The number following the reference in square brackets is the number of citations of that publication, source: the Science Citation Index, 1976 - 1995. |
1. B.W. van der Meer, G. Coker Ill and S.-Y. Chen: “Resonance Energy Transfer: Theory and Data”, VCH Publishers (Now Wiley-VCH), Inc., New York, 1994 [6]. |
1. B.W. van der Meer and G. Vertogen: Amolecular model for the cholesteric mesophase. Chapter 6 “The molecular physics of liquid crystals”, eds. GR Luckhurst and GW Gray, Academic Press, 1979 [45].[LINK] 2. B.W. van der Meer: Physical aspects of membrane fluidity, in “Physiology of membrane fluidity”, Vol.1, ed. M. Shinitsky, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, 1984 [9].[CONTENTS] 3. B.W. van der Meer: Biomembrane structure and dynamics viewed by fluorescence, in “Fluorescence Studies on Biological Membranes”, eds. J.R. Harris and H.J. Hilderson, Plenum Press, 1988[I5].[CONTENTS] 4. B.W. van der Meer, “Membrane fluidity”, more than one single parameter, Acta Pharmaceutica Jugoslavica 41:31 l-326, 1991 [I].[ABSTRACT] 5. B.W. van der Meer: Fluidity, dynamics and order, in “The Handbook of Biomembranes”, Vol.1, ed. M. Shinitzky, VCH Publishers Inc., Weinheim and New York, 1993 [5].[CONTENTS] 6. B.W. van der Meer and S.-Y. Chen: Two-photon excitation and anisotropy decays in membranes and oriented systems, in “Topics in FIuorescence Spectroscopy - Multiphoton phenomena in light quenching”, Volume 5, ed. J.R. Lakowicz, Plenum Press, New York, 1997. 7. B.W. van der Meer: Orientational aspects in pair energy transfer, in “Resonance Energy Transfer”, eds. D.L. Andrews and A.A. Demidov, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., London, 1999. 8. B.W. van der Meer: Kappa-squared: from nuisance to new sense, “Reviews in Molecular Biotechnology", ed. S. Diekmann, Volume 82, 181-196, 2002.[ABSTRACT] |
1. B.W. van der Meer, G. Vertogen, A.J. Dekker and J.G.J. Ypma: A molecular-statistical theory of the temperature-dependent pitch in cholesteric liquid crystals. J. Chem. Phys. 65:3935-3943, 1976 [41]. 2. B.W. van der Meer and G. Vertogen: Molecular biaxiality and temperature dependence of the cholesteric pitch. Phys. Lett. 59A: 279-281, 1976 [39]. 3. G. Vertogen and B.W. van der Meer: Molecular statistical description of nematics in terms of the random-phase approximation. Phys. Rev. 19A: 370-374, 1979 [7]. 4. B.W. van der Meer and G. Vertogen: An induced dipole model-of the smectic C phase. J. Physique Colloquia 40: C3: 222-227, 1979 [52]. 5. B.W. van der Meer and G. Vertogen: Elastic constants as key for a molecular model of cholesterics. Phys. Lett. 71 A: 486-488, 1979 [18]. 6. B.W. van der Meer: A molecular theory of the chiral smectic C phase. Phys. Lett. 74A: 237-250, 1979 [6]. 7. G. Vertogen and B.W. van der Meer: A simple molecular statistical treatment of nematics. Physica 99A:237-250, 1979 [12] . 8. B.W. van der Meer and G. Vertogen: The helix inversion in cholesteric-nematic mixtures. Phys. Lett. 74A: 242-244, 1979 [2]. 9. B.W. van der Meer and G. Vertogen: On the odd-even effect in the helix of non-sterol cholesterogens. Z. Naturforsch. 34a: 1359-I361, 1979 [10]. 10. G. Vertogen, B.W. van der Meer and W.H. de Jeu (in Dutch): Smectische vloeibare kristallen. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde A 45: 170-174, 1979 [O]. 11. W.J. Van Blitterswijk, R.P. Van Hoeven and B.W. van der Meer: Lipid structural order parameters (reciprocal of fluidity) in biomembranes derived from steady-state fluorescence depolarization measurements. