French 320  French Grammar & Composition
Fall 2015 TR 12:45-2:05 FAC 254 (updated daily)
Instructor: Nathan Love, Ph.D. (I.U.) Office  FAC 282 | 745-5909
Office hours: MWF 9:00 am-10:00 am & 12:00 pm-1:00 pm & by appointment
Web page: 

Required books:
Voir la liste. Sites recommandés : Voir la liste.
info grammaire | pour écrire | PPT verbes | conjugaison | concordance | dictionnaire mono | dictionnaire bi | projet
wku logo mod langs
Week 1
Fall break
Final exam

F320 French Grammar and Composition counts toward fulfilling the French minor and major distribution requirement. It is intended to provide students who wish to take advanced courses in French with a working knowledge of French grammar and sustained practice creating various French compositions. This course is a college course; it is not intended as validation of grammatical knowledge acquired previously. Through coursework, experience abroad, and other cultural encounters, the Modern Languages Program cultivates communicative skills and cultural awareness that prepare students at Western Kentucky University to be more knowledgeable and sensitive citizens of the global community. Writing and speaking French are an integral part of upper division courses in the French program. (See my statement on teaching French.)

  The course goals and outcomes follow in order of priority:
  1. Structure of Language: To acquire a complete view of the structure of the French language.
  2. Grammar: To become thoroughly acquainted with grammatical categories and concepts peculiar to French and English, and to become articulate concerning them.
  3. Writing: To begin to write sustained guided compositions which illustrate specific functions and grammatical points.
  4. Vocabulary: To build vocabulary via readings and exercises.
  5. Preparation: To become prepared linguistically to take more advanced French.

The primary objective is a working knowledge of the overall structure of the French language and its rules of grammar as applied to written expression in French. It is assumed that regular practice with much trial and error is an integral and necessary means to accomplishing the primary course objectives. Time is therefore precious. Our modus operandi is careful preparation for each class session. I will expect preparation from you, and you may expect it of me.

  320 Targeted Proficiency Level for Reading and Writing from Intermediate Low to Advanced Low upon completion of course. The learning outcomes will allow successful students to affirm the following claims:
I can ...
    bullet write on general interest, academic, and professional topics. I can write organized paragraphs about events and experiences in various stime frames;
bullet understand the main idea and some supporting details on a vriety of topics of personal and general interest. I can follow stories and descriptions of some length and in various time frames and genres.
(See full ACTFL statements.)
  Assignments, quizzes, exams/assessments and the course project (See Student Engagement Activity below) will take the form of specific tasks reflecting these affirmations.

  Course Grade -- sources & weights:  
  Project: 10%
  Quizzes and Assignments: 20%
  Compositions / Rédactions (4 @ 10%): 40%
  Final Exam: 30%

Participation and attendance: class attendance is mandatory, and participation is essential; speaking French at every opportunity will help a student with speaking and listening skills. Participation will solidify understanding of structure of the language and process of composing and editing written French. Students are to check Blackboard or my Web page ( and stay abreast of announcements, assignments and changes in the syllabus frequently. In the event that it is necessary to miss class, it is the responsibility of the student to find out what was covered and to learn the appropriate material. Upon returning to class students are expected to be fully prepared: ready to participate, to turn in assignments, and to take quizzes or exams as scheduled. When/if you miss a class meeting, you can be relatively certain that you missed at least one quiz (see below). If absent, one should contact me before the next class meeting – not to explain or excuse the absence, but in order to find out what was accomplished and, especially, what is to be prepared outside of class, unless you believe that you know with certainty what was missed and have no questions about it.

Auditing An auditor enrolls and participates in a course without expecting to receive academic credit. The same registration procedure is followed and the same fees are charged as for courses taken for credit. An audited course is not applicable to any degree or certificate program. Regular class attendance is expected of an auditor. Other course requirements, which may be obtained in writing from the instructor, will vary depending on the nature of the course. Students interested in auditing a course should secure permission from the instructor and discuss course requirements prior to enrolling. Failure to meet course requirements may result in the auditor being withdrawn from the course at the request of the instructor. A successful audit will be recorded on the transcript with the designation AU. Any change from audit to credit must be done by the last day to add a class. Changes from credit to audit must be done by the last day to drop a class with a grade of “W.” Refunds for withdrawals from audited courses will be prorated on the same basis as refunds for withdrawals from courses taken for credit (from: Academic Information, Undergraduate Course Catalog).

