
FemUn Membership
Membership to the Feministas Unidas Coalition is due on January 1st for each calendar year. To become a member of Feministas Unidas or to renew your membership complete the membership form, or access the secure PayPal online payment page.
Membership Benefits:
- Two issues of the FemUn e-Newsletter (Spring and Fall).
- One issue of the academic peer-reviewed critical journal Ámbitos Feministas
- Web access to an updated list of members through echapters, the FemUn online membership system at
- Participation in the FemUn Facebook and Twitter groups.
- Participation in the sponsored panels at the MLA annual convention.
- Participation in the sponsored panel at the LASA, SAMLA, and NeMLA annual conventions, as well in any other conferences of interest to the coalition.
- Participation in the FemUn Emiia Pardon Bazán Essay Award for Graduate Students.
- Participation in the FemUn Adela Zamudio Essay Award
- Participation in the Creative Writing and Artistic Creation Awards
- Participation with articles and creative work in Ámbitos Feministas
- Opportunities for professional development and service.
- Opportunity to sponsor a Graduate Student.
- Opportunity to serve in the FemUn Executive Board .
Membership Dues Schedule
- Professor ($25)
- Associate Professor ($25)
- Assistant Professor ($20)
- Instructor ($15)
- Graduate Student ($15)
- Sponsor a Graduate Student ($15)
- Institution ($30)
**For all International Airmail Postage, please add $10
Membership Directory
Feministas Unidas Inc. uses an online membership system that allows members to update and to share their professional and personal information. It also provides access to the FemUn Directory. Access to the Directory is restricted to current FemUn members only.
The URL for the online membership system is: