Some Biogeographers, Evolutionists and Ecologists:
Chrono-Biographical Sketches

Baker, Frederick Storrs (United States 1890-1965)

Frederick Baker's career revolved entirely around the study of trees. As one obituary notice stated, "His research added greatly to the knowledge of growth and reproduction of California tree species, their ecological relationships and their requirements for light and moisture." He was also known as a very able administrator, as a favorite with students, and as the author of one of the most successful textbooks on silviculture, The Theory and Practice of Silviculture.

Life Chronology

--born in Bridgeport, Connecticut, on 3 June 1890.
--1908: attends summer course in Milford, Pennsylvania, run by the Yale University Forestry School
--1912: graduates from Colorado College with a degree in Forest Engineering
--1912-1926: studies aspen and other tree species in Pike, Uinta, and Manti National Forests for the U. S. Forest Service
--1918: consultant on woods for the war effort, Washington, D.C.
--1926-1947: teaching and research in forestry, University of California, Berkeley
--1934: publishes his The Theory and Practice of Silviculture (second edition, 1950)
--1942-1945: council member, Society of American Foresters
--1947-1956: dean, School of Forestry, University of California, Berkeley
--1947-1956: ex-officio member, California State Board of Forestry
--1949: publishes "A Revised Tolerance Table" in the Journal of Forestry
--1955: contributes to the report California's Forest Regeneration Problems
--dies at Berkeley, California, on 1 January 1965.

For Additional Information, See:

--Who Was Who in America, Vol. 4 (1968).     Malvina Reynolds
--University of California: In Memoriam, 1966. [website]

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