Participation and attendance: class attendance is mandatory, and participation is essential; speaking French at every opportunity will help a student with speaking and listening skills. Obviously, as the course is a conversation course, each student must converse in French regularly and frequently during class meetings. French is the only language we will use during class as well as upon entering the classroom -- even before class officially begins. Arriving late distracts and detracts from class, in addition to being disrespectful; no credit for participation for tardy arrivals. On the other hand, after class, English may be used. Students are to check Blackboard or my Web page ( and stay abreast of announcements, assignments and changes in the syllabus frequently. In the event that it is necessary to miss class, it is the responsibility of the student to find out what was covered and to learn the appropriate material. Upon returning to class students are expected to be fully prepared: ready to participate, to turn in assignments, and to take quizzes or exams as scheduled. If absent, one should contact me before the next class meeting – not to explain or excuse the absence, but in order to find out what was accomplished and, especially, what is to be prepared outside of class, unless you believe that you know with certainty what was missed and have no questions about it.
To bolster participation you may elect to present to the class an exposé in addition to the two exposés that are obligatory.
Auditing An auditor enrolls and participates in a course without expecting to receive academic credit. The same registration procedure is followed and the same fees are charged as for courses taken for credit. An audited course is not applicable to any degree or certificate program. Regular class attendance is expected of an auditor. Other course requirements, which may be obtained in writing from the instructor, will vary depending on the nature of the course. Students interested in auditing a course should secure permission from the instructor and discuss course requirements prior to enrolling. Failure to meet course requirements may result in the auditor being withdrawn from the course at the request of the instructor. A successful audit will be recorded on the transcript with the designation AU. Any change from audit to credit must be done by the last day to add a class. Changes from credit to audit must be done by the last day to drop a class with a grade of “W.” Refunds for withdrawals from audited courses will be prorated on the same basis as refunds for withdrawals from courses taken for credit (from: Academic Information, Undergraduate Course Catalog).
Assignments (or homework) will be posted on the timeline part of the syllabus below by means of a link on the date by which the assignment is due. Thus to know what is to be prepared for the January 27 class meeting, click on the link on "27 jan 16" below. (You will know when the assignment has been uploaded, as the date will appear in bold, and turn blue as a link upon passing the mouse over it.) There will be questions or assignments regularly posted on Blackboard or the Web page to be completed before the next class.
Unless instructed otherwise, assignments are not printed out and handed in. All assignments may be quizzed, however.
Quizzes will be done in class, although most can be prepared for before class. There will normally be at least one short quiz every class meeting. They will cover what has been assigned or recently presented. Quizzes will provide an indication of your emerging skills, as well as individualized remedial assistance. If you arrive after the time class officially starts, you forfeit the right to take quizzes that have already begun!
Quizzes will be numerous; and may not be made up if missed. Since they will be numerous, you may well miss some or do poorly on others. Rather than drop a certain number of quizzes, your quiz average will be curved approximately ten percent to allow for the normal vicissitudes of life.
Exams/Assessments: Both exams are meant to gauge your progress toward the course goals with an efficient use of exam time. They test the language skills you are acquiring, and are not limited to simply covering language content: material, pages, exercises or tables that can be memorized on short order. There will be no make up exams. If you anticipate a problem with taking an exam when it is scheduled, or if you should miss an exam/assessment, contact me at your earliest opportunity! The day and time of the final exam are established by the Registrar. Whereas there may be changes on the syllabus below, the day and time of the final exam are absolute. Please do not make plans, therefore, at variance with our scheduled final exam.
