Stoic Philosophy Today

The asterisked materials were composed by Dr. Jan Garrett

Updated October 3, 2010

Apart from single copies for use by individuals, this material may not be copied without the permission of the author.

Many of the following pieces bear traces of their original composition in the period 1999-2006 as contributions to the online Stoics community, the International Stoic Forum. The International Stoic Forum is open for new members.

1. Reflections on Lawrence Becker's A New Stoicism (intermediate)

a. The Centrality of Virtue in New Stoicism*
b. Following Nature* (slightly modified, 10/10/05)
c. The New Stoa and Human Rights*

2. Reason, Emotion, and Imagination* (basic)

3. Love and Reason as Our Guides* (intermediate)

4. Metaphysical Determinism Irrelevant to Responsible Choice* (basic)

5. Care for the Self as Ethics in the Age of Networks* (very basic)

6. Stoic Ethics Is Not Relativist* (basic)

7. Classical Stoic Lessons Speak to Sept. 11, 2001, Events* (basic)

8. Emotion and Value in a Turbulent Age* (basic) (10/17/01)

9. Human Rights, Virtue, Stoicism: An Exchange (intermediate) (added 11/1/01)

10. The Last Attachment: A Dialogue on War and the State* (intermediate) (8/3/02)

11. Can Stoics Be Activists?* (3/15/04)

12. Stoicism and Privacy* (3/16/04)

13. Stoicism Today and Climate Change* (10/10/05)

14. Objective Rightness: Or How the Law of Nature Can Guide Moral Choice* (10/12/05)

15. Interview with Dr. Garrett about his Journey to and from Stoicism (link added 10/3/2011)