The Field School provides hands-on experience in the scientific and systematic methods of archaeological field research. The 2019 field season will include excavation of habitation sites and ritual features, as well as geoarchaeological and geophysical work.
This is a 3 credit, three-week intensive course designed to train students in the basics of archeological excavation techniques and geoarchaeological work. The course incorporates most of the phases of archaeological field investigation, including site recording with GPS, mapping, shovel probing, excavation, screening, and elements of data recovery and cataloging. Students will also have an opportunity to learn other field and lab methods, such as soil flotation, zooarchaeological analysis, lithics analysis, and ethnoarchaeological research.
For further information regarding the Field School, please contact Dr. Jean-Luc Houle:
DATES 24 May - 16 June, 2019
APPLICATION DEADLINE 15 January, 2019 Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Accordingly, we encourage you to apply early.
PROGRAM FEES $2,100 Includes: Transport to and from field, training, meals in the field, tuition (3 credits), and international medical insurance. Not included: International travel, visas.
ACADEMIC CREDIT 3 credits are offered through Western Kentucky University. More information.
Minimum age: 18
Participants need no special training, but should be prepared for physical activity for extended periods of time.