Alfred Russel Wallace : Alfred Wallace : A. R. Wallace :
Russel Wallace : Alfred Russell Wallace (sic)
Climates of Vancouver Island and Bournemouth
(S333: 1880)
Editor Charles H. Smith's Note: A letter to the Editor printed on page 169 of the Nature issue of
23 December 1880. To link directly to this page, connect with:
I think it very probable that your correspondent Capt. Verney is right about the climate of
Vancouver's Island. My only sources of information were maps of isothermals in Keith
Johnston's and Phillips' Atlases, which show the mean temperature about the same as that of the
south of England, while the winter temperature is shown as being decidedly colder, and it was to
this I more especially referred. The mainland of British Columbia is undoubtedly colder than that
of Western Europe, but Vancouver's Island itself and the adjacent sea may be really milder; and
if so it is another proof of the great power of the returning Japan current.
I shall be very glad of Prof. Haughton's criticisms on my hypothesis; and in the mean time
will only say: 1. That unless Bournemouth is never cooled by north and north-east winds, any
amelioration of the climate of the Polar regions would certainly benefit it. 2. That as by my
hypothesis the entrance of two new gulf-streams into the Arctic Ocean would entirely prevent the
formation of ice; the return currents that would undoubtedly be produced would not be cold
currents in the sense in which they are now, as they would probably be always considerably
above the freezing point.
Alfred R. Wallace.
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