1899] ----118 --243 --717
Hardy, Thomas [novelist & poet 1840-1928] ----367a --371 --375 --729 --738 --748
Hardy, Sir William Bate [biologist 1864-1934], on proteins ----732
Hare, Prof. A., on malformation from prenatal influences ----479
Hare, Prof. Robert [chemist 1781-1858] ----118 --191 --200a --219 --243 --270 --398 --451 --717
Hargreaves, James [inventor 1720- 1778] ----438
Harold, Edgar von [entomologist d. 1886], on Neotropical Coleoptera ----205 --718
Harries, Henry & John [astrologers] ----623 --729
Harris, Thomas Lake [spiritualist & poet 1823-1906] ----439a --451 --726 --732 --750
Harris, William H., on beekeeping ----372
Harrison, Frederic [writer & philosopher 1831-1923] ----376 --380 --726 --729 --734 --752
Harrison, John [inventor of the chronometer 1693-1776] ----445 --468
Harrison, William Henry [editor of The Spiritualist 1841-1897] ----243 --430 --717
Harry, Mr. John D., re an apparition ----430 --717
Harsant, Revd. Frederick J., on a vaccination-induced malady ----536 --726
Hart, Ernest A. [medical writer & reformer 1835-1898], on vaccination ----420 --536 --726 --729
Hart, Mr. John H. [botanist 1847-1911], on Trinidad plants ----732
Hart, Capt., plantation owner on Timor ----729
Harte, Bret [writer 1836-1902] ----493
Hartert, Dr. Ernst [ornithologist 1859-1933], on birds peculiar to Britain ----732
Hartig, Prof. Robert [1839-1901], on plant diseases ----596
Hartlaub, Gustav [ornithologist 1814-1900] ----274 --275 --718 --721
Hartmann, Eduard von [philosopher 1842-1906], on teleology & the vital force ----352
Hartog, Dirk [navigator], early visitor to Australia ----720 --720a
Hartog, Marcus M. [biologist 1851-1924], on acquired characters ----473
Hartshorn, Vernon, M.P. [1872-1931], on workers' demands ----734
Hartshorne, Bertram F. [anthropologist & antiquarian b. 1844], on the Rodiyas of Ceylon ----258a
Hartt [sicHart], Charles Frederick [geologist 1840-1878] ----172 --181 --480 --721 --724
Harvard University Natural History Society ----292
Harvey, Sir John [Canadian administrator 1778-1852] ----717
Harvey, William [physician & anatomist 1578-1657] ----174 --191 --276 --305 --398 --717 --726 --735d --742
Harvey, Colonel, at a seance ----243 --717
Harvie-Brown, Mr. John A. [naturalist 1844-1916], on the Petchora Valley in Russia ----330 --732
Harward, Mr., his incarceration as insane ----726
Hasan [literary character] ----615
Haswell, William A. [zoologist 1854-1925] ----732
Haughton, Revd. Samuel S. [scientist 1821-1897] ----83 --210 --313 --331 --333 --335 --336 --721 --729
Haweis, Revd. Hugh R. [preacher & writer 1839-1901], meets Wallace in Switzerland ----729
Hawksley [sic Hawkesley], Dr. Thomas [social critic 1821-1892], on private charity ----715
Haxby, Mr. [materialization medium] ----729
Hay, Mrs. John [plant exhibitor], on a Eucalyptus species ----597
Hayati, Mr., on two Japanese mountain floras ----732
Hayden, Ferdinand V. [geologist 1829-1887] ----315a
Hayden, Mrs. W. R. [spiritualist medium] ----118 --265 --270 --717 --729
Hayes, Frederick W. [writer 1848-1918] ----501 --729
Hayward, Mr. Charles, a friend of Wallace's at Neath ----729
Hayward, C. F., nephew of the preceding ----729
Hazell, A. P., on a paper money standard ----556
Head, Sir George [soldier & traveler 1782-1855], on land in the Channel Islands ----722
Heapley, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas, re a ghost story ----654a
Heath, Francis G. [writer 1843-1913], re English estates ----375 --729
Heaton, Dr. John Henry, a physician friend of the Wallace family ----729
Heawood, Mr. [librarian], re assistance given Wallace ----729
Hector, Sir James [geologist 1834-1907] ----721 --724
Heer, Prof. Oswald [geologist & botanist 1809-1883] ----146 --292 --313 --718 --720a --721
Hehn, Victor [cultural historian 1813-1890], on domesticated forms ----384
Heijermans, Herman [Dutch writer & socialist 1864-1924], re the defense of small communities ----557a
Heilprin, Angelo [geologist & geographer 1853-1907] ----360 --721 --724
Heinemann, H. von [entomologist d. 1871], his death ----205
Helland, Dr. Amund [geographer & geologist 1846-1918] ----481 --489
Hellwald, Friedrich von [writer 1842-1892], on Australasia & Polynesia ----317 --720a
Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von [scientist 1821-1894] ----253 --589 --623a
Helms, Ludvig Verner [traveler], on his travels ----355
Helvetic Society of Natural History ----481
Hemsley, Mr. William B. [botanist 1843-1924], re island floras ----393 --568a --721 --724 --732
Henderson, Mr. [spiritualist medium], re the theory of the double ----522
Henley, Mr., on farming ----376ac
Henry III, King of England [1207-1272] ----209
Henry VII, King of England [1457-1509] ----387
Henry VIII, King of England [1491-1547] ----386 --498 --722 --729
Henry, Mons. Joseph [1813-1887], a French farmer & naturalist in Kansas ----729
Henslow, Revd. George [botanist & philosopher 1835-1925] ----439ac --503 --724 --729
Henslow, Prof. John S. [botanist 1796-1861] ----358 --673
Heraclitus [philosopher ca.540 B.C. - ca.480 B.C.] ----729
Herault, Mons., a police lieutenant ----174 --717
Herbert, Auberon [1838-1906], at dinner with J. S. Mill ----376aa --729
Herbert, William, Dean of Manchester [naturalist & scholar 1778-1847], on plant varieties & species ----389 --724
Herbert, Revd. W. H., on birdsong ----716
Herminier, Ferdinand Jean l' [naturalist 1802-1866], on bird classification ----88
Herod I, King of Judea [73 B.C. - 4 B.C.] ----541a --545 --595ad --733
Heron, Sir Robert [politician 1765-1854] ----272 --660 --719
Herrich-Schäffer, G. A. W. [entomologist 1799-1874], on Nychtemera ----205
Herschel [sic Herschell], Sir John [astronomer 1792-1871] ----118 --191 --195 --257 --445 --589 --602 --606 --649 --660 --708 --717 --719 --724 --726 --728 --729 --733
Herschel [sic Herschell], Sir William [astronomer 1738-1822] ----1a --445 --606 --707bd --726 --728 --730 --733 --737
Herschel (which one??) ----586 --602
Hertford Literary & Debating Society ----705b
Hertzka, Dr. Theodor [social theorist 1845-1924] ----450 --492a --496
Hesiod [poet 8th cent. B.C.] ----384
Hewes, Dr., his 'Jack' ----270
Hewitson, William C. [zoologist & illustrator 1806-1878] ----50 --96 --127 --145 --147 --148 --181 --205 --272 --319 --715 --716 --719
Hewitt, Mr. Edward, on bird color & its relation to sexual selection ----724
Hickman, John, on extinction ----718
Hicks, Edwin Thomas [phrenologist], reading by ----729
Hicks, Dr. J. Braxton [anatomist 1825-1897], on primitive organisms ----211
Higgins, Revd. Henry H. [1815-1893], a Wallace acquaintance from Bedfordshire ----729
Highland Land Reform Association (London) ----371a
Hilgard, Prof. Eugene W. [naturalist & agriculturist 1833-1916], meets Wallace in San Francisco ----729
Hill, Revd. Abraham, Wallace's headmaster at Leicester ----729
Hillebrand, Dr. William [1821-1886], on Hawaiian plants ----721
Hind, William, medalist in Physical Geography ----168a
Hipparchus [astronomer fl. 147 B.C. - 126 B.C.] ----728
Hislop, Captain [Amazon resident] ----714
Hitchcock, Prof. Charles H. [geologist 1836-1919], on gneiss boulders found atop Mt. Washington ----481
Hitchcock, Dr. Edward [geologist & administrator 1793-1864], on Darwinism ----107 --108
Hitchcock, Romyn [1851-1923], on the Aino people ----583
Hitzig, Dr. Eduard [physiologist 1838-1907], on the cerebrum ----726
Hobbes, Thomas [philosopher 1588-1679] ----750
Hobhouse, Sir Arthur [judge 1819-1904], his The Dead Hand ----329
Hobson, Dr. Bernard [1860-1932], on the age of the earth ----458 --460 --513
Hobson, Mr. John A. [economist 1858-1940] ----512 --729
Hochstetter, Christian F. F. [botanist 1787-1860] ----118 --717
Hochstetter, Dr. Ferdinand von [geologist 1829-1884] ----455 --720 --720a --721
Hochstetter, Wilhelm [1825-1881], son of C. F. F., experimental subject for Reichenbach ----118 --717
Hodgson, Brian H. [naturalist 1800-1894] ----80 --89
Hodgson, Dr. Richard [psychical investigator 1855-1905] ----430 --436 --467 --518a --717
Hoefer [sic Haeffle / Hœffle], Jean C. F. [historian & writer 1811-1878], on the nature of 'spirits' ----243 --717
Hoffman, Dr. Walter James [ethnologist 1846-1899], & Indian artefacts found near Cincinnati ----729
Hoffmann, Prof., on Baron Reichenbach ----276
Hogg, Edith (Mrs. F. G.) [1856-1900], on the lives of fur-pullers in South London ----726
Hogg, Mr. Stuart James [1865-1947], Englishman farming in Kansas ----729
Hohenemser, Henry [banker], & the Freeland Colony ----492a
Holden, Prof. Edward S. [astronomer 1846-1914], Wallace meets in California ----729
Holden, Sir Isaac [friction match inventor 1807-1897] ----726
Holder, Joseph B. [naturalist 1824-1888], meets Wallace in New York ----729
Holiday, Henry, re Wallace's 'Human Selection' ----661aa
Hollander, Dr. Bernard, M.D. [1864-1934] ----624a --726
Holman, William Steele [judge & politician 1822-1897], meets Wallace in Washington DC ----729
Holmes, Francis S. [1815-1882], on pottery & mastodons ----406
Holmes, Oliver Wendell [1809-1894], meets Wallace in Boston ----327c --729
Holmes, Thomas V. [b. 1846], on the Deneholes ----365a
Holmes, Mr. & Mrs. [spiritualist mediums] ----251 --270
Holyoake, George J. [reformer 1817-1906], and his obituary of Robert Owen ----729
Hombron, Jacques Bernard [b. 1800], on Lomaptera at Amboyna ----135
Home, Daniel D. [spiritualist medium 1833-1886] ----118 --132 --174 --206 --208 --243 --258 --270 --283 --356 --398 --434 --451 --662 --717 --729
Homer [epic poet 9th cent. B.C.] ----272 --445 --591a --649 --691a --719 --726 --729 --732 --733 --737
Hood, Thomas [poet 1799-1845] ----385a --407 --505 --598a --726 --729
Hooke, Robert [scientist 1635-1703] ----649
Hooker, Isabella Beecher [women's rights activist 1822-1907] ----398 --729
Hooker, Sir Joseph D. [botanist 1817-1911] ----22 --29 --53 --81 --83 --96 --107 --143 --210 --248 --257 --260 --304 --393 --401 --441 --493 --589 --597 --599 --656 --660 --667 --668 --669 --672 --673 --715 --716 --718 --719 --720 --720a --721 --724 --726 --729 --732 --735d
Hooker, Sir William Jackson [botanist & administrator 1785-1865] ----19 --27 --160 --492 --668 --713
Hope, Frederick W. [entomologist 1797-1862], on Heterorhina ornata ----135
Hope, Mr. George [agriculturist 1811-1876], re his eviction ----722
Hope, Col. William [1834-1909], on the productive use of sewage ----729
Hopkins, John [versifier d. 1570], re his psalms ----475
Hopkins, Consul Manley [1817/18-1897] ----131 --720
Hopkins, Mr., on precession and the interior of the earth ----455
Hopkins, Prof., on mountain building ----229
Hopkirk, Dr. Arthur F. ----536 --726
Hopps, John Page [minister & hymnist 1834-1911], on the Church of England ----374a
Horace [poet 65 B.C. - 8 B.C.] ----384
Horne, Mr. Charles [1824-1872], on the Hymenoptera of North West India ----181 --724
Horne, Mr. John [botanist 1835-1905], on Mauritius ----720
Horne, John [geologist 1848-1928] ----721
Horner, Leonard [geologist 1785-1864], on erosion rates in the Nile River ----233 --266
Horsey, Rear Admiral A. F. R. de, visit to Pitcairn Island in 1878 ----720
Horsfield, Dr. Thomas [naturalist 1773-1859] ----36 --45 --79 --84 --89 --96 --127 --135 --141 --148 --716 --720 --729
Hortense, Madame [clairvoyant] ----270
Horton, Miss Sarah W. [educator], meets Wallace in California ----729
Hoskyns, C. Wren, M.P. [writer on agriculture 1812-1876], his The Land Laws of England ----722
Houghton, Henry Oscar [publisher 1823-1895], Wallace meets in Boston ----729
House of Commons ----312 --325a --340 --370ab --371a --376a --392a --407 --414 --423 --486a --483 --491 --495 --525 --531 --533 --536 --574a --586 --622 --625 --635 --640a --652 --655 --670 --684 --691a --696 --703 --703a --722 --726 --729 --732 --733 --734 --744 --747 --748
House of Lords ----371a --392a --423 --491 --501 --574a --632 --635 --683 --726 --734 --735 --744 --748
House of Representatives (New Zealand) ----720 --720a
House of Representatives (U. S.) ----729
Housman, Revd. Henry, his The Story of Our Museum ----349
Houzeau, Jean Charles [scientist 1820-1888] ----217 --227
Howard, Ebenezer [community planner 1850-1928] ----563 --566 --576ab --576ad
Howard, Mr. James, M.P. [agriculturist 1821-1889], on landlords ----722
Howe, Elias [inventor 1819-1867] ----726
Howitt, Mr. Alfred W. [naturalist & ethnologist 1830-1908] ----720 --720a
Howitt, Mary (Mrs. William) [writer 1799-1888] ----118 --243 --717 --729
Howitt, Mr. William [historian & writer 1792-1879] ----118 --142b --174 --191 --207 --243 --341 --365 --375 --430 --439a --451 --466 --561 --717 --720 --720a --722 --729 --743
Howorth, Sir Henry H. [science writer 1842-1923] ----197 --198 --480 --481 --484 --486 --487
Huber, Dr. Jacques [botanist 1867-1914], on Amazonian plants ----667
Huber, Pierre [naturalist 1777-1840], on ants ----217 --223 --314
Huber (which one??), on honeybees ----372
Hübner, Jacob [lepidopterist 1761-1826] ----74 --148 --205
Hubrecht, Prof. A. A. W. [biologist 1853-1915] ----660 --666
Huc, Evariste Régis [missionary 1813-1860], re China ----195 --248 --729
Huddleston, Mr. F. F. C., on the kea ----504a
Hudson, T. J., on the subliminal self ----592
Hudson, Mr. William H. [naturalist & writer 1841-1922] ----447 --463 --468 --499 --517 --534 --669 --718 --729 --732 --743 --754
Hudson, Miss, Wallace's mother's mother ----729
Hudson, Mr. [spirit photographer] ----243 --717
Hügel, Baron Carl A. A. von [traveler & naturalist 1796-1870], on Macquarie Island ducks ----718 --724
Huggins, Sir William [astronomer 1824-1910] ----531a --726 --728 --730 --732
Hughes, Mr. Fred, on social labor colonies ----646ad
Hughes, George, medalist in Physical Geography ----168a
Hughes, Revd. Hugh Price [clergyman 1847-1902], meets Wallace in Switzerland ----729
Hull, Prof. Edward [geologist 1829-1917], on the glacial transport of rocks by ice in Ireland ----721
Hulme, Frederick E. [1841-1909], on his geometry textbook ----354
Humboldt, Alexander von [traveler & naturalist 1769-1859] ----1a --8 --11 --52 --191 --252b --266 --289 --340 --347a --352 --445 --492 --668 --713 --714 --717 --718 --719 --724 --728 --729 --730 --732 --734a --748a --752aa --753
Humboldt, Wilhelm von [philologist & statesman 1767-1835] ----82 --715 --720
Hume, A. H., poetry selection ----726
Hume, David [philosopher 1711-1776] ----107 --118 --174 --386 --387 --717 --729
Hume, Mr. Hamilton [1797-1873], early inland explorer of New South Wales ----720 --720a
Humphreys, H. T. [journalist], at 1867 seance with Miss Nichol ----118 --126 --717
Humphry, Sir George Murray [anatomist 1820-1896], on the correspondence of the brain with the skull ----726
Hunt, Dr. James [anthropologist 1833-1869] ----93 --120 --125 --133 --248
Hunter, Dr. Charles D., on agricultural productivity ----375
Hunter, John [anatomist & surgeon 1728-1793] ----445 --468 --578 --700 --732
Hunter, John [beekeeper] ----252
Hunter, Sir Robert [1844-1913], on land enclosure ----370ab --371a
Hunter, Dr. W. A., on land reform ----365 --371a
Hutchinson, Sir Jonathan [surgeon 1828-1913] ----724
Hutchinson, Mr. J. G., on working men's wages ----729
Huth, Mr. Alfred H. [1850-1910], on marriage ----724
Hutton, Dr. Charles [mathematician 1737-1823], on the divining rod ----270
Hutton, Captain Frederick W. [naturalist 1836-1905] ----248 --268a --558 --718 --721 --724 --732
Hutton, James [geologist 1726-1797] ----146 --589 --649 --726
Hutton, Richard Holt [1826-1897], of the Spectator ----153 --261 --327c
Huxley, Leonard [writer 1860-1933], son of Thomas ----729
Huxley, Thomas H. [biologist & philosopher 1825-1895] ----83 --90 --118 --142aa --146 --159 --165 --167 --181 --196 --210 --229 --242 --243 --245 --253 --257 --283 --286 --305 --358 --423 --493 --527 --531b --532 --649 --656 --673 --684a --700 --707as --715 --716 --717 --718 --719 --721 --724 --726 --728 --729 --732 --735 --735d --738 --743 --746 --748 --748a --751
Huygens, Christiaan [astronomer, physicist & mathematician 1629-1695] ----726 --728
Hyatt, Prof. Alpheus [zoologist & paleontologist 1838-1902], on evolutionary acceleration & retardation ----724 --729
Hyder, Mr. Joseph [land nationalizer] ----518ac --525 --541 --563 --625 --638 --653 --678 --688 --696 --703 --707
Hyndman, Henry M. [socialist 1842-1921] ----693 --729

