exercices de grammaire : la négation

Translate, using multiple negative particles in the proper order.
1. Paul never comes any more. .
2. Paul does not have only one son; he has two. ; .
3. Actually, no one ever arrives on time, including Paul! En réalité, , y compris Paul.
4. Nothing is ever finished according to Paul. selon Paul.
5. Paul hardly knows any longer who he can count on. sur qui il peut compter.
6. At the end of the conversation, Paul never added anything.À la fin de la conversation, .
7. Paul's friends have never done anything for him.Les amis de Paul .
8. As for Paul's belongings, there isn't anything left (remaining) any more.Quant aux effets de Paul, .
9. Paul's diploma is not worth a thing any more!Le diplôme de Paul !
10. Paul hardly understands anything any longer. .
11. Paul never forgets a thing! !
12. Nothing will ever change any more; we're stuck! ; on est coincé !