Assignments (or homework) will be posted on the timeline part of the syllabus below by means of a link on the date by which the assignment is due. Thus to know what is to be prepared for the August 25 class meeting, click on the link on "25 août 15" below. (You will know when the assignment has been uploaded, as the date will appear in bold, and turn blue as a link upon passing the mouse over it.) There will be questions or assignments regularly posted on Blackboard or the Web page to be completed before the next class. Unless instructed otherwise, assignments are not printed out and handed in. The majority of the quizzes will cover these assignments.

Interactivités provide practice to reinforce what is presented or briefly reviewed during class. Interactivités will provide essential practice. They should also prepare students for quizzes, compositions, and the final exam. They may be part of what is assigned as homework.

Quizzes will be done in class, although most can be prepared for before class. There will usually be a quiz every class meeting. Quizzes will cover what has been assigned or recently presented. If you arrive after the time class officially starts, you forfeit the right to take quizzes that have already begun! Quizzes over what is assigned will provide an indication whether the assignment has been completed and understood. Quizzes covering what has been recently presented during class will likewise provide an indication of your emerging skills, especially concerning grammar and composition. Some will be done as small group activities during class meetings. Among other things, they prepare a student for exams. As with Interactivités, quizzes are not busywork (none of us has time for that!); each one has a teaching or learning point behind it. Quizzes will be numerous; and may not be made up if missed. Since they will be numerous, you may well miss some or do poorly on others. Rather than drop a certain number of quizzes, your quiz average will be curved approximately ten percent to allow for the normal vicissitudes of life.

Student Engagement Activity / Project: Wiki Exercices de Grammaire. All Student Engagement Activities, university wide, you can -- and really ought to -- record at the WKU SEAT page.

Exams: Both exams are meant to gauge your progress toward the course goals with an efficient use of exam time. There will be no make up exams. If you anticipate a problem with taking an exam when it is scheduled, or if you should miss an exam, contact me at your earliest opportunity! The day and time of the final exam are established by the Registrar. Whereas there may be changes on the syllabus below, the day and time of the final exam are absolute. Please do not make plans, therefore, at variance with our scheduled final exam.

Expectations, in summary, are as follows. Students are expected 1) to study, do assignments, and prepare for class, 2) to attend class, contribute and participate during class, 3) avail themselves of resources, and to seek help from instructor when appropriate, including during office hours or by appointment, 4) to demonstrate knowledge and language skills in progress against what is expected, 5) to work, for instance, on pronunciation, listening comprehension and recognition of spoken vocabulary, 6) to submit by deadlines work required, 7) to turn in for a grade the student’s own work and, of course, not to permit work to be used by another for his/her graded assignments. 8) to stay abreast of announcements, assignments and changes in the syllabus at least three times each week. 9) to keep computers, cell phones and other smart devices turned off, silent, and out of sight during class, as well as during all graded activities. The instructor is expected 1) to be prepared for teaching each class session, 2) to offer clear examples and explanations, 3) to encourage participation from students, 4) provide opportunities for you to hear, speak, write and read French and to offer, specifically, as much oral practice in class as possible, 5) to meet with students during office hours and by appointment outside of class, 6) to be fair-minded at all times, 7) to respect students, and their beliefs and opinions, 8) to challenge students to meet the course goals as fully as possible. (Click on statement on teaching to read my thoughts on the entire subject.)

Study some French every day without exception and you will discover why language courses used to meet daily. The best way to learn, to meet course objectives and to maximize benefits derived from study of French is without a doubt to study some French every day. You will not be particularly successful if you learn the material for the moment only. What you learn for a given day or for a given exam you will need to retain throughout the semester and specifically for the final exam which is cumulative.

Resources available include the textbook, the interactivités, consultations and assistance during office hours. I can find more resources for anyone needing more than these, and would be pleased to do so. 