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 644: 323-332, 1981 [455]. 12. R.P.H. Kooyman, Y.K. Levine and B.W. van der Meer: Measurement of second and fourth rank order parameters by fluorescence polarization experiments in a lipid membrane system. Chem. Phys. 60: 317-326, 1981 [38]. 13. B.W. van der Meer, R.P.H. Kooyman and Y.K. Levine: A theory of fluorescence depolarization in macroscopically oriented membrane system. Chem. Phys. 66: 39-50, 1982 [45]. 14. B.W. van der Meer, F. Postma, A.J. Dekker and W.H. de Jeu: A simple model for the stiffness constants of nematic liquid crystals based on distributed harmonic forces between the molecules. Molec. Phys. 45: 1227-1243, 1982 [25]. 15. H. Pottel, B.W. van der Meer and W. Herreman: Correlation between the order parameter and the steady-state fluorescence anisotropy of 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene and an evaluation of membrane fluidity. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 730: 181-186, 1983 [96]. 16. B.W. van der Meer, H. Pottel, M. Ameloot, H. Schroder, W. Herreman and H. Hendrickx: Effect of orientational order on the decay of the fluorescence anisotropy in membrane suspensions: A new approximate solution of the rotational diffusion equation. Biophysical J . 46: 515-523, 1984 [68]. 17. M. Ameloot, H. Hendrickx, W. Herreman, H. Pottel, F. van Cauwelaert and B.W. van der Meer: Effect of orientational order on the decay of the fluorescence anisotropy in membrane suspensions: experimental verification on unilamellar vesicles and lipid/alpha-lactalbumin complexes. Biophysical J. 46: 523-539, 1984 [74]. 18. D.O.E. Gebhardt, C.M. Van Gent, H. Van der Voort and B.W. van der Meer: An explanation of the low lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio of amniotic fluid in early pregnancy. Europ. J. Obstet. Reprod. Biol. 17: 383-386, 1984 [1]. 19. P.L-G. Chong, B.W. van der Meer and T.E. Thompson: The effects of pressure and cholesterol on rotational motions of perylene in lipid bilayers. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 813: 253-265, 1985 [10]. 20. H. Pottel, W. Herreman, B.W. van der Meer and M. Ameloot: On the significance of the fourth rank orientational order parameter of probe molecules in membranes. Chem. Phys. 102: 37-44, 1986 [19]. 21. B.W. van der Meer, R.P. Van Hoeven and W.J. Van Blitterswijk: Steady-state fluorescence polarization data in membranes. Resolution into physical parameters by an extended Perrin equation for restricted rotation of fluorophores. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 854: 38-44, 1986 [65]. 22. W.J. Van Blitterswijk, B.W. van der Meer, and H. Hilkmann: Quantitative contributions of cholesterol and the individual classes of phospholipids and their degree of fatty acyl (unsaturation) to membrane fluidity measured by fluorescence polarization. Biochemistry 26: 1746-1756, 1987 [101]. 23. B.W. van der Meer, H. Pottel and W. Herreman: A new approach to polarized fluorescence using phase and modulation fluorometry. I. Theory with reference to hindered and anisotropic rotations. Eur. Biophys. J. 15: 35-45, 1987 [3].[ABSTRACT] 24. H. Pottel, B.W. van der Meer, W. Herreman and H. Depauw: A new approach to polarization studies using phase and modulation fluorometry. II. Experiments with 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene in lipid bilayers. Eur. Biophys. J. 15: 47-58, 1987 [2]. 