Mudbox/Maya Sculpting
  • Mudbox
    Mudbox is a 'digital sculpting' program similar to ZBrush. Digital sculpting is a common part of any 3D artist’s workflow, especially working with more organic objects. It is very similar to the process of real life sculpting with clay.

    You can add some surface imperfections such as splotches, noise, water streaks, tonal shifts, dents which all add believability to a texture.

    • From Maya to Mudbox or vice versa
      • 'Select' the object you like to send to Mudbox
      • File > Send to Mudbox

    • Useful Hotkeys
      • Brush size: LMB + b
        Brush strength: LMB + m
      • Display > Wireframe = w
      • Subdivision Level:
        • Shift + d
        • OR fn + Up and Down arrows
        • OR Mesh > Step level up / Step level down

    • Sculpt layer vs Paint layer

    • Save files
      • Save Scene (As...)
      • Send to Maya
      • Export Selection: fbx, obj, mud

      • Maya Sculpting
        In Maya you can also sculpt virtual 3D surfaces like you sculpt real 3D objects from clay or other modeling materials. Instead of using clay, the virtual 3D surfaces are constructed using polygons.

        It is recommended that you use a graphics tablet in order to take full advantage of Maya's sculpting features. However, you can still sculpt using a standard three-button mouse.