Ihering [sic Jhering], Hermann von [naturalist 1850-1930], re his criticism of Island Life ----729
Iles, Mr. George [writer 1852-1942], meets Wallace in Canada ----729
Imperial Academy of St. Petersburg ----732
Imperial Academy of Natural History Vienna ----717
Impey, Frederick, re land & labor ----407 --414 --466
Independent Labour Party ----734 --738
India Office, re John Morley ----595c --658a
Ingersoll, Ernest [naturalist & traveler 1852-1946], on Colorado molluscs ----724
Ingleby, Dr. Clement M. [Shakespearian scholar 1823-1886] ----199 --729
Inglis, Henry D. [traveler 1795-1835] ----341 --365 --722
Ingram, John Henry [writer 1842-1916] ----612 --708
Institut des Frères Écoles Chrétiennes, re a mechanics text ----373
Ireland, Dr. William W. [physician 1832-1909], on peasant proprietors in France ----722
Irish Land League ----329 --729
Irish National Party ----392a --670
Irving, Revd. Edward [clergyman & orator 1792-1834], head of a church of miracle-workers ----174 --717
Isaiah [prophet 8th cent. B.C.] ----498 --726 --742 --753
Isidora [Amazon servant] ----714

Jack [boy clairvoyant] ----270
Jack, Mr. Robert L. [geologist 1845-1921], on Australian desert sandstone ----720a
Jacky Jacky, an aboriginal boy ----720a
Jacob, and Pharoah ----726
Jacobs, William W. [writer 1863-1943], read by Wallace ----745
Jacquinot, Honoré [physician & zoologist 1815-1887], on Lomaptera ----135
Jagor, Dr. Fedor [1816-1900], on the inhabitants of Luzon ----720
Jamblichus of Syria [philosopher 4th cent. A.D.], on divination ----717
James, William [philosopher 1842-1910] ----396 --712ac --729 --748
Jameson [sic Jamieson], Sir Leander Starr [physician & statesman 1853-1917], re his raid ----570a --571 --595ad
Jamieson, Mr. Thomas F. [geologist 1829-1913], on glacial movement ----124 --462
Jardine, Sir William [naturalist 1800-1874], on Circus ----141
Jardine, Messrs., explorers of Cape York Peninsula ----720 --720a
Jefferies [sic Jeffrey], Richard [naturalist & writer 1848-1887] ----375 --512 --512a
Jeffreys [sic Jeffries], Dr. John Gwyn [naturalist 1809-1885] ----347a --721
Jekyll, Gertrude [horticulturist 1843-1932], on Euphorbia ----696a --729
Jencken, Henry D. [lawyer & scholar d.1881] ----204 --243 --451 --717
Jencken, Mrs. H. D. (see Fox, Miss Kate)
Jenkin, Fleeming [sic Fleming; electrician 1833-1885], on natural selection ----666
Jenkins, Mr. E Vaughan, on spirit materializations ----411
Jenkins, Henry Michael [geologist & administrator 1841-1886], on the number of landed proprietors in France ----383b
Jenner, Sir William [physician 1815-1898] ----174 --191 --276 --536 --578 --615 --616 --691a --726 --729
Jenner Society ----542
Jenner Weir, Mr. John ----134 --143b --248 --353 --510 --716 --724 --729
Jensen, Lieut., on icebound Greenland flora ----721
Jerdon, Thomas C. [zoologist 1811-1872] ----89 --114 --134 --139 --141 --246 --274 --319 --709 --715 --716 --718 --721
Jersey, Lord, & landlordism ----366
Jervis, Major, on the Santals ----153 --165 --716
Jessopp, Revd. Augustus [1823-1914], on property confiscation ----729
Jesuino, Senhor Tenente [Amazon resident] ----714
Jesus, Christ ----243 --398 --498 --505 --545 --550 --581 --664 --691a --714 --717 --726 --729 --733 --738
Jevons, Prof. William Stanley [economist & philosopher 1835-1882] ----557 --729
Joan of Arc, Saint [1412-1431] ----729
Joaquim, Manoel [Amazon resident] ----714
Job [Biblical figure] ----445
Jobson, Mary, re a poltergeist ----561
Jobson, Mr., re reports of spirit manifestations in his house in 1839 ----451
Joey [spirit entity] ----282
Johns, Revd. C. A. [1811-1874], on British birds ----718
Johnson, George William [horticulturist 1802-1886], on Australian plant genera ----452a
Johnson, Dr. Samuel [writer & critic 1709-1784], and the Cock Lane ghost ----451 --726 --744
Johnston, Alexander Keith [geographer & cartographer 1804-1871] ----333 --358ae --730
Johnston, Robert M. [geologist 1844-1918], on glaciation in Tasmania ----482
Johnstone, Mary [novelist] ----745
Johnstone, Revd. Mr., re a premonitional dream ----434
Johow, Prof. Friedrich [1859-1933?], on the flora of Juan Fernandez Island ----721
Joinville, Prince de [naval officer 1818-1900], re a companion of his ----182
Jones, Mr. John Matthew [naturalist 1828-1888], on Bermuda ----721
Jones, Lloyd, a mechanic who worked for Robert Owen ----729
Jones, Prof. T. Rupert [paleontologist 1819-1911], on foraminifera ----286 --729
Jonson, Ben [playwright & poet 1573?-1637], on Shakespeare ----475
Jordan, Alexis [botanist 1814-1897], on the numerous forms of Draba ----724
Jordan, Dr. Karl [entomologist 1861-1959], on the color of the wings of Papilio species ----732
Joseph, and Pharoah ----726
Josephus, Flavius [historian ca.37 A.D. - ca.100 A.D.], on the inhumanity of humankind ----728
Joule, James Prescott [physicist 1818-1889], on force & heat ----726
Jowett, Prof. Benjamin [1817-1893], on natural selection ----198
Joy, Mr. Algernon, re a phantasm ----434 --717
Judd, Prof. John W. [geologist 1840-1916] ----455 --514 --721 --724 --729 --732
Judhishthir [literary character] ----690aa
Jukes, J. Beete [geologist 1811-1869] ----124 --464
Jukes-Browne, Alfred J. [geologist 1851-1914] ----453 --457 --465
Junghuhn, Dr. Franz W. [1809-1864], on the geology of Java ----720
Jurin, Dr. James [physician 1684-1750], on the number of smallpox cases ----374 --420

Kane, Mrs. [spiritualist medium] ----270
Kant, Immanuel [philosopher 1724-1804], on final causes ----352
Kapteyn, Prof. Jacobus C. [astronomer 1851-1922] ----602 --642 --728
Kaup, Dr. Johann Jakob [zoologist 1803-1873], on Nisi & Astures ----141
Kavanagh [sic Kavanah], Morgan P. [linguist ca.1800 - 1874] ----518 --729
Kay, Mr. Joseph [writer on social issues 1821-1878] ----341 --365 --375 --466 --722 --723
Kay, Dr., Principal of a theological college in Calcutta ----729
Keane, Mr. Augustus H. [anthropologist 1833-1912], on the Polynesians ----296 --583
Kearton, Mr. Richard [naturalist & photographer 1862-1928] ----669 --732
Keats, John [poet 1795-1821], compared with Shakespeare ----475
Keble, John [clergyman & poet 1792-1866], re his hymns ----475
Keeler, Charles A. [naturalist & writer 1871-1937] ----468 --480a --535
Keeler, James E. [astronomer 1857-1900], on the rings of Saturn ----726
Keeler, Pierre L. O. A. [spiritualist medium ca.1856 - 1930+] ----409 --411 --452 --467 --530 --729
Kell, Delacourt [agriculturist & writer], on beauty ----706c
Keller, Helen [writer & lecturer 1880-1968] ----729
Keller, Dr. Leander Joseph [physician] ----374 --420
Kelvin, Lord (see Thomson, Sir William)
Kendall, Percy F. [geologist 1856-1936], editor of Glacialists' Magazine ----481
Kenlemaus (see Keulemans)
Kennan, Mr. George [traveler 1845-1924], his travels in Siberia ----729
Kennedy, Mr. Edmund [explorer 1818-1848] ----583 --720 --720a --733
Kennedy, Revd. John, on the Highland evictions ----722
Kenworthy, Mr. John C. [writer] ----581 --729
Kepler, Johannes [astronomer 1571-1630] ----358 --586 --589 --673 --726 --728 --732
Kern, Cornet, re spiritualistic disturbances in Silesia in 1807 ----561
Kerner, Dr. Justinus Andreas Christian [writer & physician 1786-1862] ----207 --430 --561 --565 --717
Kerner von Marilaun, Prof. Anton [botanist 1831-1898], on the adaptations of flowers ----358 --503 --510 --669 --700 --724 --729 --732
Kerr, Revd. William [clergyman] ----118 --717
Keulemans [sic Kenlemaus], John G. [illustrator 1842-1912] ----189 --190 --215 --434 --717 --729
Kew, Harry Wallis [b. 1868], on the dispersal of shells ----488
Kew Botanical Garden ----292 --441 --457a --468 --492 --503 --660 --667 --668 --668aa --707an --713 --714 --721 --724 --729 --732
Kidd, Benjamin [sociologist 1858-1916] ----495 --496 --508 --515 --531 --554a --575b --581a --587 --622 --634 --729
King, Clarence Rivers [geologist 1842-1901], meets Wallace in New York ----729
King, Katie & John [spirit entities] ----137 --258 --270 --283 --735aa
King, Capt. Philip P. [1793-1856], surveyed part of the Australian coast ----720 --720a
King, Mr. Robert, Richard Spruce's assistant ----729
King, S. S., of Kansas City, on banking, bonds & railroads ----466
King, Dr. William, on the magnetoscope ----118 --717
Kinglake, Alexander W. [historian 1809-1891], a quote from Eothen ----726
Kingsley, Revd. Charles [writer 1819-1875] ----200 --729
Kington Mechanics' Institution ----1a --729
Kinnaird, Lord [agriculturist 1807-1878], on the Scottish crofters ----722
Kinnear, John Boyd, M.P. [social & political reformer 1828-1920] ----329 --341 --343 --722 --729
Kipling, Rudyard [writer 1865-1936] ----594 --726 --738
Kirby, F. W. (see Kirby, William F.)
Kirby, William [entomologist 1759-1850] ----1a --134 --716
Kirby, William F. [sic Kirby, F. W.] [entomologist 1844-1912] ----145 --181 --203 --205 --615 --718 --724
Kirby (which one??), on harvesting ants ----223
Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert [physicist 1824-1887] ----726 --728
Kirk, Sir John [administrator & naturalist 1832-1922], on the resemblance of African & Madagascan plants ----718
Kirk, Mr. Thomas [1828-1898], on New Zealand plants ----248 --721
Kirkup, Mr. Thomas [1844-1912], and his Inquiry into Socialism ----729
Kneels, Cardinal (see Noailles)
Knight, Mr. Frederic Winn, M.P. [1812-1897] ----466 --723
Knox, Alexander [1849-1912], re his calculus textbook ----377
Knox, Dr., re his belief Europeans can't adapt to tropical climes ----248
Koch, Dr. Albert C. [paleontologist 1804-1867], on Missouri mastodon remains ----406
Koch, Dr. Robert [bacteriologist 1843-1910], on smallpox ----420 --536 --726
Koch-Grünberg, Theodor [explorer 1872-1924], his exploration of the Uaupés ----729
Kolb, Georg Friedrich [politician & statistician 1808-1884], re French cultivators of their own land ----383b --723
Kolff, Lieut. Dirk H. [1800-1843], his voyage to New Guinea ----720
Kollar, Franz, curator in the Imperial Cabinet of Natural History ----270
Kölliker, Albert [physiologist 1817-1905], researches summarized by Haeckel ----305
Kölreuter, Joseph G. [botanist 1733-1806], re fertile hybrid plants ----724
Koorders, Dr. Sijfert H. [botanist 1863-1919], on Indonesian botany ----732
Koti, Sultan of ----342
Kowalevsky [sic Kowalewsky], Aleksandr [embryologist 1840-1901] ----205 --305
Krefft, Mr. Gerard [naturalist 1830-1881], on Australian animals ----718
Krishna [deity] ----690aa
Kropotkin, Petr [geographer & anarchist 1842-1921] ----711a --752a
Kruger, President Paul [statesman 1825-1904], on the naturalization period in South Africa ----570a --574a
Kyle, James H. [South Dakota politician 1854-1901], on reforms ----466

L, Miss [Leslie, Marion], Wallace's fiancee ----729
Labouchère, Henry Du Pré, M.P. [politician & editor 1831-1912], on dismissing the House of Lords ----491
Labour Party ----617 --628 --655 --659 --670 --680d --700ac --734 --751a --752 --752ac --752c
Lacaze, Felix, re the cures at Lourdes ----729
Lacépède, B.-G.-E. [naturalist 1756-1825], on Apteronotus ----12
Lacerda, Dr. (see Almeida, Dr. Francisco)
Lacordaire, Théodore [entomologist 1801-1870] ----13 --56 --135 --181 --205 --718
Lacy, George [d. 1904], on land reform ----411a
Lafargue, Mons. Paul [socialist 1842-1911], on peasants ----386
Lahagi, Malay Archipelago field assistant ----715
Lahi, Malay Archipelago field assistant ----715
Laing, Mr. Samuel [writer & traveler 1780-1868] ----341 --365 --375 --466 --722
Lakeman, Mr., on the numerical increase of wealthy individuals ----414
Lalande, Joseph Jerome Le Français de [astronomer 1732-1807], his French edition of Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds ----728
Lamarck, Jean Baptiste [naturalist 1744-1829] ----43 --90 --108 --146 --205 --303 --305 --311 --316 --358 --394 --397 --415 --445 --473 --478 --510 --524 --589 --649 --660 --716 --717 --724 --726 --729 --733 --750
Lamb, Mr. James, Penang specimens of ----135 --154
Lambert, Dr. [physician], smallpox cases listed by ----374 --420
Lanchester, Miss Edith, kidnapping victim ----726
Land Nationalisation Society ----347 --358aa --361 --364 --365 --366 --368a --371 --371a --376 --380 --386 --391 --399 --403 --407 --408 --410a --414 --423 --426 --438 --450 --482a --483 --495 --512 --518ac --525 --531 --541 --554 --563 --587 --620 --625 --638 --653 --655 --678 --684 --688 --696 --703 --707 --722 --726 --729 --734 --735 --738 --752 --752ac
Land Restoration League ----423 --438 --541a --585 --618ac
Land Tenure Reform Association ----684 --722 --729
Landsborough, Mr. William [explorer 1825-1886] ----76 --720 --720a
Lane, Edward William [Orientalist 1801-1876], his translation of the Arabian Nights ----615
Lane Fox, Colonel [anthropologist & archeologist 1827-1900], on the study of spiritualism ----259
Lang, Mr. Andrew [writer 1844-1912] ----561 --717
Langley, Prof. Samuel P. [astronomer 1834-1906] ----728 --729 --730
Langley-Smith, Mr. W., re anti-vivisection ----689a
Lanier, Sidney [poet 1842-1881], as a socialist poet ----644
Lankester, Sir E. Ray [naturalist 1847-1929] ----259 --270 --324 --415 --468 --649 --707ag --732 --717
Laplace, Pierre Simon de [mathematician & astronomer 1749-1827] ----589 --646 --708 --724 --726 --728 --729 --730
Lartet, Edouard [archeologist & paleontologist 1801-1871], on fossil mammals in France ----325b --718 --724
Lasserre, Mons. Henri [1828-1900], re the cures at Lourdes ----729
Lateau, Louise [1850-1883], a stigmatic ----478 --717
Latham, Robert G. [ethnologist & philologist 1812-1888] ----29 --714 --729
Latreille, Pierre André [naturalist 1762-1833] ----10 --223
Lauterbach, Dr. Karl [botanist 1864-1937], re the number of plant species in New Guinea ----732
Laveleye, Emile de [economist 1822-1892] ----341 --365 --375 --722
Lavergne, Mons. Léonce de [economist 1809-1880], on the rural economy of England ----722
Lavoisier, Antoine-Laurent [chemist 1743-1794] ----726
Law, Mr., re the "Leonainie" hoax ----708
Lawes, Sir John Bennet [agricultural scientist 1814-1900] ----371a --375 --723
Lawes, Mr. William George [missionary 1839-1907], re his New Guinea explorations ----297 --301 --720
Lawrence, Sir John Laird Mair [administrator 1811-1879], in the Punjaub ----630
Lawrence, Sir William [1783-1867], and his Lectures on Man ----729
Lawson, Capt. John A. [writer], re his fictitious travel account ----250 --301
Lawson, Mr. Thomas, on agricultural laborers ----722
Lawson, Sir Wilfrid [1829-1906], his advocation of reforms ----266b --687
Layard, Sir Austen Henry [archeologist 1817-1894] ----733
Layard, Edgar Leopold [ornithologist 1824-1900] ----15 --79 --141 --718
Laycock, Dr. Thomas [physiologist 1812-1876] ----165 --175 --263a --716
Le Brun (see Bruijn, Cornelis de)
Le Conte (or LeConte), John Lawrence [entomologist 1825-1883], on the Coleoptera ----181
Le Conte (or LeConte), Joseph [geologist 1823-1901] ----268 --445 --729 --733 --735
Le Gallienne, Mr. Richard [writer 1866-1947], meets Wallace in Switzerland ----729
Le Quesne, Mr. Charles [1811-1856], on country people in France ----365
Le Testu, Guillaume, his 1555 discovery of Australia ----720 --720a
Le Vaillant, François [traveler & naturalist 1753-1824] ----28 --45 --716
Lea, Dr. Isaac [conchologist 1792-1886], on North American molluscs ----718
Leadam, I. S. [1848-1913], on land tenure ----343
Leavens, Mr. Charles, Amazon resident ----714 --729
Lecky, Mr. William [historian 1838-1903] ----118 --174 --398 --717 --729
Ledru, Mons. André Pierre [naturalist 1761-1825], on St. Thomas birds ----718
Ledyard, John [explorer & traveler 1751-1789], his African travels ----232
Lee, Dr. Edwin [medical writer d. 1870], re animal magnetism & clairvoyance ----174 --191 --264 --270 --561 --568 --717 --726
Lee, Revd. F. G., his Glimpses of the Supernatural ----434
Lee, Richard, on the extinction of races ----87
Lee, Dr., on the origin of double stars ----728
Lee, Mr., a civil engineer ----729
Leete, Edith [literary character] ----421b
Leete, Dr. [literary character] ----421b
Lefevre, Mr. G. Shaw, M.P. ----365 --376 --722
Lefroy, Sir John H. [geographer & administrator 1817-1890], re introduced plants in Bermuda ----721
Leguat [sic Legouat], François [naturalist & explorer ca.1638 - 1735], re Rodriguez Island birds ----721
Leibniz [sic Leibnitz], Gottfried Wilhelm [philosopher & mathematician 1646-1716] ----649
Leichhardt [sic Leichardt], Dr. Ludwig [1813-1848], re his exploration of Australia ----291 --720 --720a
Leidy, Dr. Joseph [paleontologist 1823-1891] ----406 --718 --732
Leighton, Mr. Andrew, of Liverpool, on seance manifestations ----243 --717
Lemperly, Paul [1858-1939], on the "Leonainie" hoax ----614
Lendenfeld, Dr. Robert von [zoologist 1858-1913], on Australian glaciation ----721
Leonardo, Senhor, Amazon resident ----714
Leopold II [King of Belgium 1835-1909], re the Congo ----650ab
Leroy, Charles Georges [naturalist 1723-1789] ----180 --217 --724
Lesquereux, Prof. Leo [paleobotanist 1806-1889], on some Pliocene plants ----406 --721
Lesson, René P. [naturalist 1794-1849] ----28 --35 --37 --45 --51 --67 --72 --73 --75 --715 --720 --729
Lester, C. Edwards [1815-1890], while U. S. Consul in Genoa ----729
Lester, J. M, on protective coloration in birds. ----716
Lettsom, Dr. John Coakley [physician 1744-1815], on smallpox vaccination ----536 --726
Leverrier, Urbain-Jean-Joseph [astronomer 1811-1877] ----726 --728
Leverson, Dr. Montague R. [b. 1830], on the cuckoo ----578
Levi, Prof. Leone [writer on commercial law 1821-1888] ----387 --722 --726 --729
Levy, Joseph Hiam [economist 1838-1913], on individualism ----635b
Lewes, George Henry [writer 1817-1878] ----211 --242 --243 --265 --270 --717 --729
Lewis, Mr. Angelo John [b. 1839], on Dr. Monck ----416
Lewis, Mr. George [1829-1926], on the beetles of Japan ----718
Lewis, James W., Australia explorer ----720a
Lewis, Mr. Thomas [astronomer] ----606 --728
Lewis, William Arnold [d. 1877], on the arrangement of the Lepidoptera ----205
Lewis, Mr. [magnetizer] ----263 --270 --283
Lewis Highland Land Reform Association ----371a
Leyden, Dr. John [poet & scholar 1775-1811], son of a poor shepherd ----445
Liais, Emmanuel [astronomer & geographer 1826-1900] ----243 --717 --732
Liberal Party ----365 --384a --392a --403 --454 --483 --581a --581aa --635 --735 --752c
Liebig [sic Liebeg], Justus [chemist 1803-1873] ----107 --380
Lilljeborg, Prof. Wilhelm [zoologist 1816-1908], on rodents ----718
Lima, Senhor João Antonio de [Amazon resident] ----714 --729
Lincecum, Dr. Gideon [naturalist 1793-1874], on the agricultural ant of Texas ----315
Lincoln, Abraham [1809-1865], as a great man ----691a
Lincoln, Dr. D. F., on glaciation ----529
Lincoln, Bishop of, on small-pox cases in hospitals ----374
Lindley, Dr. John [botanist 1799-1865] ----1a --28 --107 --289 --603a --667 --719 --729 --732
Lindsay, Lord (Earl of Crawford & Balcarres) [1847-1913] ----243 --283 --451 --685 --717 --726
Linnaeus [naturalist 1707-1778] ----15 --16 --20 --42 --46 --72 --74 --79 --84 --89 --96 --127 --147 --148 --205 --239 --289 --301 --358 --441 --481 --493 --615 --669 --715 --716 --718 --719 --724 --729 --732
Linnean Society of London ----53 --69 --81 --98 --181 --289 --410 --446 --493 --599 --656 --660 --667 --668 --708a --719 --716 --726 --729
Linschoten (Linschott), Jan [sic John] Huygen van [traveler 1563-1611], on the durian ----715
Lippitt, General Francis J. [1812-1902], spiritualist ----409 --411 --513a --530 --729
Lippmann, Prof. Gabriel [physicist 1845-1921], on photographic film ----726
Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool ----237 --257 --645 --719
Little, Mr. William C., on peasant holdings & labor ----380 --466 --723
Littleton, Sir Thomas [judge 1422-1481], on land-holders ----707
Livermore, Mr. [banker], re seance manifestations ----243 --717
Liverpool Engineering Society ----586
Liverpool Geological Society ----721
Livingstone, Dr. David [explorer 1813-1873] ----82 --118 --232 --717 --718 --724
Livius, Titus Patavinus [historian 59 B.C. - 17 A.D.] ----174 --717
Llewellyn, Mr. J. Dillwyn, re an orchid he exhibited ----729
Llewellyn, William, on seditious meeting-rooms ----1b
Lloyd George, Mr. David [politician 1863-1945] ----678 --690 --691 --703 --703ad --734 --747 --751a --751b --752 --753 --752c
Loat, Miss Lily [anti-vaccination activist 1879/80 - 1958] ----687 --694
Loche, Captain Victor [1806-1863], on Algerian mammals ----81
Lock, Mr. Robert Heath [1879-1915], on plant mutations ----660
Locke, John [philosopher 1632-1704] ----174 --498 --717 --726
Lockyer, Sir Joseph Norman [astronomer 1836-1920] ----726 --728 --729 --730
Lodge, George E. [illustrator 1860-1954], figures of birds ----517
Lodge, Sir Oliver J. [scientist 1851-1940] ----518a --520a --600 --609 --685 --717 --729 --738 --741 --748 --753
Logan, Sir William E. [geologist 1798-1875], re terrestrial icebergs ----124
Lombroso, Prof. Cesare [physician & criminologist 1836-1909], re lfe after death ----685
London County Council ----483 --576ad --732
London Dialectical Society ----174 --209 --243 --270 --451 --685 --717 --729
London Missionary Society ----720
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth [poet 1807-1882] ----547 --598a --726 --729 --738
Loomis [sic Loones], Elias [mathematician 1811-1889] ----195
Loomis, Prof. Silas [chemist 1822-1896], on the Davenport brothers ----451
Loones (see Loomis, Elias)
Lord, John Keast [naturalist 1818-1872], on Japanese moles of genus Urotrichus ----721
Lottinger, Anton Joseph [b. 1748], on the cuckoo ----578
Lotz, Dr. Theophil [physician 1842-1908], re small-pox statistics ----420
Loudon, John C. [horticulturist 1783-1843] ----1a --292 --450 --452a --603a --729
Low, Mr. David [agriculturist 1786-1859], on domestic animal crosses ----724
Low, Mr. Hugh [administrator & naturalist 1824-1905] ----29 --715 --720
Low, Sir Sidney [writer 1857-1932], on readers among the workers ----734
Lowe, Frederick [naval officer 1811-1847], South America explorer ----714
Lowe, Joseph [economist], on a paper money standard ----557
Lowe, Mr. Robert, M.P. (Lord Sherbrooke) [politician 1811-1892] ----266b --310 --312 --722
Lowe, Mr., on crossing the Pampa ----714
Lowe, Mrs., and her incarceration in an insane asylum ----726
Lowell, James Russell [poet 1819-1891] ----726 --729
Lowell, Percival [astronomer 1855-1916] ----643a --646 --682a --726 --730 --745
Lowne, Mr. Benjamin Thompson [physiologist 1839-1925] ----164 --205 --716 --732
Loyd-Lindsay, Sir Robert [soldier & politician 1832-1901], offering a tract of land ----380
Lubbock, Sir John (Lord Avebury) [naturalist & financier 1834-1913] ----83 --150 --152 --165 --173 --181 --186 --205 --252 --257 --272 --304 --314 --362 --439 --491 --510 --707ab --712 --716 --719 --722 --724 --729 --732
Luc, J. A. de [geologist 1727-1817], on erratics ----481
Lucas, Mr. F. A., on the sighting of moths over the South Atlantic Ocean ----724
Lucas, Pierre Hippolyte [1815-1899], on described butterflies ----127
Lucretius [poet ca.95 B.C. - ca.54 B.C.] ----589 --649 --729
Lugger, Mr. Otto [biologist 1844-1901], on bird/butterfly behavior ----205
Lumholtz, Dr. Carl [anthropologist & traveler 1851-1922] ----720a --721
Lumsden, Mr. James [writer fl. 1903-1912] ----734 --749
Lund, Peter Wilhelm [paleontologist 1801-1880], on the fauna of Brazilian caves ----172 --718 --732
Lunn, Sir Henry Simpson [humanitarian & religious writer 1859-1939] ----729 --745
Luther, Martin [religious reformer 1483-1546] ----174 --379 --717
Lydekker, Richard [naturalist 1849-1915] ----500 --724 --732
Lyell, Sir Charles [geologist 1797-1875] ----1a --20 --38 --53 --83 --90 --97 --107 --124 --106 --146 --159 --174 --181 --207 --210 --233 --257 --269 --286 --313 --347a --406 --455 --462 --464 --481 --488 --493 --589 --599 --649 --656 --673 --676 --715 --716 --717 --718 --719 --721 --724 --726 --728 --729 --730 --732 --733 --735d --738 --742 --743 --748a --754
Lyell, Katharine M. ----160 --729
Lyell, Sir Leonard [politician 1850-1926], re Charles Lyell's correspondence ----729
Lyman, Darius (aka Daniel) [1826-1892] ----408a --411 --729
Lyndhurst, Lord [statesman 1772-1863] ----118 --717
Lynn, Dr. [conjuror] ----243 --271 --411 --717
Lytton, Sir Edward Bulwer [novelist 1803-1873], read by Wallace ----729

Maartens, Maarten [novelist 1858-1915], read by Wallace ----748
Macaulay, Thomas B. M. [historian 1800-1859] ----113 --726
MacCabe, Dr., on vaccination rates in Ireland ----536 --726
MacCoy (see McCoy)
Macdonald, Dr. Duncan G. F., M.P. [agriculturist 1823?-1884], re the Highland clearances ----365 --403 --722
Macdonald, Dr. Greville [physician & writer 1856-1944], on immortality ----649a
MacGillivray, G. J., on rabbits' tails ----485
MacGillivray, John [naturalist 1822-1867], on butterflies ----421
Macintosh (/Mackintosh), Mr. D. [geologist] ----124 --481 --729
Mackay, Charles [poet & songwriter 1814-1889] ----423 --561 --598a --726 --729
Mackenzie, Alexander [writer 1838-1898], on the Highland clearances ----365 --722
Mackinlay, D., on an eviction ----722
Mackinnon, John, an evictee ----722
Mackintosh, Sir James [statesman, writer & orator 1765-1832], re criminal law reform ----726
Mackintosh, Mr., re phrenological characters of patients at an insane asylum ----726
Mackirdy, Olive Christian Malvery [writer on social issues 1876/7 - 1914], her The Soul Market ----641
Maclean, Dr. Charles [fl. 1788-1824], on deaths from smallpox, after vaccination ----536 --726
MacLean clan ----722
Maclear, Admiral John Pearse [1838-1907], on Northern Territories aborigines ----583
Macleay, William Sharp [zoologist 1792-1865] ----134 --716
Macleod, Revd. J., on the Highland clearances ----722
Macleod, Dr. Norman [ecclesiast], on the Highland clearances ----722
Macmillan, Alexander [publisher 1815-1896] ----729
Macmillan, Margaret, as a socialist ----729
Madan, Henry G. [b. 1838], his Lessons in Elementary Dynamics ----392
Madden, Dr. Richard R. [physician & writer 1798-1886] ----174 --717
Magellan, Ferdinand [navigator ca.1480 - 1521] ----726
Maguire [sic McGuire], James George [judge & politician 1853-1920], Henry George advocate ----403
Mahdi, al- (Muhammad Ahmad) [religious leader 1844-1885] ----387 --744
Mahomet (see Mohammed)
Maiden, Mr. Joseph H. [botanist 1859-1925], Sydney correspondent ----597
Maillard, Louis, re the island Réunion ----721
Mainwaring, Commander K. H. A., his visit to Pitcairn Island ----720
Maklay (see Miklucho-Maclay)
Mallet, Mrs. Charles, her Dangerous Trades for Women ----726
Mallock, William Hurrell [1849-1923], on the capitalist control of business ----586
Malm, August Vilhelm [1821-1882], on the development of the eyes of flatfish ----724
Malthus, Thomas [economist 1766-1834] ----161 --337b --360a --427 --459a --493 --516 --589 --599 --656 --673 --676 --726 --729 --733 --750
Malvery (see Mackirdy) Mantegazza, Prof. Paolo [physiologist 1831-1910], on bacteria in lettuce ----211
Mantell, Dr. Gideon [geologist 1790-1852], and the Iguanodon ----732
Manuel [Malay Archipelago field assistant] ----715
Mapes, Prof. James J. [agricultural chemist 1806-1866] ----243 --451 --717
Marc, Charles C. H. [physician 1771-1840] ----285 --287 --726
Marchand, Émile, on the spectrum of Mars ----730
Marchant, Sir James [philanthropist & writer 1867-1956] ----703c --707ar --712ae
Marcillet, J. B., manager of Alexis Didier ----568
Marcou, Prof. Jules [geologist 1824-1898] ----721
Marey, Prof. Étienne-Jules [physiologist 1830-1904], on birds' flight ----240 --729
Markham, Sir Albert Hastings [1841-1918], his visit to the New Hebrides ----720
Markham, Sir Clements Robert [traveler & writer 1830-1916] ----492 --667 --668
Markham, Edwin [poet 1852-1940] ----644 --659a --729
Marlatt [sic Marlott], Charles Lester [entomologist 1863-1954] ----729
Marlborough, Duke of, re his purchase of a Raphael painting with public money ----744
Marlott (see Marlatt)
Marriott [sic Marriot], Ernest [1882-1918], re the "Leonainie" hoax ----612 --708
Marryat, Frederick [novelist 1792-1848] ----729
Marsden, Mr. William [Orientalist 1754-1836], on Sumatrans ----720
Marseul, Mons. S.-A. de [entomologist 1812-1890] ----718
Marsh, George Perkins [1801-1882] ----288 --718 --719 --721 --724
Marsh, Othniel C. [paleontologist 1831-1899] ----286 --401 --433 --684a --718 --721 --724 --729 --732
Marshall, Alfred [economist 1842-1924] ----358a --360a
Marshall, Charles F. T. [ornithologist b. 1841] ----290 --719
Marshall, George F. L. [naturalist 1843-1934] ----290 --719
Marshall, Mrs. Mary [spiritualist medium] ----118 --137 --717 --729 --738 --753
Marshall, Dr. William [zoologist 1845-1907], on coots ----724
Marshall, Col. William E. ----234 --583
Marshall, Mr. [the medium's husband] ----137
Marshman, Mr. John, holds seances at his home in London ----729
Marson, Mr. [surgeon], on smallpox vaccination ----374 --420 --536 --726
Martens, Dr. Eduard von [zoologist 1831-1904], on terrestrial molluscs ----718 --721
Martin, Mr. Bradley, Jr., on money and wealth ----584
Martin, Revd. Donald J., of Stornoway ----371a
Martin, Sir James Ranald [physician 1796-1874] ----248
Martin, Baron Samuel [judge 1801-1883] ----373b --373d --383aa
Martin, William, & William Martin Sr., friends of the Wallaces ----398 --452 --662 --729
Martineau, Miss Harriet [writer 1802-1876] ----174 --191 --717 --726
Martins, Charles F. [naturalist 1806-1889], on Lapland plants ----719
Martius [sic Martins], Karl Friedrich Philipp von [botanist 1794-1868] ----11 --172 --301 --518 --668 --713 --714 --718 --732
Marx, Karl [socialist 1818-1883] ----370 --498 --729
Mary, Queen of Scots [1542-1587] ----521c
Mascart, on dust as condensation nuclei ----547 --726
Maskelyne, John Neville [conjuror 1839-1917] ----243 --270 --281 --327c --518a --637 --717 --744
Maskelyne, John Story [mineralogist 1823-1911], on the deflection of plumb-lines ----455
Mason, Revd. Francis [missionary 1799-1874] ----79
Massart, Jean [1865-1925], on Malaysian botany ----732
Massey, Mr. Charles Carleton [lawyer & theosophist 1838-1905] ----327c --434 --446a --451
Massey, Gerald [poet 1828-1907] ----717 --726 --729 --738
Massingham, Mr., on expenditures on the fleet ----698
Mather, Sir William [1838-1920], on the unemployed ----512 --726
Matheson, Mr. Hugh ----722
Matheson [sic Mathieson], Sir James [1796-1878] ----365 --371a --722
Mathews [sic Matthews], Mr. William [alpinist 1828-1901] ----184 --531a --729
Matthew [sic Matthews], Patrick [early natural selectionist 1790-1874] ----311 --656 --716 --729 --735
Matthews, Mr. Andrew [entomologist 1815-1897], on British beetles ----721
Matthews, William [engineer], Wallace's period of work for, as watchmaker ----729
Matthews, on laborers' wages ----722
Maugé, René [collector d. 1802] ----84
Maunder, Mr. E. Walter [writer on astronomy 1851-1928] ----604 --606 --728
Maurice, Frederick D. [theologian 1805-1872] ----717
Maury, Captain Matthew F. [oceanographer 1806-1873] ----172 --184 --229 --286
Maw, Mr. George [1832-1912], re his review of On the Origin of Species ----729
Maxentius, Emperor of Rome [d. 312] ----745
Maxim, Sir Hiram S. [inventor 1840-1916] ----670
Maximilian, Prince, of Wied-Neuwied [sic Prince NeuWied] [traveler & Brazil authority 1782-1867] ----172
Maxwell, James Clerk [physicist 1831-1879] ----298 --726 --728
May, Mr. Henry, on death certificates and their vagaries ----536 --726
Mayer, Alfred Goldsborough [1868-1922], on the color patterns of moths & butterflies ----535 --732
Mayer, Dr. (see Meyer, Adolf Bernhard)
Maynard, Charles J. [naturalist 1845-1929] ----363
Mayo, Dr. Herbert [physiologist 1796-1852] ----118 --174 --191 --264 --270 --561 --717 --726
M'Cann, J. ----258aa
McCabe (M'Cabe), Joseph [translator b. 1868] ----700 --732
McClure (M'Clure), Sir Robert J. L. M. [navigator & explorer 1807-1873] ----313
McCook, Dr. Henry Christopher [naturalist 1837-1911] ----315 --362
McCormick, Mr. Ernest J., on vaccination ----681 --682
McCoy (MacCoy), Prof. Frederick [geologist 1823-1899], on Australian geology ----182 --718
McCulloch (M'Culloch), John R. [statistician & political economist 1789-1864] ----365 --420 --720 --722
McEnery (M'Enery), Revd. Mr., on extinct animals & early man ----174 --233 --257 --276 --404 --717 --719 --726
McFarlane (M'Farlane), Mr. Samuel, on the Papuans ----301 --720
McGee [sic McGhee], Mr. W. J. [geologist 1853-1912] ----406 --729
McGuire, Judge James George (see Maguire)
McKendrick (M'Kendrick), Prof. John Gray [physiologist 1841-1926], on the germinal vesicle ----728
McKenzie (M'Kenzie), Sir Kenneth, proprietor of Gairloch ----722
McKinlay (M'Kinlay), John [explorer 1819-1872] ----76 --720 --720a
McLachlan (M'Lachlan), Mr. Robert [entomologist 1837-1904] ----129 --181 --205 --284 --309 --319 --323a --326 --721 --724
McLennan, John Ferguson [anthropologist 1827-1881], re his theory of promiscuity ----712
McLeod (M'Leod), Donald [crofter 1779-1879], on the Sutherland clearances ----368b --722
McNeill, Sir John [1795-1883], re the crofters ----722
Meade, Lieut. Herbert George Philip [1842-1868] ----183
Meager, Revd. Thomas, on landlord & tenant law ----371a
Mecham, Lieut. George Frederick [1828-1858], re tree trunks found in the Canadian arctic ----721
Medico-Chirurgical Society ----118 --478 --717 --742
Meehan, Mr. Thomas [botanist 1826-1901] ----248
Meldola, Raphael [chemist 1849-1915] ----272 --324 --338 --352 --353 --359 --365a --378 --532 --623ab --719 --724 --729 --732
Meldrum, Dr. James ----619c
Meleager of Gadara [poet fl. 1st c. B.C.] --328
Melitus [Socrates disputant] ----733
Melliss, Mr. John C. [engineer & naturalist 1835-1911] ----257 --719 --721
Mendel, Gregor [monk & botanist 1822-1884] ----660 --732
Mendeleyev [sic Mendeleef], Dmitry [chemist 1834-1907] ----726
Mendicity Society ----722
Menneer, Mrs., re a premonition ----434 --717
Mensell-Pleydell, Mr. [naturalist] ----710
Meredith, George [novelist & poet 1828-1909] ----738 --748
Meredith, Louisa Anne [1812-1895], on Tasmania ----720a
Merian, Madame Maria Sibylla [naturalist & illustrator 1647-1717], on Brazilian animal life ----290 --405a --719
Merriam, C. Hart [naturalist 1855-1942] ----448 --534
Merrifield, Frederick [sic Frederic] [entomologist 1831-1924] ----707ac
Merrill, Mr. Elmer D. [botanist 1876-1956], on the Philippine flora ----732
Merriman, H. Seton [novelist 1862-1903] ----738
Mesman family [Malay Archipelago residents] ----715 --729
Mesmer, Franz [physician & animal magnetizer 1734-1815] ----270 --726
Metchnikoff, Élie [zoologist 1845-1916] ----649a
Metropolitan Visiting and Relief Association ----722
Metz, J. Friedrich [missionary] ----234
Meyen, F. J. F. [botanist 1804-1840] ----81
Meyer [sic Mayer], Adolf Bernhard [zoologist & ethnologist 1840-1911] ----235 --301 --332 --516 --715 --718 --720 --721 --724
Meyer, Hermann von [paleontologist 1801-1869], on a fossil tupaiid-like form from Germany ----718
Meyrick, Mr. Edward [entomologist 1854-1938], on New Zealand insects ----721
Miall, Edward [1809-1881], on Church disestablishment ----729
Michaelangelo [sic Michelangelo] [1475-1564] ----691a --732 --750
Middendorf, Alexander Theodor von [explorer & naturalist 1815-1894], on North Asia birds ----718
Miklucho-Maclay [sic Maklay], N. N. [traveler 1846-1887] ----301 --720 --729
Milbanke, Hon. Lady, re the divining rod ----270
Mill, John Stuart [economist & philosopher 1806-1873] ----107 --108 --110 --136 --155 --186 --208a --253 --356aa --375 --387 --423 --439ae --454 --466 --491 --493 --495 --498 --507 --568 --576 --579 --585 --616c --649 --684 --693 --707 --716 --722 --723 --726 --729 --734 --738 --741
Miller, Mrs. Fenwick, on land proprietorship ----376ac
Miller, Hugh [geologist & writer 1802-1856] ----107 --684 --722
Miller, Mr. Robert, his support of a conference on the more equal distribution of wealth ----729
Miller, Mr. [Amazon resident] ----714
Miller, Mr., Vice Consul at Pará ----729
Mills, Revd. Herbert V., and his Poverty and the State ----414 --466 --486a --498 --512 --655 --676a --726 --734 --750 --751a
Milne-Edwards, Prof. (which one, father and/or son??) ----718 --724
Milner, Sir Alfred [statesman 1854-1925] ----574a
Milnes, Mr. Alfred [economist & anti-vaccinationist 1849-1921] ----536 --726
Milton, John [poet 1608-1674] ----703c --729 --733
Minchin, Mr. George M. [1845-1914], on starlight ----728
Minot, Charles Sedgwick [biologist 1852-1914], meets Wallace in Boston ----729
Mirrlees [sic Mirlees], James Buchanan [marine engineer 1822-1903] ----729
Mirville, Marquis de [psychical investigator 1802-1873] ----118 --264 --270 --561 --568 --717 --726
Mitchell, Sir Thomas [1792-1855], his explorations of inland New South Wales ----464 --583 --720 --720a
Mitten, Mr. William [botanist 1819-1906] ----193 --492 --635a --668 --668aa --721 --729 --753
Mitten, Mrs. [Annie Wallace's mother] ----729
Mivart, St. George [zoologist 1827-1900] ----210 --237 --253 --257 --302 --303 --337 --531a --558 --718 --719 --724 --729 --732
Moberly, Mr. ----423 --531
Moggridge, J. Traherne [naturalist 1842-1874] ----223 --247 --315
Mohammed (Mahomet) [ca.570 - 632] ----174 --715 --717
Mohnike [sic Mohinke], Dr. Otto G. J. [physician & collector] ----44 --715
Moltke, Count von [soldier 1800-1891] ----586
Mompesson, Mr., & family ----118 --243 --430 --451 --561 --717
Monck, Revd. Francis W. [spiritualist medium] ----273 --356 --416 --637 --729
Monck, W. H. S. [philosopher 1839-1915] ----606 --728
Money, Mr. J. W. B. [1818-1890] ----715 --729
Mongredien, Augustus [political economist 1807-1888] ----272 --304 --719 --723 --724 --729
Monier-Williams, Sir Monier [scholar 1819-1899] ----733
Mont Blong, Clarion columnist ----537 --571
Montgeron, Louis Basile Carré de [1686-1754] ----174 --717
Montgomery, A. [geologist], on glacial markings in Tasmania ----482
Montrouzier, Monsieur Xavier [naturalist 1820-1897] ----96 --716
Moonlighters, the ----586
Moor, Major Edward [1771-1848] ----209 --243 --430 --561 --717
Moorcroft, William [explorer 1767-1825], re beekeeping ----372
Moore, Mr. Frederic [lepidopterist 1830-1907] ----84 --89 --117 --127 --147 --148
Moore, J. Scott ----159
Moore, Spencer [botanist 1850-1931], on the origin of the Australian flora ----721
Moore, Thomas [poet & hymnist 1779-1852] ----704
Moore, T. B., on evidence of glaciation in Tasmania ----482
Moore, Dr. ----396
Mörch, Dr. O. A. L. [conchologist 1828-1878], on Central American shells ----718
More, Alexander G. [naturalist 1830-1895], on Irish plants ----721
More, Dr. Henry [philosopher 1614-1687] ----174 --398 --717
More, Sir Thomas [statesman & writer 1478-1535] ----498
Moresby, Captain John [navigator 1830-1922] ----301 --720
Morga, Antonio de [historian 1559-1636] ----715
Morgan, C. Lloyd [biologist & psychologist 1852-1936] ----432 --439 --440 --444 --468 --473 --496 --534 --535 --600 --649 --657 --700 --707c --721 --729 --732
Morgan, Prof. D., on the solar system ----531a
Morgan, Mr. F., of Bristol ----434 --717
Morgan, Mr. R., re beekeeping ----372
Morgan, Lady Sydney [writer 1783-1859] ----209
Morley, John [statesman & writer 1838-1923] ----423 --658a --712ae --729 --744a
Morlot, Monsieur Adolphe [archeologist 1820-1867] ----159
Morris, Revd. F. O. [clergyman & naturalist 1810-1893] ----142a
Morris, Prof. J., as Asst. Examiner in physical geography ----729
Morris, Sir Lewis [poet 1833-1907] ----568aa --726 --729
Morris [sic Morrison], Nellie [spirit entity] ----398 --409 --411
Morris, William [poet & artist 1834-1896] ----531c --568aa --631 --729 --747
Morrison, James [1761-1807], of the Bounty ----182a
Morrison, Revd. W. D., on the prison population ----512 --726
Morrison, Mrs., re a premonition ----434
Morse, Dr. Edward S. [zoologist 1838-1925], on marine molluscs ----724 --729
Morse, J. J. [trance speaker 1848-1919] ----398 --515a
Mortimer, R. R., on South African birds ----477
Morton, Mr. Albert [b. 1832], arranges for Wallace to lecture on spiritualism in San Francisco ----729
Morton, Dr. Samuel G. [physician & naturalist 1799-1851] ----165 --716
Morton, Dr., on smallpox cases ----420
Moseley, Dr. Benjamin [1741-1819], re his 1804 book on cowpox ----536 --726
Moseley, Revd. Henry [mathematician 1801-1872] ----184 --531a
Moseley, Mr. Henry N. [naturalist 1844-1891] ----257 --279 --719 --720 --721 --724 --729
Moses [prophet 14th cent. B.C. - 13th cent. B.C.] ----753
Moses, William Stainton [clergyman & spiritualist medium 1839-1892] ----434 --506 --530 --637 --717 --729
Motley, James [1822-1859], on Malay Archipelago natural history ----715 --720
Motschulsky, Victor von [entomologist 1810-1871] ----205
Mott, Albert J., on early civilization ----237 --257 --645 --719
Mott, F. T. [naturalist & writer 1825-1908] ----213 --726
Mouhot, Henri [traveler 1826-1861], and Angkor Wat ----135 --583
Moulton, Prof. Forest Ray [1872-1952], on Mars ----730
Moulton, J. Fletcher, M.P. [judge 1844-1921] ----423 --585
Mount-Temple, Lord [d. 1888], re land nationalization ----729
Mountford, Revd. William [clergyman & writer 1816-1885] ----430 --717
Moura, Jean [1827-1885], on Cambodians ----583
Moye, Prof. Marcel [1873-1939], re the position of the sun ----606
Mueller, Baron Ferdinand von [botanist 1825-1896], on the Australian flora ----720 --720a --721
Muir, John [naturalist 1838-1914] ----729
Mulhall, Michael G. [statistician 1836-1900] ----387 --466 --587 --726
Müller, Adolf [zoologist 1821-1910] ----89 --715
Müller, Albert, on insects ----184a --205 --724
Muller, Charles Louis [painter 1815-1892], his 'Charlotte Corday in Prison' ----729
Müller, Fritz [naturalist 1822-1897] ----185 --304 --342a --353 --359 --388 --510 --535 --719 --724
Müller, George [philanthropist 1805-1898] ----243 --717
Müller, Dr. Hermann [naturalist 1829-1883] ----257 --272 --719 --724 --732
Mumler, William H. [spirit photographer 1832-1884] ----430 --717
Munby, Revd. G. F. W., of Turvey ----729
Münchhausen [sic Munchausen], Baron [soldier 1720-1797] ----307
Munk, Dr., on the percentage of vaccinated patients ----536 --726
Munn, William Augustus ----187
Munro, H. A. J. [scholar 1819-1885] ----589
Murchison, Sir Roderick [geologist 1792-1871] ----1a --124 --729
Murdock, Mr., on Point Barrow eskimo artifacts ----406
Murie, Dr. James [anatomist], on kingfishers ----189
Murphy, Joseph John [writer 1827-1894] ----155 --165 --303 --311 --510 --716 --724 --729
Murray, Alexander [linguist 1775-1813] ----445
Murray, Andrew [naturalist 1812-1878] ----134 --138 --179 --181 --188 --205 --229 --238 --286 --684a --716 --718
Murray, Mr. John [publisher] ----720a
Murray, Sir John [naturalist 1841-1914] ----286 --347a --453 --684a --721 --724 --732
Murray, Revd. Richard P. ----503 --724
Murray, Revd. Thomas B. [1798-1860], and his book on Pitcairn Island ----182a
Murray, Lieut., early explorer of coastal Victoria, Australia ----720 --720a
Myddleton, Sir Hugh [1560-1631], re the New River project ----729
Myers, Frederic W. H. [psychical investigator 1843-1901] ----385b --409 --411 --430 --434 --474 --478 --506 --518a --520a --708 --717 --729
Myers, Dr. Philip Van Ness [educator 1846-1937], of Cincinnati ----729
Mytton, Jack, a notorious character from the Halston area ----729