25. M. Levi, D.M. Jameson and B.W. van der Meer: Role of brush border membrane lipid composition and fluidity in impaired renal phosphate transport in the aged rat kidney. Am. J. of Physiology. 256: F85-94, 1989 [33]. 26. B.W. van der Meer, R.D. Fugate and P.J. Sims: Complement proteins C5b-9 induce transbilayer migration of membrane phospholipids. Biophys. J. 56: 935-946, 1989 [10]. 27. B.W. van der Meer: A modified Y-plot method, an Appendix to paper by Y.L. Kao, P.L.-G. Chong, and C.-H. Huang, Biophys. J. 58: 955, 1990 [O]. 28. B.W. van der Meer, K.H. Cheng, and S.-Y. Chen: Effects of lateral diffusion on the fluorescence anisotropy in hexagonal lipid phases. I. Theory. Biophys. J. 58: 1517-1526, 1990 [3]. 29. S.-Y. Chen, K.H. Cheng, B.W. van der Meer and J.M. Beechem: Effects of lateral diffusion on the fluorescence anisotropy in hexagonal lipid phases. II. An experimental study. Biophys. J. 58: 1527-1537, 1990 [8]. 30. K.H. Cheng, S.-Y Chen, P. Butko, B.W. van der Meer and P. Somerharju: Intra-molecular excimer formation of pyrene-labeled lipids in lamellar and inverted hexagonal phases of lipid mictures containing unsaturated phosphatidylethalnolamine. Biophys. Chem. 39: 137-144, 1991 [7]. 31. S.-Y Chen, K.H. Cheng, and B.W. van der Meer: Quantitation of lateral stress in lipid layer containing nonbilayer phase preferring lipids by frequency-domain fluorescence spectroscopy. Biochemistry 31: 3759-3768, 1992 [6]. 32. B.W. van der Meer, M.A. Raymer, S.L. Wagoner, R.L. Hackney, J.M. Beechem and E. Gratton: Designing matrix models for fluorescence energy transfer between moving donors and acceptors. Biophys. J. 64: 1243-l 263, 1993 [4].[ABSTRACT] 33. S.-Y Chen, and B.W. van der Meer: Theory of two-photon induced fluorescence anisotropy decay in membranes. Biophys. J. 64: 1567-l 575, 1993 [3]. 34. M.S. Barbakaris, T. Smith-Palmer, L.G. Bachas, S.-Y Chen, and B.W. van der Meer: Enhancement of the emission intensity of fluorophore-labeled avidin by biotin derivates. Evaluation of different fluorophores for improved sensitivity. Talanta. 40: 1139-l 145, 1993 [0]. 35. D. Tang, S.-Y. Chen and B.W. van der Meer: Evidence for regular distributions of cholesterol in model membranes. Biophys. J. 68: 1944-1951, 1995 [l]. 36. Xiao Qing Wang, Lin Song Li, B.W. van der Meer, Jian Jin:, Daxin Tang, Zeng Hui, Yuan-zong Li, and Tie Jin Li. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1544: 333-340, 2001. 37. Yu. S. Borivikov, L. V. Dedova, C. G. dos Remidios, N. N. Vikhoreva, P. G. Vikhorev, S. V. Avrova, T. L. Hazlett and B. W. Van Der Meer :Fluorescence Depolarization of Actin Filaments in Reconstructed Myofibers : The effect of S1 or pPDM-S1 on Movements of Distinct Areas of Actin. [PDF LINK]
1. B.W. van der Meer, J. Alletto, F.D. Bryant, M. Carini, L. Elliott, R. Gelderman, W. Mason, K. McDaniel, C. H. McGruder, Ill, C. Rinehart, R.T. Tyler, and L. Walker. Astrobiology as a tool for recruiting high school students into the sciences. Astrobiology, Proc. Int. Soc. Opt. Engin. (SPIE), 2000. |
1. B.W. van der Meer, M. Ameloot, W. Herreman, H. Pottel and H. Schroder: General analysis of time resolved fluorescence anisotropy in model membranes. Biophysical J. 41: 213a, 1983. 2. M. Ameloot, B.W. van der Meer, H. Pottel, W. Herreman and H. Hendrickx: Determination of two order parameters from time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy measurements in membrane suspensions. Arch. Int. Physiol. Biochim. 93(3): BP13, BP1 4, 1983. 3. B.W. van der Meer: A modified Perrin equation for fluorescence polarization of fluorescent membrane probes: Biophysical J. 45: 362a, 1984. 