Chinese Proverbs

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Reduced to mere skeletons by one's grief.
(Chinese original: 哀毁骨立 Chinese Pinyin:Audio Aī-huǐ-gǔ-lì.)
Love my house, love the crow on it.
(Chinese original: 爱屋及乌 Chinese Pinyin:Audio ài-wū-jí-wū.)
The crow may be ugly, but love it if your really love my house. A close English counterpart of this proverb is "Love me, love my dog."
One gourd is pushued under the water, but another floats up.
(Chinese original: 按下葫芦起了瓢。 Chinese Pinyin: Audio àn xia húlu qǐ le piáo.) New
Too many problems pop up one after another and prove to be too much to cope with.


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Last updated: October 13, 2014