Nägeli, Karl Wilhelm [botanist 1817-1891] ----724
Nansen, Dr. Fridtjof [explorer & statesman 1861-1930], on Greenland ----481
Napoleon I, Emperor of France [1769-1821] ----23 --165 --430 --574 --716 --729
Napoleon III, Emperor of France [1808-1873] ----722 --729
Nares, Sir George S. [naval officer & explorer 1831-1915] ----313 --393 --721
Nash, William, M.D. [surgeon] ----536 --726
Nasmyth, James [engineer & inventor 1808-1890] ----712a
National Academy of Sciences (U. S.) ----391a --729
National Agricultural Labourers Union (Great Britain) ----723
National Anti-Vaccination League (London) ----588 --598 --603 --607 --613 --616 --619 --636 --652 --674 --682 --686 --687 --694 --702 --729
National Health Society (Great Britain) ----374 --420 --536 --726
National Vaccine Establishment (Great Britain) ----376a --420 --536 --726
Natterer, Dr. Johann [naturalist 1787-1843] ----714
Naturalists' Club (Boston) ----729
Naudin, Charles [botanist 1815-1899] ----724
Neale, Miss Florence, on two photographs she provided ----729
Neath Mechanics' Institution ----729
Neath Philosophical Society ----729
Neath Public Library ----1b
Neaves, Lord, at the Edinburgh British Association meetings ----729
Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylonia ----243 --717
Nelson, Admiral Horatio [naval officer 1758-1805] ----200 --430 --717 --752
Nero [Roman emperor 37 A.D. - 68 A.D.] ----732
Nestor [monk & chronicler ca.1056 - 1113] ----726
NeuWied (see Maximilian)
Nevill, Mr. Geoffrey [conchologist], on Seychelles molluscs ----721
Newberry, Dr. John Strong [geologist 1822-1892], on North American fossils ----481 --718 --721
Newcomb, Prof. Simon [astronomer 1835-1909] ----602 --604 --606 --726 --728 --729 --741
Newcomen, Thomas [inventor 1663-1729] ----726
Newman, Edward [naturalist & editor 1801-1876] ----2
Newman, Prof. Francis W. [scholar 1805-1897] ----370 --376 --423 --722 --726 --729
Newman, Colonel, on bumblebees, mice & cats ----724
Newnham, Revd. P. H. & Mrs. ----434 --717
Newton, Alfred [ornithologist 1829-1907] ----226 --244 --279 --280 --286 --459a --469 --516 --578 --660 --684a --707af --718 --719 --721 --724 --729 --732
Newton, Sir Edward [colonial administrator & ornithologist 1832-1897] ----84 --274 --469 --721
Newton, Prof. Hubert A. [astronomer 1830-1896] ----726
Newton, Isaac [physicist 1642-1727] ----155 --191 --195 --257 --322 --358 --377 --392 --398 --445 --510 --589 --602 --649 --672 --673 --691a --717 --719 --724 --726 --728 --729 --730 --732 --733 --735d --748a --750 --752 --753
Newton, Mr. Justice, on Indian butterflies & their pursuit by birds ----724
Nichol [sic Nicholl / Nichols], Miss Agnes (see Guppy, Mrs. Samuel)
Nicholas II, Czar of Russia [1868-1918] ----595ab
Nicholls, Sir George [reformer & administrator 1781-1865] ----722
Nichols, Ernest F. [physicist 1869-1924] ----728
Nichols, Dr. James R. [1819-1888], and his Whence, What, Where? ----729
Nichols [sic Nicholls], John [printer & writer 1745-1826] ----726
Nichols, Mary Sargeant Gove (wife of Dr. Thomas Low Nichols) [healthcare advocate 1810-1884], re an imprisoned spiritualist ----345a
Nichols, Dr. [Thomas Low? 1815-1901] ----282
Nicholson, C. N., on poverty ----510a
Nicholson, Mr. Henry Alleyne [zoologist 1844-1899] ----286 --732
Nicholson [sic Nicolson], Prof. Joseph Shield [economist 1850-1927] ----729
Nicholson, Mr. Meredith [writer 1866-1947] ----614 --708
Nicolson Prof. (see Nicholson, Prof. Joseph Shield)
Nied, Dr. [physician], of Vienna ----118 --270 --717
Nielsen, Lars [trader], of the Solomon Islands ----421
Niépce, Joseph-Nicéphore [physicist 1765-1833], re an early photographic procedure ----726
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm [philosopher 1844-1900] ----540 --549
Nightingale, Florence [nurse & reformer 1820-1910] ----753
Nisbet, Mr. H., of Glasgow ----243 --717
Nisbet, John [forester 1853-1914] ----596
Nitzsch, Christian Ludwig [zoologist 1782-1837] ----210 --718
Noailles [sic Kneels], Cardinal Louis Antoine de [1651-1729] ----174 --717
Nobbs, Mr., of Norfolk Island ----182a
Noble, Mr. C., on a rhododendron hybrid ----724
Noble, Dr. [physician], his acceptance of mesmerism ----270 --726
Nolloth, Commander M.S., captain of the Frolic ----729
Nordenskiöld, Prof. Nils Adolf Erik [navigator & explorer 1832-1901] ----721
Nordhoff [sic Nordhof], Mr. Charles [journalist & writer 1830-1901] ----403 --729
North, Miss Marianne [illustrator 1830-1890] ----729
Northcote, Sir Stafford [politician 1818-1887] ----310
Nulty, Bishop, of Neath, re his support of land nationalization ----722 --729
Nunquam (see Blatchford, Robert)
Nuttall, Thomas [naturalist 1786-1859] ----279 --719
Nyman, Carl Fredrik [botanist 1820-1893], on European nettles (Urtica) ----660

Oastler, Robert, re the conditions at New Lanark ----729
O'Connell, Daniel, M.P. [politician 1775-1847] ----165 --329 --716
O'Connor, Thomas Power [writer 1848-1929], on Irish evictions after the famine ----722
Officer, Graham [geologist], on glaciation in Tasmania ----472 --482
Ogilvie, Prof. William [1736-1819], and his Essay on the Right of Property ----498 --729
Ogilvy, Arthur J. [writer 1834-1914] ----407 --412 --423 --426 --438b --555
Ogle, Dr. William [physician 1827-1912] ----257 --420 --719 --724
O'Grady, Mr. Standish [writer 1846-1928], on right and wrong ----733
Oken, Lorenz [1779-1851], and his Elements of Physiophilosophy ----729
Olcott, Colonel Henry Steel [theosophist 1832-1907] ----251 --270 --283
Oldfield, Mr., on weapons-making by Australian aborigines ----720 --720a
Oldham, Richard D. [geologist 1858-1936], on the glacial origin of lake basins ----489
Olerich, Henry [1851-1927], and his A Cityless and Countryless World ----729
Oliphant, Laurence [writer 1829-1888] ----439a
Oliver, Prof. Daniel [botanist 1830-1916] ----668 --721
Oliver, George [physician 1841-1915], on smallpox vaccination ----374
Oliver, Sir Thomas, M.D. [physician 1853-1942] ----733
Orbigny, Alcide d' [naturalist 1802-1857] ----96 --107 --714 --716 --718 --721
Orfila, Dr. Matthieu-Joseph-Bonaventure [physician & chemist 1787-1853] ----726
Orrery, Lord ----174 --717
Ortiz de Retes (or Retez), Yñigo [Spanish navigator] ----720
Osborn, Henry Fairfield [paleontologist 1857-1935] ----468
Osgood, Mr. Samuel, a surveyor Wallace lodged with ----729
Otto, Dr. Rudolf [theologian 1869-1937] ----660
Otto, Mr. [missionary] ----715
Ovid [poet 43 B.C. - 17 A.D.] ----729
Owen, Mr. James J. [1827-1895], editor of Golden Gate in San Francisco ----729
Owen, Richard [zoologist & paleontologist 1804-1892] ----24 --43 --88 --93 --107 --146 --205 --210 --286 --292 --350 --358 --547a --656 --715 --716 --718 --720 --720a --724 --729 --733
Owen, Robert [socialist 1771-1858] ----243 --431 --486a --498 --506 --528 --586 --618c --631--646ad --649 --655 --659a --676a --691a --711a --717 --729 --747
Owen, Robert Dale [writer 1801-1877] ----118 --191 --207 --209 --243 --270 --398 --430 --451 --530 --561 --685 --711a --717 --729 --735aa
Oxley, John J. [naval officer ca.1784 - 1828], re his explorations in Australia ----720 --720a