Expectations, in summary, are as follows. Students are expected 1) to study, do assignments, and prepare for class, 2) to attend class, contribute and participate during class, 3) avail themselves of resources, and to seek help from instructor when appropriate, including during office hours or by appointment, 4) to demonstrate knowledge and language skills in progress against what is expected, 5) to work, for instance, on pronunciation, listening comprehension and recognition of spoken vocabulary, 6) to submit by deadlines work required, 7) to turn in for a grade the student’s own work and, of course, not to permit work to be used by another for his/her graded assignments. 8) to stay abreast of announcements, assignments and changes in the syllabus at least three times each week. 9) to keep cell phones turned off and silent during class; to keep cell phones and other electronic devices capable of communication/data retrieval out of sight during all graded activities. The instructor is expected 1) to be prepared for teaching each class session, 2) to offer clear examples and explanations, 3) to encourage participation from students, 4) provide opportunities for you to hear, speak, write and read French and to offer, specifically, as much oral practice in class as possible, 5) to meet with students during office hours and by appointment outside of class, 6) to be fair-minded at all times, 7) to respect students, and their beliefs and opinions, 8) to challenge students to meet the course goals as fully as possible. (Click on statement on teaching to read my thoughts on the entire subject.)
Study some French every day without exception and you will discover why language courses used to meet daily. The best way to learn, to meet course objectives and to maximize benefits derived from study of French is without a doubt to study some French every day. You will not be particularly successful if you learn the material for the moment only. What you learn for a given day or for a given exam you will need to retain throughout the semester and specifically for the final exam which is cumulative.
Resources available include the textbook, the interactivités, consultations and assistance during office hours. I can find more resources for anyone needing more than these, and would be pleased to do so.
Academic dishonesty: “Students who commit any act of academic dishonesty may receive from the instructor a failing grade in that portion of the course in which the act is detected or a failing grade in the course without possibility of withdrawal” (from the current online student handbook). Acts of academic dishonesty include the use of a translating device to complete writing assignments and failing to turn cell phones and PDAs off before taking an exam. Student work may be checked using plagiarism detection software. See Western's statement on academic offenses in the current online student handbook for more information. See the same source for university policy on plagiarism ‑ "To represent written work taken from another source as one's own is plagiarism. Plagiarism is a serious offense. The academic work of a student must be his/her own. One must give any author credit for source material borrowed from him/her. To lift content directly from a source without giving credit is a flagrant act. To present a borrowed passage without reference to the source after having changed a few words is also plagiarism." Cheating: "No student shall receive or give assistance not authorized by the instructor in taking an examination or in the preparation of an essay, laboratory report, problem assignment or other project which is submitted for purposes of grade determination." The use of online translation aids is strictly prohibited. Students enrolled may not assist one another on graded exercises.
Accessibility for students with disabilities: Students who require accommodations (academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids or services) for this course must contact The Student Accessibility Resource Center. Please DO NOT request accommodations directly from the professor or instructor without a letter of accommodation from that office.
