A PICTORAL HISTORY -- The 2000s - Page Fifteen

Welcome to David J. Keeling's Pictoral History for the 2000s..Page Fifteen

picture of me in Vietnam
At the "Hanoi Hilton," Vietnam, September 2004

picture of me in Vietnam
With the WKU Group in Halong Bay, Vietnam, September 2004

jenna medlin receives graduate award
Presenting Jenna Medlin a 2004 Outstanding Graduate Student Award

mark graham receives graduate award
Presenting Mark Graham a 2004 Outstanding Graduate Student Award

picture of DJK in the office
Working the office, April 2005.

picture of DJK in the Rocky Mountain NP
In Rocky Mountain National Park on a field trip, April 2005

picture of DJK at AGS globe
AGS Globe Signing, Atlanta, May 2004, (Sylvia Earle (left)).

All pages are © Copyright David J. Keeling and may not be copied, downloaded, or reproduced without written permission. Individual photos are copyrighted by the photographer.

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If you have any comments, you can email me directly by clicking on:  david.keeling@wku.edu

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Last updated: 6/22/07