Article défini
L'histoire est un sujet intéressant.
Le français, l'italien et l'espagnol sont des langues romanes.
Il a levé la main avant de répondre.
Il s'est fait mal à la tête.
Le dimanche, il se promène.
Le jour, il reste enfermé chez lui.
Le pain coûte un franc la livre.
J'ai vu le général de Gaulle.
Ils se sont adressés à Cicéron, célèbre orateur romain.
Where is the key to the room.
The young man's sister is here.
I like chemistry.
He broke his leg.
Horses and cows are domestic animals.
He was sitting by the window with his mouth open.
On Tuesdays he would go to the movies.
Eggs cost two dollars a dozen.
Julius Caesar, the famous Roman general, spent several years in Gaul.
Our neighbors came back from Poland yesterday.
The car was all rusted and the price was too high.