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Alfred Russel Wallace : Alfred Wallace : A. R. Wallace:
Russel Wallace : Alfred Russell Wallace (sic)

A Wallace Thesaurus

Following is a thesaurus of terms in one way or another connected with Wallace. These may be used as an aid to searching the site. The main thesaurus sections are:

Particular Places, & Races of People
Organizations and Institutions
Books & Serials Written or Written in, or Referred to; Publishers
Particular Animals & Plants
Natural Sciences
Spiritualism & Other Paranormal/Occult Subjects
Human, Social, and Economic Studies

Note that an index of persons mentioned in Wallace's writings is available here, and that a general subject index to Wallace's writings is available here. Also note that I make no claim of having rounded up in the following list all terms that might be used in Wallace studies; consider the list a starting point only!

Particular Places, & Races of People

    British Isles
    South America
    North & Middle America

British Isles  

Barking ---- Bath ---- Bedford Canal ---- Bedfordshire ---- Bournemouth ---- Brighton ---- British Isles ---- Broadstone ---- Cambridge ---- Croydon ---- Dorking ---- Dorset ---- Dundee ---- Edinburgh ---- England ---- Epping Forest ---- Essex ---- Exeter ---- Glasgow ---- Gloucester ---- Godalming ---- Grays ---- Great Britain ---- Gwent ---- Hereford ---- Hertford ---- Ireland ---- Kent's Cavern ---- Kington ---- Leicester ---- Liverpool ---- London ---- Manchester (England) ---- Monmouthshire ---- Neath ---- New Forest ---- New Lanark ---- Newcastle-upon-Tyne ---- North Wales ---- Nottingham ---- Oxford ---- Parkstone ---- Portsmouth ---- Ralahine ---- Scotland ---- South Wales ---- United Kingdom ---- Usk ---- Wales ---- Welsh ---- Wimborne


Amboyna ---- Arru / Arru Islands / Aru / Aru Islands ---- Australia / Australian ---- Australian aborigine ---- Australian race ---- Bali ---- Batavia ---- Batchian ---- Borneo ---- Bouru ---- Celebes ---- Ceram ---- Chatham Islands ---- Chinese ---- Dobbo ---- Dorey ---- Dutch ---- Dyak ---- Eastern Archipelago ---- Far East ---- Flores ---- Gilolo ---- Goram ---- Indonesia / Indonesian ---- Ké / Ke ---- Lombock / Lombok ---- Macassar ---- Malacca ---- Malay Archipelago ---- Malay Peninsula ---- Malaya ---- Malayan Region ---- Malays ---- Moluccas ---- Mount Ophir ---- Mysol / Mysool ---- New Guinea ---- New South Wales ---- New Zealand ---- Northern Celebes ---- Papuan ---- Philippines ---- Polynesia / Polynesian ---- Sadong River ---- Salwatty ---- Sarawak ---- Si Munjon Coal Works ---- Singapore ---- Solomon Islands ---- Sula Islands ---- Sulawesi ---- Sumatra ---- Sunda Shelf ---- Tasmania ---- Ternate ---- Timor ---- Waigiou ---- Wallace Line / Wallace's Line ---- Wamma

South America 

Amazon / Amazon Valley / Amazonia ---- Amazon Indians ---- America ---- Andes ---- Barra do Rio Negro ---- Belém ---- Brasil / Brazil ---- Chile / Chilian ---- La Plata ---- Manaus ---- Pará ---- Peru ---- Rio Negro ---- Santarem ---- South America ---- Uaupes / Uaupés

North & Middle America 

America ---- Baltimore ---- Boston ---- California ---- Canada ---- Chicago ---- Cincinnati ---- Colorado ---- Columbia River ---- Cuba ---- John Day River ---- Denver ---- Kansas ---- Kingston ---- Massachusetts ---- Nearctic / Neoarctic ---- New Haven ---- New York ---- Nicaragua ---- North America ---- Ontario ---- Oregon ---- Philadelphia ---- Rocky Mountains ---- San Francisco ---- Sierra Nevada ---- Sioux City ---- Stockton ---- Toronto ---- United States ---- Vancouver Island ---- Washington, D.C. ---- West Virginia ---- Yosemite Valley


Aar ---- Africa / African ---- Alps ---- Atlantic ---- Atlantic islands ---- Azores ---- Bermuda ---- Boers ---- Bombay ---- Canary Islands / Canaries ---- Capri ---- Chinese ---- Davos ---- Dutch ---- Egypt ---- France ---- Germany ---- India ---- Italy ---- Jews ---- Madagascar ---- Madeira ---- Natal ---- Pacific ---- Palaearctic / Palæarctic / Palearctic ---- Russia ---- Siberia ---- South Africa ---- Switzerland ---- Todas ---- Transvaal