4. P.L-G. Chong, B.W. van der Meer and T.E. Thompson: Rotational motions of perylene in lipid bilayers: pressure and cholesterol effects. Biophysical J. 47: 116a, 1985. 5. B.W. van der Meer, H. Pottel and W. Herreman: Correlation between steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy data, in APhysical methods on biological membranes and their model systems@, eds. F. Conti, W.E. Blumberg, J. de Gier and F. Pocchiari, Plenum Press, New York, 219-226, 1985. 6. M. Levi, D.M. Jameson, and B.W. van der Meer: Impairment of tubular reabsorption of phosphate by chronic hypercalcemia in the rat. Am. Soc. Nephrol. (18): 14A, 1985. 7. B.W. van der Meer, J. Marconi, P. Wilson, and M. Levi: Effects of aging on renal cortical brush border membrane enzyme activity and lipid composition. Am. Soc. Nephrol. (18): 211A, 1985. 8. D.L. Vander Meulen, B.W. van der Meer, V. Thomas and D.M. Jameson: Fluorescence depolarization of protein-dye conjugates. Excitation wavelength dependence of Perrin plots. Biophysical J. 49: 339a, 1986. 9. H. Pottel, B.W. van der Meer, and W. Herreman: Determination of the time-dependent fluorescence anisotropy using phase and modulation fluorometry: a new analysis procedure. Arch. Int. Physiol. Biochim. 94(4): BP10, BP11, 1986. 10. H. Pottel, W. Herreman, B.W. van der Meer and H. Depauw: Determination of the time-dependent fluorescence anisotropy using phase and modulation fluorometry: Experiments with 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene. Arch. Int. Physiol. Biochim. 94(4): BP12, BP13, 1986. 11. M. Levi, J. Marconi, P. Wilson, and B.W. van der Meer: Vitamin D-induced chronic hypercalcemia impairs tubular reabsorption of phosphate in the rat. Clin. Res. 34: 205A, 1986. 12. B.W. van der Meer, P. Wilson, J. Marconi, and M. Levi: Dietary Calcium loading enhances tubular reabsorption of phosphate in the rat. Clin. Res. 34: 229A, 1986. 13. M. Levi, P. Wilson, R. Van Der Meer, J. Marconi, and B.W. van der Meer: Alterations in urinary calcium excretion and cortical brush border membrane phospholipid composition and fluidity in the spontaneously hypertensive rat. Clin. Res. 34: 481A, 1986. 14. M. Levi, J. Marconi, R. Van Der Meer, P. Wilson, and B.W. van der Meer: Effects of urinary calcium on tubular reabsorption of phosphate in the rat. Clin. Res. 34: 548A, 1986. 15. B.W. van der Meer, J. Marconi, P. Wilson, R. Van Der Meer and M. Levi: Mechanisms of impaired tubular reabsorption of phosphate in the aged rat. Clin. Res. 34: 611A, 1986. 16. M. Levi, S. Eisenberg, and B.W. van der Meer: Mechanisms of impaired tubular function in the aged rat kidney. The Gerontologist 26: 76A-77A, 1986. 17. M. Levi, J. Marconi, and B.W. van der Meer: The effects of chronic hypercalcemia on renal phosphate metabolism. Am. Soc. Nephrol. (19): 197A, 1986. 18. B.W. van der Meer-, R.D. Fugate, K.P. Tilford and P.J. Sims: Complement proteins C5b-9 induce transbilayer migration of membrane phospholipid. Bulletin Am. Phys. Soc. 32: 1423, 1987. 19. R. Uauy, B.W. van der Meer, J. Tyson and D. Jameson: Effect of dietary linolenic (omega-3) fatty acid on membrane fluidity of intact RBCs in VLBW neonates. Pediatric Research (21): 439A, 1987. 20. B.W. van der Meer: Fluorescence energy transfer as a spectroscopic goniometer. Biophys Journal 55: 251A, 1989. 21. B.W. van der Meer, K.H. Cheng, S.Y. Chen and J.M. Beechem: Effects of lateral diffusion on the fluorescence anisotropy in the hexagonal H phase. Biophys Journal 57: 479A, 1990. 