Climate Downscaling for Regional
- NASA funded grant: Sustainable Management of Coastal Forest Ecosystems under a Changing Climate in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Downscaling NASA GISS AOM
model IPCC AR4 climate to 30-km and 10-km resolution using the WRF model
- Applications of nudging schemes (grid nudging and spectral nudging) in downscaling
- Assessment of downscaled climate using spectral analysis and root-mean-square-error (RMSE) methods
- Upcoming collaboration with Caribbean Community Climate
Change Centre (5Cs):
Caribbean regional climate change and decision-making applications in environmental issues - Downscaling IPCC AR5 model projections to 9-km and 3-km resolutions encompassing the Caribbean region and small islands.
- Develop
applications in forestry, hydrology and ground water, extreme events
including droughts and floods, sea-level rising, and coastal habitat.
Xingang Fan (PI), Western Kentucky University (WKU)
Zhaofei Fan (Co-PI), Mississippi State University (MSU)
Valentine Anantharaj, Oak Ridge National Lab
Liang Chen (Visiting Scholar), WKU/Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Beijing, China
Michael Crosby, MSU
Sui Zheng, MSU
Prospective collaborators:
CCCCC in Belize
Belize Weather Office