My Brother


DISCLAIMER: This page is not intended for grading purposes, but rather, to further torture my older brother and constanty remind him of the sweet, loving, and younger sister I will always be....

My Brother In A Drain Ditch

James Robert Waid


Robert was always a special kid. Growing up the oldest amoung four very different children. Rob often found himself dreaming of cars and girls like all of the other normal guys his age. Then one day he graduated high school! Dad and uncle Jimmy drove down to Fulton on their motorcycles that evening to enjoy the festivities.

Robert at Graduation

Before long Robert got what he considered at that time to be a dream car. He moved to college and roomed with his best friend. He was so happy.

Robert sitting on his Eclipse



He would come home and visit from time to time. Tell us about his new exciting experiences in college. He came back to see me off for my senior prom even.


Robert and Author at Prom

Unfortunately things took an odd turn when Robert bought himself a motorcycle, and joined a gang. He would spend all of his psare time, washing, and polishing up his bike. Then he and his gang members would tear up the streets of Murray.

Robert Posing with Friends

But then Robert met a girl....

And he began to change his life for the better, and began exercising...

Robert Riding Bicycle

Then he proposed to that same girl, and hopefully, once they get married on June 15, 2013, they will live happily ever after.

Robert and Steph sharing a kiss




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