Packard, Dr. Alpheus S. [zoologist 1839-1905] ----181 --201 --205 --718
Page, David [geologist & geographer 1814-1879] ----229
Page, S. Flood, manager of the Crystal Palace ----314a
Paget, Sir James [surgeon & pathologist 1814-1899] ----536 --726
Paget, Lady Walburga [writer 1839-1929] ----689a
Paice, W., on pre-existence & reincarnation ----422a --425a
Paine, Thomas [patriot & writer 1737-1809] ----729
Paley, William [philosopher & theologian 1743-1805] ----242 --707
Palgrave, Francis Turner [poet 1824-1897] ----574 --726 --728
Palgrave, William Gifford [traveler & scholar 1826-1888], on Philippine Malays ----720
Palissy, Bernard [potter 1510-1589] ----586
Palladino, Eusapia [spiritualist medium 1854-1918] ----518a --520a --717
Palladius [fl. 408-431] ----384
Pallas, Peter Simon [naturalist 1741-1811] ----481 --649
Palmerston, Lord ----581a
Paludanus, Dr. Bernard [traveler 1550-1633] ----715
Pammel, L. H. ----707b
Pankhurst, Emmeline [suffragette 1858-1928] ----703a
Parallax, a flat-earther ----200aa --200ab --200ac --202 --214a --220b --228a --248b --574aa --729
Pare, Mr. William [co-operatives advocate 1805-1873] ----576 --586
Paris, Abbé François [1690-1727], Jansenist ----174 --717 --729
Park, Mungo [explorer 1771-1806] ----729 --733
Parker, P. L., re Character and Life ----733
Parker, T. Jeffrey [zoologist 1850-1897] ----732
Parnell, Charles Stewart [politician 1846-1891], on the Irish land problem ----735 --745
Parry, Miss Gambier, re a psychical communication ----434
Parry, Major ----135 --181
Parsons, William, 3rd Earl of Rosse [astronomer 1800-1867] ----728 --730
Partington, Mrs. [literary character] ----380
Pascal, Blaise [mathematician 1623-1662] ----174 --717
Pascoe, Francis P. [entomologist 1813-1893] ----49 --96 --108a --127 --154 --154a --159a --181 --711 --715 --716 --721
Passir, Sultan of ----342
Passy, Hippolyte [economist 1793-1880], on small farms ----722
Pasteur, Louis [chemist 1822-1895] ----196 --211
Paul, Alexander, on vaccination statistics ----726
Paul, William [horticulturist 1822-1905] ----321a
Payen, Antoine [artist 1792-1853] ----33 --96 --716
Payer, Julius [explorer 1842-1915] ----313 --721
Peal, Mr. S. E., re tan-spots over dogs' eyes ----511
Pearce, Dr. Charles T. [anti-vaccinationist d. 1883] ----420
Pearson, Karl [mathematician 1857-1936] ----618a --729
Pearson, Mr., on fundamental problems of civilization and progress ----496
Pease, W. Harper [d. 1871], on South Pacific land shells ----718 --721
Peckham, George W. [arachnologist 1845-1914] ----424
Peebles, Dr. James M. [trance speaker 1822-1922] ----243 --334a --717
Peek, Mr. Francis [tea merchant 1836-1899] ----266c
Penck, Dr. Albrecht [geographer 1858-1945], on outflow from the Aar glacier ----481
Pengelly, Mr. William [geologist 1812-1894] ----224 --406 --721 --729
Penn, William [colonialist & religious reformer 1644-1718] ----630
Penrhyn, Lord, re his quarry workers ----533
Penthièvre, Duc de ----182
Percheron, Achille [entomologist 1797-1869] ----135
Percivall [sic Percival], William [1793-1854], on horn-like projections in horse skulls ----468
Percy, Bishop Thomas [antiquary & poet 1729-1811], and the Cock Lane ghost ----451
Pericles [statesman ca.495 B.C. - 429 B.C.] ----161 --445 --691a
Perkins, Robert C. L. [zoologist 1866-1955] ----721
Perry, Samuel Augustus [sic Perry, T. A.] [surveyor & administrator 1787-1854] ----291 --720 --720a
Perry, T. A. (see Perry, Samuel Augustus)
Peschel, Oscar [geographer 1826-1875] ----266 --301 --337 --720 --720a
Petavel, Captain J. W. [co-operatives advocate], on his "social schemes" ----750
Peter the Great, Czar of Russia [1672-1725] ----481
Peters, Dr. Wilhelm C. H. [zoologist 1815-1883] ----718
Petit, Alexis Thérèse [1791-1820] ----730
Petit, Frédéric [fl. 1838-1865], on plumb-line deflections in the Pyrenees ----455
Petrie, Sir W. M. Flinders [Egyptologist 1853-1942] ----733
Pettigrew, A., on beekeeping ----166 --252
Pettigrew, Dr. James B. [anatomist 1834-1908] ----240 --241
Pfeffer, Wilhelm [botanist 1845-1920] ----289 --719
Pfeiffer, Ida [traveler 1797-1858] ----141a
Pfeiffer, Dr. Louis [conchologist 1805-1877], on land shells ----109 --718
Phaedrus [fabulist ca.15 B.C. - 50 A.D.] ----384
Phidias [sculptor ca.490 B.C. - ca.430 B.C.] ----691a --732
Philip II, King of Macedon [382 B.C. - 336 B.C.] ----733
Phillips, Colonel William A. [1824-1893], of Salina, Kansas ----403 --729
Phillpotts, Eden [novelist 1862-1960] ----748
Pickard-Cambridge, Revd. Octavius [arachnologist 1828-1917] ----181 --205 --247 --724
Pickering, Dr. Charles [naturalist 1805-1878], on Pacific floras ----257 --719 --721
Pickering, Prof. Edward C. [astronomer 1846-1919] ----728
Pickering, John, F.R.G.S., on smallpox vaccination ----374
Pickering, William H. [astronomer 1858-1938] ----730
Pickwick, Mr. [literary character] ----660 --692b
Picton, James A., M.P. [politician 1832-1910], re landlords & the Highland clearances ----368a
Pidgeon, Mr. Daniel [engineer], on the Willimantic Thread Company ----586
Pierce, Dr., on smallpox death rates ----536 --726
Pigeaire, Dr. Jules [physician], & his clairvoyant daughter ----726
Pike, Luke Owen [historian 1835-1915] ----94
Pilsbry, Henry A. [malacologist 1862-1957] ----721
Pim, Jonathan, M.P. [1806-1885] ----365 --722
Piper, Mrs. Leonora E. [spiritualist medium 1859-1950] ----478 --568 --717
Piramurana, Jalina, chief of ther Dieri tribe ----720a
Pitt, William [statesman 1759-1806] ----632
Pizarro, Francisco [conqueror ca.1475 - 1541] ----248 --404
Plato [philosopher ca.428 B.C. - 348 or 347 B.C.] ----445 --618a --726 --728 --732 --733 --737
Playfair, John [geologist 1748-1819] ----146 --589 --726
Playfair, Sir Lyon [chemist & politician 1818-1898], on smallpox vaccination ----374 --376a --536 --726
Plimsoll, Samuel [reformer 1824-1898] ----687
Pliny the Elder [23-79] ----307 --615
Plunkett, Sir Horace [agricultural reformer 1854-1932] ----751a
Plutarch [ca.46 - ca.120] ----174 --243 --398 --717
Plymouth Natural History Society ----615
Podmore, Mr. Frank [psychical researcher 1856-1910] ----430 --561 --565 --568 --717
Poe, Edgar Allan [1809-1849] ----612 --614 --708 --732
Poivre, Pierre [traveler & administrator 1719-1786] ----84
Political Prisoners Aid Society ----729
Pollen, François P. L. [1842-1886], on Madgascan birds ----274
Pollok, Robert [poet 1798-1827] ----439a
Polo, Marco [traveler 1254-1324] ----615
Poole and Bournemouth Trade and Labour Council ----703ae
Poore, Dr. George Vivian [physician 1843-1904], on diet & hygiene ----726
Pope, Alexander [poet 1688-1744] ----328 --518 --699 --729
Pope, Mr. George U. [missionary & scholar 1820-1908] ----234
Popenoe [sic Popenhoe], Prof. Edwin A. [entomologist 1853-1913], of the State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kansas ----710 --729
Popp, C. von, on Papeete ----720
Porter, Lieut., and the Denshawai incident ----646a
Portsmouth, Lord ----329
Posidonius [philosopher ca.135 B.C. - ca.51 B.C.] ----728
Potter, Mons. Agathon de [economist 1827-1910] ----361 --496
Pouchet, Félix-Archimède [biologist 1800-1872] ----167aa --180 --211 --716
Poulton, Sir Edward B. [biologist 1856-1943] ----138 --424 --468 --510 --532 --615 --648 --649 --660 --702a --707c --724 --729 --732
Pourtalès, Count Louis François de [1824-1880], re corals ----286 --721
Powell, John Wesley [naturalist-explorer & administrator 1834-1902] ----406 --729
Power, Mr. (see Tower)
Poynting, Prof. John H. [physicist 1852-1914] ----730
Praed, Winthrop Mackworth [poet 1802-1839] ----729
Pratt, Archdeacon Dr. [mathematician] ----115 --116
Preece, Sir William Henry [electrical engineer 1834-1913] ----586
Prescott, William H. [historian 1796-1859] ----729
Preston, T. J. [surgeon] ----536 --726
Prestwich, Sir Joseph [geologist 1812-1896] ----453 --455 --726
Pretyman [sic Prettyman], John Radclyffe [clergyman 1815-1899] ----266b --266c
Preyer, Wilhelm [physiologist 1841-1897], on hemoglobin ----732
Price, Prof. Bonamy [economist 1807-1888] ----722
Price, Mr., of Neath Abbey Iron Works ----729
Prichard [sic Pritchard], Dr. James Cowles [anthropologist 1786-1848] ----93 --96 --337 --656 --707as --714 --715 --716 --729
Prideaux, T. S., on phrenology ----151
Priestley [sic Priestly], Joseph [chemist 1733-1804] ----561 --726 --732
Prior [sic Pryor], James [writer 1851-1922], on his A Walking Gentleman ----748
Pritchard, Prof. Charles [astronomer 1808-1893], on parallax ----728
Pritchard, William T. [colonial administrator] ----131
Privy Council (Great Britain) ----635 --722
Proctor, Richard A. [astronomer & writer 1837-1888] ----200b --248a --602 --606 --707bd --708 --726 --728 --729 --733 --741
Propert, Mrs., re ghosts ----209
Proust, Dr. Adrien [physician 1834-1903], on smallpox vaccination statistics ----420
Prout, Mr. John [farmer], re successful farming practices ----722 --723
Pruner-Bey, Dr. Franz [anthropologist 1808-1882] ----257 --719
Ptolemy [astronomer & geographer 2nd cent. A.D.] ----728
Pugh, Stephen, a friend of Wallace's from his surveying days ----729
Purland, Dr. T., Wallace's dentist & acquaintance ----729
Purnell, Charles William [lawyer & writer 1843-1926], on his The Intelligence of Animals ----470
Putnam, Frederic W. [anthropologist 1839-1915] ----404
Pyrrho [philosopher ca.360 B.C. - ca.272 B.C.] ----733
Pythagoras [philosopher & mathematician ca.580 B.C. - ca.500 B.C.] ----589 --728

Quain, Sir Richard [physician 1816-1898] ----420
Quatrefages de Bréau, Armand de [naturalist & ethnologist 1810-1892] ----131 --321 --724
Quetelet, Adolphe [statistician & astronomer 1796-1874] ----161
Quick, Sir John [1852-1932], on Australian land tenure ----371a

Rabelais, François [writer ca.1490-1553] ----729
Racine, Jean [dramatist 1639-1699] ----174 --717
Raffles, Sir Thomas Stamford [naturalist & colonial administrator 1781-1826] ----15 --71 --715 --720
Ragsky, Dr. [chemist], of Vienna ----118 --270 --717
Raimondy, Don Antonio [explorer b. 1825] ----91
Rainer, Chevalier Hubert von, of Klagenfurt ----118 --270 --717
Ramage, Dr., and the "air treatment" for lung congestion ----562 --729
Rambur, Jules P. [entomologist 1801-1870] ----205
Ramsay, Sir Andrew C. [geologist 1814-1891] ----108 --124 --146 --233 --269 --286 --313 --453 --460 --481 --716 --719 --720 --720a --721 --728 --729 --732
Ramsay, Sir William [chemist 1852-1916] ----609
Ramsay, Sir William Mitchell [geographer 1851-1939] ----645
Rancken, Runar Freyvid, on the positions of stars ----606 --728
Randi, Signor, seances held in home of ----729
Ranken, Mr. W. H. L., on the Polynesians ----296 --720
Rankin, Mr., his word 'Mahori' ----296
Rankin, Prof., at the British Association meetings ----729
Rankine, Prof., a mathematician w/poetic leanings ----726
Ranyard, Arthur C. [1845-1894], editor of Old and New Astronomy ----728
Raphael [artist 1483-1520] ----742 --744 --745 --748a --753
Raspail, François-Vincent [naturalist 1794-1878], on Nostus floral organization ----724
Ratzeburg, Julius T. C. [naturalist 1801-1871] ----205
Rau, Charles [archeologist 1826-1887] ----488a
Raumer, Friedrich von [historian 1781-1873], re Ireland ----722
Rawlinson, Sir Henry Creswicke [military officer & archeologist 1810-1895] ----733
Ray, John [naturalist 1627-1705] ----445
Ray Society ----729
Rayleigh, Lord [physicist 1842-1919] ----259 --270 --729
Read, Mr. Clare Sewell, M.P. [agriculturist 1826-1905], on land tenure ----722
Read, Thomas Y., citizen of Stockton, California ----397b
Reade, Charles [novelist & playwright 1814-1884] ----743
Reade, T. Mellard [geologist 1832-1909] ----367 --721
Reade, W. Winwood [writer 1838-1875] ----232 --724 --733
Réaumur, René-Antoine Ferchault de [scientist 1683-1757] ----118 --717
Recamier, Mons., re a mesmerism experiment ----270
Reclus, Elisée [geographer 1830-1905] ----526 --729 --730
Redbeard, Ragnar [Nietzschean] ----550 --580
Reddie, James [anthropologist] ----90 --93 --94
Redfield, William C. [meteorologist 1789-1857] ----146
Redlick, Capt. Edward, on a cannibalistic act ----720
Reed, Mr. Edwin [1835-1908], on specimens of Francis Bacon's verse ----475
Reed, Edwyn C. [naturalist 1841-1910], on Juan Fernandez insects & Chilean hummingbirds ----257 --279 --719
Reed, Mr., on Coleoptera ----205
Rees, Abraham [encyclopedist 1743-1825] ----374
Rees, David, a farmer in Wales Wallace lodged with ----1bb --729
Reeve, Lovell [conchologist & publisher 1814-1865] ----20 --109 --201 --716 --721 --729
Regan, C. Tate [ichthyologist 1878-1943] ----729
Registrar-General (London) ----374 --375 --376a --387 --420 --423 --438 --439b --466 --498 --510a --512 --536 --542 --547aa --551 --588aa --616 --723 --726 --729 --733
Reichenbach, Baron Karl von [chemist & natural philosopher 1788-1869] ----118 --174 --191 --208 --263 --263a --270 --276 --283 --478 --717 --729
Reichenbach, Count Oscar ----86
Reid, Mr. Clement [geologist 1853-1916] ----689 --721
Reid, G. Archdall [1860-1929] ----524 --596 --649 --729 --732
Reid, Mayne [novelist 1818-1883] ----729 --732
Reid, Sir Robert T., M.P., on town councils & land acquisition ----423
Reimers, Mr. Christian [musician & spiritualist 1827-1889] ----416
Rein, Dr. Johannes J. [geographer 1835-1918], on Bermuda plants ----721
Relief Committee of the Society of Friends ----722
Religious Tract Society (London) ----720a
Rembrandt [1606-1669] ----445
Renault, Mons., on a subterranean tree form in Brazil ----732
Rengger, Johann R. [1795-1832], on the natural history of La Plata ----721 --724
Retz [sic Rais], Gilles de [soldier 1404-1440] ----732
Retzer, Baron de, Gall's letter to ----726
Reveillé-Parisé, Dr. J.-H. [physician 1782-1852] ----726
Ribes, Dr. [physician] ----726
Ricardo, David [economist 1772-1823] ----423 --507 --585
Richard III, King of England [1452-1485] ----707
Richardson, John, and his How It Can Be Done ----593 --595 --595a --618c --729
Richardson, Mr., and the "Leonainie" hoax ----614 --708
Richet, Prof. Charles-Robert [physiologist 1850-1935] ----520a --717
Ridgway, Robert [ornithologist 1850-1929], on Galapagos birds ----718 --721
Ridley, Henry N. [botanist 1855-1956] ----732
Riley, Charles V. [entomologist 1843-1895] ----205 --342a --729
Riley, James Whitcomb [poet 1849-1916] ----614 --708
Rink, Dr. Hinrich J. [1819-1893], on the climate of Greenland ----336 --721
Ripon, Lord ----491 --729
Rivers, Lieut., R. N., on a paranormal disturbance ----430 --561 --717
Robb, James ----722
Robb, Mr., and the "Leonainie" hoax ----708
Robert-Houdin, Jean Eugène [conjuror 1805-1871] ----209 --264 --270 --561 --568 --717 --726
Roberts, Mr. Alexander W., on the evolution of double stars ----728
Roberts, Dr. Isaac [astronomer 1829-1904] ----606 --728
Roberts, Miss [Wallace relative] ----729
Robertson [sic Robinson], Dr. Charles Lockhart [physician 1826-1897] ----243 --270 --451 --506 --717
Robertson, William [historian 1721-1793], Wallace reads works of ----676 --729
Robinson, Colonel Daniel, manager of the Waste Land Improvement Society ----722
Robinson, E. W. [illustrator b. 1835] ----192 --729
Robinson, George Augustus [1788-1866], and his work with the Tasmanian aborigines ----720a
Robinson, James F., on beekeeping ----327
Robinson, Lockhart (see Robertson, Dr. Charles Lockhart)
Rodgers, Mr. Jas. H., on the employment of paupers ----655
Roelofs, Willem [artist & entomologist 1822-1897], on mimicry ----724
Roemer (see Rømer)
Roentgen, Wilhelm Conrad [physicist 1845-1923] ----726
Rogers, Edmund Dawson [1823-1910] ----385b
Rogers, James E. Thorold, M.P. [1823-1890] ----371a --375 --423 --585 --722 --723
Rogers, W. M., re a variety of Rubus ----527
Roggeveen [sic Roggewen], Jacob [explorer 1659-1729], his New Guinea explorations ----301
Rolleston, Prof. George [1829-1881] ----729
Roman Catholic Church ----236 --478 --692a --714 --715 --717
Romanes, George J. [biologist 1848-1894] ----368ac --389 --390 --395 --428 --429 --459 --502 --527 --532 --534 --558 --707an --724 --729
Rømer [sic Roemer], Ole Christensen [astronomer 1640-1710], on the finite velocity of light ----726
Romilly, Sir Samuel [law reformer 1757-1818] ----726
Roon, General Albrecht von [soldier & writer 1803-1879] ----266
Rooper, George [outdoorsman & writer] ----167aa
Roozen, Ant. & Son [gardening catalogs publisher] ----383a
Roper, Sir Anthony, fined for depopulation of land ----386 --387
Rosa, Salvator [artist 1615-1673] ----720
Roscoe, Sir Henry [chemist 1833-1915] ----732
Rose, Mr., re life after life ----685
Rosebery, Earl of ----491
Rosenberg, C. B. H. [naturalist & traveler 1817-1888] ----68 --69 --715
Rosière, Mons., on the evidence of early man in Nile deposits ----233
Ross, Alexander Milton [naturalist & social reformer 1832-1897] ----488b
Ross, Mrs. Hannah V. [spiritualist medium] ----396 --409 --712ac --729
Ross, Sir James Clark [navigator 1800-1862], re Antarctica ----229 --721
Ross, Mr. [husband of the medium] ----396
Ross, Mr., on land nationalization & reform ----407
Ross, Mr., Malay Archipelago resident ----715
Rosse, Lord (see Parsons, William)
Rostan, Louis Léon [physician 1791?-1866] ----264 --270 --285 --726
Roulin, François Désiré [naturalist 1796-1874], on introductions of fowl in South America ----248
Roundell, Charles Savile, M.P. [1827-1906] ----325a
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques [philosopher 1712-1778] ----498
Roux, Wilhelm [zoologist 1850-1924] ----724 --732
Rowland, John ----1b
Rowley, Dr. William [physician 1742-1806], on cow-pox inoculations ----536 --726
Rowsell, Mr., Commissioner of Crown Lands in Egypt ----371a
Rowntree, Mr. B. Seebohm [sociologist & philanthropist 1871-1954] ----734
Royal Academy of Medicine ----270
Royal Agricultural Commission ----383b
Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland ----583
Royal Astronomical Society ----118 --717 --726 --728 --729
Royal College of Physicians ----420 --536 --726
Royal College of Surgeons of England ----118 --536 --717 --726 --729
Royal Commission on Agriculture ----380 --423 --466 --471 --723 --729
Royal Commission on the Housing of the Poor ----371a
Royal Commission on Vaccination ----410 --536 --538 --542 --544 --544b --548 --551 --616 --697 --726 --729 --738
Royal Geographical Society ----29 --51 --65 --118 --179aa --202 --232 --270 --291 --446 --529 --667 --715 --717 --718 --719 --720 --729
Royal Institution of Great Britain ----157 --174 --304 --587 --717 --728 --729 --732 --745
Royal Jennerian Society ----536 --726
Royal Medical & Chirurgical Society of London ----726
Royal Northern Agricultural Society ----722
Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain ----667
Royal Society of London ----174 --206 --207 --221 --243 --270 --283 --313 --430 --446 --455 --510 --561 --635 --667 --673 --689a --707ac --707an --717 --718 --721 --724 --726 --728 --729 --742 --748a --752aa --753
Royal Society of Tasmania ----482
Royal Society of Van Dieman's Land ----597
Royal Statistical Society ----536 --616 --726
Ruata, Charles, M.D., & smallpox vaccination statistics ----616
Rüffer, A. [banker] ----492a
Rumball, James Quilter [phrenologist 1795-1872] ----729
Rumford, Count (see Thompson, Benjamin)
Rumph(ius), Georg Eberhard [naturalist 1627-1702] ----84
Ruseri, Dr., on agricultural production in Italy ----722
Ruskin, John [writer & critic 1819-1900] ----370 --498 --568aa --649 --659a --661a --707 --726 --729 --734
Russell, Mrs. Gertrude ----676c
Russell, Henry [musician 1812-1900] ----729
Russell, Henry C. [astronomer & geographer 1836-1907], on the climate of Australia ----720 --720a
Russell, Dr. James Burn [1837-1904], & his Glasgow Report ----374 --536 --726
Russell, Lord John [politician 1792-1878] ----726
Russell of Killowen, Sir Charles [judge 1832-1900] ----722
Rutter, Mr. John O. N. [chemist 1799-1888], on the magnetometer ----118 --270 --717
Rye, Edward C. [entomologist 1832-1885], on British insects ----721
Rylands, Mr. John [Manchester industrialist 1801-1888] ----414
Rymer, Mr., of Ealing, the strange phenomena occurring in his house ----118 --717

