Camus L’Hote Vocabulary Camus L’Hote Vocabulary

raide steep
mener to lead
batie built
colline hill
peiner to work hard
bronchait to stumble
chandail sweater
vide empty
glacee icy
dessines drawn
craies chalk
apporte to bring anymore

chauffer to heat

piece room
apercevoir to see; to notice
contrefort foothills
chute fall
rechauffe reheated
raidillon steep slope
la piste track ,path
chemin track, path
fonce dark, somber
peine sadness, sorrow
renforcee reinforce, strengthen, intensify
le plafond roof, ceiling
epaisse thick
milieu middle
tenebres darkness
sautés changes
secouer shake
patientait to wait patiently
appentis lean to building with sloping roof
soigner to take care of
puiser to draw(take) from
la cammionette small truck
proche near
ravitaillement resupplying of provisions
aileurs nevertheless
soutenir to support
siege siege
ble wheat
enconbraient to clutter; to obstruct
secheresse drought
malheur misfortune
les poules chickens
la tourmente storm
faire la soudure avec tide them over until
recolte harvesting
navires ships
le plus dur etait passe the worst had happened
de fantomes the ghosts
hailloneux covered with torn old clothes
errant wandering
calcines burned to a cinder
recroquevillee shriveled up, grilled
torrefiee roasted
eclatant en poussiere bursting into dust
en moine like a monk
content d’ailleurs happy nevertheless
rude tough, harsh
seigneur lord
crepis rough cast divan
etroit narrow couch
etageres shelves
ravitaillement hebdomadaire resupply each week
tout d’un coup all of a sudden
avertissement warning
pourtant and yet
partout ailleurs everywhere else
terre plein terrasse, surface plane, median strip
au bout d’une at the end of
le front baisse the forehead lowered
vetu dressed
autrefois previously
chaussettes socks
laine grege pure undyed wool
etroit narrow
bete beast
portee de voix voice range
carre square
deboucherent came out onto
rechauffer warm up
descendit peniblement got down with difficulty
herissees bristly enfonces stuck in
basanes bronze
rides wrinkles
appliqué hardworking
bride bridle,
rein l’aise joy
denoue untied
s’etait accroupi was squatting
poele heater, stove
cheche scarf
levres lips
lisses smooth, glossy
fievre fever, feverish
bute stubborn
peau recuite sunbaked skin
frappe strike
a cote nearby
corvee fatigue
poignets wrists
apporta brought
tronait enthroned l’estrade
elevated horizontal surface
maitre master
tendit tendered,offered
delier untied
faire mine de to pretend to
poser to put down
le sol the floor
agenouille kneeling
frotter to rub
gonfles swollen
brulant hot
petites gorges little sips
droles d’eleves strange students
livreras to deliver
peiner to hurt
Corse Corsican
Approuva nodded
Tu te fous de moi do you mock me
Mon métier my profession
Ca bouge, parait-il The natives are restless, it seems
Confier transfer
Zebre oddball
Reprendre recapture
Mener to lead; to take
Costaud strong
S’ebrouer snorting restlessly
Sabot hoof
Elargir to stretch
Regner to reign
Champs field
Rien ne rappelait l’homme nothing reminded you of man
Cacher to hide
Parait to seem; to appear
Serpe machete like instrument
Lame blade
Attiree attract
Subite suddenly
Mechancete nastiness
Haines inlassables interminable hatred
Leur folie du sang their bloodthirsty ways
Bouilloire kettle
Avidite eagerness
Soulever lifted
Entrebaillaient opened a little
Apercevoir saw
Poitrine chest
Maigre thin
File leave
Cordelette thin rope
Poche pocket
Ce n’est pas la peine Don’t bother
Sonne crazy
Se soulever to lift yourself up
Abri safe; sheltered
Fele crazy
Mon fils etait comme ca my son was like that
Peinture noire black paint
Degoute disgust
Gars boy
Betises stupidity
Malgre despite
Honte shame
