| Dr. Lukun Zheng
I am Lukun Zheng, an assistant professor of Statistics in the department of Mathematics at Western Kentucky University.
- Ph. D. Applied Mathematics, UNC Charlotte, Charlotte, N.C. , USA, May. 2015
- M.S. Statistics, UNC Charlotte, Charlotte, N.C., USA, Dec. 2014.
- M.S. Applied Mathematics, Shanghai University of Finance & Economics, Shanghai, China, July. 2010
- B.S. Major in
Economics and minor in Applied Mathematics, Shanghai University
of Finance & Economics, Shanghai, China, July. 2008
Professional Experience:
- Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Western Kentucky University, 2018- Present.
- Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Tennessee Technological University, 2015- 2018
- GraduateTeaching Assistant, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, UNC Charlotte, 2010-2015.