Russel Wallace : Alfred Wallace : A. R. Wallace :
Russel Wallace : Alfred Russell Wallace (sic)
Paraffin Moulds of Spirit Hands (S408a: 1888)
Editor Charles H. Smith's Note: On page 300 of the 23 June 1888 issue of Light (London)
Wallace introduces a long communication by Darius Lyman describing a series of seances that
had been held some years earlier in Washington, D.C. To link directly to this page, connect with:
We have received from Mr. Alfred Russel Wallace the following letter, with the subjoined
communication from Mr. Darius Lyman. Mr. Lyman is personally known to us as a most able
man and competent observer. We need not recall the fact that the mediums here referred to left
London with a tarnished reputation. Mr. Lyman's testimony goes to show that our contention is
true, viz., that genuine phenomena may be obtained through genuine mediumship, although that
gift may have been prostituted and abused:--
Sir,--The accompanying narrative of the production of paraffin moulds of hands under
conditions that appear to preclude all possibility of deception, and with the excellent test of
weighing the paraffin before and after the experiment, has been sent me by Mr. Darius Lyman, of
Washington, a gentleman who has been acquainted with Spiritual phenomena for more than forty
years, and is a thoroughly well-informed and intelligent investigator.
The production of characteristic and recognisable materialised forms in a small American
farm-house, every part of which was open to investigation, is equally remarkable.
[[followed by Lyman's communication, titled "Paraffin Moulds Obtained Through Alleged
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