Nier to deny
Mechant nasty
Tiroir drawer
Carree square
Plume sergent-major steel-nib pen
Plia soigneusement carefully folded
Diriger to manage
Affront to confront
Renifler to sniff; to snort
Chagrin grief
Surgit to suddenly appear
Etouffes to suffocate
Cloison thin wall; partition
Effarer alarmed
Disparaitre disappear
Bouge move
Se diriger to make for
Se raviser to change one’s mind
Etendu stretched out
La ciel se fermer cloudy
Penible difficile
Contreforts montagnes
Murailles rocheuses,
vertes rocky, green walls
Terres ingrates dirty ingrates
Parfois sometimes
Sillons made believe
Creuses dig a hole
Propice favourable
Recolter gather
Cailloux rocks
Grattait scrape
Copeaux pieces; shavings
Creux hollows
Engraisserait to fatten
Le caillou stones
Naissaient born
Se mordaient a la gorge went at each other’s throats
Pourtant and yet
Pu may (pouvoir)
Aucun ne not any
S’etonner to be surprised or amazed
Plafond ceiling
Levres epaisses thick lips
Boudeur sulky;
Sans cesser without stopping
Petrir to knead
Galette round flat bisquit (pancake)
Fourneau stove
Ramener to bring back
L’appentis lean to
Cuite cooked
Refroidir cooled down
Le rebord windowsill
Heurta hit
Enfonce sticking
Il posa le bol he put down the bowl
Tiroir drawer
Porter to bring
Mordre to bite
Juge judge
L’etendit to spread
Étagère a dossiers file shelf
Oisif idle; inoccupe
N’y parvenait pas n’y reussissait pas
Detourner divert
Il s’est sauve he was leaving
J’ai couru derriere lui I ran behind him
Malheureuse unfortunate
Emprunter embarrassed
Coince stuck
Bouger to move
Aussitot right away
Plante to plant ( in this case standing)
Aveuglante blinding
S’efforcant tried
Battre les paupieres blinking his eyes
Nu nude
Tentation temptation
Se rhabiller put his clothes back on
Casser to break
Tenebres darkness
Se congeler d’un coup to freeze at once
Remuer to move
Doucement gently
Vent rodait autour the wind ran around
Se taire quiet
Gemir to moan
Guetter to watch out for (listened in story)
Soufflé si proche breath nearby
Genait uncomfortable
Songe to dream
Se secouer to shake (shrug) off
Betises stupidity
Se raider intensify
Se soulever lift oneself
Somnambulique sleepwalker
Valoir worth
Huile quiet and smooth
Le sol floor or soil
Se dresser to stand up
Interpeller to call out
Fond back; bottom
Fit jouer le loquet slid the latch open
Repousser to push
Bon debarras
Good riddance
Parvenir to reach (his ears)
Soin care
Furtifs furtive; stealth
Decouvert bare; open
Mal joint badly fitted
Entre come in
Recroqueville curled up
Sursaut to start
Apeuree frightened
Secouer to shake
Mordre to bite
Le robinet faucet
Sa toilette to clean up
Plia folded
Raidillon steep
Accroupi squatted
L’etendue expansive
La peine sad
Vide empty
Toussa coughed
Cailou pebble
Siffla whistled
S’enfoncer stuck in
Maudire to curse; condemn
Ose daring
Penche leaning
Enfiler to put on
Chasser hunting
Debout standing
Franchit le seuil crossed the doorstep
Boucla closed; locked
Faible faint
Alentours around
Fondre to melt
Pompait aussitot les flaques sucked up the puddles at once
Devaler went down
Poitrine chest
Sans douceur not gently
Hauteur height
Devinir guess
Dessine drawn
Les paturages pastures
Accuille welcome
Tais-toi keep quiet
Sonore sound
Pourtant and yet
Bord bottom
Colline hill
Sa gorge se nouer lump in his throat
Jurer to swear
Devorer to eat
Parvenir to reach
Il ruisselait de sueur he was sweating profusely
Essoufle out of breath
Roche stone
Nettement cleanly; neatly
Buee vapeur
Chaleur heat
Brume haze
Serre tightened
Plante standing
Bondir to start Meanders ` to wander
Tu as livre notre frere. Tu paieras You have delivered our brother. You will pay.
Tant so much