From Psychology 501 Evaluations: Spring 1998 Students
Each bullet
represents a different individual. Ten of 14 responded to a phone interview
conducted by a graduate student who removed identifying information before providing
the results to the instructor. I have to wait to post more recent information
until I have a sufficient accumulation of students to protect their anonymity.
You do not
have permission to print this or reproduce it in any form. Hate to be draconian,
but this is material I am interested in using in an article and journal editors
in my field frown on information being published elsewhere.
As compared to a
2 credit hour face -to-face graduate course I learned:
- More, Very engaged in
processes and no opportunity to drift off.
- More, Felt like it was
more individualized, could focus on what was important, I do better working
- Equal, Missed face to
face interaction, had trouble getting used to the other way.
- Less, No comment.
- Equal, Good way to do
graduate course because I could fit it into my schedule.
- Equal, No comment.
- More, No comment.
- More, Put the amount
I wanted to learn up to me.
- Equal, Learned same amount,
links gave you options to see more information.
- More, Why is it only
a 2 credit hour course, should be changed to 3 credit hours,
- Exposure to new things
such as MUD and using the information right away.
As compared to a
2 credit hour face-to-face graduate course: My motivation to complete it was:
- No answer, To get the
classes I am teaching on line.
- Equal, No comment.
- Less, didn't have the
constant reminder of a faculty member.
- Equal, Applied directly
to my job but I procrastinated on the final project.
- Less, Doesn't count towards
my degree.
- Equal, Haven't finished
yet due to work but plan to finish.
- Less, No comment.
- Less, Hard for the teacher
to hold people accountable when they are not in front of you.
- More, Fail if I don't,
time factors.
- Equal, Had to work harder
to finish, took more self-discipline(I always finish what I start).
What study of time
management technique did you find to be most effective?
- During the spring semester
I tried to set aside a certain time and set of days to work.
- Self-starter:Didn't like
making out a chart of when I was working on the course.
- I don't know, No particular
technique stood out more than the others.
- Working on course outside
of working hours.
- Logged on several times
a week, no particular technique.
- Don't know, frequently
logged on and off.
- Working on the course
at the same time each week.
- Never found one. Tried
different types.
- Decided to set aside
a specific time each week.
- Tried to set aside one
day (A block of time) to work. Printed everything so that I could underline.
Keep a organized notebook of all printouts.
Which two topics
were most useful to you?
- Copyright was very useful
and how to teach by being a catalysts instead of being a lecturer.
- All were useful.
- Types of interaction
in internet courses, copyright and ownership issues.
- Copyright issues and
web page design.
- Can't think of anything.
- Copyright issues and
assessment techniques.
- Liked several but can't
remember what they were.
- Scholarship assessed
and copyright.
- Strategies and techniques
for creating a web class(links organization), testing techniques for the internet
- E-mail, copyright, Whole
course was good.
What would you like
to see added?
- More technical background(HTML,
- Net forum.
- Can't think of anything.
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
- More sites to visit of
people who are teaching on-line courses, on-line conferences.
- Can't think of anything.
- Information for registration
as a policy for people outside the university.
- New technologies.
What would you like
- MUD, didn't help me personally,
might depend on area.
- I didn't like MUD, but
it probably shouldn't be deleted.
- Can't think of anything.
- Partnered Activities.
- Nothing, it was easy
to maneuver.
- Like to see it more manageable,
had information overload.
- Can't think of anything.
- Textbook.
- Nothing, everything was
- Nothing.
How long should
Psy 501 ID's and passwords be left functional?
- Till you decide that
the class should be closed, till the last person finishes.
- Forever, At least one
year , it has great resources.
- No idea.
- At least a year with
the option of longer if we ask.
- Discontinue right after
the course. Allow us to have access to a separate links page and list serve
in order to continue to interact with students.
- As long as you are willing
to let us visit your web page.
- At least one year.
- At least one year.
- Have an alumni links
page for reference but don't really need access to course pages.
- At least a year with
the option of asking you to extend it or give limited access for a day.
Based on this course,
what are the two most important qualities or skills for the :
- Self-motivated, enjoy
- perseverance and time
- working knowledge of
HTML and time.
- Internet navigation skills
and self- confidence.
- Understanding of technology
and being organized.
- Time management and being
comfortable with technology.
- Being able to use a computer
that works, better equipment.
- Being a self-starter
and need to be working on a project so that you can use what you learn.
- Time management, self-discipline
and comfortable with basic computer skills.
- Desire to learn technology
and how to put stuff on the web.
- Ability of project a
personality through the pages and accessibility.
- Offer commentary, explain
to a diverse audience through the internet.
- Time and skill using
the computer.
- Effective presentation
of material (no information overload) and interaction with students.
- Patience, broad understanding
of technology, understanding of different learning styles.
- Patience, being able
to give clear directions in writing, and flexible time-wise.
- Commitment to working
individually with students.
- Responsiveness and understanding(empathy).
- Quality Interaction to
help guide you in the right direction otherwise you could feel disconnected.
- Flexibility, supportive
and individualized.
- Don't know.
- Understanding(knowledge)
and flexibility.
- Don't understand question.
- Can't answer.
- No idea.
- Giving credit for people
giving the internet course(reduced load ect.) and quality control.
- Don't know.
- Regular attention to
links, being aware of what is going on the internet.
- Understanding of what
preparing and managing a course involves.
- Understanding of the
special needs of people involved in this technology.
What are the top
two resources you now need to complete your course or program development?
- Not in program, done
with course.
- Faster computer and know
more about scanning material.
- Use HTML.
- Motivation, time and
- Access to computer and
knowledge of coding.
- Graphics software, on-line
testing software.
- Time.
- Time and feedback from
my division.
- Complete more research
in my field and complete final steps in reference to creating an internet
- More support from colleagues
and interested in using web-course packages from the internet.
What do you see
as the most critical problem facing the Internet instructor?
- Copyright issues and
technology that can show better video clips.
- Time management, very
time consuming.
- Departmental Administration
and their outdated view of what an internet instructor does, time needed,
and the differences between an internet course and a regular course.
- Protecting access to
my material.
- Technology can crash
on you and you can lose communication.
- Effective interaction
with students once the course is developed, Intellectual property rights(who
owns the course).
- Holding the student accountable.
- Coming to the realization
that the internet is not like a face-to-face class. Adopting a teaching style
appropriate to the course.
- Making sure the students
have equipment and skills for completing the course (computers at home).
- Want to be there for
my students , but don't always have time to get everything done, time management,
keeping standards and yet trying to be flexible without letting the flexibility
be abused. Should get a three hour reassignment (release time) if you are
taking the course.
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Created: November, 1998. Last Modified: November 26, 2000.
All contents © since 1997 by Sally Kuhlenschmidt. Do not copy this particular
page in any form. Thank you.