of Michael Kallstrom
Department of Music
Western Kentucky University
Bowling Green, KY 42101-1029
Scroll to the bottom of the page for the
Fundamentals of Music
packet and other links.
Click on this link if you think you want to major in music!!
You may download and print the following .pdf files:
Theory Notes (blank page)
Blank 10 stave music manuscript paper (New! With wider spaced lines!)
Blank 12 stave music manuscript paper
MUS 500 Theory Seminar
MUS 100
Click here for the online homework. Due Friday, Sept. 17.
Click here for the online homework. Due Friday, Sept. 24
Click here for the online homework. Due Friday, Oct. 1
Click here for the online homework. Due Friday, Oct. 15
Click here for the online homework. Due Monday, Nov.1
Click here for the online homework. Due Friday, Nov. 5
MUS 101
MUS 200
Click here for the analysis questions.
MUS 201
MUS 407 Orchestration
MUS 405 Choral Arranging
MUS 500 Theory Seminar
MUS 201 Sonatina files
MUS 201 sonatina-1st theme and transition
MUS 201 sonatina-2nd theme and closing
MUS 201 sonatina-development section
MUS 201 sonatina-recap
Download this .pdf file for a three-page, quick review of music theory:
music theory quick facts
This link will take you to a very good website for fundamentals. There are lessons and practice sessions.
You can download this program to use without going online here:
(theory packet for entering freshmen - click on each topic to download the pdf file)
1. Clef and Pitch Names
2. Pitch Worksheet
3. Accidentals, Half steps and Whole Steps
4. Half Steps and Whole Steps Worksheet
5. Major Key Signatures
6. Minor Key Signatures
7. Key Signatures Worksheet
8. Spelling Major Scales
9. Spelling Major Scales - part 2
10. Major Scales in Treble Clef
11. Major Scales in Bass Clef
12. Spelling Minor Scales
13. Spelling Minor Scales- part 2
14. Natural Minor Scales in Treble Clef
15. Natural Minor Scales in Bass Clef
16. Harmonic Minor Scales in Treble Clef
17. Harmonic Minor Scales in Bass Clef
18. Melodic Minor Scales in Treble Clef
19. Melodic Minor Scales in Bass Clef
20. Scales Worksheet
21. Spelling Intervals
22. Intervals Worksheet
23. Spelling Triads
24. Major Triads in Treble Clef
25. Triads Worksheet
26. Rhythm and Duration
27. Rhythm and Duration Worksheet
28. Meter
29. Meter Worksheet
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