Catherine Carey

Professor of Economics
Western Kentucky University
416 Grise Hall

Professor, Department of Economics
Western Kentucky University
1906 College Heights BLVD
Bowling Green, KY 42101

Profile Pic


Ph.D., Economics, University of Kentucky, 1992
M.A., Economics, University of Kentucky, 1990
B.S.B.E., University of Kentucky, 1988

Courses Taught:

Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of Microeconomics
Intermediate Microeconomics
Contemporary Issues in (Introduction to) Economics (undergraduate, MBA, online MBA)
Economics of Advertising (undergraduate/MBA)
Industrial Organization
E-Commerce Economics (undergraduate, MBA/ITV)
Mathematical Economics
Money and Banking
International Trade Theory (graduate, undergraduate, MBA)
International Monetary Economics (graduate/undergraduate)
Freshman Seminar


"Fiat Money,” Encyclopedia of Business in Today's World, Charles Wankel, and Geoff Golson, Eds., Sage Publications, July 2009.

“Internet Domain Names,” Encyclopedia of Business in Today's World, Charles Wankel, and Geoff Golson, Eds., Sage Publications, July 2009.

“Money Supply,” Encyclopedia of Business in Today's World, Charles Wankel, and Geoff Golson, Eds., Sage Publications, July 2009.

“Global Digital Divide,” Encyclopedia of Business in Today's World, Charles Wankel, and Geoff Golson, Eds., Sage Publications, July 2009.

“Clearing House Automated Payments System (CHAPS),” Encyclopedia of Business in Today's World, Charles Wankel, and Geoff Golson, Eds., Sage Publications, July 2009, pg. 280.

“Clearing House Interbank Payments System (CHIPS),” Encyclopedia of Business in Today's World, Charles Wankel, and Geoff Golson, Eds., Sage Publications, July 2009, pg. 281.

“Clearing Houses,” Encyclopedia of Business in Today's World, Charles Wankel, and Geoff Golson, Eds., Sage Publications, July 2009, pgs. 281-283.

“Modeling Collecting Behavior: The Role of Set Completion” Journal of Economic Psychology. (2007), doi:10.10/1016/j.joep.2007.08.002, Elsevier B. V.

“Instructional Technology Applications In Finance Classrooms” with Samanta Thapa, Indudeep Chhachhi, and Johnny Chan, Journal of Learning in Higher Education (Fall 2007), JW Press, pgs. 5-16.

“Wage and Price Controls” with Jeffery Osgood, (Fall, 2007), International Encyclopedia of Political Science, edited by George Thomas Kurian, CQ Press.

“Industrial Relations and U.S. Direct Investment Abroad: The Impact of Foreign Labor Market Restrictions”, with Michelle Trawick, (2004) Journal of International Business Research, Vol. 3.

“Collaborative Learning and New Learning Technologies: Coordination of Pedagogy”, with Felicia Lassk, Eductational Innovation in Economics and Business: Teaching Today the Knowledge of Tomorrow, Vol. VI, Kluwer Academic Publishers (2002), 109-126.

“Harry Gordon Johnson”, Encyclopedia of Keynesian Economics, edited by Thomas Cate, David Colander, and Geoff Harcourt (1997), Edward Elger Publishing, 262-264.

“Foreign Direct Investment in the Presence of Asymmetric Adjustment Costs,” with Charles Spradlin, (1997) Kentucky Journal of Economics and Business, 16, 49-70.

“The Role of International Trade in Technological Change: The Case of U.S. Manufacturers,” (1997) Journal of Economics, 23(1), 1-12.

“U.S. Import Supply Behavior: Evidence From the 1980s,” (Spring 1997) Eastern Economic Journal, 23(2), 139-150.

“Brand Versus Generic Advertising and the Decision to Advertise Collectively,” with Dawn Bolton of Western Kentucky University (1996), Review of Industrial Organization, 11(1), 93-105.

“The U.S. Strategic Advertising Response to the Dollar Fluctuation and Import Competition of the 1980s,” with Mike Webb of University of Kentucky (1995), Southern Business and Economic Journal, 19(1), 2-13.