Saint Antonio ----714
Saint Augustine ----174 --379 --717
Saint Bartholomew [1st cent. A.D.] ----580 --729
Saint Bernadette Soubirous [1844-1879], re the Lourdes cures ----729
Saint Bernard [1090-1153] ----243 --398 --717
St. Clair, George [writer b. 1836] ----242
St. Clair, Stanley, spirit-artist ----729
Saint Francis of Assisi [1181?-1226] ----174 --243 --717
Saint Ignatius of Loyola [1491-1556] ----174 --717
St. John, Samuel [geologist 1813-1876] ----172
St. John, Sir Spenser [sic Spencer] [writer 1825-1910] ----97 --290 --323 --342 --715 --719 --720 --729
Saint Paul [1st cent. A.D.] ----243 --379 --398 --545 --717 --741
Saint Stanislaus Kostka [sic Kotska] [1550-1568] ----434 --717
Saint Theresa [1515-1582] ----174 --243 --717
Saint-Hilaire, Auguste de [naturalist 1779-1853] ----724
Saleeby, Dr. C. W. [1878-1940], on life in the universe ----732 --741
Salisbury, Dr., and his ideas on a healthy diet ----729
Salisbury, Lord [1830-1903] ----367a --491 --510 --524 --532 --580a --617 --669 --729 --735b --745
Salt, Henry S. [1851-1939], as a socialist ----729
Salvadori, Prof. Tommaso [ornithologist 1835-1923], on New Guinea birds ----332
Salvation Army ----510a --655 --726 --750
Salvin, Mr. Osbert [naturalist 1835-1898] ----205 --279 --388 --446 --716 --718 --719 --721 --724
Samuels, H. B., on his disbelief in spiritualism ----530
Sanders, James [physician 1777-1843], on vaccination ----536 --726
Sanders, Mr. ----650aa
Sanderson (see Burdon-Sanderson)
Sanson, André [animal scientist 1826-1902], re sheep-goat hybrids ----724
Santos Innocentas, Frei Jozé dos [Amazon resident] ----714
Sarasin, Paul & Fritz [naturalists/anthropologists], on Celebes natural history ----721
Sargant, William L. [1809-1889], on Robert Owen ----729
Sargent, Epes [editor & psychical investigator 1813-1880] ----430 --451 --717
Sars, Prof. G. O. [invertebrate zoologist 1837-1927], on Norwegian molluscs ----286
Saunders, Edward [entomologist 1848-1910] ----205 --718
Saunders, William, on land reform ----347 --375
Saunders, William Wilson [naturalist 1809-1879] ----109 --127 --715
Savage, Revd. Minot Judson [1841-1918], on telepathy ----729
Savery, Thomas [engineer 1650?-1715] ----726
Sawell, Mr. Charles M., on housing for the poor ----371a
Schäfer, Sir Edward A. [physiologist 1850-1935], on the origin of life ----699b --700 --751 --752aa
Schaum, H. ----135
Scheibner, Prof., of Leipzig ----717
Scheu, Andreas [1844-1927], re Wallace's remedy for unemployment ----676a
Schiaparelli, Giovanni [astronomer 1835-1910] ----602 --721 --728 --730
Schiller, Friedrich [philosopher 1759-1805] ----270
Schinz, Heinrich Rudolf [vertebrate zoologist 1777-1861] ----718
Schiödte, J. C. [entomologist 1815-1884] ----185
Schlechter, Rudolf [botanist & orchid collector 1872-1925] ----732
Schlegel, Prof. H. [zoologist 1804-1884] ----72 --73 --80 --89 --101 --112 --114 --141 --715 --718 --724
Schmerling, Philippe Charles [paleontologist & anatomist 1791-1836] ----233 --404
Schmidt, Prof. Eduard Oscar [zoologist 1823-1886], on fossil marsupials ----724
Schmitz, Dr. Leonard [historian & philologist b. 1807] ----270
Schneider, Johann Gottlob [philologist & zoologist 1750-1822] ----12
Schöbl, Dr. Josef [1837-1902], on the ears of mice ----724
Schomburgk [sic Schomburgh], Sir Robert H. [explorer & surveyor 1804-1865] ----11 --290 --719 --720a
Schönherr, Carl Johan [entomologist 1772-1848] ----135
Schopenhauer, Arthur [philosopher 1788-1860] ----707ae --729
Schouten, Willem C. [navigator d. 1625] ----301
Schuh, Karl [physicist] ----270
Schulte, Dr. Eduard, on butterflies' preference for colored flowers ----724
Schwann, Theodor A. H. [physiologist 1810-1882] ----305
Schweinfurth, Dr. Georg August [African traveler 1836-1925] ----350 --718
Sclater, Matthew B. (see Slater, Matthew B.)
Sclater, Philip Lutley [ornithologist 1829-1913] ----52 --53 --71 --75 --81 --89 --102 --112 --167a --170 --205 --226 --229 --246 --274 --279 --280 --286 --302 --494 --500 --575 --684a --715 --718 --719 --721 --724 --729 --732
Scopoli, Giovanni Antonio [naturalist 1723-1788] ----205
Scoresby, Captain William [explorer 1789-1857] ----313 --721
Scott, Captain Henry, R. N. ----717 Scott, Sir Walter [writer 1771-1832] ----691a --692b --726 --729 --743
Scott, Mr., companion of Edward Eyre ----720a
Scott-Elliot (see Elliot, G. F. Scott)
Scottish Land Restoration League ----371a --375
Scrope, George J. P. [geologist 1797-1876], on volcanoes ----455 --720
Scudder, Mr. Samuel H. [naturalist 1837-1911] ----179 --205 --286 --309 --342a --413 --716 --724 --729
Scully, Mr. Vincent, M.P. [1810-1871], on landlordism ----371a
Seaton, Dr. Edward C. [physician 1815-1880], on smallpox vaccination ----374 --420 --536 --726
Secchi, Father Angelo [astronomer 1818-1878] ----728
Sedgwick, Adam [geologist 1785-1873] ----107 --481 --729
See, T. J. J. [astronomer 1866-1962] ----707bd
Seebohm, Mr. Henry [ornithologist 1832-1895] ----330 --494 --534 --721 --724 --732
Seeley, Prof. H. G. [naturalist 1839-1909] ----729
Seeliger, Prof. Hugo Hans von [astronomer 1849-1924] ----728
Seemann, Dr. Berthold [botanist 1825-1871] ----257 --718 --719
Seixus, Senhor [Amazon resident] ----714
Selby, Prideaux John [ornithologist 1788-1867] ----141
Select Committee of the House of Lords on the Sweating System ----407 --423 --427 --505
Select Committee on Emigration, Scotland ----722
Select Committee on Small Holdings ----423 --722
Select Committee on the Unemployed ----726
Sellar, Thomas, on the Sutherland evictions of 1814 ----368b
Sellon, Edward [writer 1818-1866] ----106
Selous, Mr. Frederick C. [explorer 1851-1917], on nature in South Africa ----493
Selys-Longchamps, Baron de [naturalist 1813-1900] ----205
Semon, Richard W. [naturalist 1859-1918] ----583
Semper, Carl [naturalist 1832-1893] ----96 --127 --718 --720 --724
Senior, Nassau William [political economist 1790-1864] ----118 --329 --717
Serres, Marcel de [naturalist 1783-1862] ----718
Seton, Ernest Thompson [naturalist & writer 1860-1946] ----732
Severn, Mr. & Mrs., re a clairvoyant premonition ----434 --717
Severtzoff, N. A., on Turkestan birds ----721
Sexton, Dr. George [secularist] ----243 --451 --506 --530 --717
Shakespeare, William [1564-1616] ----372 --445 --475 --598a --631 --649 --668 --691a --707 --707as --726 --728 --729 --732 --742 --750 --753
Shaler, Nathaniel S. [geologist 1841-1906] ----406
Sharp, Clifford, on Wallace's remedy for unemployment ----674a --676a
Sharp, Dr. David [entomologist 1840-1922] ----123 --123a --134 --205 --239 --388 --718 --721 --732
Sharpe, Richard Bowdler [ornithologist 1847-1909] ----189 --190 --204b --215 --707an --709 --718 --721 --732
Sharpey, Dr. William, F.R.S. [physiologist 1802-1880] ----717
Shaw, George Bernard [1856-1950] ----579
Shelford, Mr. Robert W. C. [naturalist 1872-1912], on Borneo animals ----721 --732
Shelley, Percy [poet 1792-1822] ----445 --475 --547 --614 --649 --659a --726 --746
Sherard, Robert H. [writer 1861-1943] ----726 --733
Sherbrooke [sic Sherbroke], Sir John ----717
Sherbrooke, Lord (see Lowe, Robert)
Sherrard (see Sherard)
Sherwell, Mr. Arthur [writer on social issues 1863-1942] ----726
Shipley, Sir Arthur E. [zoologist 1861-1927], on insects ----732
Shore, Mackworth C., on stone weapon found in Victoria, Australia ----721
Shorter, Mr. Thomas [spiritualist 1823-1899] ----174 --729
Shuttleworth, Robert J. ----109
Sidgwick, A., on moths ----318 --716
Sidgwick, Eleanor Mildred (Mrs. Henry) [psychical investigator 1845-1936] ----411 --430 --436 --717 --729
Sidgwick, Prof. Henry [philosopher & psychical investigator 1838-1900] ----729
Siebold, Philipp Franz von [naturalist 1796-1866] ----718 --721
Siemens, Werner von [1816-1892], on the progress of science ----515 --729
Siljeström, Rektor Per Adam [1815-1892] ----420
Silk, George, Wallace's lifelong friend ----729
Silver, Mr. W. W. [photographer], on spirit photographs ----430 --717
Simcox, Edith J. [writer & social activist 1844-1901], on rent ----729
Sime, Mr. James, proofreader of Darwinism ----724
Simon, Sir John [1816-1904] ----420 --536 --544 --547aa --608 --616 --726 --729
Simon, Mr. ----420
Simpson, Sir James ----270
Simpson, Dr. Thomas [mathematician 1710-1761] ----1a
Simpson, Dr. William John [1855-1936], on the poor state of houses in Bombay & Calcutta ----726
Simpson, Dr., re Mr. Lewis ----283
Simpson, Mr. ----142b
Sims, Frances Wallace (Wallace's sister "Fanny") [1812-1893] ----126 --717 --729
Sims, Thomas (Wallace's brother-in-law) [photographer 1826-1910] ----729
Sinclair, Archdeacon (Vicar of Kensington) ----729
Sinclair, Upton [writer & socialist 1878-1968] ----712aa
Sismondi, J.-C.-L. Simonde de [historian & economist 1773-1842] ----341 --365 --375 --722
Skertchly, Sydney B. J. [geologist 1850-1926] ----406 --681a --721
Skinner, Mr. James Ralston, of Cincinnati [theosophist & Egyptologist 1830-1893] ----729
Skinner, Dr. Thomas, on a possible vaccination-related death ----536 --726
Slack, Baron von, on the protective markings of sloths ----724
Slade, Dr. Henry [slate-writing medium d. 1905] ----255 --259 --261 --266aa --270 --273 --327c --451 --467
Slater [sic Sclater], Matthew B. [botanist 1830-1918] ----492 --667 --668 --668aa
Slater, Mr. Thomas [optician], & spirit photography ----243 --430 --717
Slee, Mr. W. H. [photographer], & spirit photography ----430
Sleeper, G. W. ----702a --707as
Slipher, Vesto Melvin [astronomer 1875-1969], & Mars observations ----730
Smeaton, John [civil engineer 1724-1792] ----445 --468
Smith, Adam [philosopher & economist 1723-1790] ----306 --358aa --369 --375 --387 --423 --507 --585 --587 --691 --707 --722 --723
Smith, Sir Andrew [naturalist & explorer 1797-1872], on nature in South Africa ----493
Smith, Mr. Charles E., on buying out the railroads ----628a
Smith, Edward A. [illustrator] ----201
Smith, Frederick [entomologist 1805-1879] ----52 --53 --96 --130b --156 --181 --187 --205 --319 --715 --716 --718
Smith, Prof. Goldwin [writer 1823-1910], dines with Wallace in Toronto ----729
Smith, Herbert H. [naturalist 1851-1919] ----627a
Smith, Sir James Edward [naturalist 1759-1828], re Lepidoptera ----724
Smith, John [botanist 1798-1888] ----160
Smith, Mr. John, seance witness ----729
Smith, Joseph [religious leader 1804-1844] ----174 --717
Smith, J. G., butterfly collector in Brazil ----729
Smith, Samuel, M.P. [1836-1906] ----368a
Smith, William [geologist 1769-1839] ----726
Smith, Worthington G. [mycologist 1835-1917] ----272 --511 --719
Smith, Prof. W. Robertson [scholar 1846-1894] ----712
Smith, Lieut, on the position of Barra (Manaus) at the mouth of the Rio Negro. ----11 --714
Smollett, Tobias [writer 1721-1771], Wallace reads works of ----729
Smyth, C. Piazzi [astronomer 1819-1900] ----207 --237 --257 --719 --733
Smyth, William [artist & naval officer 1800-1877], South America explorer ----714
Smyth, Admiral William H. [naval officer 1788-1865] ----718
Snellen van Vollenhoven, Samuel C. [entomologist 1816-1880] ----127 --135 --145 --148
Snowden, Mr. J. Keighley [journalist b. 1860], on women's labor ----733
Snyder, J. F., M.D., on a stone relic resembling a llama ----404 --488a
Social Democratic Federation (London) ----438
Socialist Party ----617 --745 --752
Société de Biologie (Paris) ----211
Société Entomologique de France ----205
Société Zoologique d'Acclimatisation ----248
Society for Promoting Useful Knowledge ----752aa
Society for Psychical Research ----385b --430 --434 --436 --478 --561 --685 --717 --729
Society for Psychical Research (American) ----430 --435
Society for the Diffusion of Christian Knowledge ----603a
Socrates [philosopher ca.470 B.C. - 399 B.C.] ----174 --243 --379 --398 --434 --618a --649 --691a --717 --729 --732 --733
Solander, Dr. Daniel C. [naturalist 1733-1782], with Capt. Cook ----720 --720a
Sollas, Mr. William J. [geologist 1849-1936] ----513 --721
Solovyoff, V. S., re his visit to Grays ----729
Somerville, Mr. John, of Lochgilphead ----722
Soper, Francis L, his tract Landlordism.... ----386
Sophocles [playwright ca.496 B.C. - 406 B.C.] ----1ac --729
Sorby, Mr. Henry Clifton [geologist 1826-1908] ----272 --719 --728
Southey, Robert [poet & writer 1774-1843] ----430 --729
Spalding, Mr. Douglas [biologist 1841-1877], his experiments with fowls ----216 --227 --534 --729
Spallanzani, Lazzaro [biologist 1729-1799], on the theory of development ----305
Spargo, John [socialist 1876-1966] ----641
Speke, Capt. John H. [explorer 1827-1864] ----229 --232 --718
Spence, Thomas [1750-1814], on the land question ----498 --729
Spence, William [entomologist 1783-1860] ----1a --134 --716
Spencer, Herbert [sociologist & philosopher 1820-1903] ----93 --140 --146 --153 --155 --185 --186 --205 --210 --211 --217 --242 --243 --246a --248 --253 --257 --303 --305 --311 --329 --337b --380 --397 --423 --427 --432 --439 --447 --450 --468 --490 --498 --508 --510 --523 --524 --528 --531 --531a --535ab --545 --549 --573 --581a --586 --587 --589 --603a --616a --620 --622 --628 --634 --635b --656 --669 --684 --692b --693 --703c --707bd --707c --710 --712ac --716 --717 --719 --722 --724 --726 --728 --729 --732 --733 --735d --738 --743 --745 --748 --749 --750 --754
Spencer, Sir Walter Baldwin [anthropologist 1860-1929] ----482 --583
Spenser, Edmund [poet 1552?-1599] ----729
Speyer, Adolf [entomologist 1812-1892] ----205
Spinola, Marquis, on bioluminescence ----405a
Spinoza, Baruch [philosopher 1632-1677] ----732
Spitalfields Mathematical Society ----1a
Spitta, writing against clairvoyance ----726
Spix, Johann Baptist von [naturalist 1781-1826] ----8 --172 --301 --714 --718 --734a
Spratt, Captain Thomas A. B. [naval officer & traveler 1811-1888], on fossil elephants on Malta ----194 --718
Sprengel, Christian Konrad [botanist 1750-1816], on insects & flowers ----724
Sprent, Mr. C. P., on glacial markings in Tasmania ----482
Spriggs, Mr., a healer ----729
Spruce, Richard [botanist 1817-1893] ----6 --7 --11 --93 --238 --248 --257 --289 --449 --492 --667 --668 --668aa --713 --714 --719 --721 --729 --732
Spurzheim, Dr. Johann Christoph [disciple of Franz Josef Gall 1776-1832] ----726
Squire, J. R. M. [spiritualist medium & editor] ----451
Squire, Dr. Samuel [scholar 1713-1766], on smallpox & hospital statistics ----420
Squirrel [sic Squirell], Dr. Robert, on smallpox ----536 --726
Stafford, Marquis of, of Sutherland ----722
Stainton, Mr. Henry T. [entomologist 1822-1892] ----134 --185 --201 --257 --318 --326 --510 --716 --719 --721
Stallo, John [jurist & philosopher 1823-1900] ----531a
Stanford, Mr. Edward [map publisher] ----323 --718 --729 --730
Stanford, Sen. Leland [1824-1893], in Washington DC and California ----729
Stanley, Hiram M. [psychologist] ----427 --733
Stanley, Captain Owen [naval officer & explorer 1811-1850] ----41
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady [woman suffrage leader 1815-1902] ----427
Stark, Dr. James, on vital statistics in Scotland ----387
Statistical Society of London ----722 --729
Staudinger, Otto [entomologist 1830-1900] ----205 --721
Staveley, E. F. [entomologist & arachnologist] ----192
Stead, Mr. William T. [editor & psychical investigator 1849-1912] ----478 --512 --522 --574a --594a --646b --686a --717 --734
Stein, Leopold [1810-1882], on Prussian reform ----722
Steindachner, Dr. Franz [ichthyologist 1834-1919], re Galapagos marine lizards ----721
Stephanus [martyr fl. 34-35] ----684c
Stephens, James F. [entomologist 1792-1853] ----729
Stephenson, George [engineer 1781-1848] and/or Stephenson, Robert [engineer 1803-1859] ----1a --174 --337 --438 --445 --468 --717 --737 --742 --748a
Sternhold, Thomas [versifier d. 1549] ----475
Stevens, Mr. Charles [insect collector] ----322a
Stevens, Samuel [Wallace's collections agent] ----3 --4 --5 --6 --45 --48 --50 --63 --459a --715 --729
Stewart, Prof. Balfour [physicist & meteorologist 1828-1887] ----717
Stewart, Major-General David [1772-1829], re the Sutherland clearances ----722
Stewart, Martin ----168a
Stieler, Adolf [cartographer 1775-1836] ----347a --721
Stirling, Sir Edward Charles [surgeon, naturalist & politician 1848-1919], on Notoryctes ----720a
Stirling, James Hutchison [philosopher & critic 1820-1909] ----493 --729
Stockton, Frank R. [novelist 1834-1902] ----729
Stokes, Sir George G., F.R.S. [physicist & mathematician 1819-1903] ----717
Stokes, Capt. John Lort [1811-1885], of the Beagle ----720 --720a
Stone, Edgar P. [1854-1911], of Sioux City ----735b
Stone, Mr. Octavius C. [explorer], his New Guinea explorations ----301 --720
Stoney, Dr. George Johnstone [physicist 1826-1911], on planetary atmospheres ----728 --730
Storie, Mrs., re a premonitional dream ----434
Stow, Mr. George W. [1822-1882], on glacial till & clay ----721
Stowe, Harriet Beecher [writer 1811-1896] ----729
Stradelli, Count Ermanno [explorer 1852-1926] ----729
Strahan, Dr. Samuel A. K. [d. 1902] ----497 --726
Strange, Lieut.-Col., on government aid to science ----729
Strauch, Dr. Alexander [herpetologist 1832-1893], on amphibians ----718
Strauch, Lieut. H., & the New Hanover Islands ----720
Strauss, David Friedrich [theologian 1808-1874] ----107 --118 --246a --714 --717 --729
Strickland, Mr. Hugh Edwin [naturalist 1811-1853] ----20 --28 --716
Struve, Otto [astronomer 1819-1905], on the Milky Way ----728
Strzelecki, Sir Paul Edmund de [geologist 1797-1873] ----100
Stuart, John McDouall [explorer 1815-1866] ----76 --291 --720 --720a
Stubbs, Revd. Charles W. [clergyman & writer 1845-1912] ----371a --375 --376ac --380 --387 --723
Stumpe, Oscar [sic Otto] [astronomer 1862-1897] ----728
Sturt, Capt. Charles [explorer 1795-1869] ----720 --720a
Sullivan, Mr. Alexander M., M.P. [politician 1830-1884], on Irish agricultural conditions ----375 --723
Sullivan, Sir Edward Robert [writer 1826-1899] ----306
Sullivan, James Frank [cartoonist & writer], his cosmic spirits William & James ----510
Sultan of Batchian ----82
Sultan of Borneo ----29
Sultan of Brunei [sic Bruni] ----22
Sultan of Goa ----156
Sultan of Koti ----342
Sultan of Passir ----342
Sultan of Ternate ----82 --104 --715
Sultan of Tidore ----62 --67 --82 --715 --729
Sultan of Turkey ----726
Sundevall, Prof. Carl Jacob [naturalist 1801-1875], re birds ----246 --718
Sunshine [spirit entity] ----729
Sutro, Adolph Heinrich Joseph [businessman & politician 1830-1898] ----729
Sutter, Julie, on her books ----595 --603b --641
Swainson, William [naturalist & illustrator 1789-1855] ----28 --81 --134 --603a --716 --718 --724 --729
Swanton, E. W., re the prediction a long-tongued moth exists in Madagascar ----633
Swedenborg, Emanuel [philosopher & naturalist 1688-1772] ----379 --382 --481 --691a --703c --733 --735a --741 --744 --748a --752a --753
Swift, Jonathan [writer 1667-1745] ----726
Swinhoe, Robert [diplomat & naturalist 1836-1877] ----117 --316 --718 --721 --724
Swinton, Archibald H., on insects ----328
Swinton, A. C. [d. 1905], Wallace's friend & land nationalizer ----450 --518ac --620 --721 --729 --739 --752
Sykes, Ernest R. [1867-1954], on land shells in Hawaii & Bermuda ----721
de Sylva, Dr., re Mademoiselle Thibaut ----174 --717
Sylvester, James J. [mathematician 1814-1897] ----726 --729
Syme, David [1827-1908], on Darwinism ----437 --442
Syme, Mr., re phrenology ----726
Symonds, Miss, re a sitting with Mr. Davey ----467
Szabó, Prof., re glaciation ----721