Changes: Changes to all matters above may become necessary, especially regarding the syllabus and/or the due dates of graded work. The instructor reserves the right to make such changes as he/she deems necessary. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain the most recent iteration of the syllabus either as posted on the Blackboard site for this course or as made available in the classroom. |
1 lundi |
25 jan 16 |
Initiation au cours
(cours annulé)
2 mercredi |
27 jan 16 |
Leçon 1 Les relations personnelles ; autobiographie ; interview
3 vendredi |
29 jan 16 |
Leçon 1 Les relations personnelles ; interview (suite) ; p.c. vs imparfait ; Le Petit Prince ; |
4 lundi |
01 fév 16 |
Leçon 1 Les relations personnelles ; De l'amitié -- Montaigne ; vocabulaire / le passé - Le Petit Prince
5 mercredi |
03 fév 16 |
Leçon 1 Les relations personnelles ;
le passé et la traduction ; Stephan Eicher Pas d'amis comme toi -9 |
6 vendredi |
05 fév 16 |
Leçon 1 Les relations personnelles ; prononciation: liaison 1, nasales 2, égalité syllabique 3 ; scènes [7] ; Réponses brèves [8] ; le bal masqué [12] ; Histoire d'amitié [13] ; 'to leave' |
7 lundi |
08 fév 16 |
Leçon 1 Les relations personnelles ; Manon sur le bitume Analyse 2, 3, 4 [8-9] ; le plus-que-parfait ;
Quelle malchance [16] ; Les mésaventures de Jérémy [16] ; Antonymes [18]
8 mercredi |
10 fév 16 |
Leçon 1 Les relations personnelles et Leçon 2 Les médias et la technologie ; Voilà pourquoi ! [17] ; Manon sur le bitume ;
prononciation: /s/ ~ /z/ , /R/
9 vendredi |
12 fév 16 |
Leçon 2 Les médias et la technologie ; Préparation [38] Histoire d'amour ; Mise en pratique [46] ; Manon sur le bitume ; conditionnel et conditionnel passé [44-45] 1 présent, 2 passé ; Voilà pourquoi ! [17] encore! |
10 lundi |
15 fév 16 |
cours annulé (neige, verglas)
11 mercredi |
17 fév 16 |
Leçon 2 Les médias et la technologie ; 1A l'écran [41] ; Idole a et b , c ; Conversation [43]
; prononciation : /u/ 1, 2
12 vendredi |
19 fév 16 |
Leçon 2 Les médias et la technologie ; si + conséquence [48-49], Propositions avec si [48-49], Mise en pratique [50], interactivité ; Si j'avais été toi [51] ; Préparation [52] Le mot juste [52] ; Accro du mobile [52] |
13 lundi |
22 fév 16 |
Leçon 2 Les médias et la technologie ;
SMS textos [53-54] ; Analyse [55]
; Préparation [56]
14 mercredi |
24 fév 16 |
Révision ; Leçon 3 Les générations
; Préparation et définitions [72] ; Anticipation [73]
15 vendredi |
26 fév 16 |
Assessment 1 expression écrite 25% | expression orale 75% (voir BB) ; Marrakech 1, 2 |
16 lundi |
29 fév 16 |
Leçon 3 Les générations
; ( expression orale -- rendez-vous)
; mon, ma, mes ;
Pronom: en ; Pronom: y; Pronoms: le, la l'; les ; Pronoms à l'impératif ; Pronoms encore ; Pronoms de toutes sortes
17 mercredi |
02 mars 16 |
Leçon 3 Les générations
( expression orale -- rendez-vous)
; pronoms ; pronoms personnels ;
18 vendredi |
04 mars 16 |
Leçon 3 Les générations
; ( expression orale -- rendez-vous) ; le subjonctif - exemples ; révision des pronoms ; |
07-11 mars 16 |
Spring Break |
19 lundi |
14 mars 16 |
Leçon 3 Les générations
; Que voulez-vous que le président de WKU fasse? ; La Vérité [92-93] et prononciation ; Analyse 1 & 2 [94], Rédaction 5 & 6 [95]
20 mercredi |
16 mars 16 |
Leçon 3 Les générations
; Préparation tout [96] , Le CHAT [97]
21 vendredi |
18 mars 16 |
Leçon 3 exercice d'écoute ; Les générations
; Générations [100-101] ; au labo Générations 1 [100]
Last day to drop a full semester course with a W. Last day to change a full semester course from credit to audit. |
22 lundi |
21 mars 16 |
Leçon 4 Les voyages et les transports ; session au labo Générations 1 [100]
23 mercredi |
23 mars 16 |
Leçon 4 Les voyages et les transports ; scènes [107] ; Leçon 4 Bagage
Alban ou Marion?
24 vendredi |
25 mars 16 |
Leçon 4 Les voyages et les transports ; session au labo Générations 1 [100] |
25 lundi |
28 mars 16 |
Leçon 4 Les voyages et les transports ; Rapport sur votre famille francophone ; subjonctif [110-111] ; vocabulaire [104-105] ; Mid-Term Evaluation
26 mercredi |
30 mars 16 |
Leçon 4 Les voyages et les transports ; Analyse [108-109] 1, 2, 3, 5 ; Mise en pratique [112] 1-3.