Academic dishonesty: “Students who commit any act of academic dishonesty may receive from the instructor a failing grade in that portion of the course in which the act is detected or a failing grade in the course without possibility of withdrawal” (from the current online student handbook). Acts of academic dishonesty include the use of a translating device to complete writing assignments and failing to turn cell phones and PDAs off before taking an exam. Student work may be checked using plagiarism detection software. See Western's statement on academic offenses in the current online student handbook for more information. See the same source for university policy on plagiarism ‑ "To represent written work taken from another source as one's own is plagiarism. Plagiarism is a serious offense. The academic work of a student must be his/her own. One must give any author credit for source material borrowed from him/her. To lift content directly from a source without giving credit is a flagrant act. To present a borrowed passage without reference to the source after having changed a few words is also plagiarism." The use of online translation aids is strictly prohibited. Students enrolled may not assist one another on graded exercises.

Accessibility for students with disabilities: Students who require accommodations (academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids or services) for this course must contact The Student Accessibility Resource Center. Please DO NOT request accommodations directly from the professor or instructor without a letter of accommodation from that office.

Changes: Changes to all matters above may become necessary, especially regarding the syllabus and/or the due dates of graded work. The instructor reserves the right to make such changes as he/she deems necessary. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain the most recent iteration of the syllabus either as posted on the Blackboard site for this course or as made available in the classroom.

1 mardi 25 août 15 Introduction; grammaire en ligne ; parties du discours ; parties de la phrase ; structures ; comment avoir des accents: fiche ; PPT ; Analysez ces textes ; Traitement de textes : Fichier 1 : Comprendre et procéder : Réfexion [1-3] ; Outils : [8-10] / Breaking the French Barrier : Leçon 1

2 jeudi 27 août 15 Breaking the French Barrier : Leçon 1 /Traitement de textes : Fichier 1 : Comprendre et procéder Écrire [4-5] note: dictionnaires ; 'write' - 'écrire'

3 mardi 01 sept 15 Pour écrire ; Traitement de textes [pp. 3-5] ; [ p. 9 A. / p. 10 B.] ; corrigé du quiz 1 ; Breaking the French Barrier: Leçon 2 : temps grammaticaux ; fiches à corriger ; Vincent ; corrigé du quiz 2

4 jeudi 03 sept 15 Traitement de textes : Fichier 2 : Décrire une personne ; niveau élémentaire ; visage célèbre Mona Lisa ; portraits littéraires : Vautrin ; Charlemagne ; Giton et Phédon ; Rédaction 1: description d'une personne

5 mardi 08 sept 15 Traitement de textes : Fichier 2 : Décrire une personne ; maison d'être ; accord des participes passés ; 3 petits cochons ; Breaking the French Barrier : Leçon 3 : impératif ; l'article partitif
6 jeudi 10 sept 15 Breaking the French Barrier : Leçon 3 : venir de + infinitif ; le plus-que-parfait

7 mardi 15 sept 15 Traitement de textes : Fichier 3 : Écrire une lettre ; en (encore) ; Breaking the French Barrier : Leçon 3 : y ou en ? ; quantité ; Leçon 4 : futur , interactivité ; futur antérieur ; Rédaction 1 accord, anglicismes due

8 jeudi 17 sept 15 Breaking the French Barrier : Leçon 4 : futur en ligne ; poème ; conditionnel , interactivité ; phrases avec 'si' ; conditionnel et futur ; corrigé du quiz 3 ; film français

9 mardi 22 sept 15 Breaking the French Barrier : Leçon 5 : passé du conditionnel , interactivité ; le féminin de certains mots ; pronoms personnels ; devoir sur la lettre

10 jeudi 24 sept 15 Traitement de textes : Fichier 4 : Raconter un événement ; raconter au passé ; corrigé du quiz 5-1 ; révision: futur en poésie ; futur simple | présent du conditionnel | futur antérieur | passé du conditionnel

11 mardi 29 sept 15 Traitement de textes : Fichier 4 : Raconter un événement ; Breaking the French Barrier : Leçon 6 : pronoms y et en ; Rédaction 2 : un événement dans votre vie personnelle

     le 1er octobre et le 2 octobre Fall Break - pas de cours

12 mardi 06 oct 15 Breaking the French Barrier : Leçon 6 : fiche de grammaire > le français des affaires ; depuis et venir de ; 'to leave' ; dictées grammaticales ; pronoms (en général) ; devoir un événement ; quizzes Breaking the French Barrier : Leçon 4 ; corrigé du quiz 4-2
13 jeudi 08 oct 15 Breaking the French Barrier : Leçon 6 : identification des temps grammaticaux ; le présent du subjonctif , PPTs , emploi ; fiche de grammaire > le français des affaires ; passage tiré à L'Étranger ; Comparaisons C. 1. p. 140 , C. 2. p. 141 ; pronoms [5] ; ordre des pronoms ; la transitivité ; corrigé du quiz 4-1 ; corrigé du quiz 6-1

