For My Students | Admin/Research | PSY | CTL | WKU 

Changing Borders:
Letting Technology Enhance Our Experience of Teaching

Sally Kuhlenschmidt

August 4, 2001

For the

Minnesota State Colleges & Universities

Bloomington, MN

Dear Participants,

I enjoyed spending the week with you at your conference. I have updated this site to reflect our activities. Look for links to supplemental materials. Please let me know of any corrections or confusing parts.

If you want a copy of my break time quote Powerpoint right click on the following file name and download it. You have permission to use it for instructional purposes but I retain all rights to the organization and to my photographs of the Japanese garden. I don't, of course, own the original quotes so if you alter the order and layout with images then you may do with them as you wish. Here is the file: borderquotes.ppt

I reformatted my presentation into a layout easier to print out. It follows.

Some asked about where I obtained the clipart. I frequently use the clip art available on the Powerpoint website. I modify it using the tools within Powerpoint. (See local tech support for help with that).

  1. You need to be on a computer with an on-line connection open.
  2. In Powerpoint be in slide view and click inside a slide to activate the following options.
  3. In the menu bar select Insert.... Picture...ClipArt...a new box opens and look for "Clips Online" or something similar. (It varies a bit depending on version.) Click on it.
  4. Your web browser should automatically open and take you to the Microsoft Powerpoint clipart search site. (You'll probably have to read and agree to a copyright policy the first time you use it.)
  5. Use the search tool to find a few clips you like and check them (Don't pick too many at a time or your download time will be long. I may do about 10 or 15.)
  6. When you are ready select the download option and a box will pop up. **Notice where on your hard drive you are saving them. I create a directory under the c drive called Download and a subdirectory called Powerpoint clip art. The file name will be strange-- don't change it.
  7. When the download is finished, go to the directory and doubleclick on the file and Powerpoint will automatically grab the clip art and put it in your clip art folder that opens when you choose that option within Powerpoint.

Finally, Diane Hill, adjunct faculty at Riverland Community College, gave me a sketch based on my talk and also permission to share it with you. I thought you'd enjoy seeing it: dianehill.jpg


It is better to know some of the questions than all the answers. --J. Thurber.

What are the most significant issues for instruction and technology in higher education?


What is technology?

Audience contributions



Current Status: Wilson 2001

Why deal with technology?


Audience contributions:

My additional thoughts, first goals to move toward:

And dangers to avoid:

Economics of Technology and Higher Education

So, how does one prepare? When traveling you have 3 main tasks to accomplish, 3 arenas in which to prepare. (This is a simplified notion, you may want to add spiritual or social tasks to the list.)

Task triangle: emotional, intellectual, physical on the points


Personal Example

Picture of me at Lake Itasca when I was a teen

As a child I had to travel with my family on a summer trip. We stopped at Lake Itasca, the headwaters of the Mississippi on the way and I posed for the usual photo. I was very familiar with the power of the Mississippi and major rivers. I grew up in the Ohio River valley. I had visited New Orleans and saw how huge the Mississippi was there. I had heard of the 37 flood and experienced some flooding in my lifetime.

As I stood there and looked down at the tiny rivulets beneath my feet, I marveled that something so small could become something so huge and I realized that the same could happen to me. I might be "just a child" but that didn't mean I would be one forever. I realized I had potential to become an adult-- my "borders" of self expanded.

In order to understand this-to make this journey-I had to have the physical ability to walk out on the rocks, the emotional preparedness to accept this potential, and the intellectual ability to think abstractly about myself. These same 3 general skills are needed for any growth experience, including learning about technology.

Thinking of the how the river grows from a small beginning may also encourage you that starting small with technology and adding a bit at a time is the way to learn it.



Task triangle: emotional, intellectual, physical on the points


Emotional Borders:

Understanding Assumptions

Intellectual Borders: Planning for Success

Scholarship Of Teaching & Learning (SOTL)

  1. Clear Goals
  2. Adequate Preparation
  3. Appropriate Methods
  4. Effective Presentation
  5. Significant Results
  6. Reflective Critique
    Scholarship Assessed (Glassick, Huber, Maeroff, 1997)

My extension of SOTL

Chart of relation among Scholarship of Teaching/Learning components

Being Scholarly with Technology


A technician is a man who understands everything about his job except its ultimate purpose and its place in the order of the universe. --Sir Richard Livingston.

1. Clear Goals

Be honest about your motivations and save your time and energy. Your strategy for technology should reflect your genuine goals. For example, if your goal is to have fun... don't confuse your "fun" time with your "technology for learning" time.

Some Goals I have heard from faculty

  1. To have fun
  2. To learn it before it ‘gets’ them
  3. To enhance student learning
  4. Because everybody else is doing it.
  5. To get the Dean off my back
  6. To know more than others.

If your goal is to get the Dean off your back, then pick a technology that will last a long time and doesn't require maintenance.

Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.

--John Wood.

2. Adequate Preparation

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.

-- Douglas Adams, Last Chance to See.

3. Appropriate Methods

Technology which connects is successful technology.

--Source unknown.

4. Effective Presentation

Even if you are on the right track you will get run over if you just sit there.

–Will Rogers.

5. Significant Results

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.


6. Critical Reflection

Physical Skills

One more positive note: your generation, between seniors who did not live their lives with tech and the youngest who have lived with it for their entire memories, will always know there is another way to do things. You will always be more flexible.

Every job is a self-portrait of the individual who did it.

--Carolyn Coats, 1994.

PTR/Post Tenure Evaluation

Changing Borders Review

Rethinking teaching is one consequence of working with technology, whether you use the technology or not.

Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.

--Pablo Picasso.

Revisit your "issues" letters: Have your ideas changed? Deepened? Questions will remain. This is a huge influence on our lives that cannot be answered quickly or easily. But finding the questions helps to address the changes.

If you're looking to find the key to the Universe, I have some bad news and some good news.

The bad news is - there is no key to the Universe.

The good news is - the universe has been left unlocked.

For My Students | Admin/Research | PSY | CTL | WKU 

Contact the author with comments or questions about this site by following the directions at this page (which will open in a new window.)

All contents © since 1996 by Sally Kuhlenschmidt. Copy only with permission.
Website created: June 1996. Page Created: July 28, 2001. Last Modified: August 5, 2001.