Je dois y retourner à cinq heures.
- I must go back there at five o'clock.
- I must return there at five o'clock.
- I am supposed to go back there at five o'clock.
- I suppose that I'll return there at five o'clock.
Il devait arriver aujourd'hui, mais il n'est pas encore arrivé.
- He had to arrive today, but he hasn't yet arrived.
- He was supposed to arrive today, but he has not yet arrived.
Vous devriez vous tenir debout.
- You ought to remain standing.
- You should stay on your feet.
- You will have to remain standing.
Vous ne devriez pas vous tenir debout.
- You would not have to stay on your feet.
- You should not remain on your feet.
- You ought not remain standing.
Il a dû s'égarer car il n'est pas revenu.
- He was supposed to lose his way for he hasn't come back.
- He had to have lost his way for he did not come back.
- He must have gotten lost for he hasn't come back.
Nous devrons travailler ce soir.
- We should study tonight.
- We must study tonight.
- We will have to study tonight.
Vous ne devez pas parler français ici.
- You don't have to speak French here.
- You must not speak French here.