Organizations and Institutions

American Geographical Society ---- Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and / & Ireland ---- Anthropological Society of London ---- Anti-Vaccination League ---- British Association for the Advancement of Science ---- British Museum ---- Church [[the]] ---- Church of England ---- Collegiate School ---- Entomological Society of London ---- Ethnological Society of London ---- Harvard University ---- House of Commons ---- House of Lords ---- Kington Mechanic's Institution ---- Land Nationalisation Society / Land Nationalization Society ---- Linnean Society of London ---- London Dialectical Society ---- London Spiritualist Alliance ---- Lowell Institute ---- Museum of Comparative Zoology ---- National Academy of Sciences (U.S.A.) ---- National Church ---- Natural History Museum (London) ---- Neath Mechanics Institute ---- New Lanark ---- Parliament ---- Ralahine ---- Royal Commission ---- Royal Entomological Society ---- Royal Geographical Society ---- Royal Institution ---- Smithsonian Institution ---- Society for Psychical Research ---- Stanford University ---- Upper Chamber ---- Westminster Abbey ---- Zoological Society of London


Books & Serials Written or Written in, or Referred to; Publishers

   Monographic Works by Wallace
    Selected Serial Titles Wallace Published In or Wrote About

    Publishers Wallace Dealt With
    Significant Books Wallace Reviewed, Cited, or Discussed

Monographic Works by Wallace

A Narrative of Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro / Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro ---- Australasia ---- Bad Times ---- Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection ---- Darwinism ---- Fishes of the Rio Negro ---- Forty-five Years of Registration Statistics, Proving Vaccination to Be Both Useless and Dangerous ---- How Land Nationalisation Will Benefit Householders, Labourers, and Mechanics ---- How to Experiment in Land Nationalisation ---- Is Mars Habitable? ---- Island Life ---- Land Nationalisation; Its Necessity and Its Aims ---- Man's Place in the Universe ---- Miracles and Modern Spiritualism / On Miracles and Modern Spiritualism ---- My Life ---- Natural Selection and Tropical Nature ---- Notes of a Botanist on the Amazon and Andes ---- Palm Trees of the Amazon and Their Uses ---- Social Environment and Moral Progress ---- Studies Scientific and Social ---- The Distribution of Life, Animal and Vegetable, in Space and Time ---- The Geographical Distribution of Animals ---- The Malay Archipelago ---- The Revolt of Democracy ---- The Scientific Aspect of the Supernatural ---- The Wonderful Century / The Wonderful Century Reader ---- The World of Life ---- Tropical Nature, and Other Essays ---- Vaccination a Delusion

Selected Serial Titles Wallace Published In or Wrote About

Academy ---- American Naturalist ---- Annals and Magazine of Natural History ---- Anthropological Review ---- Arena (Boston) ---- Athenaeum / Athenæum ---- Banner of Light ---- Borderland ---- British Quarterly ---- Chambers's Journal ---- Contemporary Review ---- Eclectic Magazine ---- Encyclopædia Britannica ---- English Mechanic and World of Science ---- Fortnightly Review ---- Golden Gate (San Francisco) ---- Harbinger of Light (Melbourne) ---- Ibis ---- Journal of the Society for Psychical Research ---- La Revue Scientifique ---- Land and Labor / Land and Labour ---- Land Nationalisation Society Tract ---- Light ---- Littell's Living Age ---- Macmillan's Magazine ---- Mark Lane Express ---- Natural History Review ---- Natural Science ---- Nature ---- New York Times ---- Nineteenth Century ---- Popular Science Monthly ---- Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research ---- Public Opinion (London) ---- Quarterly Journal of Science ---- Quarterly Review ---- Reader ---- Religio-Philosophical Journal ---- Report of the Land Nationalisation Society ---- Science ---- Socialist Review ---- Spectator ---- Spiritual Magazine ---- The Christian Commonwealth ---- The Clarion (London) ---- The Daily Chronicle (London) ---- The Daily News (London) ---- The Democrat ---- The Eagle and the Serpent ---- The Echo (London) ---- The Entomologist ---- The Field ---- The Garden ---- The Independent (New York) ---- The Labour Annual ---- The Land Nationaliser ---- The Medium and Daybreak ---- The Nation (New York) ---- The New Age ---- The Spiritual Magazine ---- The Spiritualist ---- The Sun (New York) ---- The Theosophist (Bombay) ---- The Times (London) ---- The Two Worlds (Manchester) ---- The Vaccination Inquirer and Health Review ---- Vaccination Inquirer ---- Zoologist

Publishers Wallace Dealt With

James Burns ---- Cassell & Co. ---- Chapman & Hall ---- Dodd, Mead & Co. ---- Harper & Brothers ---- Macmillan & Co. ---- McClure, Phillips & Co. ---- George Redway ---- W. Reeves ---- Swan Sonnenschein & Co. ---- Edward Stanford ---- Trübner & Co. ---- John Van Voorst ---- Ward, Lock & Co.

