Working in Mental Health

You have several options for learning to do therapy/counseling and psychological evaluations. Consult with your advisor to identify the program that is best for you.

First, Specialization

Many are not sure about the population with whom they want to work. Some people know that they prefer to work with adults, with children, with adolescents, or in some other specialized area.

When you are studying graduate programs, examine the training opportunities and the faculty expertise for evidence that you can learn about this area of interest for you. Unless you have very specialized interests, most programs will provide you with the general skills you need to adapt to any particular population.

Degree Options

Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (Ph.D. or Psy.D.)

Doctorate in Counseling Psychology (Ph.D., Ed.D., or Psy.D.)

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Presented by the M.A. - Clinical Psychology ( and Ed. S. - School Psychology ( Graduate Programs of Western Kentucky University

Created: 10/4/00; Last modified: 10/29/00
© since 2000

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