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Physical Science - Properties and Changes of Matter

 Physical and Chemical Change Lab - Cinny West
SC - M - 1.1.1, SC - M - 1.1.2, SC - M - 1.1.3

 Chemistry Mini-Unit - Debbie Boyken
SC - M - 1.1.1, SC - M - 1.1.2, SC - M - 1.1.3

Matter, Matter, Everywhere
SC - M - 1.1.1

Physical Science - Motion and Forces

Roller Coasters - Roger Pankratz and Donna Howell
SC - M - 1.2.1

Friction - Cinny West
SC - M - 1.2.2, SC - M - 1.2.3

Physical Science - Transfer of Energy

 Investigating Light - Donna Shartzer
SC - M - 1.3.3

 Charge It - Jane Crumbaker
SC - E - 1.3.3, SC - M - 1.3.5

 Transfer of Energy - Debbie Boyken
SC - M - 1.3.1

Life Science - Structure and Function

Phrog Pharoahs - Pam Fazel
SC - M - 3.1.1, SC - M - 3.1.2, SC - M - 3.1.3, SC - M - 3.1.4

Classification of Living Organisms - Cinny West
SC - M - 3.1.1

Life Science - Reproduction and Heredity

Watching Heredity Happen - Cindy Hardesty
SC - M - 3.3.1, SC - M - 3.3.2

Cointossing and the Relationship to Heredity - Ronnie Shuffitt
SC - M - 3.3.1, SC - M - 3.3.2

Life Science - Diversity and Adaptations of Organisms

Adaptations - Janice Roberts
SC - M - 3.4.1, SC - M - 3.4.2

Earth Science - Structure of the Earth

Layers of Earth - Donna Howell
SC - M - 2.1.1

Rocks and Minerals - Donna Howell
SC - M - 2.1.3

 Soils - Donna Howell
SC - M - 2.1.4

 Weather Watch - Cindy Hardesty
SC - M - 2.1.7, SC - M - 2.3.4

 Now You See It, Now You Don't - Jane Crumbaker
SC - E - 2.2.2, SC - E - 2.3.3, SC - M - 2.3.2


 Missiles in Motion: A Study of SUV's

 Studying Downhill Racers: The Nature of Scientific Activity

 Water Pollution - What to Do

 Challenging the World's Greatest Energy Systems

 Do Plants Sweat?

 Information Molecules

 We're Moving to Phoenix

 Is Jack's Beanstalk Really That Tall?

 Our Solar System from an Alien Perspective


 Light as Energy

 The Properties of Stuff


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Contents copyright (c) 2001, Western Kentucky University.
Last updated September 21, 2001.