A PICTORAL HISTORY -- The 2000s - Page Twentyone

Welcome to David J. Keeling's Pictoral History for the 2000s..Page Twentyone

picture of me in Algiers
At the Martyrs Memorial, Algiers (Dec 2006)

picture of DJK in Paris
Lecturing students in Paris, January 2007

picture of DJK at AGS
Working at the AGS Council meeting, June 2007

picture DJK at Silwa Oasis
At Silwa Oasis, Egypt, November 2006

picture of DJK in Europe
Leading Student Field Trip through central London, January 2007

DJK in Paris
Lecturing to students at the Bastile, Paris, January 2007

picture of DJK in the Sahara
Joining the Tuareg clan in Niger, November 2006

picture of DJK at WKU homecoming
Annual alumni homecoming, WKU, October 2006

All pages are © Copyright David J. Keeling and material may not be copied, downloaded, or reproduced without written permission. Individual photos are copyrighted by the photographer.

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If you have any comments, you can email me directly by clicking on:  david.keeling@wku.edu

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Last updated: 9/15/07