Significant Books Wallace Reviewed, Cited, or Discussed 

A History of the Birds of Europe (Sharpe & Dresser) ---- A Naturalist Among the Head-hunters (Woodford) ---- A Naturalist's Wanderings in the Eastern Archipelago (Forbes) ---- A Phrenologist Amongst the Todas (Marshall) ---- A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (Swainson) ---- Advanced Text-book of Physical Geography (Page) ---- An Exposition of Fallacies in the Hypothesis of Mr. Darwin (Bree) ---- Animal Life and Intelligence (Morgan) ---- Animal Sketches (Morgan) ---- Anthropology; An Introduction to the Study of Man and Civilization (Tylor) ---- At Last: A Christmas in the West Indies (Kingsley) ---- Biologia Centrali-Americana ---- Britain's Hope (Sutter) ---- Charles Darwin and the Theory of Natural Selection (Poulton) ---- Chemistry in Its Application to Agriculture and Physiology (von Liebig) ---- Darwinianism: Workmen and Work (Stirling) ---- Darwinism and Design (St. Clair) ---- Degeneration (Lankester) ---- Die Vögels Madagascars (Hartlaub) ---- Elements of Agricultural Chemistry (Davy) ---- Elements of Geology (Lyell) ---- Equality (Bellamy) ---- Essays Upon Heredity and Kindred Biological Problems (Weismann) ---- Études sur les Facultés Mentales des Animaux (Houzeau) ---- Evolution, Old and New (Butler) ---- Evolution and Man's Place in Nature (Calderwood) ---- First Principles (Spencer) ---- Freeland; A Social Anticipation (Hertzka) ---- Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man (Lyell) ---- Habit and Instinct (Morgan) ---- Habit and Intelligence (Murphy) ---- Hereditary Genius (Galton) ---- Histoire des Science et des Savants (Candolle) ---- Idle Days in Patagonia (Hudson) ---- Journal of Researches (Darwin) ---- Justice (Spencer) ---- Les Polynésiens et Leurs Migrations (Quatrefages de Bréau) ---- Lessons From Nature, As Manifested in Mind and Matter (Mivart) ---- Life and Habit (Butler) ---- Looking Backward (Bellamy) ---- Man and Apes (Mivart) ---- Mars and Its Canals (Lowell) ---- Mesmerism, Spiritualism, etc., Historically & Scientifically Considered (Carpenter) ---- Natural History of the Azores (Godman) ---- Nature's Method in the Evolution of Life (Barclay) ---- New Guinea: What I Did and What I Saw (D'Albertis) ---- On the Modification of Organisms (Syme) ---- On the Origin of Species (Darwin) ---- Personal Narrative of Travels (von Humboldt) ---- Physics and Politics (Bagehot) ---- Physics of the Earth's Crust (Fisher) ---- Plurality of Worlds (Whewell) ---- Poverty and the State (Mills) ---- Primitive Culture (Tylor) ---- Principles of Geology (Lyell) ---- Principles of Population (Malthus) ---- Progress and Poverty (George) ---- Psychic Philosophy as the Foundation of a Religion of Natural Law (Desertis) ---- Researches into the Early History of Mankind (Tylor) ---- Scientific Lectures (Lubbock) ---- Social Problems (George) ---- Social Evolution (Kidd) ---- Social Statics (Spencer) ---- Studies in the Theory of Descent (Weismann) ---- Thayer Expedition: Scientific Results of a Journey in Brazil (Hartt) ---- The Anatomy of Misery (Kenworthy) ---- The Ascent of Man (Blind) ---- The Beginnings of Life (Bastian) ---- The Birds of Europe (Sharpe & Dresser) ---- The Claims of Labour ---- The Colour Sense, Its Origin and Development (Allen) ---- The Colours of Animals (Poulton) ---- The Debatable Land Between This World and the Next (Owen) ---- The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex / The Descent of Man (Darwin) ---- The Dispersal of Shells (Kew) ---- The Evolution of Industry (Dyer) ---- The Evolution of Man (Haeckel) ---- The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (Darwin) ---- The Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man (Lyell) ---- The Great Revolution of 1905 (Hayes) ---- The History of Human Marriage (Westermarck) ---- The Intelligence and Perfectibility of Animals (Leroy) ---- The Intelligence of Animals (Purnell) ---- The Modes of Origin of Lowest Organisms (Bastian) ---- The Naturalist in La Plata (Hudson) ---- The Naturalist in Nicaragua (Belt) ---- The New Party Described by Some of Its Members ---- The Object and Method of Zoological Nomenclature (Sharp) ---- The Origin of the Fittest (Cope) ---- The Present Evolution of Man (Reid) ---- The Primary Factors of Organic Evolution (Cope) ---- The Progress of the Century ---- The Races of Man and Their Geographical Distribution (Peschel) ---- The Reign of Law (Duke of Argyll) ---- The Transformations (or Metamorphoses) of Insects (Blanchard) ---- The Wanderings of Plants and Animals From Their First Home (Hehn) ---- Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation (Chambers) ---- Vignettes From Nature (Allen) ---- Vox Clamantium ---- Wanderings in South America (Waterton) ---- Wanderings in the Interior of New Guinea (Lawson) ---- Wealth of Nations (Smith)


