Small Adventures
Gems 3 amethysts (worth 100 gp each), 5 citrines (worth 50 gp each), deep blue spinel (worth 500 gp), 3 moonstones (worth 100 gp each), 4 onyx (worth 50 gp each), 10 pink pearls (worth 100 gp each), 3 silver pearls (worth 100 gp each), 1 violet garnet (worth 500 gp)
Jewelry & Art 56 ancient gold coins (worth 2 gp each), black marble scorpion statuette (worth 50 gp), carved coral shark (worth 750 gp), coral armband (worth 500 gp), garnet encrusted scepter (worth 400 gp), 2 gold bracelets (worth 40 gp each), gold circlet with 11 azurite gemstones (worth 1,375 gp), gold necklace with locket (worth 275 gp), golden dragon statuette with amethyst eyes (worth 750 gp), gorget (worth 25 gp), 3 jade statues of crabs (worth 500 gp each), jet-stone carving of a barbed devil (worth 100 gp), large gold coin (worth 100 gp), matching arm and thigh bands (worth 60 gp), 2 moonstone-studded silver rings (worth 75 gp each), 3 nautilus shells (worth 500 gp each), pearl and coral necklace (worth 1,500 gp), rare seashells (worth 1,000 gp), red moon scallop (worth 1,000 gp), ring set with golden yellow topaz (worth 500 gp), scrimshaw carving of a walrus (worth 500 gp), silver chain fillet (worth 110 gp), silver unicorn statue (worth 50 gp)
Armor +1 breastplate
Oils oil of keen edge
Potions ditch dram admixture, potion of bear's endurance, potion of cure moderate wounds, potion of feather fall (3), potion of haste (2), potion of resist energy (cold), potion of shield of faith, potion of water breathing
Rings ring of counterspells (magic missile), ring of jumping, ring of swimming
Rods rod of writhing
Scrolls scroll of elemental surger (new spell), scroll of summon monster V
Wands wand of cure light wounds (CL 2nd; 50 charges), wand of false life (5 charges), wand of lightning bolts (11 charges), wand of magic missiles (CL 7th; 15 charges)
Weapons +1 composite longbow (+1 Str), javelin of lightning, +1 shortsword (3)
Wondrous Items amulet of natural armor +1, bag of holding (type I), bead of force, bracers of armor +1, bracers of armor +3, brooch of shielding (50 charges), candle of truth, everburning torch, feather tokens (anchor, fan, swan boat) (4), glowing glove, goggles of minute seeing, golem-bane scarab, headband of vast intelligence +2, ioun torch, restorative ointment (1 dose), slippers of spider climbing, tomb guard
Ankana's Microticon
1stalarm, comprehend languages, grease, protection from chaos, ray of enfeeblement, unseen servant
2ndacid arrow, arcane lock, eagle's splendor, false life, fog cloud, resist energy, web
3rdfly, haste, phantom steed, stinking cloud, tiny hut
4thenervation, stone shape
Samir Pilvi's On Bluster
1stalter winds, aspect of the four winds (new spell), unseen servant, windy escape
2nddefensive shock, gust of wind, summon swarm, whispering wind
3rdstinking cloud, thunderbolt (new spell), wind wall, wresting wind (new spell)
4thabsorbing inhalation, air walk, cloud shape, summon monster IV
Armor masterwork chain shirt, masterwork hide armor, masterwork studded leather (3)
Other Goods & Services masterwork trapmaking tools (3)
Weapons fire-forged handaxe, masterwork bardiches (2), masterwork battleaxes (6), masterwork composite longbow (+1 Str) (3), masterwork daggers (2), masterwork heavy crossbow, masterwork javelins (3), masterwork longbows (5), masterwork whip, Small masterwork dogslicer (3)
Alchemical Items alchemist's fire (11), antiplague (2), antitoxin (5), holy water, smokesticks (6), thunderstones (12),
Ammunition 230 arrows, 10 bolts
Armor Small studded leather (3), studded leather with masterwork armor spikes (4)
Antiquities none
Other Goods & Services climber's kit (4), disguise kit (10 uses), healer's kit (40 uses), key, musical instrument (concertina)
Poisons none
Shields none
Weapons javelins (10), short swords (17), Small dogslicer (3), Small shortbow (3), throwing axes (6)