Dean David D. Lee, Western Kentucky University
History Department Head, Richard D. Weigel
"She was not the 'Tired Ol' Feminist' she said
she was."
Seventeenth Annual OVHC Speaker
Margaret Ripley Wolfe
Senior Research Professor in History
East Tennessee State University
"Scholars at Work"
"After the 4:15 Reception"
"The Food Line"
They Loved It
"The End of a Great Session"
Clinton W. Terry, Stephen Rockenback, &
J. Michael Rhyne, University of Cincinnati, Pen Bogert, The Filson Historical
Society, Brenda Bogert, Independent Scholar
"Old Colleagues Never Die" (They
just move to Alabama.)
"The session (or the social hour) must have
gone well."
Minoa Uffelman, Murray State University
Kathryn Abbott, Western Kentucky University
Karen Rubin, Florida State University
"They Love History" (&
each other)
Christine Colin-Burns, Millikin University
Stu Burns, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
"They wouldn't miss an OVHC!"
Doug Herman & Don Barlow, Prestonsburg
Community College
"OJ for the early bird"
Michèle T. Butts, Austin Peay State
"Stop them before they mention another book
Pen Bogert, The Filson Historical Society
John A. Hardin, Western Kentucky University
"We'll watch the bartender, you be the lookout."
Jeff Roberts, Larry Whiteaker, & Michael
Birdwell, Tennessee Technological University &
Robert Dietle, Western Kentucky University
"South Carolina's Finest"
Stuart C. Knee, University of Charleston
Kenneth Mufuka, Lander University
"Were they this happy when they were colleagues?"
Rich Weigel, WKU
Drew Harrington, Troy State, Montgomery
"'Happy Hour' was just announced"
Carlton Jackson, Western Kentucky University
Hank Everman, Eastern Kentucky University
"Ready and Waiting"
James Westheider, University of Cincinnati
Clermont College Doug Herman, Prestonsburg
Community College
Russell Wigginton, Rhodes College
"Retired, but they couldn't miss the OVHC"
Nancy & Gene Forderhase, Eastern Kentucky
"May we take a break?"
Ronnie Day, East Tennessee State University
Jeff Roberts, Tennessee Technological University
"The bartender finally gets a drink" (it's
ice tea)
Charles & Donna Bussey, Patti Minter,
& Robert Dietle, WKU
R.C. Gordon, Western Michigan University
"What, me worried?"
Jeff Roberts, Tennessee Technological University,
Richard Muller & Matt Schwonek, US Air Command and Staff
"I mean it, the food was really good!"
"A Military historian drew that conclusion?"
George Hoffman, University of Cincinnati
Bryon Greenwald, US Army