22. S.Y. Chen, K.H. Cheng, B.W. van der Meer and J.M. Beechem: Time-resolved fluorescence study on the rotational dynamics of lipid lamellar and inverted hexagonal phases. Biophys Journal 57: 479A, 1990. 23. P. Butko, S.Y. Chen, K.H. Cheng, B.W. van der Meer and Pentti Somerharju: Inter- and intramolecular excimer formation of pyrene-labeled lipids in lamellar and inverted hexagonal phases. Biophys Journal 57: 485A, 1990. 24. B.W. van der Meer, M.A. Raymer, S.L. Wagoner and J.M. Beechem: Matrix approach to solving problems involving fluorescence energy transfer and diffusion. Biophysical J. 59: 362A, 1991. 25. B.W. van der Meer and P.L.-G. Chong: A model for the fluorescence anisotropy from disklike probes in membranes with hindered in-plane and out-of-plane rotations. Biophysical J. 59: 191A, 1991. 26. S.-Y. Chen, K.H. Cheng, and B.W. van der Meer: Molecular dynamics of lipid non-bilayer phases I. Intermolecular interactions. Biophysical J. 59: 505A, 1991. 27. L.-l. Liu, K.H. Cheng, S.-Y. Chen, B.W. van der Meer, and P. Somerharju: Molecular dynamics of lipid non-bilayer phases II. Intramolecular interactions. Biophysical J. 59: 505A, 1991. 28. B.W. van der Meer: Rotational jumping model for fluorescence anisotropy from rodlike probes in membranes. Biophysical J. 61: 181A, 1992. 29. S.-Y. Chen, K.H. Cheng, and B.W. van der Meer: Orientational dynamics of fully hydrated dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine and dioleoylphospha-tidylcholine. Biophysical J. 61: 375A, 1992. 30. B.W. van der Meer, M.A. Raymer, S.L. Wagoner, R.L. Hackney, J.M. Beechem and E. Gratton: Models for fluorescence energy transfer between moving donors and acceptors. Time-Resolved Laser Spectroscopy in Biochemistry 111, Proc. Int. Soc. Opt. Engin. (SPIE) 1640: 220-229, 1992. 31. S.-Y. Chen, and B.W. van der Meer: Theory of two-photon induced fluorescence anisotropy decay in macroscopically isotropic or oriented membrane systems. Biophysical J. 64: 219A, 1993. 32. B.W. van der Meer, and S.-Y. Chen: Time-resolved fluorescence energy transfer. Biophysical J. 64: 242A, 1993. 33. S.-Y. Chen and B.W. van der Meer: Fluorescence studies of heparin dynamics and activities on biomimetic membranes. Biophysical J. 66: A126, 1994. 34. B.W. van der Meer, S.-Y. Chen, and S.K. Boddeker: Alternatives for kappa-squared contour plots. Biophysical J. 66: A237, 1994. 35. D. Tang, B.W. van der Meer, and S.-Y. Chen: Evidence for regular distributions of cholesterol in lipid bilayers. Biophysical J. 68: A98, 1995. 36. B.W. van der Meer and S.-Y. Chen: Orientational exchange theory for fluorescence anisotropy from flat membrane probes. Biophysical J. 68: Al95, 1995. 37. D. Tang, S.-Y. Chen and B.W. van der Meer: Regular distributions of acyl chains in binary lipid systems. Biophysical J. 70: A440, 1996. 38. B.W. van der Meer, S.-Y. Chen and C.N. Animalu: Orientational exchange theory for fluorescence anisotropy. Biophysical J. 70: A261, 1996. 39. B.W. van der Meer: Maps for kappa-squared. Biophysical J. 72: A210, 1997. 40. S.M. Blackman, B.W. van der Meer, D.W. Piston and A.H. Beth: Resonance energy homotransfer in eosin-labeled band 3 in erythrocyte membranes demonstrated by time-resolved fluorescence and confocal microscopy. Biophysical J. 72: A200, 1997. 41. B.W. van der Meer:
but assuming gives
OK distance, why?. Biophysical J. 74: A220, 1998. |
1. B.W. van der Meer: Molecular models for cholesteric and smectic liquid crystals. Ph.D. thesis, University of Groningen, 1979 [24]. |