Worksheet Motifs Module 3  NOM:
Type in all the answers, then, while still online, print out showing the answers, and turn in.

famille Motifs

A. Famille. Complete the sentences according to the Dubois family tree.

1. Le de Sara s’appelle Antoine.

2. La de Catherine s’appelle Sara.

3. Le de Jeanne s’appelle Thierry.

4. La de Sandrine s’appelle Sara.

5. Le de Manuel s’appelle Gérard.

B. Les âges. Complete the statements on the ages of various members of the Dubois family as they are given.
Use arabic numerals (1, 2, etc.).   

1. Amélie a ans. 2. Antoine a ans. 3. Girard a ans. 4. Sandrine a ans. 5. Pauline a ans.

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WSmotifs3famille    11-jun-07