Tacitus, Cornelius [historian ca.55 - 110] ----174 --717
Taine, Hippolyte [philosopher & writer 1828-1893] ----467
Tait, Prof. Peter Guthrie [physicist & mathematician 1831-1901], on the origin of the universe ----726
Tait, Prof. Robert Lawson [surgeon 1845-1899], on natural selection ----303 --724
Talbot, Mr. Daniel H. [1850-1911], of Sioux City ----729
Talbot, William Henry Fox [photographer 1800-1877] ----712a
Tallack, William [penal reformist 1831-1908] ----623aa
Talmage, Thomas De Witt [clergyman 1832-1902] ----735a
Tamerlane [conqueror 1336-1405] ----724
Tanner, Mr. J., on the Bedford Canal experiment ----163
Tappan, Mrs. Cora [trance speaker 1840-1923] ----243 --717
Tarachand, R. K. [Bombay barrister] ----703bc
Tarr, Ralph S. [geographer 1864-1912] ----529
Tasman, Abel [navigator 1603?-1659?] ----720 --720a
Tate, Mr. Ralph [naturalist 1840-1901] ----718 --720a
Taylor, Helen [land nationalizer 1831-1907] ----423 --729
Taylor, Henry [1787-1869], on beekeeping ----327
Taylor, Dr. Isaac [1787-1865], on the plurality of worlds ----728
Taylor, Dr. James Monroe [educator 1848-1916] ----729
Taylor, Jeremy [prelate & writer 1613-1667] ----174 --717
Taylor, John E. [1837-1895], on natural history specimen collection & preservation ----254
Taylor, John Traill [editor & photographer 1827-1895] ----270 --430 --478 --717
Taylor, John William [1845-1931], on British molluscs ----721
Tayor, Dr. Thomas [botanist d. 1848] ----668
Tchaikovski, Nicholas [socialist 1850-1926] ----650a
Tebb, Mr. William [anti-vaccinationist 1839-1918] ----282 --368 --370a --374 --420 --536 --717 --726 --729
Tebb, Dr. William Scott [physician d. 1917] ----536 --548 --551 --726
Tegetmeier, Mr. William B. [naturalist 1816-1912] ----102b --210 --724
Telemachus, son of Ulysses & Penelope ----726
Telford, Thomas [civil engineer 1757-1834] ----445 --468
Tell, William [Swiss hero] ----1ac
Temminck, Coenraad Jacob [naturalist 1778-1858] ----24 --26 --28 --62 --63 --69 --71 --72 --101 --102 --141 --715
Tenison-Woods, Revd. Julian E. [naturalist 1832-1889], on Australia ----720 --720a
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord [poet 1809-1892] ----475 --476 --518 --545 --574 --587 --598a --712ab --726 --728 --729 --733 --738 --743 --744 --754
Terry, James [1844-1912], on sculpted anthropoid ape heads found in Oregon ----433
Teste, Dr. Alphonse [physician 1814-1888], on animal magnetism ----270
Thackeray, William Makepeace [writer 1811-1863] ----118 --717 --729 --743
Thakombau, Chief of the Fiji Islands [1817-1883] ----720
Thales [philosopher & scientist 625? B.C. - 547? B.C.] ----589
Thibaut, Mademoiselle ----174 --717
Thiselton-Dyer, Sir W. T. [botanist 1843-1928] ----286 --468 --499 --649 --660 --707an --729
Thomas, Oldfield [mammalogist 1858-1929] ----421 --721
Thompson, Mr. A. M., on militarism ----659
Thompson, Benjamin, Count Rumford [physicist 1753-1814] ----726
Thompson, Captain Charles Halford, on free trade without reciprocity ----306
Thompson, Sir D'Arcy W. [zoologist & scholar 1860-1948] ----724 --732
Thompson, Ernest Seton (see Seton, Ernest Thompson)
Thompson, George C., on land reform ----371a
Thompson, Mr. William, his visit to Ralahine ----586
Thompson, Mr., of Ipswich ----361a
Thompson, Mr., Clarion journalist ----693
Thomson, Sir Charles Wyville [naturalist 1830-1882] ----229 --286 --721
Thomson, George M. [naturalist 1848-1933], on the New Zealand flora ----721
Thomson, Sir Henry ----243 --717
Thomson, Mr. J. [1837-1921], on the antiquities of Cambodia ----583
Thomson, Prof. J. Arthur [biologist 1861-1933] ----660 --729 --732
Thomson, Sir William (Lord Kelvin) [physicist 1824-1907] ----140 --146 --155 --159 --300 --455 --606 --609 --642 --649 --716 --721 --726 --728 --729 --741 --753
Thomson, Dr. W. H., on the average physique of Americans ----248
Thomson, Dr., of Clifton, on a spirit photograph ----243 --717
Thomson, Dr., of Edinburgh [physician] ----243 --430 --717
Thomson, Dr. [surgeon] ----726
Thomson, Mr., on cetoniids collected by Wallace ----135
Thonner, Dr. Franz [botanist 1863-1928] ----732
Thorburn, Archibald [illustrator 1860-1935] ----517
Thorburn, Septimius Smet [writer 1844-1924] ----595c
Thorell, Dr. Tord [arachnologist 1830-1901] ----205
Thorne, Sir R. Thorne [physician 1841-1899] ----420
Thornton, Edward [historian 1799-1875] ----715
Thornton, Mr. William T. [writer 1813-1880], on peasant-land relations ----341 --365 --375 --722
Thull, Abba, King of Palau ----720
Thury, Prof. Marc [naturalist 1822-1905], on the study of spiritualism phenomena ----243 --717
Thwaites, Mr. G. H. K. [botanist 1812-1882] ----724
Tien Sien Ti [spirit guide] ----398 --515a
Tinworth, George [artist 1843-1913] ----549
Tisserand, Eugène, on plants in the Arctic ----719
Tocqueville, Alexis de [politician & philosopher 1805-1859] ----409
Todd, James E. [geologist 1846-1922], on protective animal coloration ----724
Todd, Mr. W. R. [farmer] ----722
Tollemache, Lord [1805-1890] ----341 --365 --375 --376ac --380 --384aa --387 --582a --722 --723 --729
Tollius, Adrianus [17th cent.] ----504 --728
Tolstoy (Tolstoi), Leo [novelist & reformer 1828-1910] ----568aa --581 --595ab --649 --659a --691a --707 --711a --729 --747
Tomes, Robert F. [zoologist 1823-1904], on noctilionid bats ----718
Torquay Natural History Society ----174 --257 --717 --719
Torres, Luís Vaez de [navigator fl. 1606] ----720 --720a
Torrey, John [botanist 1796-1873] ----107
Tournay, Bishop of ----174 --717
Tower [sic Power], William Lawrence [biologist b. 1872] ----648 --660
Tower, Mr., a Menado resident ----715
Trant, William [1844-1924], on land reform ----371a
Travers, William T. L. [1819-1903], on plants introduced to New Zealand ----724
Trécul, Monsieur Auguste [botanist 1818-1896] ----211
Tredcroft, Major Charles Lennox [1832-1917] ----373d
Trelease, Dr. William [botanist 1857-1945], on the botany of the Azores ----721 --729
Trevelyan, Sir George Otto, M.P. [1838-1928], on land reform ----371a
Trevelyan, Sir Walter C. [naturalist 1797-1879] ----118 --270 --717 --726
Trimen, Mr. Roland [lepidopterist 1840-1916] ----96 --176 --181 --270 --272 --319 --716 --719 --724
Tristram, Revd. Henry Baker [traveler & naturalist 1822-1906] ----81 --134 --193 --304 --318 --709 --716 --718 --724
Trollope, Anthony [writer 1815-1882] ----200 --720 --720a
Trollope, T. Adolphus [writer 1810-1892] ----118 --243 --270 --283 --717 --729
Trollope, Mrs. T. Adolphus ----243 --270 --717 --729
Trotwood, Miss Betsy [literary character] ----734
Trower, Harry Seymour, on land tenure in Ireland ----386
Tschudi, Johann Jakob von [naturalist 1818-1889] ----714 --718
Tuckwell, Revd. William [1829-1919], on experiment with land rental tenure ----414 --466 --512
Tuke, Mr. James H. [1819-1896], on Irish land tenure problems ----358ae --722
Turgot, Anne-Robert-Jacques [administrator & reformer 1727-1781] ----498
Turner, Edward [chemist 1798-1837] ----107
Turner, Revd. George [missionary 1817/18-1891], on the Polynesians ----317 --720
Turner, Prof. Herbert H. [astronomer 1861-1930] ----604 --606 --609 --642
Turner, Mr. H. N. [d. 1851], on edentates ----718
Turner, Captain John, of the Helen ----714 --729
Turner, Sharon [historian 1768-1847] ----93
Turner, Revd. William Y. [b. 1851], on New Guineans ----301 --720
Turner, Prof. W. W., on dark stars ----728
Tussaud, Madame [1760-1850] ----729
Tutt, James W. [entomologist 1858-1911] ----721
Tuttle, Hudson [spiritualist 1836-1910] ----243 --717
Twain, Mark (see Clemens, Samuel L.)
Tweeddale, Marquis of [1824-1878] ----342 --720 --721
Tyler, Wat [peasants revolt leader 1341-1381] ----498
Tylor, Mr. Alfred, F.G.S. [1824-1884] ----159 --302a --720 --720a --721 --724 --726 --732
Tylor, Edward B. [anthropologist 1832-1917] ----169 --174 --207 --208 --217 --253 --337 --443a --504 --518 --712 --717 --728 --729
Tyndall, John [physicist 1820-1893] ----118 --124 --157 --165 --210 --243 --253 --258 --270 --299 --420 --478 --493 --547 --716 --717 --726 --728 --729 --735 --738 --743
Tyrtaeus [poet fl. ca.650 B.C.] ----733

Ulloa, Antonio de [scientist & naval officer 1716-1795], on feral asses in Ecuador ----724
Unger, Franz [botanist 1800-1870] ----721
United Kingdom Alliance ----266b
United States Geological Survey ----406 --729
United States Senate ----409 --491 --574a
Upper House (see House of Lords)

V., Miss, concerning an apparition ----209
Vacher, Francis, M.D. [1843-1914], on a smallpox epidemic ----374 --536 --726
Valenciennes, Achille [ichthyologist 1794-1865] ----734a
Van Dam, D. C., on Madagascan birds ----274
Van der Beck, Captain ----715
Van Voorst, John [publisher 1804-1898] ----203 --729
Vandeleur, Mr. John Scott, the original owner of Ralahine ----586
Varley, Cromwell F. [electrical engineer 1828-1883] ----142b --243 --258 --268a --451 --717 --729
Vaux, Mr. William S. W. [scholar 1818-1885], on Polynesian languages ----720
Vega, Garcilaso de la [chronicler 1539-1616], on South American fowl ----248
Venetz, Ignaz [engineer & naturalist 1788-1859], on glaciology ----481 --726
Verbeek, R. D. M. [geologist 1845-1926], on Sumatra ----320
Verne, Jules [writer 1828-1905] ----493
Verney [sic Vernon], Lady Frances Parthenope [1819-1890] ----386
Verney, Capt., on the climate of Vancouver Island ----333
Vernon, Dr. Horace M. [industrial engineer b. 1870], re his book Variation in Animals and Plants ----732
Vernon, Dr. [physician], on infants not recovering from smallpox ----374
Verres, Gaius [Roman governor of Sicily ca.120 B.C. - 43 B.C.] ----1ac
Verrill, Mr. Addison E. [zoologist 1839-1926], re marine animals & phosphorescence ----724
Verstegan (Verstegen), Richard [antiquary ca.1550 - 1640] ----340 --719
Verworn, Max [physiologist 1863-1921] ----700 --732
Very, Frank W. [physical scientist 1852-1927], on the Moon ----730
Veth, Pieter J. [traveler & writer 1814-1895] ----320
Victoria, Queen of England [1819-1901] ----1a --257b --420 --535ad --571 --572 --726 --729 --735a
Vieillot, Louis Jean Pierre [ornithologist 1748-1831] ----28 --141 --715
Vigors, Nicholas A. [ornithologist 1785-1840] ----28 --141 --718
Virgil [poet 70 B.C. - 19 B.C.] ----328 --729 --732
Virgin Mary ----243 --717 --729
Vivian, Mr. Edward, of Torquay [1808-1893], on extinct animals & man ----174 --257 --276 --717 --719
Vivian, John Henry [industrialist & politician 1785-1855] ----1b
Vogel, Dr. Hermann Karl [astronomer 1842-1907] ----726 --728
Vogt, Dr. Adolf [physician 1823-1907], on vaccination statistics ----420 --536 --726
Vogt, Prof. Karl C. [naturalist 1817-1895] ----100 --120 --246a --717
Volckman, Mr. William [lawyer] ----403 --438 --729
Volta, Alessandro [physicist 1745-1827] ----726
Voltaire [1694-1778] ----174 --717
Voysey, Revd. Charles [1828-1912] ----398
Vries, Hugo de [botanist & geneticist 1848-1935] ----660 --729