Particular Animals & Plants

    Other Vertebrates
    Other Invertebrates


anthropoid ape ---- ape ---- bat ---- cat ---- deer ---- dog ---- mammal ---- Mammalia ---- mias ---- monkey ---- orang / orang-utan / orangutan ---- Pithecus ---- Pongo ---- rabbit ---- Simia ---- tiger


Alcedinidae / Alcedinidæ ---- Astur ---- bird ---- bird of paradise / birds of paradise ---- Buceros ---- Bucerotidae / Bucerotidæ ---- Cephalopterus ---- cockatoos ---- Collocalia ---- Conirostres ---- Corvus ---- cuckoo ---- Dentirostres ---- Fissirostres ---- fruit-pigeon ---- Gracula ---- Great bird of paradise ---- Hirundo ---- hornbill ---- humming bird / hummingbird ---- kingfisher ---- lories ---- Megapodiidae / Megapodiidæ ---- paradise birds ---- Paradisea ---- Paradiseidae / Paradiseidæ ---- parrots ---- Passeres / passerine ---- pigeons ---- Pitta ---- pittas ---- Psittaci ---- Psittacidae / Psittacidæ ---- raptorial bird ---- Scansores ---- Semioptera ---- sun-bird ---- Treron ---- Treronidae ---- Trichoglossinae / Trichoglossinæ ---- Trochilidae / Trochilidæ ---- umbrella bird

Other Vertebrates

electrical eel ---- fish / fishes ---- flatfish ---- Gymnotus ---- horned toad ---- lizard ---- rattlesnake


    Lepidoptera:  butterflies ---- caterpillar ---- Danaidae / Danaidæ ---- Erycinidae / Erycinidæ ---- Heliconidae / Heliconidæ ---- Hesperidae / Hesperidæ ---- Iphias ---- Lepidoptera ---- Leptalis ---- Limenitis ---- Morphidae / Morphidæ ---- moth ---- Ornithoptera ---- Papilio ---- Papilionidae / Papilionidæ ---- Pieridae / Pieridæ ---- swallow-tailed butterflies
    Other Insects:  ant ---- Atractocerus ---- bee ---- beetle ---- Bostrichidae / Bostrichidæ ---- Breyeria ---- Buprestidae / Buprestidæ--- caddis-flies ---- Carabidae / Carabidæ ---- Cetoniidae / Cetoniidæ ---- Coleoptera ---- Ephemeridae / Ephemeridæ ---- Hymenoptera ---- ichneumon fly ---- Ichneumonidae / Ichneumonidæ ---- insect ---- Lomaptera ---- Scolytidae / Scolytidæ--- Trichius fasciatus ---- Trichoptera

Other Invertebrates

annelid ---- invertebrate ---- land shell ---- lower animal ---- lower organism ---- spider ---- worm


bamboo ---- coffee ---- durian ---- fern ---- flowering plant ---- mussoi ---- nutmeg ---- orchid ---- palm ---- pitcher plant ---- redwoods ---- sago ---- Scilla autumnalis ---- Sequoia ---- sequoias ---- Tritoma


Natural Sciences

    Biology-Related (Evolution, Adaptations, Systematics, Collections, etc.)
    Physical Geography, Geology, Glaciology, Atmosphere & Climate
    Astronomy & Exobiology

Biology-Related (Evolution, Adaptations, Systematics, Collections, etc.)

