Thinkers Index

by Dr. Garrett

Last date revised: September 7, 2013

A. Pre-Philosophical

     1. Hebrew Prophets
           The Earth Is the Lord's

     2. Homer's and Hesiod's Gods
          Homer's Gods, Plato's Gods
           Chart 1 for Hesiod's Theogony and
           Chart 2 for Hesiod's Theogony
           Charts Comparing Poets' Conceptions of the Gods with Philosophers'

B. Ancient (700BCE-300 CE)

     1. To 330 BCE

          a. Presocratics

                Folk Theories, Metaphors, and Early Greek Philosophy
                Major Presocratic Philosophers
                Notes on Selected Heraclitus Fragments
                The Atomism of Democritus

          b. Sophists
                Dialogue on Knowledge and Reality

          c. Socrates
                Socrates' Convictions (Explicit or Implicit in His Defense Speech)
                Argument Reconstruction for Defense Speech of Socrates and
                The Crito: Argument Reconstruction

          d. Plato
                Notes on Glaucon's Speech in Rep. II.
                Two Charts: Plato's Ideal State and Flawed Types of State and Soul
                A Survey-Level Introduction to Plato
                Forms and Particulars (handout)
                Possible Problems with Plato's Theory of Forms

          e. Aristotle

                An Introduction to Aristotle
                An Introduction to Aristotle's Categories
                Aristotle's Greek Terms, with English Equivalents
                Aristotelian Terms (keyed to Readings in Ancient Greek Philosophy), with Sometimes Partial Definitions
                A Simple Introduction to Aristotle's Celestial and Terrestrial Physics
                Charts Related to Aristotle's Causes, Potentiality, and Actuality
                Notes on Aristotle's Definition of Motion and Change
                Notes for Aristotle's On Soul
                Aristotle on the Track of Knowable Reality (Substance)
                Structure of the Nicomachean Ethics (chart)
                (Aristotelian) Virtue Ethics (Introductory)
                Dialogue with Aristotle on Ethics
                Virtues of Thought (chart), based on N.E. VI

     2. 330 BCE-300 CE

          a. Epicurus
                Epicureanism and Stoicism Compared
          b. The Stoa
                The Stoic Place website
          c. Paul
                A Pauline Christianity (Almost) without Myth
          d. Neo-Platonism
               A Brief Pictorial Introduction to Neo-Platonism

C. Medieval

     1. To 1000

          a. Boethius
          b. Augustine

          c. Rabbinical Judaism and Maimonides
                Wrestling with God

     2. 1000-1300

          a. Ibn Rushd
                Notes on Ibn Rushd ("Averroes")
          b. Aquinas

                Glossary for Aquinas' Treatises on Happiness and Acts
                Treatise on Happiness (Summary)
                Treatise on Human Acts (Summary)
                Treatise on Virtue (Summary)
                Thirteenth-Century Debate: Siger of Brabant v. Thomas Aquinas

     3. After 1300
           Aristotelian Ideas Influential in Late Middle Ages

D. Early Modernity

     1. Scientific Revolution
           Scientific Background to Modern Philosophy

     2. Descartes
           Lakoff and Johnson on Metaphorical Reasoning in Descartes
           Descartes and Dualism (Basic)
           Descartes--A (Hasty?) Balance Sheet
           The Evil Genius' Pervasive Presence in Descartes' Meditations
           Descartes' First Proof for the Existence of God
           Mysteries of the Will and Assent in Descartes
           The Mind-Body Problem from Descartes to Hume

     3. Spinoza
           Spinoza's Use of Value-Predicates

     4. Locke

           Background to Locke
           Lockean Glossary
           Locke on the Will and Freedom (Notes on Essay II.21, "Of Power")
           Locke on Substance
           Locke on Reason and Faith (part)

     5. Hume

           Glossary for Hume Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals

     6. Kant
           Very Basic Notes on Kant (short)
           Glossary for Kant's Prolegomena
           Philosophical Method
           Kant as a "Problematic" Thinker
           Kant's Prolegomena: a 44-Point Summary
           Glossary for Kant's Groundwork
           (Fictional) Dialogue with Kant about His Ethical Theory
           Letter from Kant to Hume about Ethics (a Pedagogical Fiction)

     7. Adam Smith

          Manuel Velasquez on Adam Smith and Markets
           Is There No Regulation at All in a Free Market?
          Perfectly Competitive Markets (20th century economic theory) (one page, 10/27/10)

E. 19th c

     1. Jeremy Bentham
          Utilitarianism: Some Basic Observations

     2. G. W. F. Hegel
          Hegel: An Overview (Fully restored: 4-9-08)
          Notes on Hegel's Intro to the Philosophy of History (Restored 5-2-08)

     3. Karl Marx

          Lecture Notes on Marx for Fall 2013
          Challenges to Marx and Marxian Socialism (together with Marxian Responses)
           Wilhelm Reich's Critique of a Gap in Marxist Thinking about the Future

     4. J. S. Mill

     5. Friedrich Nietzsche
           Nietzsche's Mature Philosophy

     6. Henry George
           See part II of this talk, "The Earth Is the Lord's"

     7. William James

     8. Peter Kropotkin
           Responses to Objections (from The Conquest of Bread, published in 1906)

     8. John Dewey

           John Dewey Reconstructs Ethics

F. 20st-21st c.

     1. Rauschenbach's Social Gospel
            The Rebirth of the Social Gospel?

     2. Freud and Reich
          Taboo Science: The Story of Wilhelm Reich (to 1935)
           Wilhelm Reich's Critique of Earlier Marxist Thinking about the Future

     3. W. D. Ross

     4. James Luther Adams
           Prophetic Spirituality

     5. John Rawls

           John Rawls on Justice
           John Rawls' Mature Theory ("Political Liberalism")
           Libby and Randy Discuss John Rawls
           Randy and Libby Discuss Rawls and Affirmative Action
           Strange Angels—a Rawlsian Parable

     6. George Lakoff

          An Introductory Essay by George Lakoff
          Lakoff's Family Moral Models (chart)
           Conversation on Family Values
           The Metaphorical Basis of Folk Morality
           Study Questions and Glossary for Lakoff and Johnson, Philosophy in the Flesh
          Why Mainstream Philosophy (and Aristotle) Cannot Take Conceptual Metaphor Seriously
           The Weirdly Disembodied Character of Analytic Philosophy

     7. Riane Eisler

           Partnership & Domination
           Eisler's Charts Distributed in class
           The Chalice and the Blade (on Eisler's view of history and pre-history)

     8. Amartya Sen
           Amartya Sen's Ethics of Substantial Freedom

     9. Martha Nussbaum
           Martha Nussbaum on Capabilities and Human Rights
           Nussbaum and Natural Law Ethics: Capability Theory and the Human Goods (draft: 10-4-05)