420-001 Advanced French Composition & Stylistics |
F420 Advanced French Composition and Stylistics counts toward fulfilling the French minor and major programs. It presupposes a rudimentary knowledge of the structure of the French language and of French grammar, as is taught in F320, French Grammar and Composition or equivalent. Through coursework, experience abroad, and other cultural encounters, the Modern Languages Program cultivates communicative skills and cultural awareness that prepare students at Western Kentucky University to be more knowledgeable and sensitive citizens of the global community. |
The course goals, listed in order of priority are: |
Participation and attendance: class participation is essential. In the event that it is necessary to miss class, it is the responsibility of the student to find out what was covered and to learn the appropriate material. Students are expected to come to class prepared, to contribute to class activities, to arrive on time, and to seek help from instructor when appropriate. Cell phones must be turned off during class; they must remain out of sight during all graded activities. I will come well-prepared, provide opportunities for you to hear, speak, write and read French. I will be available during stated office hours. |
Expectations in summary are as follows. Students are expected 1) to attend and participate in class sessions, 2) to study in preparation for class meetings, 3) to demonstrate knowledge and language skills acquired, 4) to work on pronunciation, listening comprehension and recognition of spoken vocabulary, 5) to submit by deadlines work required, 6) to meet with the instructor for practice or explanation, as necessary, 7) to turn in for a grade the student’s own work and, of course, not to permit work to be used by another for his/her graded assignments. 8) Students are to log in to the Blackboard site for the course: ( and stay abreast of announcements, assignments and changes in the syllabus at least three times each week. There will be questions over each reading assignments posted on Blackboard between meetings to be answered in writing in French before the next class. The instructor is expected 1) to be prepared for teaching each class session, 2) to offer clear examples and explanations, 3) to encourage participation from students, 4) to offer as much written practice in class as possible, 5) to meet with students outside of class, as requested, 6) to be fair-minded at all times, 7) to respect students, and their beliefs and opinions, 8) to challenge students to meet the course goals as fully as possible. (Click on statement on teaching to read my thoughts on the entire subject.) |
Course Grade -- sources & weights: |
60% |
10% |
10% |
![]() |
20% | |
Academic dishonesty: (see page 27 in WKU 2003-2005 catalog): “Students who commit any act of academic dishonesty may receive from the instructor a failing grade in that portion of the course in which the act is detected or a failing grade in the course without possibility of withdrawal.” Acts of academic dishonesty include the use of a translating device to complete writing assignments and failing to turn cell phones and PDAs off before taking an exam. Student work may be checked using plagiarism detection software. See page 27 of the 2003-2005 undergraduate catalog for more information. “Students who commit any act of academic dishonesty may receive from the instructor a failing grade in that portion of the course in which the act is detected or a failing grade in the course without possibility of withdrawal” (from the 2006-2007 online student handbook). Acts of academic dishonesty include the use of a translating device to complete writing assignments and failing to turn cell phones and PDAs off before taking an exam. Student work may be checked using plagiarism detection software. See Western's statement on academic dishonesty in the 2006-2007 online student handbook for more information. See the same source for university policy on plagiarism ‑ "To represent written work taken from another source as one's own is plagiarism. Plagiarism is a serious offense. The academic work of a student must be his/her own. One must give any author credit for source material borrowed from him/her. To lift content directly from a source without giving credit is a flagrant act. To present a borrowed passage without reference to the source after having changed a few words is also plagiarism." The use of online translation aids is strictly prohibited. Students enrolled may not assist one another on graded exercises. |
Students with disabilities who require accommodations (academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids or services) for this course must contact the Office for Student Disability Services, Room 101, Garrett Conference Center. The OFSDS telephone number is (270) 745-5004. Please DO NOT request accommodations directly from the professor or instructor without a letter of accommodation from the Office for Student Disability Services. |
Changes: Changes to all matters above may become necessary, especially regarding the syllabus and/or the due dates of graded work. The instructor reserves the right to make such changes as he/she deems necessary. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain the most recent iteration of the syllabus either as posted on the Blackboard site for this course or as made available in the classroom. |
1 Tue |
11 Jan 05 | Introduction comment remplir un formulaire; rédiger un message simple; grammaire : parties du discours & types de phrases; révisions > franç; comment avoir des accents: fiche; PPT |
