Subjects and Predicates One
Subject Predicate
The Italian government called in the army on Tuesday.
The soldiers cleaned up the mounting piles of waste in the city of Naples.
Residents blame the authorities for not doing more to stop the Camorra, the region's Mafia group.
Camora control of garbage collection has caused the city's constant waste problem for more than a decade.
Organized crime appears to have a hand in trash collection all over the world, from Naples to Tony Soprano's northern New Jersey.
Why are gangsters always hauling garbage?
It's Mob Economics 101.
Gangsters find a business easy to enter and lucrative to control.
They make lots of money from drugs, human trafficking, and counterfeit goods.
But garbage collection is even more attractive
because the business itself is legal,
and public contracts return big profits.
The logistics of taking trash from Point A to Point B are a no-
Anyone with a truck and a couple of strong guys can make good money,
and people will always pay for the service.
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