acclimatisation / acclimatization ---- acquired character ---- adaptation ---- adaptive resemblance ---- animal behavior ---- animal color ---- animal intelligence ---- animal life ---- animal remains ---- artificial selection ---- automatism ---- Batesian mimicry ---- beauty ---- bee's cell ---- behavior / behaviour ---- bill ---- binomial classification ---- bio-phosphorescence ---- bird migration ---- birds nests ---- bone cave ---- bones ---- borer ---- botany ---- brain ---- breeding ---- brilliant colors ---- caterpillar ---- character utility ---- character variability ---- classification ---- collecting / collections / collector ---- color / colour ---- color sense ---- color variation ---- color vision ---- coloration / colouration ---- colors of animals / colours of animals ---- colors of plants / colours of plants ---- colour-pattern ---- concealment ---- curves ---- Darwinian / Darwinism ---- dead trees ---- death ---- decay ---- defence / defense ---- degeneracy theory ---- degenerate organs ---- degeneration ---- diet ---- dimorphism ---- discontinuous variation ---- disease ---- display ---- distastefulness ---- divergence ---- divergent evolution ---- diversity ---- eggs ---- emotion ---- entomologist / entomology ---- environment / environmental ---- evolution ---- evolution of man ---- evolutionary ---- extinction ---- extinction of races ---- eye ---- fecundity ---- female choice ---- female selection ---- fertilisation / fertilization ---- floral ---- flower ---- food ---- forces of nature ---- fruit ---- genera / genus ---- genetics ---- geographic / geographical / geography ---- geographical varieties ---- habits ---- hair ---- heat radiation ---- hereditary ---- heredity ---- history of biology ---- history of evolution ---- history of science ---- human brain ---- human evolution ---- hybrid ---- hybridisation / hybridization / hybridism / hybridity ---- hyperselectionism ---- individual variation ---- infertility ---- inheritance ---- inheritance of acquired characters ---- inherited ---- inherited characters ---- inherited feeling ---- insect evolution ---- insect pest ---- instinct ---- intelligence ---- intercrossing ---- intuitional theory ---- is nature cruel ---- isolation ---- Lamarckianism / Lamarckism ---- larva / larvae / larvæ ---- learned behavior ---- life ---- malformation ---- Mendelism ---- mental influence ---- metamorphoses ---- migration ---- migratory bird ---- mimetic resemblance ---- mimicry ---- monogenist ---- mutation ---- mutationism ---- natural arrangement ---- natural history ---- natural history collection ---- natural selection ---- naturalist ---- nature ---- nest ---- nest structure ---- nesting ---- new species ---- nidification ---- nomenclature ---- offspring ---- old age ---- open nest ---- organic change ---- organic evolution ---- organisation ---- origin of human races ---- origin of life ---- origin of Man ---- origin of races ---- origin of species ---- ornithology ---- osteological character ---- pain ---- panmixia ---- parasite ---- perception ---- permanent variety ---- physiological selection ---- physiology ---- plant disease ---- pollination ---- polygenist ---- polymorphism ---- pre-natal influence / prenatal influence ---- preservation ---- primaries ---- priority ---- progeny ---- protective adaptation ---- protective coloration / protective coloring / protective colors / protective colours ---- protective mimicry ---- protective resemblance ---- protoplasm ---- races ---- racial differentiation ---- recognition mark ---- reproductive isolation ---- rudimentary organ ---- science ---- scientist ---- seasonal form ---- segmented ---- sense ---- sense organ ---- sex ---- sexual character ---- sexual differences ---- sexual selection ---- skull ---- speciation ---- species ---- specific character ---- spirals ---- sterility ---- struggle for existence ---- survival of the fittest ---- survival value ---- symmetrical patterns ---- systematics ---- tail ---- taste ---- taxonomy ---- temperature ---- Ternate essay ---- transformation ---- unsymmetrical marking ---- utility ---- variation ---- varieties ---- Wallace effect ---- warning color / warning colour ---- wood ---- zoological nomenclature ---- zoological relations ---- zoology ---- zymotic disease


acclimatisation / acclimatization ---- arctic ---- barrier ---- biogeographic / biogeography ---- biogeographic region ---- bird migration ---- bone-cave ---- botanical geography ---- comparative richness ---- corridor dispersal ---- disjunct distribution ---- dispersal ---- distribution / distribution pattern ---- diversity ---- environment ---- environmental determinism ---- equatorial vegetation ---- equatorial zone ---- extinction ---- fauna / faunal ---- faunal realm ---- faunal region ---- faunal richness ---- faunal similarity ---- flora / floral ---- forces of nature ---- geographical / geography ---- geographical distribution ---- geographical varieties ---- insular fauna ---- island biogeography ---- island fauna ---- isolation ---- land bridge ---- latitudinal diversity gradient ---- migration ---- natural history ---- nature ---- phytogeography ---- reproductive isolation ---- riverine barrier ---- Sarawak essay / Sarawak Law ---- seeds ---- similarity measure ---- temperate forest ---- temperature ---- tropical / tropics ---- tropical faunas ---- tropical forest ---- tropical vegetation ---- tropical zoology ---- wind ---- zoogeographic region ---- zoogeography ---- zoological geography ---- zoological realm ---- zoological region

