Feminism is the radical notion that women are people.
~Mary Shear (1940-2017)

FemUn Newsletter
Our Coalition publishes an e-newsletter in the spring and fall with news and announcements, book reviews, interviews and information relevant to our members.
Ámbitos Feministas
Our annual peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal of criticism pertinent to current feminist issues in Spanish, Spanish-American, Luso-Brazilian, Afro-Latin American, Caribbean, U.S. Hispanic and Latino Studies.
FemUn Professional Meetings
As an allied organization of the MLA, Feministas Unidas Inc. sponsors several panels at the annual convention, as well as at other academic meetings (LASA, SAMLA, NeMLA, etc.). As an interdisciplinary alliance, we embrace all fields of studies and culture relating to Hispanic women.
FemUn Awards
Feministas Unidas Inc. offers four annual prizes in the fields of women’s studies, feminist and gender studies, sexualities, and queer studies. These prizes include the Emilia Pardo Bazan award for graduate students, the Adela Zamudio award for the best published article by a Coalition member, as well as two awards for unpublished creative writing and artistic creations .

Executive Board
The Executive Committee is responsible for the activities of the Coalition as well as for implementing decisions taken by the national membership.

Learn about the governing rules by which Feministas Unidas Inc. operates since its fundation in 1979.
Last adopted on April 4, 2018.