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Behavior Modification Course Links |
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Sample Course Syllabus (http://www.wku.edu/~sally.kuhlenschmidt/psy443/p443syl.htm). This is a sample syllabus to give you an idea of course requirements and structure. The genuine syllabus will be made available on the first day of class.
Sample Internet Policies for Courses (http://www.wku.edu/~sally.kuhlenschmidt/internetpolicy.htm) This is a sample of the policies I follow with regard to portions of the class conducted on-line. The genuine policies will be made available on the Blackboard website below.
"Blackboard" class login. (http://ecourses.wku.edu/) Once the semester begins you will be automatically enrolled and have a personal start page (My Blackboard) from which you can access the Psy 443 site. (Late enrollees may experience a delay). The login page explains your id and password. There are all kinds of goodies here for you. A discussion board and chat room (under Communications). Build your own web page or update your password (Under Student Tools). Find links to journals that have at least some information on line (Web Sites). And get a new copy of the Syllabus (Syllabus). Key course materials are at this site. There is some redundancy with links located on the page you are currently viewing. The Blackboard site is more complete, however, as this is a public page for anyone and the Blackboard site is just for enrolled students.
Basic Assumptions of Behavior Modification (http://www.wku.edu/~sally.kuhlenschmidt/psy443/bmassum.htm)
How do I find journal articles for my project? (http://www.wku.edu/~sally.kuhlenschmidt/fdgrefc.htm)
Project Evaluation Sheet (http://www.wku.edu/~sally.kuhlenschmidt/psy443/projev43.htm) This is a generic sample. You can obtain my actual grading sheet within the Blackboard site.
Behavior Modification Program Steps (http://www.wku.edu/~sally.kuhlenschmidt/psy443/projstep.htm)
Identifying Behavior (http://www.wku.edu/~sally.kuhlenschmidt/psy443/obsbeh.htm)
Understanding Consequences: Reinforcers (http://www.wku.edu/~sally.kuhlenschmidt/psy443/conreinf.htm)
A "Game" to Help You Understand Consequences (http://www.wku.edu/~sally.kuhlenschmidt/psy443/cqtrng.htm)
Example of Cat Shaping by instructor-- Requires Windows Media Player. (http://www.wku.edu/~sally.kuhlenschmidt/cat/toilettrng.asf)
Student Aids
A Guide for Writing Papers APA Style (http://webster.commnet.edu/apa/index.htm)
Using APA Format (http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/research/r_apa.html)
Tips for Note-taking (http://www.wku.edu/~sally.kuhlenschmidt/psy443/notetkg.htm)
Tips for Studying (http://www.wku.edu/~sally.kuhlenschmidt/psy443/study.htm)
Tips for Taking Exams (http://www.wku.edu/~sally.kuhlenschmidt/psy443/examtkg.htm)
Behavior Therapy (http://www.aabt.org/publication/BT/bt.html)
Welcome to Journal of Experimental Analysis of Behavior (http://seab.envmed.rochester.edu/jeab/)
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis (http://seab.envmed.rochester.edu/jaba/)
Behavioral Analysis listserv (email discussion group) (http://www.coedu.usf.edu/behavior/listserv.html) May not be operational. I'll leave it around for awhile longer.
Twin Oaks (http://www.twinoaks.org/) This is the community originally inspired by Skinner's book, Walden Two. Has an interesting section discussing Walden Two.
Communidad los Horcones (http://www.loshorcones.org.mx/) Another community founded on the principles of behaviorism.
American Dog Training Network (http://www.inch.com/~dogs/training.html).
Positive Reinforcement: A Self-Instructional Exercise (http://server.bmod.athabascau.ca/html/prtut/reinpair.htm)
Negative Reinforcement game and information. You need Shockwave (directions are available in a link) (http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/proj/nru/)
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This is not an endorsement of these programs. I just selected some that could serve as examples (good and bad) of behavior modification programs. You need to evaluate their quality for yourself.
SOS Help for Parents (A book written by Dr. Lynn Clark, on the faculty at WKU). (http://www.sosprograms.com/index.html)
A teen residential program reporting that it uses a behavior management program (http://www.vpp.com/teenhelp/ccm.html)
The same company as above, another program (http://www.vpp.com/turnabout/program.html)
Take Off Pounds Sensibly organization (http://www.tops.org/)
Smoking cessation program. Notice the baseline phase. (http://www.lifesign.com/)
Contact the author with comments or questions about this site by following the directions at this page (which will open in a new window.)
created: June 1996. Page Created:
June 1998. Last Modified: October 29, 2008.