COURSE SYLLABUS:-- MATH 117-001  |  Trigonometry |       3 hrs
Course Schedule:--  Spring 2014    |      M/W/F Sections      |    COHH 3117

 Professor:      Dr. Barksdale
Office Data:    COHH 4111 / Campus phone: 745-6215
Office Hours:   Monday / Wednesday / Friday:  07:15 - 07:55   &  09:15 - 10:15  
                       Other times by  Appointment or Capture

TEXT:  Trigonometry, 10th Edition , by Lial .

CLASS ATTENDANCE:  Students are expected to be punctual in attending each and every class meeting (in full) as scheduled. The policy regarding absences is as follows: (a)--[ University Attendance Policy (page 336) 2011-2012 Undergraduate Catalog)]: “ Regular classroom attendance is expected of all students. Although role may not be taken, grades are based on the performance of assigned work and this may include class participation and attendance.” (b)--In this class: EIGHT (08) ABSENCES will constitute EXCESSIVE ABSENTEEISM. ( NOTE:  At most TWO ABSENCES will be EXCUSED).  (c)--Each time a student accumulates a block of three (3) absences ‑‑ REGARDLESS OF THE REASONS ‑‑ an Attendance Report shall be filed; such REPORTS remain in the student’s PERMANENT FILE. (d)--Habitual tardiness WILL NOT BE TOLERATED [see Item-(a), above].  (e) In THIS COURSE: -- EXCESSIVE ABSENCES may result in At Least One LETTER GRADE REDUCTION when assigning the FINAL COURSE GRADE. (f)--Credit for a course in which a grade of "F" has been received can be earned only by repeating the course in residence unless prior approval is given by the head of the department in which the course was taken.

HOUR EXAMS:  FOUR 100-point exams are planned for this course.  These will be given approximately 4 weeks apart.  (NOTE:  In the unlikely event that only three exams are given, the final course grades will be based on these three one-hour exams); FINAL EXAM:  the LAST 100-point exam will serve as the FINAL, and will be given during the final exam period.  It will be a comprehensive exam.

MAKE-UP EXAM POLICY:  (a)--Unexcused absence: NO make-up will be given; and, a score of "0" will be recorded; (b)--Excused absence: an ALTERNATE EXAM PAPER ( not the same exam) must be completed and submitted by the student immediately following the scheduled exam date.

GRADING SCALE:       A = 90's or 100               C = 70's 
                                         B = 80's                           D = 50's or 60's               F = Below 50

COURSE DESCRIPTION:  Prerequisites ‑‑ Four years of high school mathematics including Algebra I and II and geometry, and satisfactory score on Math Placement Exam; or MATH 116 with a grade of C or better: -- Unit circle; trigonometric functions and graphs; trigonometric identities and equations; right triangle trigonometry; laws of sines and cosines; DeMoivre's Theorem; vectors and applications of trigonometry. (Graphing calculator required.)

GRAPHING CALCULATOR REQUIRED:  Some USE & APPLICATION of a TI‑82; 83; or 84 graphing calculator will be presented in class. Students will be expected to use one such TI to solve exercises from classroom examples & homework ONLY; Calculators CAN NOT BE USED during CLASS EXAMINATIONS!!! No instruction for other calculators will be provided..

CAUTION:  Your final course grade in this course is based ENTIRELY and ONLY on the results of the four 100-point exams mentioned above.  There is ABSOLUTELY NO OTHER WAY to earn points!!!

SPECIAL NOTE:  enjoy Enjoy ENjoy ENJoy ENJOy ENJOY ENJOY Mathematics !!!

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Excursion Titles and HyperLINK Connections





05 --  p-BINOMIAL SEQUENCES (Composition-01)


06(b) --  ... p-BINOMIAL SEQUENCES  ADDENDUM:  Additional Models



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