USB drive

Main tools: Extrude, Insert Edge Loop, Bevel
  • Create a cube and scale it to match the shape of a USB drive.
  • Mesh Tools > Insert Edge Loop
  • Select 8 vertexes from the end of the geometry, and with the scale and move tools, modify the geometry to match the basic shape of a USB.
  • Edit Mesh > Extrude and create an inner face.
  • Once again, go to Edit Mesh > Extrude, and extrude the face inward a bit.
  • Select the new face, then go to Edit Mesh > Extrude, and extrude the face slightly inward.
  • Edit Mesh > Insert Edge Loop Tool
  • Go to Edit Mesh > Insert Edge Loop tool, and create some new edges to make 2 faces at the top of the connector.
  • Edit Mesh > Bevel then smooth the object.