Russel Wallace : Alfred Russell Wallace (sic) (S603: 1903)
Mr. Alfred Russel Wallace, LL.D., wrote:-- "I am very glad to see that you are giving due importance to the abominable way in which the conscience clause is being abused by prejudiced and ignorant magistrates so as to render it a new means of persecution of the poorer classes of anti-vaccinators. "I can only urge, as I have urged before, that we shall neither obtain this small instalment of what we claim nor the total abolition of all vaccination laws except through the wholesome dread of hostile votes at Parliamentary elections. "As this is a question both of personal liberty and often of life and death it should be held to override all ties of politics or of party. "Although myself a Radical reformer, I would cheerfully give my vote to a genuine anti-vaccination Conservative candidate rather than to the most Radical upholder of the tyrannical and murderous vaccination laws. "With every wish for the success of your righteous crusade against them, believe me, yours very truly, Alfred R. Wallace."