Other Professional Activities:

Editor: Journal of Applied Economics and Policy, 2007 to present

Board Member: Kentucky Economic Association, 2001-2002, 2007-

Council Member: Economic Advisory Council, Rand Paul for U.S. Senate, 2009-

Political Debate Organizer: VOTE2010: U.S. Senate Race Candidate Forum, January 2010

Board Member: WKU Institute for Citizenship and Social Responsibility, Summer 2009-

2001 President: Kentucky Economic Association

2000 Program Chair and President Elect: Kentucky Economic Association

Editorial Board Economics and Finance: Southern Business and Economic Journal

Review Board: Academic Business World Conference, 2006

Referee: American Economic Review, Journal of Growth and Change, Journal of Macroeconomics, Kentucky Journal of Economics and Business, Southern Business and Economic Journal, Research in Marketing, Academic Business World Conference, Journal of Applied Economics and Policy and text reviewer for Addison-Westley Publishing Company, Southwestern College Publishing/Cengage/Thompson Learning, McGraw Hill, Harcourt College Publishers.

Online Tutorial Development: Developed the online tutorial titled McEachern Assistance Program (MAP) to accompany Economics: A Contemporary Introduction, 6th Edition, William A. McEachern, Southwestern Thompson Learning, 2003

Grant Proposal Reviewer: National Science Foundation, CCSL-I, AEducational Materials Development (EMD) and Adaptation and Implementation (A&I) of Good Practices in the Economics Curriculum,@ February 15, 1999.

Honors and Awards:

Beta Gamma Sigma

Golden Key Honor Society

Omicron Delta Epsilon

Summer Research Fellowship, "Investment and Tax Policy in the U.S.: An Open Economy Microeconomic Analysis," Summer 1994.

Honorary Faculty Football Coach, WKU vs EKU, September 14, 1996.

Summer Research Fellowship, The Influence of Statutory Job Security Provisions on the Composition and Destination of Direct Investment, Summer 1998.

Development of a Searchable Database Web Page of Ideas for Enhancing Teaching and Learning Through the Use of New Learning Technologies, Teaching Resource Faculty Program Grant, Spring 1998.

1997-1998 College of Business Faculty Excellence Award for Teaching.

Recognition by Outstanding Senior in Economics as having substantial impact on college career, COBA Annual Recognition and Awards Programs, 1998, 1999.

Master of the Spirit Award by WKU’s Enrollment Management department, November, 1998.

Nominated for Advisor of the Year Award, Fall 1998.

Elliott Fellow for attending “Governing in the Global Age,” The Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, Washington, D.C., June 15 17, 2000.

Faculty Co-Advisor, BGS Exemplary Chapter 2000, was able to provide $1000 BGS Scholarship

Faculty Co-Advisor, BGS Exemplary Chapter 2001, was able to provide $1000 BGS Scholarship

Faculty Co-Advisor, BGS Premier Chapter 2002, was able to provide $1000 BGS Scholarship

Faculty Co-Advisor, BGS Premier Chapter 2003, was able to provide $1000 BGS Scholarship

Faculty Co-Advisor, BGS Premier Chapter 2004, was able to provide $1000 BGS Scholarship

Faculty Co-Advisor, BGS Premier Chapter 2006, was able to provide $1000 BGS Scholarship

Faculty Co-Advisor, BGS Premier Chapter 2007, was able to provide $1000 BGS Scholarship

Faculty Co-Advisor, BGS Premier Chapter 2008, was able to provide $1000 BGS Scholarship

Faculty Co-Advisor, BGS Premier Chapter 2009, was able to provide $1000 BGS Scholarship

2004 Vitale Award for Initiative, Innovation, and Leadership

Distinguished service award for 5 years with Beta Gamma Sigma, Spring 2004

Distinguished research award from Allied Academies for “Industrial Relations and U.S. Direct Investment Abroad: The Impact of Foreign Labor Market Restrictions” with Michelle Trawick, April 2004.

Bowling Green Purples Soccer Parent Volunteer Award, 2006 and 2007

Best Paper Award for, “Instructional Technology Applications in Finance Classrooms”, with Samanta Thapa, Indudeep Chhachhi, and Johnny Chan, Academic Business World International Conference, May 2007

2009-2010 College of Business Faculty Excellence Award for Public Service




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©2010 Catherine Carey