Russel Wallace : Alfred Russell Wallace (sic) The very first to respond was a vivacious and versatile youth of 90. Is there anybody in the world who has not heard of Alfred Russel Wallace? Co-revelator with Charles Darwin of that "natural selection" idea which has revolutionised the thought of humanity. None, at least, who can read English prose. So I will not insult you by introducing Old Orchard, Dear Sir,-- In my new book just issued--"Social Environment and Moral Progress"--I have given as short a reply to your question as I can, under four aspects (Page 154-1). It is stated in shorter still at foot of Page 157. The proof and justification is in the book, which you should read and review. Yours truly, The "grand old man" of science is too busy to read his "Cambria Daily Leader" carefully, or he would have known that a notice of the new book has already appeared. The passages he so kindly indicates are as follows:-- "If we review with care the long train of social evils which have grown up during the nineteenth century, we shall find that every one of them, however diverse in their nature and results, is due to the same general cause, which may be defined or stated in a variety of different ways:-- (1) They are due, broadly and generally, to our living under a system of universal competition for the means of existence, the remedy for which is equally universal co-operation. "In Chapter XIII. To XVI., I have shown that the well-established laws of evolution as they really apply to mankind are all favourable to advance of true civilisation and of morality. Our existing competitive and antagonistic social system alone neutralises their beneficient operation. That system must therefore be radically changed into one of brotherly co-operation and co-ordination for the equal good of all. To succeed we must make this principle our guide and our pole star in all social legislation."