F322 troisième examen

I. français → anglais [30%]

Albert CAMUS L’exil et le royaume

Le car s’arrêta brusquement. Le chauffeur dit […] quelques mots dans cette langue qu’elle avait entendue toute sa vie sans jamais la comprendre. « Qu’est-ce que c’est ? » demanda Marcel. Le chauffeur, en français, cette fois, dit que le sable avait dû boucher le carburateur, et Marcel maudit encore ce pays. Le chauffeur rit de toutes ses dents et assura que ce n’était rien, qu’il allait déboucher le carburateur et qu’ensuite on s’en irait. Il ouvrit la portière, le vent froid s’engouffra dans la voiture, leur criblant aussitôt le visage de mille grains de sable. Tous les Arabes plongèrent le nez dans leurs burnous et se ramassèrent sur eux-mêmes. « Ferme la porte », hurla Marcel. Le chauffeur riait en revenant vers la portière. Posément, il prit quelques outils sous le tableau de bord, puis, miniscule dans la brume, disparut à nouveau vers l’avant, sans fermer la porte. Marcel soupirait. « Tu peux être sûre qu’il n’a jamais vu un moteur de sa vie. – Laisse ! » dit Janine. Soudain, elle sursauta. Sur le remblai, tout près du car, des formes drapées se tenaient immobiles. Sous le capuchon du burnous, et derrière un rempart de voiles, on ne voyait que leurs yeux. Muets, venus on ne sait d’où, ils regardaient les voyageurs. « Des bergers », dit Marcel.

II. anglais → français [30%]

Paintings Worth $70m+ Stolen From Picasso's Granddaughter

At least two paintings by Pablo Picasso have been stolen in Paris. Thieves broke into the home of his granddaughter on Monday night and made off with priceless works of art.
At least two paintings by Pablo Picasso have been stolen in Paris. French police announced Wednesday that the paintings were snatched from the home of the artist's granddaughter late on Monday night.
According to the authorities, thieves allegedly entered Diana Widmaier-Picasso's home in the smart seventh arrondissement of the French capital at some time between Monday night and Tuesday morning and made off with some very precious booty. Police say there was no obvious sign of a break-in.
The director of the Picasso Museum in Paris, Anne Baldassari, said that several paintings and drawings were stolen. "It was a very large theft," she told Associated Press. […]
Paintings by Picasso, one of the most important artists of the twentieth century, normally fetch huge prices at auctions, and works by the Spanish artist appear three times on the list of the top ten most expensive paintings of all time. His most expensive painting to date has been "Boy With a Pipe," which was sold for $104 million in 2004. […]

III. prépositions [30%]
    Prépositions 1-6
IV. Cours et objectifs : Essai [10%]

Review the extent to which we have accomplished each of the course goals as presented on the syllabus. Please be as detailed as possible.

    1. Development of techniques and strategies for translation
    2. Grasp of the challenges and issues of translation
    3. Greater knowledge of the structure of the French language
    4. Greater knowledge of the lexicon of the French language and perhaps of the English language
    5. Improved composition in French
    6. Heightened sensitivity to nuances of structure and diction (style)
    7. Heightened sensitivity to genres and corresponding styles
    8. Preparation: become prepared linguistically to take more advanced French