WKU Interior Design Program
The Interior Design curriculum at Western Kentucky University is a comprehensive Bachelor of Science degree that covers all areas of commercial and residential design. Design principles are applied to interiors that include offices, restaurants, retail and hospitality facilities, healthcare facilities, as well as single and multi-family residences. Emphasis is placed on computer technology and aspects of universal design and sustainability as good design practices.
Program Focus
The Interior Design major at WKU is comprised of 78 hours in the major and 42 hours of general education and other electives to total 120 hours. The central purpose of this program is to prepare graduates who can successfully design interior spaces which satisfy the functional and aesthetic needs of the users. Specifically, graduates will be able to identify, research, and creatively solve problems pertaining to the function and quality of the interior environment and perform services relative to its design, including programming, analysis, space planning and aesthetics based on specialized knowledge of interior construction, building codes, equipment, materials and furnishings. Graduates will have skills for preparing drawings and documents relative to the design in order to enhance and protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public.