To Overview | Issues in Using the Internet in Instruction
For My Students | Admin/Research | PSY | CTL | WKU 


Evaluation of the Workshop

Please complete the following questions after experiencing the workshop. Your answers will help you judge your progress, assist in designing future training activities, and contribute to our understanding of faculty involvement in Internet instruction. You are free to leave any item blank but your cooperation is appreciated. Your responses are anonymous.

If you are willing to have me compare this questionnaire to your previous one, record your self-assigned number (for example, the last 4 numbers of your driver's license number) here: _______. Thank you.

1. Please describe the most important thing you learned in this workshop?


2. What is the most important issue or task that remains unclear to you?


3. List your three most important goals to be accomplished before beginning your Internet course:




4. With regard to the total time I will allocate to my Internet course, I now expect to spend.

____ % in preparation.

____ % in communicating with students by various means

____ % in developing content for presentation on the Web

____ % in other activities (Describe): ______________________________________________

Feel free to provide additional comments on the reverse side of this paper or to contact me by E-mail.

For those not providing me with an identifying number above, I would appreciate your completing the following items again so I can evaluate the above responses.

5. I have ____ semesters of experience teaching completely on-line.

6. I have ____ semesters of experience in teaching via interactive television, satellite.

7. I have ___ semesters experience with using technology in instruction.

8. A brief description of my major job duties is (Check all that apply):

___Faculty: My academic discipline is: __________________

___ Substantial (1/4 or greater) time allotted to training faculty in instructional technology.

___ Other: ___________________________________________________________

To Overview | Issues in Using the Internet in Instruction
For My Students | Admin/Research | PSY | CTL | WKU 

Contact the author with comments or questions about this site by following the directions at this page (which will open in a new window.)

All contents © since 1996 by Sally Kuhlenschmidt. Copy only with permission.

Website created: June 1996. Page Created: February 22, 1999. Last Modified: June 27, 1999.