Waddington, Samuel [poet 1844-1923] ----680a
Wagler, Johann Georg [zoologist 1800-1832] ----46 --62
Wagner, Moritz [geographer & naturalist 1813-1887], re Saturnia ----468
Wagner, Richard [composer 1813-1883] ----748a --753
Waitz, Prof. Theodor [anthropologist 1821-1864] ----248
Wake, Mr. Charles Staniland [anthropologist 1835-1910], on Australian aborigines ----720 --720a
Wakefield, Bandusia [1844-1923], of Sioux City ----710 --729
Wakefield, Judge Georghe W. [1839-1905], of Sioux City ----729
Wakefield, Col. William H. [1801-1848], and the first New Zealand settlement ----720 --720a
Walden, Lord/Viscount, on Philippine birds ----718
Walford, Major [big game hunter], on tiger hunting ----724
Walker, Francis [entomologist 1809-1874], on the Chalcididae ----205
Walker, Francis A. [political economist 1840-1897] ----729
Walker, Frederick [1820-1866], Australia explorer ----720 --720a
Walker, John, M.D. [1759-1830], vaccinator ----420
Walker, John [friction match inventor 1781-1859] ----726
Walker, Mr. Thomas F. [land nationalizer] ----438
Wallace, Dr. Alexander [naturalist 1829-1899] ----126a --724
Wallace, Annie Mitten [1846-1914], Wallace's wife ----202 --707an --729 --738
Wallace, Eliza [1810-1832], one of Wallace's older sisters ----729
Wallace, Elizabeth [d. 1808], one of Wallace's older sisters ----729
Wallace, Emma [1816-1822], one of Wallace's older sisters ----729
Wallace, Fanny (see Sims, Frances Wallace)
Wallace, Herbert [1829-1851], Wallace's younger brother ----258 --357a --717 --714 --729
Wallace, Admiral Sir James [Wallace relative] ----729
Wallace, John [1818-1895], Wallace's older brother ----179a --267 --398 --452 --612 --708 --729 --735d --752aa
Wallace, Lew [soldier & writer 1827-1905] ----743
Wallace, Mary Anne [1814-1822], one of Wallace's older sisters ----729
Wallace, Mary Anne Greenell [1788-1868], Wallace's mother ----729
Wallace, Sir Richard, concerning rental values ----722
Wallace, Prof. Robert [agriculturist 1853-1939] ----720a
Wallace, Thomas Vere [1771-1843], Wallace's father ----729 --753
Wallace, Miss Violet [1869-1945], Wallace's daughter ----708aa
Wallace, William [d. 1783], Wallace's grandfather ----729
Wallace, William G. [1809-1845], Wallace's oldest brother ----126 --398 --452 --662 --729
Wallengren, H. D. J. [entomologist 1823-1894] ----127
Wallich, Dr. George C. [naturalist 1815-1899], on globigerina ooze ----721
Wallis, Thomas Wilkinson [woodcarver 1821-1903] ----574aa
Walsh, Mr. Benjamin Dann [entomologist 1808-1869] ----96 --716
Walsh, Mr. John Henry [writer on recreation & animal science 1810-1888] ----163a --179aa --202 --214a --248ab --248b --252c --729
Walter, Mr. T., on Ireland ----722
Walton, Izaak [writer/biographer 1593-1683] ----326 --729
Wambey, Revd. C. C., re a premonition ----434 --717
Warburton, Col. Peter Egerton [explorer 1813-1889] ----720 --720a
Ward, Artemus [humorist 1834-1867] ----708 --717
Ward, Mrs. Humphry [1851-1920], and her book Marcella ----729
Ward, James, on bird flight ----240 --241
Ward, Lester F. [botanist & sociologist 1841-1913] ----403 --445 --710 --724 --729
Ward, Mrs. Lester ----710
Ward, Nathaniel Bagshaw [physician 1791-1868] ----715
Ward, Mr. Rowland [sportsman 1848?-1912] ----357 --363
Ward, Mr. Wilfred, re a quote by T. H. Huxley on beautiful things ----649
Ward, Mr. W. Squire [surgeon] ----726
Warder, Mr. Reuben H. [park superintendent d. 1907], of Cincinnati ----729
Warming, Eugenius [botanist 1841-1924] ----503 --732
Warne, Mr. Charles [antiquary 1802-1887], on a Roman occupation period military camp ----722
Warren, Mr. G. O., on character-building ----512
Warren, Samuel [1807-1877], and his Passages from the Diary of a Late Physician ----729
Warwick, Countess of, as a socialist ----729
Warzewickz, Mons., Amazon bird collector ----729
Washington, George [1732-1799] ----691a
Waste Land Improvement Society ----722
Waterhouse, Mr. Charles Owen [entomologist 1843-1917] ----205 --732
Waterhouse, F. G., of Adelaide ----96 Waterhouse, George Robert [zoologist 1810-1888] ----21 --135 --327 --718 --721
Waters, Sidney [astronomer], re a star chart of the Milky Way ----728
Waterton, Charles [naturalist 1782-1865] ----279 --307 --314a --332 --350 --578 --719 --721 --732
Watson, Hewett C. [botanist 1804-1881] ----193 --669 --721 --729 --732
Watson, Colonel J. W., on the identity of the islands of Wák-Wák ----615
Watson, Sir William [poet 1858-1935] ----659a --729
Watson, Mr., on scales on butterfly wings ----127
Watt, James [inventor 1736-1819] ----1a --438 --445 --586 --587 --649 --726 --737
Watt, Dr., on epidemics ----536 --726
Watts, Alfred ----327
Watts, Mr. Charles [secularist & publisher 1836-1906] ----243 --717
Waugh, Mrs. Arthur, made index for My Life ----729
Weale, J. P. Mansel ----272 --319 --719 --724
Weaver, General James B. [1833-1912] ----466
Weaver, Mr. Thomas [geologist 1773-1855], on granite erratics in Ireland ----481
Webb, Mr. James [phrenologist] ----726
Webb, Mr. Sidney [socialist 1859-1947], on English poor law ----729 --733
Webb, Revd. T. W. [astronomer 1807-1885], on the poles of Mars ----721
Webb, William L. [writer b. 1856] ----707bd
Webber, Charles W. [writer 1819-1856], on U.S. hummingbirds ----279 --719
Weber, Ernest H. [1795-1878], and his experiments on sense of touch ----468
Weber, Prof. Wilhelm Eduard [physicist 1804-1891] ----717
Webster, Mr. [builder & John Wallace's employer] ----729
Wedderburn, Sir David, M.P. [1835-1882] ----720a --729
Wedderburn, Sir William [judge 1838-1918] ----726
Wedgwood, Hensleigh [etymologist 1803-1891] ----518 --637 --717 --729
Wedgwood, Thomas [1771-1805], re an early photographic procedure ----726
Weir, Mr. Harrison [illustrator 1824-1906] ----253
Weismann [sic Weisman / Weissmann], August [biologist 1834-1914] ----181 --305 --324 --338 --342a --352 --415 --427 --432 --439ac --445 --468 --473 --496 --503 --510 --524 --527 --532 --534 --596 --618a --649 --649a --700 --707as --724 --729 --732 --737 --738 --752aa
Weld, Charles R. [writer 1813-1869] ----118 --717
Weld, Sir Frederick A. [1823-1891], on the karri tree ----720a
Weld, Philip [student], re a clairvoyant premonition ----434 --717
Weldon, Mr., on panmixia and natural selection ----499
Weldon, Mrs., and her incarceration in an insane asylum ----726
Wellingborough Allotment Association ----466
Wellington, Duke of ----325b
Wellington, Mr., re a premonition ----434
Wellington Philosophical Society ----514a
Wells, H. G. [writer 1866-1946] ----609
Wells, Dr. William Charles [early natural selectionist 1757-1817] ----656 --716
Werner, Abraham Gottlob [geologist 1750-1817] ----649 --726
Wesley, Hester, one of Jphn's sisters ----118 --717
Wesley, John [religious reformer 1703-1791] ----118 --430 --451 --561 --717
Wesley, Mrs. John ----430 --565
Wesley, Revd. Samuel [1662-1735] ----561
Wesley families ----243 --451 --717
West, Mr. Thomas, a Colorado mining engineer ----729
Westall, William [landscape artist & illustrator 1781-1850] ----583 --720a
Westermann, Bernt Wilhelm [businessman & insect collector 1781-1868] ----96 --716
Westermarck, Edvard [sic Edward] A. [anthropologist 1862-1939] ----439 --443a --712
Westgarth, William [1815-1889], on Victoria, Australia ----720 --720a
Westlake, Mr. Thomas, on the Bedford Canal experiment ----163
Westring, Nils [1797-1882], on beetle sounds ----205 --328
Westwood, Prof. J. O. [entomologist 1805-1893] ----9 --96 --123 --123a --134 --135 --145 --147 --148 --158a --181 --205 --286 --319 --660 --716 --724 --729
Wetterhan, Mr., on automatism in animals ----245
Whately [sic Whateley], Richard, Archbishop of Dublin [1787-1863] ----118 --565 --717 --726
Wheatcroft, Captain G. & Mrs., on a clairvoyant premonition ----118 --717
Wheaton, Henry [lawyer & writer 1785-1848] ----195
Wheatstone, Sir Charles [1802-1875], Wallace socializes with ----729
Wheeler, Mr. Alexander [anti-vaccinationist d. 1903] ----420 --509 --536 --726
Whewell, William [philosopher 1794-1866] ----26 --195 --728 --729
Whiston, Dr. William [philosopher & mathematician 1667-1752] ----726
White, Adam [naturalist 1817-1879] ----21 --49
White, Mrs. Eliza ----258 --270 --283
White, Dr. F. Buchanan [naturalist 1842-1894], on St. Helena beetles ----721
White, Gilbert [naturalist 1720-1793] ----249 --307 --321 --716
White, Mr. John [historian of the Maori 1826-1891], on the moas ----721
White, Taylor, on the kea ----504a
White, Mr. William [ca.1831 - 1890], on cases of the failure of vaccination ----536 --726 --729
White, Revd. W. Farren, on ants ----362
White Boys, the ----586
Whitehead, John [1860-1899], on Bornean birds ----721
Whiteing, Mr. Richard [writer 1840-1928] ----655 --711a --745
Whitelegge, Sir Arthur [physician 1852-1933] ----536 --726
Whiting, Mrs. Amelia, her vaccination-related case described ----536 --726
Whitman, Walt [1819-1892] ----659a
Whitmee, Revd. Samuel J. [missionary 1838-1925] ----296
Whitney, Prof. Josiah D. [geologist 1819-1896] ----406 --464
Whittaker, Edmund T. [mathematician & astronomer 1873-1956] ----728
Whymper, Mr. Edward [mountain climber 1840-1911] ----492 --724
Wickham, Capt. John Clements [1798-1864], of the Beagle ----720 --720a
Wicksteed, Charles [land nationalizer] ----386 --423 --585
Wiegmann, Arend Friedrich [botanist 1771-1853] ----660
Wiegmann, Carl A. F. [1836-1901], on Madagascan land shells ----721
Wiglesworth [sic Wigglesworth], Mr. Lionel W. [ornithologist], on the birds of Celebes ----721
Wilberforce, William [politician & philanthropist 1759-1833] ----631
Wilbraham, Colonel E. B. [soldier], on seances with D. D. Home ----118 --717
Wilkes, Charles [naval officer & explorer 1798-1877] ----131 --721
Wilkins, Bishop John [1614-1672], on the plurality of worlds ----728
Wilkinson, Mr. [lawyer], re a clairvoyant premonition ----118 --717
Wilkinson, Mr., proprietor of an insane asylum ----726
Willer, Mr. T. J., on Sumatra ----720
William I (William the Conqueror), King of England [ca.1028 - 1087] ----368a --631
Williams, Mr. B. S. D., and his The Political Economy of George ----371a
Williams, Mr. Charles [spiritualist medium] ----522 --729
Williams, James Leon [dental histologist & writer 1852-1932] ----707ap
Williams, Mr. J. E., re oppression of the working classes ----438
Williams, Miss J. W., a botanist from Oakland, California ----729
Williams, Dr. R., re some spirit photographs ----243 --430 --717
Williams, W. Mattieu [sic Matthew] [1820-1892], and his Fuel of the Sun ----531a --729
Williams, Dr., on self-fertilization in leeches ----205
Williamson, Revd. Alexander [clergyman & traveler 1829-1890] ----195
Williamson, Stephen, M.P. [merchant 1827-1903] ----723
Willis, Dr. Frederick L. H. [physician 1830-1914], re a musical spiritualist medium ----717
Wills, William John [explorer 1834-1861] ----720 --720a
Willshire, Sir Thomas [soldier 1789-1862] ----118 --717
Wilmshurst, Dr., of Kilburn, seance attender ----126
Wilson, Alexander [ornithologist 1766-1813] ----136 --180 --669 --716 --718 --724 --732
Wilson, Algernon [Wallace's cousin] ----729
Wilson, Andrew [writer on nature 1852-1912] ----299
Wilson, Mr. Charles, on tenant rights ----722
Wilson, Mr. C. A., Wallace's cousin ----126b --248c --323a
Wilson, Bishop Daniel, of Calcutta [1778-1858] ----726
Wilson, Sir Daniel [educator & archeologist 1816-1892] ----257 --719
Wilson, Mr. F., on land reform ----344a --345aa
Wilson, Capt. Henry, of the Antelope ----720
Wilson, Mr. James [geologist], re an Australian expeditiion ----291 --720 --720a
Wilson, Revd. Percy [Wallace's cousin] ----729
Wilson, Scott B. [ornithologist], on Hawaiian birds ----721
Wilson, William [botanist 1799-1871] ----668 --729
Wilson, Mr. [Wallace's uncle] ----729
Winans, William Louis [railroad engineer 1823-1897] ----376aa
Winchell, Newton H. [geologist 1839-1914] ----406
Wocke, Maximilian F. [lepidopterist 1820-1906] ----205
Wolf, Joseph [illustrator 1820-1899] ----62 --68 --71 --72 --101 --190 --715 --729
Wolff, Caspar Friedrich [embryologist 1733-1794], on the theory of development ----305
Wollaston, Mr. Thomas Vernon [naturalist 1822-1878] ----181 --188 --193 --205 --718 --721 --724
Wollaston, Dr. William H. [chemist & physicist 1766-1828], on the solar spectrum ----726
Wolley, Mr. John [oologist 1823-1859] ----330
Wombwell, Mrs. (Ann Morgan) [1788-1876] ----314a
Wonnacott, Mr., architect of Wallace's house at Grays ----729
Wood, Miss C. E. [spiritualist medium], on materializations ----356 --729
Wood, Mr. C. F., his travels in the West Pacific ----720
Wood, Revd. John G. [naturalist 1827-1889] ----201 --307 --337 --720a --724 --729
Wood, Searles V. [geologist 1798-1880] ----269 --325 --719 --721 --724
Wood, T. W. [illustrator] ----134 --138 --272 --318 --424 --715 --716 --719 --724 --729
Wood, Mr., assisted in early operation involving mesmerized patient ----726
Wood, Mr. [grocer], on the clairvoyant girl Emma ----717
Wood-Mason, Mr. James [naturalist 1846-1893], on Indian insects ----724
Woodbury, Henry, Java resident ----715
Woodbury, Walter B. [photographer 1834-1885], re West Javan vegetation ----252b --732
Woodbury, Mr., on bees' eggs ----166
Woodford, Charles Morris [naturalist 1852-1927] ----421
Woodruffe-Peacock, Revd. E. Adrian [naturalist] ----732
Woodville, Dr. [physician] ----536 --726
Woodward, Sir Arthur Smith [paleontologist 1864-1944] ----732
Woodward, Henry [geologist 1832-1921] ----81 --302a --721 --729
Woodward, Dr. Samuel P. [naturalist 1821-1865] ----286 --347a --718 --721 --724
Worcester, Marquis of [1601-1667], and his recognition of the principle of the steam engine ----726
Working Men's Allotment Association ----407
Wren, Sir Christopher [architect 1632-1723] ----445 --468
Wright, Charles A. [sic E. A.], on the birds of Malta ----718
Wright, Chauncey [philosopher 1830-1875] ----253
Wright, E. Perceval [naturalist 1834-1910] ----321 --721 --729
Wright, Prof. George F. [clergyman & geologist 1838-1921] ----481
Wright, Robert Ramsay [biologist 1852-1933], Wallace meets in Toronto ----729
Wright, Mr. Thomas [historian 1810-1877] ----615
Wright, Mr. & Mrs., Wallace boards with ----729
Wright, Mr., with Burke & Wills in Australia ----720 --720a
Wyckoff, Mr. Walter A. [1865-1908], on workers ----710
Wyld, James [cartographer 1812-1887], on Wyld's Globe ----526 --729
Wyman, Prof. Jeffries [naturalist & anatomist 1814-1874] ----211 --327 --406
Wynyard, George & John, on a clairvoyant premonition ----717
Wytfliet, Cornelius, and his early mention of Australia ----720 --720a

Xenophanes [philosopher ca.570 B.C. - ca.475 B.C.] ----272 --719

Yama [mythological character] ----733
Yapp, Prof. Richard H. [botanist 1871-1929] ----732
Yarrell, William [naturalist 1784-1856] ----578 --718 --721 --724
Yate, Colonel Charles Edward [soldier & administrator 1849-1940], on the Caspian Sea region ----615
Yates, Mr. [orchid collector] ----714
Youatt, Mr. William [veterinary surgeon 1776-1847], on breeding domestic animals ----724
Young, Arthur [agriculturist 1741-1820] ----341 --360a --365 --375 --466 --722 --723 --729
Young, Prof. Charles A. [astronomer 1834-1908] ----730
Young, Prof. John [geologist], on chalk ----721
Young, Thomas [physicist 1773-1829] ----174 --191 --717 --726

Zangwill, Mr. Israel [playwright & novelist 1864-1926], on the poor ----655
Zeller, Philipp Christoph [lepidopterist 1808-1883] ----205 --721
Zeno [stoic philosopher ca.490 B.C. - ca.430 B.C.] ----733
Zincke, Revd. F. Barham [traveler 1817-1893] ----329
Zinken-Sommer [sic Zinken], J. L. T. F. ----96
Zinoffsky, Oscar [1848-1889], on the hemoglobin in horse's blood ----732
Zollinger, Heinrich [naturalist 1818-1859] ----85 --715
Zöllner, Prof. Johann K. F. [physicist & astronomer 1834-1882] ----398 --451 --717 --729 --730
Zoological Society of London ----10 --79 --84 --134 --181 --716 --718 --719 --729
Zoroaster [religious leader ca.628 B.C. - ca.551 B.C.] ----237 --257 --645 --719
Zwecker, Mr. Johann Baptist [illustrator 1814-1874] ----201 --718

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