Physical Geography, Geology, Glaciology, Atmosphere & Climate

    Physical Geography (other than Glaciology):  arctic ---- barrier ---- blackwater river ---- denudation ---- desert ---- Earth's surface ---- erosion ---- erosion rate ---- forces of nature ---- hog-wallow ---- ice cap ---- inaccessible valley ---- lake basin ---- land bridge ---- oases ---- physical geography ---- polar cap ---- riverine barrier ---- tropical region ---- valley lakes
    Geology / Paleontology / Geodesy:  age of the earth ---- ancient continental island ---- Carboniferous ---- catastrophes ---- Catastrophism ---- cave-deposit ---- classification of islands ---- coal ---- continental island ---- Earth ---- Earth's age ---- formation of mountains ---- fossil ---- geological / geology ---- geological climate ---- geological time ---- island ---- land bridge ---- mineral ---- molten globe ---- mountain ---- ocean basin / oceanic basin ---- oceanic island ---- permanence of continents ---- Pleistocene ---- Quaternary ---- recent continental islands ---- sediment ---- sedimentary rocks ---- strata ---- uniformitarian / uniformitarianism ---- volcanoes
    Glaciology:  alpine glaciation ---- alpine lake ---- boulder ---- Earth's eccentricity ---- Earth's orbit ---- eccentricity / excentricity ---- erratic block ---- excavation ---- excentricity ---- glacial drift ---- glacial epoch ---- glacial erosion ---- glacial lake ---- glacial motion ---- glacial movement ---- Glacial Period ---- glacial theory ---- glaciated area ---- glaciation ---- glacier ---- glaciology ---- grooved rock ---- ice cap ---- ice erosion ---- ice marks ---- ice movement ---- ice-sheet ---- Ice Age ---- inaccessible valley ---- lake basin ---- moraine ---- Pleistocene ---- polar caps ---- precession ---- Quaternary ---- recent glaciation ---- valley lake
    Atmosphere, Climate & Oceans:  atmosphere ---- carbon dioxide ---- climate ---- condensation ---- dust ---- geological climates ---- heat radiation ---- internal soliton wave ---- monsoon ---- ocean ---- ocean circulation ---- ocean current ---- oceanography ---- permanence of oceans ---- precipitation ---- temperature ---- tropical climate ---- warm polar climate ---- wind
    Geodesy & Earth's Orbit:  convexity of water ---- Earth's eccentricity ---- Earth's orbit ---- eccentricity ---- excentricity ---- geodesy ---- latitude ---- longitude ---- map ---- meridian ---- model of the Earth ---- precession ---- spheroid ---- surveying

Astronomy & Exobiology

anthropic principle ---- astronomy ---- atmosphere ---- canals [[Mars]] ---- carbon dioxide ---- center of the Universe ---- climate ---- cosmology ---- craterlet ---- Double Drift theory ---- dust ---- Earth's orbit ---- eccentricity ---- excentricity ---- exobiology ---- extraterrestrial life ---- heat radiation ---- life on other planets ---- Mars / Martian ---- Milky Way ---- Moon ---- other worlds ---- planet / planetary ---- plurality of worlds ---- polar caps ---- precession ---- proper motion ---- solar ---- star ---- star motions ---- Sun ---- universe


Spiritualism & Other Paranormal/Occult Subjects

animal magnetism ---- apparition ---- astrological / astrology ---- automatic writing ---- Banner of Light ---- Bigfoot ---- Borderland ---- clairvoyance / clairvoyant ---- conjuring / conjuror ---- dead [[the]] ---- death ---- divining rod ---- double ---- dowser ---- expectant attention ---- flat earth ---- ghost ---- Great Pyramid ---- Harbinger of Light ---- hypnotism ---- immortality ---- levitation ---- life after life ---- materialisation ---- medium / mediumship ---- mesmeric / mesmerism / mesmerist ---- Mesmerism, Spiritualism, etc., Historically & Scientifically Considered ---- miracle ---- Miracles and Modern Spiritualism / On Miracles and Modern Spiritualism ---- mortality ---- paranormal ---- phantasm ---- phrenology ---- premonition ---- Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research ---- psychic / psychical ---- Psychic Philosophy as the Foundation of a Religion of Natural Law ---- Psychical Congress ---- psychical phenomena ---- psychical research ---- psychography ---- psychological phenomena ---- radiometer ---- reincarnation ---- Religio-Philosophical Journal ---- Sasquatch ---- séance / seance ---- second self ---- slate-writing ---- Society for Psychical Research ---- spirit ---- spirit manifestation ---- spirit photograph / spirit-photograph / spirit photography ---- spiritism ---- Spiritual Magazine ---- spiritual phenomena / spiritualistic phenomena ---- spiritualism ---- spiritualist ---- spiritualist medium ---- spiritualistic manifestation ---- spiritualistic test ---- supernatural ---- superstition ---- telepathy / telepathic ---- The Ascent of Man ---- The Debatable Land Between This World and the Next ---- The Medium and Daybreak ---- The Spiritual Magazine ---- The Spiritualist ---- The Theosophist ---- The Two Worlds ---- theosophy ---- trance ---- trance speaking ---- witchcraft ---- witches


