Drawing a TV Home

To do:

Drawing a TV

  1. Go to File > New and click RGB. (8.5” by 11”)
  2. Save as TV.ai
  3. Select the Pen tool, and make two angled shapes.
    To create these angled brackets, you’ll just use straight lines.
    They don’t have to be proportional or perfect; in fact, it’s better that they’re not.
  4. You’ve just created an outline of a TV. Add a fill color R 51, G 51, B 153.
  5. With the Pen tool, draw a leg, the left one. It is just a triangle.
  6. With the Selection tool, click the left leg and drag it to the right with the Option key pressed.
  7. Pen tool > draw a rectangle TV body (slightly off-kilter) with color settings of R 102, G 255, B 255, and send it to back.
  8. Select the Rounded Rectangle tool, then darw a tv tube. 
    Give it a fill R 51, G 204, B 255.
  9. Add channel dials. 


  1. we will draw an antenna base using a half circle.
    Draw a circle.
    Draw a rectangle a little bit bigger that the circle.
  2. Select both objects with the selection tool,
    go to Window > Pathfinder > click the Minus Front from Shape Modes.
  3. Notice that the front rectangle and intersection of the circle are gone.
    Fill it with the same color as that of the TV frame.
  4. We will add two antennae to the base in the same color.
    draw two triangles in any shape, and add two circles to their peaks.


Accent on the TV

  1. it still needs some accents to pull the eye. We need a swoosh shape in the top-left corner.
  2.  With the pen tool selected, draw the line toward 11 o’clock. Move the pen tool to the right.
    Click slightly drag toward somewhere between 3 o’clock and 4 o’clock direction.
  3. Add similar accent to other places as well.
  4. Adjust the shape by using selection and direct selection tools.
  5. We will add a visual effect in the middle of the tube, where the tennis ball we draw later will come out.
  6. Use the Star tool and modified its shape12 for the number of points.
  7. Select Warp or Twirl tool, and click and drag it around.


Making the Ball

  1. Go to Window > Layers.
    Name the current one to TV layer. Create a new layer  and name it 'tennis ball.'
  2. Draw a ball using a 1.5 inch circle in R 255, G 255, B 0.
    This will be the outline of the ball.
  3. Add a green circle 1.2 inch, R 0, G 255, B 0.  
  4. Create two more circles with yellow strokes R 255, G 255, B 0, No fill, Stroke 3 points.
  5. We are about to put a mask on top of the circle to hide the outer rings.
    First draw a 1.4 inch circle. This will be a mask.
    Select all the circles around, including the mask, and go to Object > Clipping Mask > Make.
    You will see only the properties inside the last circle.


Drawing the Ball’s trail

  1. Create a new layer for the tail and name it Tail and Draw two circles. One is bigger than the other one.
  2. Move the smaller one on top of the big one and arrange them.
  3. With both circles selected, click Minus Front from Shape Modes in the Pathfinder palette.
    The intersection is gone. To make sure, just add any color to it as a fill.
  4. We will use only the bottom half of the image. Crop out the top portion.
  5. Go to Toolbox and select the Rectangle tool.
    Draw s rectangle. It’s got to be bigger than the top half of the tail image.
  6. Place the rectangle on the top half of the tail image.
    Click Minus Front from the Pathfinder palette. The top half of the tail should be gone.
  7. Move the ball onto the head of the tail.
  8. Drag the tail layer below the ball layer in the layers palette.
  9. Finally, we will draw three little tails inside the big one.
  10. Make sure you are in the tail layer. Go to the toolbox and select the pen tool.
  11. Try to produce an angle similar to that of the outer tail by modifying direction lines to produce the curves. It doesn’t have to be perfectly accurate, but it should look like it is coming from the same place. Color it white and add another small tail right next to it, then one more.