Ámbitos Feministas
Revista crítica multidisciplinar anual de la coalición Feministas Unidas Inc.

Ámbitos Feministas
Ámbitos Feministas is the official journal of the coalition Feministas Unidas, and is an annual, peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal of criticism that is relevant to all fields of study related to Transatlantic Gender Gaze, Women’s Studies, and current feminist issues in Spanish, Spanish-American, Luso-Brazilian, Afro-Latin American, and US Hispanic-Latinx Studiess.
The journal is supported by an editorial board and an advisory board whose members have been selected for their highly regarded scholarship and their representation of different areas of the journal, as well as their prominence as writers, activists, and artists. Ámbitos Feministas aims to foster critical exchanges on the current status of feminist, gender, sexualities, and women's studies in the Transatlantic Global Hispanic World. 2017-2024)
Editor: Ana Isabel Simón Alegre (Adelphi University) 2023-present
Past Editors:
Carmen Urioste-Azcorra (Arizona State University) 2017-2023
Inmaculada Pertusa (Western kentucky University) 2011-2017
Editorial Board: Debra Castillo (Cornell University), Ana Corbalán (The University of Alabama), Amy Kaminsky (University of Minnesota), Kathleen McNerney (West Virginia University), Marielena Olivera (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), Inmaculada Pertusa (Western Kentucky University), María Rey López (Metropolitan State University of Denver), Ana Rueda (University of Kentucky; writer), Cynthia Tompkins (Arizona State University), and Carmen de Urioste (Arizona State University).
Advisory Board: Gloria Fortún (tescritora-poeta-traductora-activista), Emily E. Frankel (Santa Clara University), Emily Hind (University of Florida), Teresa Irene (artista), Elena Lindholm (Umeå Universitet), Ana I. Simón Alegre (Adelphi University; Editor), Nuria Torres (Universidad de Almería), and Karina Miccio Walker (Hartwick College).
Cover Design:The Mexican artist Teresa Irene designed the current cover of Ámbitos Feministas titled Reinicios (2022).
Design and Layout: Roberto Torres Blanco
Call for Papers Ámbitos Feministas Spring 2025 Issue XIII
The editors of Ámbitos Feministas invite original and unpublished contributions in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, including essays, translations, creative writing (such as poetry and short stories), book reviews, miscellanea, and artistic creations in the fields of Gender, Queer and Sexualities Studies, Cultural and Film Studies with Gender Gaze, Pedagogy DEIB, Feminist, and Women Studies. Ámbitos Feministas welcomes proposals for special issues. Submissions are encouraged from diverse perspectives and disciplines, with a particular emphasis on the transatlantic perspective of Latin American, Caribbean, Iberian Peninsula, African, Asian, United States, Philippines, and Indigenous studies. Ámbitos Feministas accepts essays at any time, but to be considered for the next spring issue, submissions must be received by November 30. (Ámbitos Feministas CFP English CFP Spanish)
Editorial Guidelines for Submissions: To ensure that your work aligns with the journal’s scope and mission, Ámbitos Feministas recommend reviewing the “Editorial Guidelines (English-Spanish)” carefully, and your submission meet the following general requirements:
a. All authors in all sections must have a current membership to the coalition Feministas Unidas Inc. This can be obtained through PayPal Checkout and must be maintained throughout the submission and publishing process.
b. By submitting your work, you confirm that it is original and complies with our “Editorial Guidelines (English-Spanish).” You declare that the work has not been previously published and is not currently under consideration for publication or any other award. Ámbitos Feministas does not consider multiple, concurrent submissions by the same author.
c. To submit your work (special issues are different), please use the corresponding link and follow the instructions to upload the following documents: 1.-A PDF-format CV of no more than three pages; 2.-A PDF-format page containing your personal information, including your name, email, affiliation, position, and the title of your work; and 3.- The anonymous work to be evaluated, which must meet the requirements set out in our “Editorial Guidelines (English-Spanish)” .
Link for submittions:
Please ensure that you are using the correct link for your submission to avoid delays or potential errors in processing. If you experience any issues with the submission process, please contact our editorial team at (aisimon@adelphi.edu) for assistance.