Working in the School System with Children and Teachers

If you are interested in working with children and adolescents, teachers, and parents to

then you may be interested in becoming a school psychologist. The kinds of problems that school psychologists try to help children and adolescents resolve include

School Psychologist: Specialist in Education (Ed.S.)

Who Are School Psychologists?

School psychologists have specialized training in both psychology and education. They use their training and skills to team with educators, parents, and other mental health professionals to ensure that every child learns in a safe, healthy, and supportive environment. School psychologists understand school systems, effective teaching and successful learning. Today’s children face more challenges than ever before. School psychologists can provide solutions for tomorrow’s problems through thoughtful and positive actions today.

The majority of school psychologists are employed in public and private school systems but they may also work in clinics, hospitals, school-based health centers, various institutions or private practice.

The Ed.S. is a practioner's degree. It qualifies one to work in the public school system anywhere in the United States.

Ed.S. programs are typically 3 years of full time study including a one year internship. School Psychologists are certified by the particular state Department of Education to work in public schools at the masters or Specialists level. A Specialist degree is awarded to graduates who have over 60 graduate hours; the degree reflects the extra course above a masters degree.

The requirements to become a school psychologist are

For further information on school psychologists

Adapted from: National Association for School Psychologists. (2000). What is a School Psychologist. [Brochure]. Bethesda, MD: Author.

MA in School Counseling

Another option for the person interested in working with children in the schools is an MA in School Counseling. This degree takes 1 and 1/2 years to complete and requires a teaching certificate.

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Presented by the M.A. - Clinical Psychology ( and Ed. S. - School Psychology ( Graduate Programs of Western Kentucky UniversityContact

Created: 10/4/00; Last modified: 11/02/00
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