| Dependence Measurements
1) Mutual Information
In probability theory and information theory, the mutual information
(MI) of two random elements is a measure of the mutual dependence
between the two random elements. It measures how much knowing one of
these random elements reduces uncertainty about the other.
2) Copulas
In probability theory and statistics, a copula is a multivariate
probability distribution for which the marginal probability
distribution of each variable is uniform. Copulas are used to describe
the dependence between random variables. Copulas have been used widely
in many scientific fields. In econometrics and quantitative finance,
Copulas have been used to model the dependence structures in financial
markets, tail risk, portfolio-optimization applications, etc.
Authorship Attribution
attribution is the process of determining the author of a text in
question by capturing an author's writing style based on selected
stylistic features. Authorship attribution has numerous applications
such as plagiarism detection, cyber-crime investigation, and social
media forensics. My research in this area mainly includes the
following two areas.
1) Authorship attribution for traditional works like novels, fictions, etc.
2) Authorship attribution in social media.
Deep Learning
learning is a sub-field of machine learning based on artificial
intelligence that has networks capable of learning from unstructured
data without human supervision. It mimics the working of
human brains in processing data. It has been successfully used in many
aeras such as computer vision, natural language processing, speech
recognition, etc.