14 mardi 13 oct 15 Traitement de textes : Fichier 5 : Expliquer une idée [65-75] ; vocabulaire 1, 2 ; qui, que ; to remember ; corrigé du quiz 6-2 ; October 14 - Last day to drop a full semester course with a W. | Last day to change a full semester course from credit to audit.
15 jeudi 15 oct 15 Traitement de textes : Fichier 5 : Expliquer une idée [68-71] ; un autre passage ; le doute méthodique de Descartes ; Ceci tuera cela -- Victor Hugo ; questions de syntaxe verbale ; Rédaction 3 : expliquer une idée

16 mardi 20 oct 15 Breaking the French Barrier : Leçon 7 : article plein de subjonctifs [doc] ; verbes suivis d'infinitifs ; les temps dans un article ; COD ~ COI , participes passés 1 ; Rédaction 2 due
17 jeudi 22 oct 15 Traitement de textes : Fichier 5 : Expliquer une idée ; argumenter 1 ; argumenter 2 ; Breaking the French Barrier Leçons 7 et 8 ; six erreurs

18 mardi 27 oct 15 Traitement de textes : Fichier 5 : Expliquer une idée ; participes passés 2 , indicatif ~ subjonctif 1 ; indicatif ~ subjonctif 2 ; subjonctif ~ infinitif ; Breaking the French Barrier : Leçon 8 ; quiz - mots-croisés
19 jeudi 29 oct 15 Révision : la comparaison ; projet ; la négation, exercice interactif 1, exercice interactif 2 , exercice interactif 3, exercice interactif 4 ; Rédaction 3 due

20 mardi 03 nov 15 Breaking the French Barrier : Leçon 9 : les adjectifs , interactivité ; le français des affaires ; article défini ; Rédaction 4: exprimer une opinion ; concordance ; Pronoms : démonstratifs, possessifs, plus relatifs ; pronoms chez Balzac ; quizzes Leçons 7 et 8
21 jeudi 05 nov 15 Traitement de textes : Fichier 6 : Exprimer une opinion ; Breaking the French Barrier: Leçon 10 ; corrigé du quiz 7-1, du quiz 7-2, du quiz 8.1

22 mardi 10 nov 15 Révision rapide des adjectifs : interactivité ; les temps grammaticaux - approfondissement 1; corrigé du quiz 9-1 ; interactivité - pronoms ; Rédaction 4 due (date préliminaire) ; le projet - explications ; bb10erreurs à corriger
23 jeudi 12 nov 15 Les temps grammaticaux - approfondissement 2 ; Breaking the French Barrier: Leçon 9 Révision A. 3. (devoirs du 3 novembre) ; adjectifs - Balzac ; le projet - explications ; adjectifs qui changent de sens

24 mardi 17 nov 15 Breaking the French Barrier : Leçon 11 ; quelques interactivités supplémentaires: pronoms possessifs et démonstratifs 1, 2 ; Rédaction 4 due ; le projet - explications
25 jeudi 19 nov 15 les temps grammaticaux : approfondissement, niveau un ; ACTFL

26 mardi 24 nov 15 Projet due ; Breaking the French Barrier: Leçon 11 ; le projet - explications (suite) ; corrigé du quiz 10.1 ; December 4 - Roster freeze

              25 nov - 27 nov Thanksgiving break

27 mardi 01 déc 15 Breaking the French Barrier: Leçon 12 ; le projet - explications (dernière session) ; les temps grammaticaux - approfondissement 3 ; forme finale de votre projet individuel

28 jeudi 03 déc 15 Breaking the French Barrier: Un contrôle final [265-67] ; Breaking the French Barrier: Leçon 12 : les interactivités ; la négation ; les temps grammaticaux : approfondissement ; Révision: wiki ; la négation encore? et encore ; le présent et le temps encore

10 déc 15 Final Exam - format 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Changes to the foregoing may be deemed necessary by the instructor. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain the most recent iteration of the syllabus either as posted on the instructor's web page or as made available in the classroom.
Course Grade | Quizzes and Assignments | Rédactions  | Projet | Final Exam | Midterm Eval of Course
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