2 Thu |
13 Jan 05 | composition 1: message simple -- first draft due; comment rédiger une lettre personnelle; grammaire (fiches à choix multiple) |
3 Tue |
18 Jan 05 | composition 2: lettre personnelle -- first draft due comment rédiger une lettre commerciale ou professionnnelle; grammaire; author journal 1 |
4 Thu |
20 Jan 05 | composition 1: message simple -- second draft due; grammaire |
5 Tue | 25 Jan 05 | composition 2: lettre personnelle -- second draft due comment rédiger un portrait de Vautrin de Balzac; portraits de La Bruyère, portrait de Charlemagne; grammaire; author journal 2 |
6 Thu | 27 Jan 05 | composition 3: lettre commerciale -- first draft due comment écrire une description; grammaire |
7 Tue |
1 Feb 05 | composition 4: le portrait -- first draft due comment bâtir un argument; grammaire; author journal 3 comment composer un dialogue |
8 Thu |
3 Feb 05 | composition 3: lettre commerciale -- second draft due comment écrire un compte rendu 1... d'une réunion, d'un film, d'un livre (et conseils); grammaire: le présent |
9 Tue |
8 Feb 05 | composition 4: le portrait -- second draft due comment écrire un compte rendu 2 ; grammaire; author journal 4 |
10 Thu |
10 Feb 05 | composition 5: une description -- first draft due; grammaire: les temps grammaticaux et la conjugaison & les pronoms relatifs |
11 Tue |
15 Feb 05 | composition 6: compte-rendu d'un film -- first draft due comment faire un résumé : Candide; grammaire: pronoms relatifs handout; author journal 5 |
12 Thu |
17 Feb 05 | composition 5: une description -- second draft due comment faire un récit ; grammaire |
13 Tue |
22 Feb 05 | composition 6: compte-rendu d'un film -- second draft due comment faire un récit 2; grammaire: pronoms; author journal 6 |
14 Thu |
24 Feb 05 | composition 7: un résumé -- first draft due comment faire un récit 3; grammaire |
15 Tue |
1 Mar 05 | composition 8: récit1 -- first draft due; grammaire; author journal 7 Last day to drop with "W"; last day to go from credit to audit |
16 Thu |
3 Mar 05 | composition 7: un résumé -- second draft due; activité: récit; grammaire : imparfait, passé composé, plus-que-parfait (> Tâches d'encre) |
17 Tue |
8 Mar 05 | composition 8: récit1 -- second draft due comment persuader; grammaire; author journal 8 |
18 Thu |
10 Mar 05 | composition 9: récit2 (3 photos) -- first draft due; comment rédiger un essai1; grammaire |
19 Tue |
15 Mar 05 | composition 10: essai -- first draft due comment rédiger un essai2; grammaire; author journal 9 exemples d'essai; essai: vocabulaire, expressions utiles |
20 Thu |
17 Mar 05 | composition 9: récit2 (3 photos) -- second draft due encore un exemple de récit; grammaire: noms géographiques, démonstratifs, pronominaux1, pronominaux2, pronominaux3 et accord du participe passé; accord: exercice |
21 Tue |
29 Mar 05 | composition 10: essai -- second draft due comment décrire une situation hypothétique; grammaire; conditionnel1; conditionnel2; conditionnel3; temps grammaticaux; author journal 10 |
22 Thu |
31 Mar 05 | composition 11: situation hypothétique -- first draft due comment faire une traduction; grammaire : conditionnel et imparfait, traduction, pronoms |
23 Tue |
5 Apr 05 | composition 12: traduction -- first draft due; grammaire; author journal 11 |
24 Thu |
7 Apr 05 | composition 11: situation
-- |
25 Tue |
12 Apr 05 | composition 11: situation hypothétique -- second draft due ; grammaire: la négation; author journal 12 |
26 Thu |
14 Apr 05 | composition 12: traduction -- second draft due ; grammaire: la négation -- encore un peu & conditionnel-imparfait |
27 Tue |
19 Apr 05 | composition 13: autobiographie négative: «ce que je n'ai pas/jamais fait dans la vie» -- first draft due ; grammaire: comparatif/superlatif; author journal 13 |
28 Thu |
21 Apr 05 | composition 14: Trois professions/Superlatif-Comparatif -- first draft due comment éviter des anglicismes 2; grammaire: interrogatif-exercices; négation-exercices |
29 Tue |
26 Apr 05 | composition 13: autobiographie négative: «ce que je n'ai pas/jamais fait dans la vie» -- second draft due; comment éviter les traquenards 1; grammaire; author journal 14 |
Wed |
27 Apr 05 | roster freeze |
30 Thu |
28 Apr 05 | composition 15: Une Interview/poser des questions -- first draft due; comment éviter les traquenards 2; grammaire; author journal 15; révision1, révision2, révision3 |
Mon |
2 May 05 |
Examen final : grammaire
second draft due composition 14: Trois professions/Superlatif-Comparatif -- optional second draft due May 2 composition 15: Une Interview/poser des questions --optional second draft due |
participation | ||
compositions | ||
notes | ||
Some pertinent Web sites |
Grammaire interactive et grammaire de référence | |
French learning tools, including tests of proficiency | |
On-line French verb conjugation | | |
On-line French conjugation exercises for all tenses | | |
French grammar drills -- interactive and self-correcting | |
French grammar level 1 | |
French grammar level 2 | |
French exercises on-line | |
French grammar for first-year Tex's French Grammar | |
Grammar quizzes for first-year Tex's French Grammar | |
Quizzes for first-year book, Allons-y! | |
Exercises based on the textbook Accord | |
French course on-line, Bonjour de France (grammaire) | |
French Grammar with Jürgen Wagner | | |
Good general site for French Grammar |
Changes to the foregoing may be deemed necessary by the instructor. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain the most recent iteration of the syllabus either as posted on the instructor's web page or as made available in the classroom. |
Saved 5/24/12 f420spring05.htm |