27 vendredi |
01 avr 16 |
Leçon 4 Les voyages et les transports ; Communication [113] ; subjonctif (suite) [114-115] ; Mise en pratique [116] ; subjonctif? ; distribution de revues |
28 lundi |
04 avr 16 |
Leçon 4 Les voyages et les transports ; Préparation [122] ; Les Adieux du Vieillard [124-127] ; Révision
29 mercredi |
06 avr 16 |
Assessment 2 expression écrite 25% | expression orale 75% ;
(voir BB) ; Les Adieux du Vieillard [124-127] (suite) ;
30 vendredi |
08 avr 16 |
Leçon 5 La nature et l'environnement ; résumé de l'article lu ; vocabulaire du court métrage, expressions [138-139] ; La Nouvelle Calédonie [140-141] |
31 lundi |
11 avr 16 |
Leçon 5 La nature et l'environnement ; le passé du subjonctif [144-145] ; Mise en pratique, 1 [146] ;
La Nouvelle Calédonie -- script
32 mercredi |
13 avr 16 |
Leçon 5 La nature et l'environnement ; La Nouvelle Calédonie et la prononciation
33 vendredi |
15 avr 16 |
Leçon 5 La nature et l'environnement ; Toxic Planet [163] ; Préparation [162] ; Le Rat de ville et le Rat des champs -- Jean de la Fontaine [166] |
34 lundi |
18 avr 16 |
Leçon 5 La nature et l'environnement ; Sur le réchauffement planétaire [153-154] ; Analyse #1, Compréhension [155]
; quizzes: subjonctif et passé du subjonctif
35 mercredi |
20 avr 16 |
Leçon 5 La nature et l'environnement ; Préparation, À propos de l'auteur et défintions [156] ;
le Rouquin de Nanterre -- Leila Sebbar [158-159] ; Analyse, exs. 1-4 [160-161]
36 vendredi |
22 avr 16 |
Leçon 6 La société ; les articles qui portent sur l'environnement dans Ça m'intéresse ; Subjonctif - révision |
37 lundi |
25 avr 16 |
Leçon 6 La société ; Préparation [170] ; Scènes [173]
; student survey link
38 mercredi |
27 avr 16 |
Leçon 6 La société ; Préparation, À propos de l'auteur et vocabulaire [188] ; subjonctif : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
39 vendredi |
29 avr 16 |
Leçon 6 La société ; Sans titre : prononciation ; Étudier Les comparatifs et les superlatifs [176-177] ; Le Rossignol (écouter) -- Marie de France [190-193] |
40 lundi |
02 mai 16 |
Leçon 6 La société ; Sans titre ; Analyse, exs. 1-4 [174] ; subjonctif : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ; Mise en pratique [178-179], exs. 1, 2 et 4 ; prononciation [u]~[y]
Roster freeze date (no late adds or withdrawals for extenuating circumstances will be processed after this date.)
41 mercredi |
04 mai 16 |
Leçon 6 La société ;
Les infinitifs compléments [180-181] ; Mise en pratique, 1 et 2 [182] ; Communication, 3 [183] ;
verbes + infinitif
42 vendredi |
06 mai 16 |
Leçon 6 La société ; Préparation et Analyse [196] ; L'Enragé [197] ; Exprimez-vous : les candidats aux élections présidentielles aux États-Unis et la xénophobie ; Révision |
lundi |
09 mai 16 |
Assessment 3 expression écrite 25% | expression orale 75% |
Changes to the foregoing may be deemed necessary by the instructor. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain the most recent iteration of the syllabus either as posted on the instructor's web page or as made available in the classroom. |
Course Grade | Assignment/Quiz | Assessment 1 | Assessment 2 | Assessment 3 |
f321spring2016.htm | Go to week 1 | Go to top of page | French Club on Facebook | Midterm Eval of Course |