Human, Social, and Economic Studies

    Anthropology & Sociology
    Psychology, Religion, Philosophy, Ethics, Metaphysics
    Institutional Reform, Politics, Labor, Militarism
    Land Reform
    Economics & Trade
    Education & Museology

Anthropology & Sociology

aborigines ---- altruism ---- ancient civilizations ---- ancient sculptures ---- anthropology ---- antiquity of Man ---- archaeology / archæology / archeology ---- bones ---- Caucasian ---- civilisation / civilization ---- culture ---- customs ---- degeneracy ---- degeneration ---- domesticated animal ---- domestication ---- early man ---- equality of opportunity ---- ethnography ---- ethnology ---- eugenics ---- evolution of man ---- flint implement ---- future of society ---- Great Pyramid ---- hair ---- head-hunter/head-hunting ---- hereditary ---- heredity ---- human bones ---- human brain ---- human evolution ---- human progress ---- human remains ---- human selection ---- hunting ---- implement ---- Indians ---- justice ---- language ---- lower race ---- Man ---- mankind ---- marriage ---- missionaries ---- monogenist ---- mouth-gesture ---- mythology ---- native population ---- Negro ---- origin of human races ---- origin of language ---- origin of Man ---- origin of morals ---- origin of races ---- Palaeolithic / Palæolithic / Paleolithic ---- phrenology ---- polygenist ---- population increase ---- pre-historic ---- race ---- racial ---- racial differentiation ---- racial origin ---- rural ---- savage ---- sculptured anthropoid ape head ---- shell heap ---- skull ---- Social Darwinism ---- social evolution ---- social justice ---- social theory ---- sociology ---- speech ---- stone carving ---- superstition ---- white men

Psychology, Religion, Philosophy, Ethics, Metaphysics

altruism ---- anthropic principle ---- automatism ---- beauty ---- behavior / behaviour ---- brain ---- character ---- character improvement ---- charity ---- Christian / Christianity ---- clergy / clergymen ---- consciousness ---- Creationism ---- cruelty in nature ---- curves ---- death penalty ---- Design ---- disendowment ---- disestablishment ---- divine ---- emotion ---- equality of opportunity ---- evil ---- faith ---- genius ---- God ---- human brain ---- human character ---- human intellect ---- human nature ---- immortality ---- individualism ---- inherited feeling ---- intelligence ---- intuitional theory ---- justice ---- learned behavior ---- mental influence ---- mental phenomena ---- metakinesis ---- might makes right ---- mind ---- missionary ---- moral degradation ---- moral intuition ---- moral life ---- moral progress ---- moral teaching ---- morality ---- mortality ---- natural law ---- naturalism ---- pain ---- peace ---- perception ---- philosophy ---- physiological psychology ---- plurality of worlds ---- progress ---- psychological ---- psychology ---- religion ---- sabbatarian ---- sabbath / sabbath-day ---- second self ---- skepticism / scepticism ---- social justice ---- soul ---- subliminal self ---- Sunday ---- teleological / teleology ---- theism / theistic ---- theology ---- varied knowledge ---- what is life

Institutional Reform, Politics, Labor, Militarism

    Social Institutions & Reform:  adulteration ---- annuities ---- capital punishment ---- capitalism ---- capitalist ---- charity ---- cooperative / co-operative ---- crime ---- death penalty ---- disendowment ---- disease ---- disestablishment ---- equality of opportunity ---- eugenics ---- flogging ---- health ---- hunger ---- inheritance ---- inherited ---- inherited wealth ---- insurance ---- justice ---- luxuries ---- mechanics institute / mechanics institution ---- millionaire ---- moral degradation ---- moral progress ---- nationalisation / nationalization ---- old age ---- peerage ---- personal suffrage ---- population increase ---- poverty ---- prices ---- progress ---- public opinion ---- punishment ---- railroad / railway ---- reform ---- social advance ---- social criticism ---- social duty ---- social economy ---- social environment ---- social evolution ---- social justice ---- social problems ---- social progress ---- social reform ---- Social Darwinism ---- socialism ---- socialist ---- societal evolution ---- starvation ---- taxation ---- taxes ---- trusts ---- vivisection -- volunteer ---- voting reform ---- wealth ---- wills ---- woman / women
    Government, Politics & Voting:  ballot ---- capitalism ---- democracy ---- despotism ---- disendowment ---- disestablishment ---- government aid ---- government ---- Home Rule ---- Insurance Act ---- justice ---- law ---- legislator ---- Liberal Agenda ---- Lords ---- politics ---- public ---- public responsibility ---- self-government ---- social justice ---- socialism ---- socialist government ---- State function ---- suffrage ---- voting ---- voting reform ---- women's suffrage
    Labor:  employee buyout ---- equality of opportunity ---- labor / labour ---- laborer / labourer ---- mechanic ---- minimum wage ---- quarrymen ---- strike ---- unemployed / unemployment ---- union ---- wage ---- worker
    Militarism & Imperialism:  aerial fleet ---- batteries [[shore defenses]] ---- Boer War ---- causes of war ---- colonial government ---- colonial rule ---- colonialism ---- colonies ---- colonisation ---- defence / defense ---- explosives ---- flying machine ---- gunpowder ---- imperialism ---- might makes right ---- militarism ---- military ---- peace ---- Transvaal War ---- war ---- war expenditure ---- warfare ---- warship

Land Reform

agricultural economics ---- annuities ---- co-operative farming ---- coal ---- commons ---- commons enclosure ---- compensation ---- compensation to landlords ---- cooperative / co-operative ---- depopulation ---- dispossession ---- enclosure ---- fair rent ---- fair value ---- farmer ---- freeholder ---- Garden City ---- ground rent ---- Highland clearances ---- householder ---- inherit ---- Irish land problem ---- land ---- land assessment ---- land economics ---- land nationalisation / land nationalization ---- Land Nationalisation Society ---- land nationaliser ---- land ownership ---- land reform ---- land tenancy ---- land tenure ---- land use ---- landlord ---- landlordism ---- mineral ---- occupying ownership ---- peasant-proprietorship / peasant proprietorship ---- plantation ---- president's address / presidential address ---- property ---- re-occupation ---- rent ---- renter ---- rural ---- rural depopulation ---- small holdings ---- State-tenant ---- tenant ---- tenant right ---- tenure ---- terminable annuities


anti-vaccination ---- Anti-Vaccination Congress ---- death rate ---- disease ---- epidemic ---- epidemiology ---- health ---- mortality ---- mortality rate ---- registration statistics ---- small-pox / smallpox ---- small-pox mortality ---- statistics ---- Strenuous Policy ---- vaccination ---- The Vaccination Inquirer and Health Review ---- Vaccination Inquirer ---- vaccine ---- zymotic disease

Economics & Trade

agricultural economics ---- annuity ---- bonds ---- bounty ---- capital [[money]] ---- capitalism ---- capitalist ---- coal ---- commerce ---- cooperative / co-operative ---- credit ---- currency stabilization ---- depression ---- dollar ---- duty [[trade]] ---- economics ---- employee buyout ---- export ---- foreign loan ---- foreign trade ---- free trade ---- import ---- industrial remuneration ---- Industrial Remuneration Conference ---- interest [[money]] ---- interest-bearing ---- land economics ---- mineral ---- minimum wage ---- money ---- monopoly of money ---- paper currency ---- paper money ---- paper money standard ---- political economy ---- public money ---- reciprocity ---- social economy ---- speculation ---- statistics ---- tariff ---- tax / taxation ---- terminable annuity ---- terminable rental ---- trade ---- trust ---- wages

Education & Museology

display ---- education ---- history of biology ---- history of evolution ---- history of science ---- mechanics institute / mechanics institution ---- museum ---- natural history museum ---- specimen ---- specimen case ---- teaching ---- wall-case



art ---- atom ---- book review ---- canal ---- centenary ---- Copley Medal ---- correspondence ---- Darwin-Wallace Centenary ---- Darwin-Wallace Medal ---- exploration ---- explorer ---- flat earth ---- Founder's Medal ---- gardening ---- Helen [[ship]] ---- hunting ---- Leonaine / Leonainie ---- letter ---- obituary ---- Order of Merit ---- poem / poetry ---- prahuw ---- Preface ---- railroad / railway ---- scientist ---- ship fire ---- shipbuilding ---- statistics ---- surveying ---- travel narrative ---- vivisection



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